Company formation in Dubai

Dubai Mainland Activities

New Activity Code (ISIC Rev 4) English Name English DescriptionLicense Type EnglishActivity CodeActivity NameActivity DescriptionTypeProperty RequirementsNotesClassificationApproval RequirementApproving Entity 1Approving Entity 2
111110.0Growing of Cereals & other CropsIncludes agricultural firms specialized in growing of non-perennial field crops, i.e. plants that do not last for more than two growing seasons, such as, wheat, barley, corn, legumes and others, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools. Professional
111301.0Advanced Growing of Grains, Leguminous Crop & OilseedsIncludes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing of grains crop and oilseeds, using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow wheat, corn grains, barley …etc, also, leguminous crops, such as, chickpeas, peas, beans …etc, and oilseeds for commercial purposes, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
113001.0Growing of Vegetables Includes agricultural firms specialized in growing leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, cabbages, also, fruit bearing vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, watermelons as well as root vegetables such as carrots, garlic and onions, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools. Professional
113005.0Advanced Growing of Vegetables, Melons, Roots & TubersIncludes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing by using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow leafy vegetables, fruits bearing vegetables, melon species, root-planting, tuberous vegetables., also, mushroom and other vegetable for commercial purpose, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
119003.0Advanced Growing of Other Non- Perennial cropsIncludes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing of non- perennial crops using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow fodder, maize and alfalfa, fodder seeds, flowers and seeds to produce ornamental flowers and flower buds for commercial purposes, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
122002.0Advanced Growing of Palms & FruitsIncludes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing of date palms, using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods, including seedlings separation and treatment, dates preservation, also applying the same techniques to grow tropical and subtropical fruits, such as, avocados, bananas, mangoes, papayas, pineapples …etc., such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
123001.0Growing of Fruit & Palm Trees Includes agricultural firms engaged in growing palm and fruit trees for commercial for purposes, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
123002.0Advanced Growing of Citrus Fruits Includes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing of citrus fruits, using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow grapefruits, lemons, oranges, for commercial purposes or otherwise, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, Seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
127003.0Advanced Growing of Beverage CropsIncludes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing of beverages crops, using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow coffee, tea, cocoa and other beverage crops for commercial purposes. such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, Seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
128102.0Advanced Growing of SpicesIncludes agricultural firms specialized in advanced growing of spices, using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow black pepper, nutmeg, anise, cinnamon and other spice crops for commercial purposes. such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, Seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
130003.0Growing & Planting Trees Seedling, Ornamental Plants and Annual FlowersIncludes agricultural nurseries specialized in the propagation and production of all vegetative planting materials like fruit trees, ornamental plants, aromatic drug plants, flowers and buds, by using seeds, tissue culture, buds and branches propagation, also includes the production and collection of seeds. Includes nurseries engaged in the propagation, such firms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.Professional
141001.0Farming of cowsIncludes firms engaged raising cattle for rebreeding or for using as livestock for meat (beef and veal), or as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products.Professional
142001.0Farming of HorsesIncludes raising Arabian horses and thoroughbreds and providing health care and right nutrition as well as reproducing specifically desired horses through planned matings, it involves training horses for riding and racing.Professional
144001.0Farming of Sheep & GoatsIncludes raising sheep and goats principally for their meat, lamb or mutton, for their milk, or for wool or for rebreeding.Professional
146001.0Farming of PoultryIncludes poultry farms specialized in raising boilers for meat only, or raising laying hens for egg, or being a mixed farm for both.Professional
146002.0Egg ProductionIncludes commercially producing egg in poultry farms, it also involves packaging and marketing.Professional
149001.0Falcon BreedingIncludes breeding and producing different species of falcons for commercial purposes. It involves conducting research pertaining to falcon reproduction, domestication and cross-breeding.Professional
149002.0Farming of OstrichIncludes farming ostrich in semi-desert or desert areas for its meat, eggs, feather, skin and bones.Professional
149003.0Farming of DeerIncludes raising deers and providing health care and right nutrition as well as reproducing specifically desired spices through planned matings, it involves conducting research to improve the efficiency of breeding and domestication.Professional
149006.0Beehives & Honey ProductionIncludes setting up man-made beehives amid agricultural areas rich of flowers the source of nectar from which bees make honey, the beehives house honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, bee venom.Professional
149015.0Birds RaisingIncludes breeding different species of birds such parrot, peacock, canary, pigeon and others for commercial purposes. It involves conducting research regarding breeding and domestication.Professional
161001.0Land Preparation & Irrigation Systems Works & Maintenance Includes soil leveling and tilling by agricultural equipment and machinery, also fertilization by natural and artificial fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, also executing and maintaining irrigation system and networks main lines and laterals , installing pumps and electronic and automated control systems, filtration systems, connectors, as per design
and requirements of various agricultural
161003.0Agricultural Pest ControlIncludes firms engaged in plant protection and integrated pest management to control plant pest, fungal and soil diseases by using methods of control either manual, automatic, biological, chemical or by aircraftProfessional
161007.0 Quarantine ServicesIncludes firms licensed by the competent authorities to carry out quarantine services, in order to prevent the entry of agricultural materials carrying diseases which pose a threat to human life or animal activity, it includes sampling, analytical procedures, certification or recommendations prevention after samples examination in specialized agricultural laboratoriesProfessional
161008.0Trees Removal & Transplanting ServicesIncludes firms that engaged in transplanting
trees and plants growing in the wrong areas
whether on public roads or private homes,
that are dangerous, or blocking the road by
making use of it again.
163001.0Post-Harvest Crop Services Includes agricultural firms engaged in preparing crops for primary markets, including the cleaning, trimming, grading, disinfecting, also, waxing of fruits, sun-drying of fruit and vegetables, no industrial drying is involved.Professional
220001.0Charcoal Production & PackagingIncludes producing charcoal by slowly
Burning of wood inside an oven to use as fuel for generating power or as a domestic fuel for cooking.
311001.0Fish CatchingIncludes catching fish by using fitted vessels and boats. Commercial
311002.0Natural Pearl CatchingIncludes diving by traditional or modern methods to gather pearl oyster and mussels to extract wild pearl.Commercial
311003.0Marine Animals CatchingCommercial
321001.0Pearl CultivationIncludes culturing pearls by imitating the natural process of the creation of pearl in the oyster, it involves transplanting a tiny piece of mantle tissue of shell into a recipient shell, after the nucleation is completed then the oysters will be transported to pearl farms which situated in sheltered areas until pear is grown.Professional
321002.0Sea Based AquacultureIncludes farms specialized in the cultivation of fish, crustaceans, molluscs , algae and other aquatic animals and plants on costal area or offshore for commercial purposes. It also includes the facilities specialized in the propagation of aquatic organisms.Professional
321003.0Fish & Crustacean FarmingIncludes firms specialized in fish, crustacean, and marine animals mariculture in special basins and their breeding for commercial and industrial purposes.Professional
321004.0Land Based AquacultureIncludes farms specialized in the cultivation of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, algae and other aquatic animals and plants in tanks, pond and reservoirs for commercial purposes, it also includes the facilities specialized in the propagation of aquatic organisms.Professional
321005.0Aquaculture Post-Harvest ServicesIncludes firms providing the services that follow the harvesting of aquaculture, such as, preparation and set up the aquaculture products for sale, it excludes the conversion processes for aquaculture products.
321007.0Operations of Aquaculture HatcheriesIncludes firms specialized in the production of broodstock, eggs, larva, juvenile fish and other aquatic organisms to support the aquaculture activities for commercial purposes.
610001.0Crude Petroleum ExtractionIncludes the process of extracting petroleum from oil reservoirs in the earth, it includes primary recovery which depends on the pressure of water and natural gas, the secondary recovery method is applied by injecting water and gas by electrical submersible pumps when natural pressure falls, the tertiary recovery method depends on increasing the mobility of the oil in order to force to the surface.Industrial
620001.0Natural Gas ExtractionIncludes the process of extracting natural gas from gas deposits or obtain as a by-product of petroleum extraction.Industrial
810001.0Stone Quarries OperationIncludes the process of removing rock other from the ground in order to use them to produce materials for construction or other uses. Industrial
810005.0Sand QuarryingIncludes collecting sand whether for constructions or for extracting mineral ores, then pack on site to render marketable and prepared for industrial operations. This process includes underground and surface collection.Industrial
810006.0Pebble QuarryingIncludes quarrying and cutting stones and rocks on site to render them marketable, also the collection of pebble and gravel from the surface or underground.Industrial
810007.0Gypsum MiningIncludes taking gypsum from the ground either by digging with machines or by explosives, it involves crushing, washing and grinding to produce the powder used in construction and medical plastering.Industrial
810008.0Limestone QuarryingIncludes taking limestone from the ground either by digging with machines or by explosives to use in the manufacture of iron and steel, roads, or crushing and mixing with other materials to produce cement.Industrial
891004.0Natural Manures ExtractionIncludes extracting or collecting sea birds, animals’ residues and geological plant sediments in earth layers to use as natural manures. This activity includes excavation, loading and transportation from sites to treatment plants or shipping to other sites for final or semifinal usage.Industrial
893001.0Salt Extraction, Grinding & Sifting Includes extracting salt and saltpeter from salinas resulting from the evaporation effect. This includes the processes of salt grinding, sieving and refining. Industrial
899001.0Marine MiningIncludes producing gypsum, salt, potassium, magnesium by desalinating sea water or recycling the desalination plants highly salt concentrated water, beside the minerals, potable and mineral water is produced.Industrial
910001.0Oil & Natural Gas Well DrillingIncludes the process of drilling in the on and off shore oilfields
for the extraction of petroleum after conducting the geological surveys to locate the petroleum reservoirs, the process involves the experimental and developmental drilling as well as constructing the derricks and fixing the casing pipes.
910002.0Oil & Natural Gas Well MaintenanceIncludes providing innovative technologies and equipment designs that improves well’s productivity and efficiency, involving Coiled tubing services, stimulation by improving the flow of hydrocarbons, fracture treatments, and cementing.Industrial
910004.0Oil & Natural Gas Well Reinforcement ServicesIncludes firms specialized in reinforcing oil and natural gas wells using various techniques , including activated or processed cement pumping or other materials used to reinforce and coat wells for protection against erosion or interaction with the surrounding natural materials , raise the duration of possible utilization, or to maintain and re-drill.Industrial
910018.0Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Fields ServicesIncludes providing technical and engineering services to enhance and develop production in the fields, it covers well drilling, testing and maintenance, drilling fluids engineering, diving for underwater pipes repair, pipe corrosion control, equipment repair and maintenance.Professional
910019.0Oil & Natural Gas Field DevelopmentIncludes development and rehabilitation of Oil and Natural Gas Wells to increase Productivity.Professional
910024.0Emergency Response CenterIt’s a center founded by the firms involved in the manufacturing industries of petroleum and petrochemicals, in order to ensure the safety of such facilities against the surrounding high risk and also to mitigate its impact on people or the environment, the dangerous occurrence can range from natural disasters or fire, it includes the provision of firefighting logistic support, including fire engines and the trained crew. Professional
910101.0Repairing Oil & Natural Gas Well Equipment AbroadIncludes the reparation and maintenance operations carried outside the UAE for the equipment involved in the various operations of oil and natural gas production, from primary stages of survey and exploration up to storage.Professional
910102.0Well Drilling & Oil & Natural Gas Development AbroadIncludes the process carried outside the UAE for the drilling in the onshore and offshore oilfields for the extraction of petroleum and natural gas.Industrial
1010101.0Slaughtering & Meat PreparingIncludes slaughtering cows, camels, sheep, goats , and prepare their meat for consumption .This includes cutting, wrapping and packaging.Industrial
1010102.0Meat Products ManufacturingIncludes processing food products that of meat origin, such as hot-dogs, conserved minced meat, slices of minced meat (hamburger) and others.Industrial
1010103.0Meat FreezingIncludes freezing meat and packaging in packs or bags to render them consumable.Industrial
1010201.0Meat Products PreparationIncludes firms engaged in preparing food products that of meat origin, such as hot-dogs, conserved minced meat, slices of minced meat (hamburger)..etc, this activity involves the firms that use substances and tools as well as a volume of output that do not amount to manufacturing process.Professional
1010202.0Poultry Products PreparationIncludes firms engaged in preparing food products that of poultry meat origin, such as poultry minced meat, slices, hot dogs, and nuggets, it includes, seasoning, packaging and canning for final consumption, this activity involves the firms that use substances and tools as well as a volume of output that do not amount to manufacturing process.Professional
1010901.0Poultry Slaughtering & ProcessingIncludes slaughtering chickens and pigeons and other species of poultry, and prepare their meat for consumption . This includes preparing, packaging or freezing.Industrial
1010902.0Poultry Products ManufacturingIncludes processing food products that of poultry meat origin, such as poultry minced meat, slices, hot dogs, and nuggets.This includes preparing, seasoning, packaging and canning for final consumption.Industrial
1020001.0Fish & Seafood Canning & PreservingIncludes extracting salt and saltpeter from Salinas resulting from the evaporation effect. This includes the processes of salt grinding, sieving and refining. Refining of salt for consumer purposes is classified under Class 1549.Industrial
1020002.0Fish & Seafood FreezingIncludes freezing fish and sea food and packaging in packs or bags to render them consumable.Industrial
1020003.0Fish & Seafood Processing VesselsIncludes vessels and boats equipped for processing, canning and freezing fish and other sea food. Vessels and boats with fishing as well as processing equipment are excluded, as they are classified under Class 0500.Industrial
1030001.0Fruits Canning & PackagingIncludes preserving fruits to avoid spoilage.Industrial
1030002.0Vegetables, Legumes Canning & PackagingIncludes preserving vegetables and legumes to avoid spoilage.Industrial
1030003.0Tomato Paste ManufacturingIncludes making tomato paste by cooking tomatoes to reduce moisture, then straining them to remove the seeds and skin, and cooking them again to produce the thick pasteIndustrial
1030005.0Dry Fruit & Vegetables PackagingIncludes drying fruits and vegetables either through sun drying, or through dryers or dehydrators.Industrial
1030006.0Potato Chips ManufacturingIncludes processing potato chips from fresh potato to serve as an appetizer or snacks, including slicing, frying and adding spices, cheeses and flavorings.Industrial
1030007.0Dates Preparing & PackagingIndustrial
1030008.0Fruit & Vegetables FreezingIncludes preserving fruits and vegetables for long time by freezing to keep maintaining taste and freshness.Industrial
1030009.0Fruit Juices ManufacturingIncludes squeezing fresh juices from fresh fruits meeting the standard specifications this does not involve fruit flavored drinks and juices processed from unnatural sources.Industrial
1030011.0Date Products ManufacturingIndustrial
1030012.0Jam ManufacturingIncludes processing jam from perishable fruits in order to preserve and long-term storage.Industrial
1030013.0Pickle ProcessingIncludes producing pickle from fruits and vegetables or any agricultural product, then packing in small commercial packs saleable directly to consumers, or set in bulks to sell to commercial and industrial firms.Industrial
1030101.0Dates Drying & PackagingIncludes drying dates by removing water content either through sun drying, or through the use of dryers or dehydrators.Industrial
1040101.0Vegetable Oil Manufacturing & RefiningIncludes squeezing out grains and seeds to produce vegetable oils, namely, corn, sunflower, Soya oils, also to squeeze oils out garlic, lettuce and watercress. It involves purifying and packaging.Industrial
1040102.0Vegetable Ghee ManufacturingIncludes hydrogenating vegetable oil and fat, producing vegetable ghee and artificial butter.Industrial
1040201.0Animal Oil & Fat ManufacturingIncludes extracting oil and fat out of animal dairy as well as out of animals and fish and their fats and bones (artificial ghee).Industrial
1040902.0Vegetable, Animal Oil & Fat Refilling Includes refilling vegetable and animal oil and fats in metal, plastic or glass containers to make ready for marketing.Industrial
1050001.0Dairy Products Manufacturing & PackingIncludes manufacturing milk, Laban, fruit-flavored milk and others, whether processed from fresh or powdered milk. This includes pasteurization and packaging for marketing.Industrial
1050002.0Butter ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing butter by pasteurizing and churning cream of fresh and fermented milk.Industrial
1050003.0Cheese ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cheese from high quality fresh milk, including pasteurizing, purifying and the renneting.Industrial
1050004.0Yogurt ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing yogurt by produced by bacterial fermentation of milk then sugar and fruits and other materials are added.Industrial
1050005.0Cream of Milk ManufacturingIncludes extracting cream from milk by using centrifugal force.Industrial
1050006.0Ice Cream ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing ice cream and iced cakes and sweets, which use ice cream in processing.Industrial
1061001.0Grain MillsIncludes all the processes of grinding or crushing grains and crops such as wheat, barley, corn, rice, oats, beas, chick-pea to produce flour.Industrial
1061002.0Flour MillsIncludes blending wheat flour and prepare to produce various semi-final products, usable in processing final food products.Industrial
1061003.0Cereal Food ManufacturingIncludes preparing and processing cereals for producing various dry food items such as crushed grains, semolina, corn flakes …etc.Industrial
1061004.0Grains PackagingIncludes re-packaging grains
in well sealed consumer bags or packs to make ready for final consumption.
1061005.0Rice Husking & PolishingIncludes removing husks from the paddy to render it consumable, it involves the protective layer surrounding the grain to produce brown rice, then removing the germ and bran layers from the grain to produce white rice.Industrial
1061010.0Cheese Balls ManufacturingIncludes preparing the crunchy balls covered with cheese or cheese flavored powders.Industrial
1061101.0Gum Powder ManufacturingIncludes grinding gum Arabic or any kind of gum and producing in powder or in liquid in order to use in various industrial applications, such as food, cosmetics, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and paints industries.Industrial
1071001.0Bakery Products ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of fresh, frozen or dry bakery products, such as bread, rolls, pastry, cakes, pies, tarts, rusks, snack products, biscuits, crackers, and pretzels.Industrial
1071002.0Pastry & Sweets ManufacturingIncludes preparing pastry made of flour, sugar, milk, butter and eggs, and is baked to be flaky and firm enough to support the weight of the filling.Industrial
1071005.0Biscuits ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the salted, sweetened and flavored biscuits.Industrial
1072001.0Crude Sugar RefiningIncludes the process of converting the crude sugar produced in sugar factories into crystallized sugar.Industrial
1072002.0Sugar Cubes Manufacturing Includes preparing sugar cubes by wetting granulated sugar and pressing cubed moulds and the drying and packing.Industrial
1072003.0Sugar PackagingIncludes packaging refined sugar in consumer packs and set for final consumption, it can be granulated, in cubes, or powdered, it should not involve any form of processing prior to packaging.Professional
1073102.0Cocoa & Chocolate Candies ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cocoa and chocolate candies, coating nuts, biscuits or fruits with cocoa and chocolate, and stuffing candies with cocoa or chocolate.Industrial
1073901.0Chocolate & Sugar Candies ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing candies from a solution of sugar in water or milk and the flavors and colorants, such as caramels, mint and chewing gum, as well as chocolate candies.Industrial
1073902.0Sesame Halva ManufacturingThis covers the preparation of Sesame Halva which is made of sesame seeds under different stages and without any additions. The seeds are roasted, ground then filled for final consumption.Industrial
1074001.0Pasta & Macaroni ManufacturingIncludes making pasta and macaroni semolina flour, including kneading, forming and packing.Industrial
1074005.0Spring Rolls ManufacturingIncludes producing convenience vegetables and cheese spring rolls
by pre- cooking and packaging and make ready to eat after heating.
1075004.0Ready-made Meals & Dishes PreparationIncludes producing convenience meals by pre- cooking and packaging and make ready to eat after heating, it involves producing the salads and spices premixes by the same way, it does not include the preparation of meals for immediate consumption as in restaurants.Professional
1079002.0Salt RefiningIncludes refining table salt, which is extracted from salty waters or salt peters, or produced by sea water desalination, and packaging for consumption purposes.Industrial
1079004.0Tea Blending & PackagingIncludes blending different types of tea to produce specially flavored brands and then pack for final consumption.Professional
1079005.0Coffee Roasting & PackagingIncludes roasting, grinding and packaging coffee beans in well sealed packs or bags for marketing.Professional
1079006.0Herbs PackagingHerbs Packaging Includes packaging herbal plants such as thyme, anise, karkadeh, dried lemon and saffron, which, are used to process food and beverages or used as flavors.Professional
1079007.0Nuts Roasting & PackagingIncludes roasting and salting nuts such as peanuts, pistachio, caju and almond, in well sealed packs or bags and make ready for marketing.Professional
1079008.0Salt PackagingIncludes packaging salt in consumer packs and set for final consumption, it can be granulated, in cubes, or powdered, it should not involve any form of processing prior to packaging.Professional
1079009.0Spices PackagingIncludes re-packaging dried and powdered spices, whether, pure or blended in well sealed consumer bags or packs and make ready for final consumption. Professional
1079010.0Rose Water BottlingIncludes bottling rose water after distilling rose petals and water.Professional
1079011.0Baby Food ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of baby food such as liquid or dried powdered milk, beverages and juices, biscuits, fruit paste and others.Industrial
1079012.0Flavors, Colorants & Fragrances ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of flavors and colorants and fruit extracts used in processing foodstuff, and also the fragrances used in manufacturing aromatics and cleaning productsIndustrial
1079013.0Mayonnaise ManufacturingIncludes producing mayonnaise using vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar or lemon juice, and spices.Industrial
1079014.0Liquid Pasteurized Egg ProductionIncludes processing pasteurized egg liquid and packaging in bulks for using by consumers like restaurants, hotels and catering companies.Professional
1079015.0Hot Sauce ManufacturingIncludes making chili sauce from mixing fresh tomato with chili peppers and other ingredientsIndustrial
1079017.0Vinegar ManufacturingIncluding the manufacture and repackaging of all kinds of vinegar whether from salt or fruits or other chemical compounds.Industrial
1079018.0Tahina ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing tahina from toasted or untoasted ground hulled sesame seeds, in order to serve as a dip on its own or as a major component of several sweets industries.Industrial
1079022.0Soups & Broths Manufacturing Includes the manufacture of meat, vegetable, fish and pasta soups and borths and packing in metal or plastic cans for instant use, it includes also manufacturing the cookable soup powder as well as the flavors and creams.Industrial
1079023.0Plant Based Diary ManufacturingIncludes milk substitutes which are used as substitutes for milk and are usually products of vegetable origin, such as, nuts, seeds, rice, oat…etc., all them are lactose-free substitutes.Industrial
1079029.0Foods Containing Homogenized Ingredients ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing foods products that contain homogenized ingredients, such as meat, fish, fruits, dairy products.Industrial
1079030.0Food Supplements ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the supplements which are classified as food and not drugs and are intended to provide nutrients which might be lacked in the food or otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities, it involves vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, honey and herbal tonics.Industrial
1079031.0Natural (Organic) Food ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing natural organic food from vegetables, fruits and cereals, produced free from chemical fertilizers, pesticides and pollutants, no additives, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives are added at the packaging process.Industrial
1079032.0Powdered Food Products manufacturingIncludes firms that manufacture powders of food products and package them in packages or bags in order to prepare sweets and pies from them after they are cooked with other ingredients, and this includes custard powder, jelly, cream caramel, vanilla, whipped cream, pancakes and others, as well as other powders that are used in the preparation of bakery products such as baking powder, sodium bicarbonate, etc.Retrying…Industrial
1079033.0Meat Substitute Products ManufacturingIncludes producing substitutes of meat products from plant-based ingredients which are entirely plant-based food products that are eaten as a substitute of meat, such as, plant burger “Veggie Burger”, plant Based Sausage “soya Sausage” ,…etc, this includes preparing, seasoning and packaging for final consumptionIndustrial
1079101.0Frozen Coca Cubes MeltingIncludes firms specialized in melting frozen coca paste in order to use in manufacturing chocolate products.Professional
1079102.0Juice, Ice Cream & Dry Mixes ProcessingIncludes producing dry mixtures composed of natural and synthetic ingredients for processing juices and ice cream, mixing and packaging is made on the specifications of the consumers, beverages producers, dealers, restaurants… etc. This activity does not include the production for final consumption.Industrial
1079103.0 Salt Cubes ManufacturingIncludes obtaining salt cubes by washing high quality solar salt with controlled brine for using in Water treatment, textile dyeing, salt agent for soap, weed killers, cattle
1080001.0Fodder ManufacturingIncludes producing of animal and poultry feed , whether processed of vegetal source, such as straw and bran, or of animals like fish powder or animals dry residues.Industrial
1080002.0Animal & Birds Feed ManufacturingIncludes producing domestic animals and birds canned or dried feed, such as grains, seeds, meats, fruits. It also includes health feed like vitamins and tonics, other than veterinary medicines.Industrial
1080005.0Organic Waste & Garbage TreatmentIncludes the treatment of organic wastes of plant, fish, meat by removing, cleaning and sorting out hairs, feather, skins and entrails, then drying, extracting fat and oil to produce extracts used in the processing of various products or powders useable in animal feed or organic fertilizers production.Professional
1104101.0Non- Alcoholic Malt Beverage ManufacturingIncludes malt brewed from barley, hops, and water through series of processes and distillations to remove the ethanol (alcohol).Industrial
1104201.0 Water ProductionIncludes producing and bottling of natural spring and mineral water in consumer packs, included is, the purification, sterilization and bottling, provided that such processes are carried out on sites at the side of springs and wells, also, the water extracted from humid ambient air water vapor. Industrial
1104202.0Purification of Potable WaterIncludes firms engaged in treating potable water impurities purifying, sea-water desalination, as well as adding anti-stagnation or teeth anti-decay substances, it also includes bottling and marketing.Industrial
1104203.0Carbonated Water ManufacturingInclude carbonizing water and bottle in well sealed containers.Industrial
1104204.0Soft Drinks ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of beverages and soft drinks mixed with flavors or fruit extracts.Industrial
1104902.0Fruit Flavored Drinks ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of fruit flavored drinks and juices processed from unnatural sources, by using flavors and concentrates or essences of dried and condensed fruits. Industrial
1104903.0Honey & Syrups RefillingIncludes refilling different varieties of honey, whether natural bee honey or that extracted from dates or sugarcanes, also is refilling saturated syrups flavored in chocolate, caramel, strawberry and corn.Professional
1104904.0Instant & Liquid Coffee PreparationIncludes preparing, mixing and packaging of instant coffee, coffee creamers and mixes there off in well-sealed packs, bags or jars, it also involves preparing liquid black coffee or mixed coffee extracts with milk and sugar and filling in bottles and cans to be taken as hot or iced. Industrial
1104905.0Instant Tea PreparationIncludes preparing, mixing and packaging of instant tea, tea creamers and mixes there off in well sealed packs, bags or jars.Industrial
1104906.0Sauces, Spreads & Condiments PreparationIncludes preparing and mixing of poultry, meat or vegetable based spice mixes and cooking aids in dehydrated or moisture form, including packaging in sealed packs, compressed cubes or tablets.Industrial
1104907.0Iced Tea ManufacturingIndustrial
1200001.0Cigarettes Manufacturingmanufactured cigarettes from reconstituted tobacco which has additives to allow smoldering , the outer layer of paper and the cellulose acetate–based filter.Industrial
1200002.0Treated Tobacco ManufacturingIncludes preparing tobacco leaves for manufacturing various tobacco products, including smoking tobacco, fruit-flavored pipe smoking tobacco and smokeless tobacco for snuffing and chewing.Industrial
1311002.0Sewing Yarn ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing yarn from natural or synthetic fibers for using in hand or machine sewing, crocheting, knitting or embroidery.Industrial
1311005.0Lace & Crochet ManufacturingIncludes the process of weaving lace from natural and artificial yarns and fibers. It also includes the manufacture of other similar woven products such as crochet, brocades, woven belts, as well as ready made garment requisites such as cards, labels, brands, tapestry and others.Industrial
1311007.0Yarn, Textiles Dyeing & ProcessingIncludes dyeing and preparing sewing yarns for tailoring ready-made garments. Besides dyeing of textiles, cotton and wool fabrics and others, it includes preparing, cutting, tailoring and sewing to manufacture ready-made garments.Industrial
1312001.0Cotton, Wool Spinning & WeavingIncludes the preparation of cotton and wool fibers manufactured from substitute materials such as nylon or artificial silk, carrying out spinning operations including cleaning and carding…etc. Also includes spinning and weaving of fibers to produce fabrics, textiles, broad-cloth, embroideries and laced fabrics, as well as their bleaching.Industrial
1313001.0Textile Pleating & Trimming ShopsIncludes shops which prepare fabrics and textiles for sewing by means of pleating, trimming or making shapes and drawings out of fabrics and threads for fitting.Professional
1313002.0Fabrics, Textiles & Readymade Garments Screen PrintingIncludes silk-screen printing on textiles and wearing apparel by transferring a multicolored image or design image from a
screen to textile articles through lithographic, gravure, screen or flexographic
1392001.0Tents, Awnings & Tarpaulin ManufacturingIncludes making tents and awnings to use as shade from the sun in or protecting from rain in shops and buildings, also, covers and tarpaulin used to cover goods stored in open air or transported in vehicles.Industrial
1392002.0Bed Sheets & Household Linen ManufacturingIncludes the process of cutting and tailoring sheets to manufacture bed covers, pillow cases, blankets, sheets and curtains. It also includes the manufacture of tablecloths and others.Industrial
1392004.0Towels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the absorbent textile towels are made from cotton, rayon and are used for drying or wiping.Industrial
1392005.0Auto Upholstery ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of all kinds of auto-upholstery pieces such as seats or steering wheel and gear covers…etc. It also includes the manufacture of mats and similar products made of fabric, leather, plastic, or other natural or artificial fibers, which are prepared by means of cutting and tailoring.Industrial
1392007.0Fabrics Textiles EmbroideringIncludes knitting and crocheting cotton, silk and wool fabrics with colored or golden stripes to use in producing household linens and women dress.Industrial
1392008.0Pillows & Cushions ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing pillows and cushions for bedrooms and sitting rooms.Industrial
1392009.0Flags ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of formal and informal flags and banners with different sizes for different purposes by means of cutting and weaving or by color printing or others. It also includes the manufacture of logos and badges as well as ceremonial banners which are hung at celebrations and similar occasions. This also includes the manufacture of flags woven from natural or artificial fibers or from plastic and the like.Industrial
1392013.0Auto Tarpaulin TailoringIncludes sewing tarpaulin using strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material to use as loose covers for cars in order to protect from wind, rain, or sunlight.Professional
1392015.0Marine Protection & Demarcation Products ManufacturingIncludes firms engaged in making the products that are used to protect marine environment from fabrics and plastic, such as, silt curtains to contain dredging silt and turbidity, oil booms for oil spills and chemicals, debris barriers for rubbish and seaweeds, it also involves demarcation barriers for designating swimming and boating areas and for protection from jellyfish, as well as navigation buoys and beacons to identify navigation channels.Includes firms engaged in making the products that are used to protect marine environment from fabrics and plastic, such as, silt curtains to contain dredging silt and turbidity, oil booms for oil spills and chemicals, debris barriers for rubbish and seaw
1392101.0Mattresses & Cushions MakingIncludes making mattresses internally fitted with cotton.Professional
1393001.0Carpets ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of carpets from various fibers. This includes moquette and decorative carpets. Hands made carpets are excluded.Industrial
1393002.0Mats & Rugs ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of different types of mats and rugs made of fibers or woven material. It also includes mats made of jute or carpet cuttings.Industrial
1394001.0Ropes ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of all kinds of ropes from fibrous materials such as cotton, jute, linen, paper, plastic, twine, including even the fiber glass. This includes processes of fiber curling, dyeing, packing and wrapping (Metal rope manufacturing is classified under class number 2899).Industrial
1394002.0Nets ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing nets from fibers like nylon and are woven in a grid-like structure in order use for catching fish and birds or to use in dividing the court in racket games such as tennis and badminton.Industrial
1394003.0Fishing Net MakingIncludes making fishing net from nylon woven in a grid-like structure.Professional
1399001.0Special Purpose Fabrics & Fibers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing natural and synthetic fabrics and fibers, to use in tyre industry, or in casting concrete molds or cladding construction installations…. etc.Industrial
1399015.0Manufacture of Other TextilesIncludes manufacturing the textiles that have no separate activities.Industrial
1410101.0Men’s Underwear ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing men undergarments made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric to be worn under other clothes, whether over the waist like T-shirts or below the waist like pants.Industrial
1410102.0Men’s Outerwear Manufacturing Includes the manufacture of men’s cotton, wool, silk apparel, either knitted or woven. This includes all kinds of shirts, night wear (pyjamas), in-house clothes, beach and bath wear, trousers, shorts, ready made men’s suits, ties and othersIndustrial
1410104.0Children Wears ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of children’s swaddling clothes, nappies, night wear, party clothes and dresses, shirts and trousers.Industrial
1410105.0Children’s underwear ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing children underwears made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric.Industrial
1410106.0Women Outerwear ManufacturingWomen Outerwear ManufacturingIndustrial
1410107.0Ladies’ underwear manufacturingIncludes manufacturing women undergarments made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric to be worn under other clothes, whether over or below the waist.Industrial
1410109.0Face Masks & Gloves PreparationIncludes preparing of face masks and respirators and gloves intended for protection against particles and viruses, this activity involves the firms that use substances and tools as well as a volume of output that do not amount to manufacturing process.Professional
1410110.0Arabic Gown ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the wear over men gowns from knitted and crocheted fabrics.Industrial
1410111.0Protective Garments & Vest ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of various garments such as vests, coats, gloves, trousers and other protective garments against external hazards including gun shots, radiation, heat, humidity and rain.Industrial
1410112.0Sports Wears ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing men and women sportswear such as sweat shirts, sports jersey, boxer shorts, track pants and sports shorts…etcIndustrial
1410113.0Uniforms ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing unified formal clothing worn by members of an organization such as school clothing as well as work wear for staff and work men and women healthcare facilities and in the public and private sector.Industrial
1410114.0Jackets & Overcoats ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing jackets and overcoats intended to be worn as fashion or as a winter dress.Industrial
1410115.0Gloves ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing gloves out of different fabrics like cotton, wool or synthetic fibers as well as those made of natural leather and rubber.Industrial
1410116.0Socks ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing men, ladies and sport socks from wool, cotton, nylon and polyester to use in protecting the foot and absorb sweat.Industrial
1410117.0Caps & Headwear ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of different kinds of headwear for men and children such as “Ghoutras” (traditional Arab head wear), bonnets and caps, as well as ladies’ head and face covers such as various types of veils. This activity also includes the manufacture of various kinds of hats made of textiles.Industrial
1410122.0Military Dress ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of all types of military clothing, whether for military training or ceremonies or in the field of combat.Industrial
1410903.0Arabic Men Wears TailoringIncludes shops engaged in tailoring Arab men’s wear, such as “dishdashas” and others.Professional
1410904.0Men TailoringIncludes shops engaged in tailoring men’s and boys’ suits, shirts and pyjamas, also, men formal uniforms such as school clothing as well as work wear for staff and workers in the public and private sector, it excludes military clothing and uniforms, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials, such as, textiles, and garments accessories in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
1410905.0Arabic Gowns TailoringIncludes tailoring the wear over men gowns from knitted and crocheted fabrics.Professional
1410906.0Ladies Gowns TailoringIncludes the tailoring, sewing, embroidering and stitching of ladies’ gowns, such as long Arab traditional dresses “Jalabya” and shawls. This also includes cutting, sewing and embroidering of ladies’ head and face veils and covers.Professional
1410907.0Ladies Wears Tailoring & Embroidery Includes firms engaged in tailoring women and girls’ wearing apparel, such as, gowns, dresses, skirts, blouses, party dresses, wedding dresses, nightdresses, headgear and face cover, such as, veils, hijab, niqab, also, women formal uniforms for school and workwomen in the public and private sector, it excludes military clothing and uniforms, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials, such as, textiles, and garments accessories in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
1410910.0Military Men Clothing & Uniforms TailoringIncludes shops engaged in tailoring clothing and uniforms worn by men of the armed forces, police and civil defense.Professional
1410913.0Military Women Clothing & Uniforms TailoringIncludes shops engaged in tailoring clothing and uniforms worn by women of the armed forces, police and civil defense.Professional
1410919.0Ladies Wears Tailoring & Embroidery WorkshopIncludes shops comprising numerous sewing machines and tailors for sewing ladies apparel, as well as formal uniforms for schools and women workers in public and private sector, except military clothing and uniforms, it also involves knitting and embroidering works.Professional
1410920.0Gents Wears Tailoring & Embroidery WorkshopIncludes shops comprising numerous sewing machines and tailors for sewing men and boy apparel, as well as men formal uniforms such as school clothing as well as work wear for staff and workers in the public and private sector, it excludes military clothing and uniforms.Professional
1511001.0Hides TanningIncludes tanning, burnishing, Iutestring animal hides and make ready for further processing.Industrial
1512001.0Suitcases ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of suitcases from genuine leather and its substitutes, and other suitcases partly manufactured from leather, and suitcases manufactured totally from substitute materials such as plastic, aluminum, or woven fabrics.Industrial
1512002.0Hand Bags, Wallets & Belts ManufacturingIncludes Manufacturing leather and plastic and textiles hand bags and wallets and belts.Industrial
1512003.0Saddles & Animals, Bird Training Requisites MakingIncludes making saddles, reins and other supplies for horses, camels and other animals, whether for sporting or for any other purpose, beside making veils, stands, straps and gloves for breeding and training falcons and bird, it involves cutting wood and raw leather, then sew and embroider to make different related items.Professional
1520001.0Shoes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing men and women footwear for different purposes and of any material, involving whole or parts of the footwear whether by the traditional manual process or mechanical.Industrial
1520002.0Slippers & Sandals ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing men and women open-sided slippers and sandals made for different uses and by any material, involving the traditional manual or mechanical processes.Industrial
1520006.0Shoe MakingIncludes small workshops that manufacture various types of shoes by cutting and fitting to design and produce special types as per customer requirements.Professional
1610001.0Plywood ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of cross-wood boards, plywood boards, pressed granular wood boards, wood paste boards (MDF), or other types of wood boards.Industrial
1610006.0Wood Drying & ProcessingIncludes processing wood taken from trees to make useable in construction or furniture and interior decoration making, it involves drying wood to reduce moisture by air or kiln, the degree of drying depends on the purpose of use.Industrial
1610008.0Sawmilling & Planning of WoodIncludes workshops engaged in the sawmilling, cutting and latching of wood in order to produce boards, plywood and hardwood.Professional
1622001.0Wooden Doors & Windows ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing wooden doors and windows and accessories, whether traditionally styled or bullet and blast resistant styles, frames from the same materials are included.Industrial
1622004.0Pre-Fabricated Buildings ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of pre-fabricated buildings entirely or partly made of wood, or other materials, and are installed on site at different stages, or at once, involving also conversion and fitting of metal freight containers to be offices or food courts or first aid clinics.Industrial
1622005.0Wooden Decor Products ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of woodworks used in internal design (decor) such as oriels, partitions, stair and balcony rails, soles, vaults as well as other similar wooden products other than furniture and wood fixtures.Industrial
1622007.0CarpentryIncludes small carpentry workshops whose activities are limited to making household and personal items as well as producing simple wooden products.Professional
1623002.0Wooden Cable Reels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of wooden cables to use in packing cable and wire.Industrial
1623003.0Wooden Boxes & Containers ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of boxes, cages, barrels and other wooden containers. It also includes containers made of palm branches, bamboo, fronds, cane and other similar materials.Industrial
1623005.0Wooden Pallets ManufacturingIncludes fixing wooden parts and boards to make pallets for conveying equipment, cargo and containers in factories and storage compartments.Industrial
1629104.0Bamboo, Cane & Wicker Products ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of various products made of cane, branches, bamboo and fronds, other than furniture or containers made of said.Industrial
1629902.0Cloth Hangers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the wire, wooden or plastic hangers which are designed to facilitate the hanging of coats, jackets and other dress in a manner that prevents wrinkles.Industrial
1701002.0Paper & Paperboard ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of journal, writing, drawing, typing, and wrapping paper, made of wood, paper residues or fibers pulp.Industrial
1701101.0Melamine Impregnated Paper sheets ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cotton paper sheets to use in laminating wooden furniture , the process involves dappling and designing the sheets in different colors and then impregnate in melamine , to turn the laminated surfaces water-proof , chemical and scratch resistant.Industrial
1702002.0Corrugated Carton Boxes & Containers ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of different sizes and types of boxes and containers made of corrugated or non-corrugated carton, used for wrapping and packaging different products in commercial packs in order to facilitate their transportation, shipping and storing.Industrial
1702003.0Paper Boxes & Containers ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture and printing of boxes and packing bags made carton paper, water proofing plastic or wax coated paper, or paper lined with tin, aluminum or other materials which are used for packing of various industrial products.Industrial
1702004.0Paper Bags ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the one layer or multiple layers bags for packaging and wrapping materials.Industrial
1702005.0Files & Box Files ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of paper filing requisites such as files and box files where documents and official papers are kept, whether such requisites made of paper, carton or plastic. This also includes printing and manufacturing of paper files.Industrial
1702006.0Core Paper ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing paper tubes and cores in various length and diameters, thickness up to12 ml, for wrapping raw materials such as carpet, moquette, nylon, paper, carton, textiles…etcIndustrial
1709001.0Disposable Paper Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing disposable paper bowls, plates, dishes and straws to use indoor and outdoor.Industrial
1709004.0Notebooks & Writing Pads ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing notebooks made out of paper, used for purposes including recording notes or memoranda, writing, drawing.Industrial
1709006.0Cards & Envelopes ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of blank greeting and invitation cards and envelopes of various sizes and types.Industrial
1709008.0Tissues & Napkins ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of tissue paper of all kinds such as facial tissue, kitchen towels, and toilet paper.Industrial
1709009.0Diapers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing diapers made of cloth or synthetic disposable materials.Industrial
1709010.0Sanitary Napkins ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing ladies sanitary napkins made of cloth or synthetic disposable materials.Industrial
1709014.0Paper Stationery ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of paper products for office use, such as computers and photocopiers paper, calculator rolls, cash machine and other similar paper products.Industrial
1709017.0Self Adhesive Labels ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of self adhesive commercial and advertising labels and signs. This includes recutting, printing and preparation for various purposes.Industrial
1709019.0Packaging Materials ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of all materials used in the wrapping and packing of industrial and household products, such as ordinary paper packs and packages or others made of wax, nylon chips or printed plastic chips. This includes metallic wrapping materials such as aluminum chips or compound materials manufactured from several of the above-said materials, also, bags and other material made out of resin, starch and natural substances that are designed to disintegrate and biodegrade in weeks.Industrial
1709101.0Adhesive & Paper SlittingIncludes using slitting machines to cut large rolls of adhesives and papers into narrower rolls.Professional
1811001.0Commercial Publications PrintingIncludes the printing commercial advertising posters, accounting books, invoices, correspondence pads, official document forms, such as passports, paper money, Travel cheques, receipt and cheque pads, as well as the printing of catalogues, calendars, brochures and others.Industrial
1811003.0Newspapers PrintingIncludes printing newspapers by different printing processes and techniques.Industrial
1811004.0Books PrintingIncludes conducting books printing as well as handling the related technical related services such as designing, color separation, binding.Industrial
1811005.0Post Stamps PrintingIncludes printing paper postage stamps by different printing processes and techniques such as letterpress, photogravure, offset lithography printing, engraving and intaglio.Industrial
1811006.0Cards & Envelopes PrintingIncludes printing business cards, invitation cards to official events and celebrations, season’s greeting cards and weddings congratulations cards. This also includes printing the envelopes.Professional
1811007.0Magazine PrintingIncludes conducting magazine printing as well as handling the related technical related services such as designing, color separation, bindingIndustrial
1811014.0Plastic Cards PrintingIncludes printing specialized the electronically programmed plastic cards such as membership cards, magnetic key cards , ATM cards, credit cards, smart cards, phone cards, finger print identification cards, it involves using different printing processes and techniques such as letterpress, photogravure, offset lithography printing, engraving and intaglio.Industrial
1811015.0Cheques Books & Other Security Papers PrintingIncludes printing high-value documents with added security features that are integrated into the document in order to physically protect against forgery, counterfeiting, tampering or alteration, such documents involve check books, passports, bonds, private security documents, bank papers and ID cards.Check books, passports, bonds, checks, private security documents, bank papers and ID cardsIndustrial
1811016.0Banknotes PrintingIncludes the process of printing banknotes of all values and types.Industrial
1811017.0Integrated Printing PressIncludes firms engaged in versatile printing using different printing processes and techniques, involving magazine, books, magazine, newspapers, also, commercial publications, such as accounting books, invoices and correspondence pads, cards and envelopes, such as greeting and weddings cards, security documents, such as banknotes, cheques, passports, stock certificates and identity cards, plastic cards, such as ATM and credit cards.Industrial
1811023.0Holy Quran & Islamic Publications PrintingIncludes firms engaged in printing of the Holy Quran and Islamic publications using different printing processes and techniquesIndustrial
1812001.0Books BindingIncludes manual and automated book binding to prevent book damage and make easier to use, including deluxe binding using textiles or plastic or leather.Professional
1812002.0Typesetting ServicesIncludes firms carrying out typesetting for final publishing of books, magazines, pamphlets, directories, brochures, catalogues and others, by using computer or other modern and traditional techniques.Professional
1812003.0Color Separation ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing pre-printing analysis and color separation services for photographs, drawings and other similar materials. It also includes preparing films and fixing the proportions used colors. This also includes any other related services.Professional
1812005.0Design & Artwork ServicesIncludes providing a wide range of design and artworks to firms engaged in printing and publishing. This includes designing books, magazine covers, stamps, greeting cards and brochures, the process may take the traditional for modern techniques.Professional
1812006.0Greeting Cards Production & Distribution ServicesIncludes providing complete intermediary services between individuals and companies on one hand and the firms involved in designing, printing, packaging, distributing or publishing greeting cards. Items delivery can be made by hand, or by mail. Besides organizing the contractual aspects between different parties, the process involves supervising the implementation of all the related services.Professional
1812007.0Books Binding WorkshopIncludes workshops engaged in manual and automated book binding to prevent book damage and make easier to use, including deluxe binding using textiles or plastic or leather.Professional
1820001.0Audio Recorded Media Reproduction Studio Includes firms engaged in reproducing sound recordings and radio programs in tapes and compact discs from the master copies of such records, such service is limited to small scale and is directly provided to the public.Professional
1820002.0Visual Recorded Media Reproduction Studio Includes firms engaged in reproducing visual recordings, whether motion pictures or television programs and others in videotapes and compact discs from the master copies of such records and provide directly to the public.Professional
1820003.0Audio & Visual Recorded Media Reproduction Studio Includes firms engaged in reproducing audio and visual records tapes and compact discs from master compact discs of such records and provide directly to the public.Professional
1910002.0Tar ManufacturingIncludes producing tar from coal, wood, petroleum or beat through destructive distillation to use in road paving and water and humidity proofing in buildings.Industrial
1920001.0Fuel ProductionIncludes producing refined petroleum by extracting from crude oil in refineries, including gasoline, diesel, naphtha, kerosene, fuel oil, it involves also producing biofuel vegetable oils or animal fats or agricultural products.Industrial
1920002.0Petroleum Gas LiquefactionIncludes the liquefaction of petroleum gases, the Propane and Butane, as well as the mixing process to produce new gases.Industrial
1920003.0Petroleum Gas BottlingIncludes the process of bottling petroleum gas which is prepared by refining petroleum or extracted from petroleum or natural gas streams as they emerge from the ground, it involves supplying in pressurized steel vessels in order to use for cooking and as fuel in heating appliances and vehicles.Industrial
1920005.0Asphalt & Paving Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing asphalt and paving materials derived from petroleum distillation for using in road paving.Industrial
1920008.0Grease & Lubricants ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of various engines and machines grease and lubricants. Included also the firms manufacture compound oils.Industrial
1920013.0Natural Gas LiquefactionIncludes converting the natural gas to liquid form for ease of storage or transport, the process involves transporting the extracted gas to the liquefaction facility where certain components such as water, condensates and carbon dioxide are removed, then the gas is then cooled down in stages until it is liquefied. LNG is finally stored in storage tanks and can be loaded and shipped.Industrial
1920014.0Lubricants & Grease RefillingIncludes firms engaged in breaking bulk Lubricants and Grease in smaller lots consumer or commercial packs.Industrial
1920015.0Grease & Lubricants BlendingIncludes blending compatible base oils and additives to produce new brands of automotive lubricants, marine oils, gear oils, transmission oils and hydraulic oils.Industrial
1920016.0Chlorinated Paraffin Oil Manufacturingincludes manufacturing the mixture of polychlorinated alkanes to use for a wide range of industrial applications, such as flame retardants and plasticizers, additives in metal working fluids, in sealants, paints and coatings.Industrial
2011001.0Ammonia & Caustic Soda ManufacturingIncludes producing ammonia from combining hydrogen, which is produced from hydrocarbons, with nitrogen gas, which is found into the air, in order to use in manufacturing fertilizers and fodder, refrigeration and mining, also producing sodium hydroxide or caustic soda by the electrolysis of salt brine, in order to use in the manufacture of pulp and paper, soaps, textiles, drinking water and detergents.Industrial
2011003.0Sulfur Manufacturingincludes producing sulfur from petroleum and natural gas processes to use in manufacturing of paints, paper, textiles, oil refining, wastewater processing, and mineral extraction, fertilizers.Industrial
2011004.0Petrochemical ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the two classes of petrochemicals mainly olefins including ethylene and propylene, and the aromatics including benzene and toluene by deriving from petroleum, it involves producing olefins and aromatics in oil refineries by fluid catalytic cracking of petroleum fractions, also producing olefins in chemical plants by steam cracking of natural gas liquids, and aromatics by catalytic reforming of naphtha.Industrial
2011005.0Manufacture of Liquefied GasesIncludes the conversion of gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and nitrogen into liquid state for using in industrial and medical fields.Industrial
2011006.0Dry Ice ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing dry ice by pressurizing and liquefying carbon dioxide in steel cylinders, and when vaporizing the liquid to turn into a snow-like material which is characterized having several times the cooling capacity of the normal ice, it’s used in food and beverage preservation, transport refrigeration, meat processing, equipment blast cleaning, cattle branding, fumigation, fog creation.Industrial
2011010.0Composed Industrial Chemicals ManufacturingIncludes producing chemicals compounds, salts and other materials, and transform to powder, crystals, solutions or others, to be used directly in tests, analysis and chemical experiments, or in the purifying and sterilizing water, in the manufacture of gases or fertilizers, other industrial products except synthetic resins.Industrial
2011014.0Acid ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of different kinds of acid, such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and other organic and non-organic acids.Industrial
2011015.0Water Treatment & Purification Chemicals ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the chemicals which purify water by assisting in the removal of the organic and inorganic particles suspended in water, it involves coagulants such as aluminum sulfate and iron chloride, it also involves combining chemical compounds to produce one or several chemical products to use in the purification.Industrial
2011016.0Chemicals BlendingIncludes producing one or several chemical products by combining chemical compounds and by using several different chemical reactions.Industrial
2011101.0Green hydrogen ProductionIncludes producing carbon free green hydrogen by the electrolysis of water using the electricity that comes from renewable sources such as solar or wind, the generated hydrogen can be added to natural gas and burn it in thermal power plants or central heating plants, or as a feedstock for other energy carriers, or to power fuel cells in cars and ships.Industrial
2012001.0Organic Fertilizer ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing Organic Fertilizers in Liquid Form, Granulated Form, Powder Form, from naturally occurring organic materials such as chicken litter, manure, compost, or naturally occurring mineral deposits.Industrial
2012007.0Chemical Fertilizers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing azoic, phosphate and potassium fertilizersIndustrial
2013001.0Crude Plastic Manufacturingncludes manufacturing of crude plastic such as high or low density Polyethylene, and other similar products obtained by extraction from the sources materials and be in compounds, granules or powder , which are formulated by molding or emitting.Industrial
2013002.0Crude Fiber Glass ManufacturingIncludes producing fiber glass from source materials and forming in panels, grids, or textures and complementary chemicals useable in manufacturing fiber glass products for constructions or others.Industrial
2021002.0Agricultural Pesticides ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing pesticides for preventing, controlling and exterminating agricultural pests, including disease carriers infecting plants or animals, by pests we mean all minute animals, plants, or living creatures that can be harmful or destructive, such as insects, spiders, nematode, bacteria, fungal, moss, plant viruses, harmful weeds, parasitic plants, harmful birds, rodents and others.Industrial
2021005.0Organic Bacteria ProductionIncludes firms specialized in organic bacteria as a liquid contains different groups of microorganisms and use as an alternative to chemicals in agriculture and animal husbandry and raising of poultry and fishery, septic tanks and wastewater treatment plants, decomposition of sludge and the purification of the rivers, in waste materials and recovery facilities, in industrial solvents plants.Professional
2021101.0Sterilizers & Disinfectants PreparationIncludes preparing of disinfectants and sterilizers made of chemicals, either in a gaseous or liquid form and used to eliminate microorganisms from hands, surfaces, floors, and clothes, this activity involves the firms that use substances and tools as well as a volume of output that do not amount to manufacturing process.Professional
2022001.0Paint ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing dyes and paints for buildings, constructions and decor, as well as for autos and metals, also, anti-corrosion and anti-erosion powdered paints for coating metals by anodizing. Other materials used in treating and processing dyes and paints such as thinners, thickeners, basic dyes and others.Industrial
2022002.0Anti Corrosion Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metals and wood anti-corrosion and anti-erosion, as well as constructions and equipment anti-thermal elements.Industrial
2022003.0Insulation Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing insulation materials from environment friendly minerals or otherwise to use for humidifying, waterproofing, heat proofing, whether from the sun or man generated, including anti-acoustics, anti- vibration and anti- radiant materials in buildings, plants, furnaces…etc.Industrial
2022007.0Ink & Printing Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing printing inks either being in powder, paste or as liquid, in addition to inject cartridges used in fax machines, photo copiers and computer printers.Industrial
2022008.0Ink Mixing & RefillingIncludes proportionally mix and blend inks to produce a colour required by the customerProfessional
2022009.0Varnish ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chemical products for polishing metals, wood and leather, including floors and wooden doors varnish, as well as polishers of furniture, utensils and shoes.Industrial
2023001.0Soap & Hair Care Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing hair care products like shampoo, oils, lotions, tonics, whether chemically originated or being natural extracts (herbs). Also included is manufacturing toilet and hand washing soap in bars and liquid, in addition toilet foamy soap and similar products.Industrial
2023002.0Powder Detergents ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing washing powder of mixtures of chemical compounds used for cleaning laundry.Industrial
2023003.0Bleaching Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chlorine-based bleaches to use as household chemicals to whiten clothes and remove stains.Industrial
2023006.0Detergents & Disinfectants ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing detergents, such as, soaps, shampoos, made of chemicals or other materials and used to clean floors, carpets and glass, remove stains from clothes and wash household utensils, also manufacturing disinfectants and sterilizers used to eliminate microorganisms from hands, surfaces, floors, and clothes.Industrial
2023007.0Industrial Solvents ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chemical products for cleaning machines, instruments and equipment, including air conditioners, boilers, lifts, motor vehicles engines and other machines and instruments.Industrial
2023008.0Perfumes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing different types of concentrated or light perfumes (toilet water) whether from synthetic or natural fragrant compounds (except eastern perfumes). Also included are after shaves, shaving creams, body lotions, deodorants, clothes and floor cover fragrances. The perfumes concerned could be in liquid, solid or powder forms.Industrial
2023009.0Agar wood & Incense ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing agarwood, oriental perfumes and incense.Industrial
2023012.0Cosmetics ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cosmetics, such as body creams and lotions as well as various types of eye make-ups and facial cosmetics.Industrial
2023013.0Tooth & Mouth Care Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the preparations for oral hygiene, including denture adhesive cream, cushions, pastes, cleansing tablets, brushes, dental plate powder, teeth whiteners, also, oral solutions, mouth moisturizes, mouthwash, mouth and throat rinse.Industrial
2023019.0Cosmetics & Personal Care Preservatives ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chemicals widely used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, such as parabens, sodium benzoate, optiphen, suttocide, to protection of the products from contamination by bacteria, yeast, mold, and fungus, from the time the product is manufactured up until the time the product is completely used up by the consumer.Industrial
2029001.0Fire Extinguishing Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the materials that can extinguish fire by taking away any of the three components of the fire triangle which are fuel, heat and oxygen, the fire extinguishers involve gaseous materials such as Carbon dioxide and halon, liquid materials such as foam, and solid materials such as wet chemicals.Industrial
2029003.0Explosives & Pyrotechnic Products ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture, production or mixing of all types of hazardous materials and pyrotechnics including mug capsules, detonators, signal shells and other products used in the military fieldIndustrial
2029005.0Synthetic Resins ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing synthetic resins to use in producing chemical products such as paints, dyes, perfumes, detergents, adhesives, ink, and other resins based chemical products.Industrial
2029006.0Gum & Glue ManufacturingIncludes extracting gum and glue from raw materials, for direct use in such original state, or use in producing various chemical compounds, as substances for adhesive and cosmetics.Industrial
2029007.0Adhesives ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing adhesive materials for sticking paper, glass, metal, plastic or wood pieces, to use in printing, lamination, packaging, in construction for fixing ceramic, slabs and moquette, or wall-paper…etc, also producing adhesive tapes in paper, plastic, fabrics or others.Industrial
2029010.0Construction Chemicals ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chemical agents and products to use in building for concrete improving and curing before and after pouring, water and humidity proofing, pounding and adhesion, joints sealing, solvents, floors handling, pasting and painting.Industrial
2029011.0Oilfields Chemicals ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chemicals for various oilfield applications like production, well stimulation, drilling and injection.Industrial
2029014.0Coolants ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing coolants which are characterized of having high thermal capacity, low viscosity, chemically inert, and causing no corrosion when mixed with water and flown through or around a device to prevent its overheating.Industrial
2029015.0Batteries Distilled Water ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing solutions used to activate the reaction or to maintain the balance of acid intensity in batteries used in generating electric power in vehicles, engines or storing energy or for other purposes.Industrial
2029016.0Wax Candles ManufacturingIncludes producing candles in different sizes and colours from natural and artificial wax for lighting or decoration.Industrial
2029018.0Test & Analysis Chemicals ManufacturingIncludes producing solutions, serums and chemicals intended for medical, agricultural, petroleum and engineering testing and analyzing, whether inside specialized lab or on site.Industrial
2029023.0Fireworks ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing pyrotechnic products which capable of undergoing self-contained and self-sustained chemical reactions for the production of heat, light, gas, smoke or sound, and they are used in fireworks display.Industrial
2029024.0Purification Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing solid, liquid or powdered materials for purifying water and other fluids by removing contaminants, such as the power added to the narghile water to absorb nicotine and tar.Industrial
2029028.0Propellant Powders ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of chemicals used in the production of propellants, such as, nitrocellulose dissolved in nitroglycerin, black gunpowder and other propellants for bullets and missiles, propulsion systems for ammunitions and loaded bombsIndustrial
2029101.0Laboratory Diagnostics Reagents ManufacturingIncludes preparing lab reagents, solutions or solid like enzymes, clinical chemistry, strains or pregnancy test strips respectively, these materials are used to diagnose diseases through blood inside labs or urine in labs or homes, reagents are prepared according to approved protocols and subject to approval by authorized medical authorities.Industrial
2100101.0Medicine ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing any type of formulation that contains one or more medical substances and which is used to cure or prevent human diseases, or used for any other medical purpose such as disinfecting the environment.Industrial
2100102.0Vaccines & Inoculants ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease from weakened or killed forms of the microbe causing the disease, also the substances introduced into the body to produce or increase immunity to a particular disease.Industrial
2100105.0Medicinal Chemicals ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chemicals that pharmacological properties to use in the manufacture of medicaments whether for diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic and disinfective uses such as alcohols ethanol (ethyl alcohol).Industrial
2100106.0Veterinary Medicine ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products for diagnosing and treating animals diseases.Industrial
2100107.0Medical & Surgical Requisites ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of articles and devices, other than medicines and pharmaceuticals, used in surgery, such as, wound dressing and surgical sutures, therapeutic biomaterials, membranes, dental materials, human and animal sourced grafts, also, masks, gloves, bandages, plasters …etcIndustrial
2100901.0Preparation of Botanical Products for Pharmaceutical UseIncludes firms engaged in preparing extracts of natural botanical products by grinding, grading, milling to make such plant-derived compounds as the basis for pharmaceutical drugsProfessional
2211003.0Tyre RetreadingIncludes retreading vehicle tyres and render reusable.Professional
2219001.0Rubber Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing natural or artificial rubber products, such as mats, rubber rings and glass fixation requisites.Industrial
2219005.0Synthetic Sponge ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing synthetic sponge from its primary chemical substances, and set in pieces, cubes or panels useable producing mattresses, furniture, or in wrapping and packaging etc.Industrial
2219006.0Flooring Materials & Mats ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing hardened rubber for flooring workshops, factories, hospitals and other buildings, also, for covering swimming pool edges, vehicles and boats bottons, gardens and sport tracks, in addition of rubber mats for houses and entrances.Industrial
2219008.0Sponge Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of natural and synthetic sponge products, used in bathrooms, utensils washing, in packaging, and in manufacturing garments or other products.Industrial
2220001.0Disposable Plastic Cutlery Manufacturing.Includes manufacturing knives, spoons, forks, plates, glasses and other cutlery product.Industrial
2220002.0Plastic Utensils Manufacturingncludes manufacturing of household utensils used for the cooking and preserving food. Industrial
2220003.0Plastic Pipes & Fitting ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing all types of plastic pipes, for drainage, sewerage, electrical connections, agriculture and irrigation, hoses, also related fittings, such as connections, knobs, angles and other parts and accessories.Industrial
2220006.0Plastic Sheets ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing plastic sheets for various industries and applications using the techniques of extrusion , molding, casting, depending on material type and size.Industrial
2220008.0Plastic Bags ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of plastic bags, for shopping, garbage, packing, also manufacturing woven plastic bags used for the packaging foodstuff, fertilizers, chemical materials, cement and others.Industrial
2220014.0Carpet Underline Padding ManufacturingIncludes Manufacturing carpet underline cushion pads to keep the carpet in perfect condition.Industrial
2220015.0Plastic Films ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing plastic or nylon films used in wrapping, packing and packaging, as well as manufacturing plastic sheets used in green houses.Industrial
2220020.0Plastic Cards & Fulfilment Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing printed and unprinted plastic cards used in making credit, identification, membership and visiting cards…etc.Industrial
2220024.0Plastic Buckets & Pots ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing buckets, trays and other plastic products used for any purpose other than household utensils, this includes pots and vessels for plantations, laboratories and workshops, as well as for water and liquids preservation and transportation.Industrial
2220025.0Plastic Bottles & Containers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing plastic bottles, barrels and containers used for various industrial purposes and for packing foodstuff and filling liquids, chemical products and others.Industrial
2220027.0Architectural , Advertising & Decorative Models ManufacturingIncludes preparing small physical models of buildings or engineering projects or advertising and decorative items, used to visualize how the finished work will look like after constructing or making.Industrial
2220030.0Plastic Syringes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing syringes are used with needles inject fluids into body tissues.Industrial
2220033.0Plastic Building Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing plastic or fiberglass products and requisites for building and construction projects such as, doors, windows, cladding sheets, partitions, plastic decorations, mesh for fly, dust and sun rays screening and trapping, manhole cover, water tanks, and similar products made of plastic or semi-plastic materials.Industrial
2220035.0Plastic Caps & Lids ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing disposable and reusable plastic caps and lids, used in capping plastic and glass bottles as well as cans and containers.Industrial
2220042.0Thermal Plastic Utensils ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing thermally insulated house wares like bowls, thermos bottles, cups and tiffin carriers which are designed to keep food and beverages hot. Also included are cooling containers and boxes for preserving food, drinks and ice, while in picnics, travels, parties and workplaces.Industrial
2220047.0Building Plastic Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing sanitary wares, doors plastic handles and hinges, furniture wheels, wooden and metal fittings, shelves fixtures and other accessories used in construction or industry that made of plastic or similar materials.Industrial
2220051.0Fire Fighting Pipes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing galvanized steel and plastic pipes.Industrial
2220101.0Blinds ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal, plastic or wooden venting blinds which are fixed to be vertically or horizontally pleated.Industrial
2220102.0Baby Care Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing plastic and rubber baby care products, such as, breastfeeding accessories, nursing accessories, cleaning and sterilizers, skin care accessories, pacifiers and teethers, health care and temperature readers.Industrial
2220156.0Plastic Masterbatch & Compounds Manufacturing Includes manufacturing of masterbatch and compounds, such as color masterbatch and additive masterbatch and compounds for plastic conversion industry.Industrial
2310001.0Glassware ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing household and kitchen glass items used in cooking, serving and preserving food.Industrial
2310002.0Safety Glass ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing safety glass either by laminating a plastic layer between two sheets of glass , or by tempered glass, such glass is safe in using in the automobile windshields as it break into rounded grains rather than sharp shards.Industrial
2310004.0Wool Glass ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing glass wool by the fusion of a mixture of sand and recycled glass, and is produced in rolls or in slabs fire resistant and thermal insulator to use in construction insulation and ducting.Industrial
2310005.0Fiber Glass Products ManufacturingIncludes forming of fiberglass from its primary substances and making different products, such as pipes, tubes and fittings, water tanks, exterior decorations, doors, and nets used to cover water-insulated ceilings (boats manufacturing is under activity no. 3512-02).Industrial
2310007.0Glass Mirrors Manufacturing Includes manufacturing mirrors by applying a reflective coating a glass to use in decoration, and architecture and scientific apparatus.Industrial
2310008.0Stained Glass FormingIncludes manufacturing glass sheets by cutting stained glass to small pieces, fit them tightly together, by lead or any other mastic material, to form pictorial or decorative designs and then fix these sheets on frames made of wood, aluminum profile or any other metal profiles or lixon, this activity also includes any other industry related to stained glass forming.Professional
2310009.0Glass Bottles & Containers Manufacturing.Includes manufacturing glass bottles and containers used for bottling liquids, chemical products and others.Industrial
2310011.0Reflective, Enameled & Insulant Glass ProductionIncludes processing glass sheets by means of enameling with reflective material to acquire the ability of reflecting sunlight and heat. It also includes coating glass sheets with the required material to act as an insulator against heat, sound and strong light or others.Professional
2310012.0Toughened & Laminated Flat Glass ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of tempered glass, such as safety glass, which is produced by placing a thin “plastic” layer between two glass panels, or by strengthening panes of glass by thermal shock treatment (timbering)Professional
2310016.0Perlite Products ManufacturingIncludes grinding and heating perlite to make expand and soften, perlite is used in agriculture when mixed with soil or used alone as a medium of hydroponics, perlite saves cooling energy when used in lightweight concrete for insulation purposes in buildings.Industrial
2310017.0Crystal Products ProcessingIncludes processing crystal products like crystal glassware, novelties, sculptures and gifts, shields, badges… etc. Also included designing, cutting, engraving, polishing, sandblasting, gilding and other processes to convert crude or semi treated pieces into fully manufactured, marketable products.Professional
2391002.0Bricks ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of molded or unmolded bricks made of cement mixed with sand or sandstone.Industrial
2392002.0Clay Bricks ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing by mixing the raw clay with water to the desired consistency and then pressing into steel moulds for shaping before burning in the kiln to achieve strength.Industrial
2392005.0Constructional Clay Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of building and construction clay products, such as bricks, slabs, ceramic, faience tile, clay pipes and tubes and fittings as well as sanitary and bathroom clay requisites.Industrial
2392006.0Mosaic Tiles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing mosaic tiles by means of assembling small pieces of colored stones to create different images to use in interior decoration.Industrial
2392007.0Concrete Blocks ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the large rectangular bricks from Portland cement and sand and fine gravel for using in construction.Industrial
2392008.0Interlock Tiles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing interlock tiles from sand and cement to be laid together to make up the block paved surface and can easily be lifted up and then replaced to allow for beneath maintenance, it is used for paving road surfacing, driveways, petrol stations, parks.Industrial
2393003.0Ceramic Tiles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing ceramic tiles to floor and clad walls in residential, commercial and industrial constructions, in addition to faience tile and tiles made of marble, natural and artificial stones.Industrial
2393005.0Non-Structural & Non Refractory Ceramic Ware ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chinaware, ceramic and pottery products to use as household utensils and novelties.Industrial
2394001.0Clinker ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing clinker by blending limestone clay and sand in a proper proportion, then grinding the materials and passing to the kiln to produce clinkerIndustrial
2394002.0Concrete Tiles ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of concrete tiles used for pavements and squares.Industrial
2394003.0Kerb Stones ManufacturingIncludes constructing Concrete Kerbs using slip form casting machine to use separate the road from the roadside.Industrial
2394004.0Lime ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing calcium oxide or quicklime by heating limestone in specially designed kilns where the high temperatures release carbon dioxide from the stone, turning it into calcium oxide, quicklime is used in construction, glass manufacturing, linings furnaces, it involves manufacturing slaked lime by hydrating quicklime, it’s used in steel smelters, food industries, water and sewage treatment.Industrial
2394005.0Cement ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cement by blending limestone clay and sand in a proper proportion, then grinding the materials and passing to the kiln to produce clinker, then the clinker is crushed into super-fine cement.Industrial
2395001.0Precast Building ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing parts or complete units of the precast buildings by means of blocks precasting.Industrial
2395002.0Ready Mixed Concrete ManufacturingIncludes the concrete that is manufactured in a factory or batching plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a work site by truck mounted in transit mixers.Industrial
2395004.0Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Products ManufacturingIndustrial
2395005.0Cement Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cement products such as columns, stair rails, balconies, flower beds, statues, and maquettes by blocks precasting, to use in buildings and internal and decorations.Industrial
2395007.0Gypsum ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing gypsum taken from the ground either by digging with machines or by explosives, it involves crushing, washing roasting and grinding to produce the powder used in construction and medical plastering.Industrial
2395008.0Gypsum Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing gypsum products, such as decorative mainly ornaments, maquettes, columns, architectural accessories, cladding panels, insulators, flower pots…etc.Industrial
2395010.0Chalk ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing chalk from limestone for using in classrooms, agriculture, marking, polishing.Industrial
2395011.0Precast Concrete Tanks FabricationIncludes manufacturing reservoirs, tanks for storage or manufacturing use by casting concrete on mould to cure it in a controlled environment before transporting it to the storage site.Industrial
2395012.0Concrete Floating Structures ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing concrete offshore structures to house machinery and equipment needed to drill, extract, as well as oil and gas production and loading units.Industrial
2395013.0Concrete Cloth ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing concrete cloth by combining two geotextiles with a dry concrete mix in between, and once water is applied it becomes harder, the product is applied in the areas of ditch lining, erosion control on slopes and dust suppression.Industrial
2396001.0Artificial Marble ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing artificial marble by by heating the mixture of marble dust, acrylic or polyester resin with pigments , and then cut in sheets or shapes and sanded on one or both sides to use in different construction applications.Industrial
2396003.0Stones Cutting, Shaping & FinishingIncludes cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use in construction, on roads, as roofing etc.Industrial
2396004.0Marble Cutting, Grinding & Polishingas roofing etc.Professional
2399003.0Graphite Nanopowder productionIncludes producing graphite nanopowders which possess excellent mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties, for using various specialized applications in paints and conductive adhesives, lubricants, powder metallurgy, nuclear industry, getting a diamond, fillers for plastics and polystyrene, batteries, drilling mixture …etc.Industrial
2399004.0Sand WashingIncludes sand washing and processing to use in constructions, provided that such operations are carried out in places away from extraction sites. Then transportation to washing plants, and then to construction sites, such operations must not be executed separately for a wage or under a sub-contract.Professional
2399005.0Wall Coating Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing non-metallic materials for coating internal and external walls, like pastes, fillers and various mortars, stones and minerals whether they are cut and processed or formed in panels or slabs.Industrial
2399006.0False Ceiling ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing false ceilings made of non-metallic materials such as gypsum, fiberglass, or plastic reinforced with cement……etc.Industrial
2399007.0Polyurethane Ornamental Moldings ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing polyurethane architectural elements for exterior and interior decorative molding, balustrades and railing, cornice and crown, columns.Industrial
2399009.0Fire Resistant & Retardant Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing fire resistant and retardant cladding and insulation materials, partitions, bricks, paints.Industrial
2410103.0Iron and Steel SmelterIncludes smelting iron primary ores or iron scrap to produce various types of iron and steel blocks, cylinders or ingots, in such a way that they can reproduce various iron products by means of traction, rolling, remolding and molding.Industrial
2410901.0Steel Bars ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steel bars for structural reinforcement, or in industries engaged in fabricating various metallic products, such bars which are produced by means of re-melting ingots and iron residues and scrapsIndustrial
2410902.0Steel & Alloy Products CuttingIncludes cutting carbon steel and alloy products to produce steel plates, structural beams, columns, angles, seamless and welded pipes.Professional
2420002.0Aluminum SmelterIncludes extracting pure aluminum from its primary ores, such as bauxite or alumina, smelting and fabricating in blocks, cylinders or ingots in a way enabling reprocessing by means of traction or rolling to produce aluminum products.Industrial
2420004.0Silver Extraction From Chemical WastesIncludes extracting silver from photographic films wastes, radiograph films, films processing chemicals or any other chemicals composing silver , then form in pieces or ingots for manufacturing dyes and paints.Professional
2420008.0Gold RefineryIncludes recovering and separate gold from alloying elements such as copper, lead, zinc and iron, the process involves melting and treating with chlorine gas to transform the elements to their chlorides and leave the gold refined.Industrial
2420009.0Copper Rod CastingIncludes producing pure copper from it’s primary ore (cathode) , then melt and cast to form rods to use in manufacturing cables.Industrial
2431001.0Cast Iron ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing casting products such as sanitary wares from steel and cast iron.Industrial
2431002.0Steel Tubes & Fittings ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steel and galvanized tubes, such as welded and extruded steel tubes, high pressure cast iron tubes and others, as well as connectors, knobs, angles and others.Industrial
2431004.0Steel Pipes & Fitting ManufacturingIncludes cutting, forming and welding iron panels to manufacture steel pipes used in constructions and laying pipelines, the same is for the connectors and fittings.Industrial
2432001.0Gold & Precious Metal CastingIncludes smelting, purifying shaping gold and precious in ingots with standardized weights and sizes. It also includes gold and precious metals rolling and extrusion to make respective wires, papers and chips.Industrial
2432002.0Non-Ferrous Metal CastingIncludes the manufacturing metal ingots, alloys or cylinders from recycled wastes or from non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, copper, zinc, lead and others.Industrial
2432003.0Weighing Materials ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the traditional different size apparatus for weighing.Industrial
2511001.0Reinforcement Steel Bars FabricationIncludes the process of cutting stainless steel and malleable steel bars in different sizes and forms to produce cylindrical shapes, columns or nets used in reinforcing of buildings, constructions and other ferroconcrete works.Professional
2511002.0Structures & Structural Steel ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steel structures for building and construction purposes such as structural steel used in constructing bridges, tunnels and communication and energy transfer towers.Industrial
2511003.0Steel Hangars & Sheds ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of prefabricated buildings and steel structures used as factories, warehouses, airplanes hangars, sheds and other buildings and constructions. It also includes other related operations and materials transportation to work sites.Industrial
2511004.0Building Metal Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing all types of buildings and commercial stores metallic requisites, such as doors, windows, display windows, gardens and balconies metallic staircases fences, decor and interior design requisites, curtains, gates, overhead tanks, window grids bars, manhole covers, cables and wires containers, handrails, made of iron, aluminum, copper or other metals by die-casting or cutting panels and parts to form and shape the required designs.Industrial
2511007.0Garbage Chutes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steel cylindrical chutes for disposing garbage from top to down floors in high buildings and hospitals, including installation process.Industrial
2511008.0Fire Resistant Doors ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing fire rated metal, wooden or glass doors which are certified by the competent authorities after passing the test of high heat resistance and prevent flames and smoke spreading.Industrial
2511009.0Rigs & Oilfield Platform ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal and concrete offshore oil platform to extract and process oil and natural gas from offshore oilfields, these platforms usually contain facilities to house the workforce, they are either built on artificial islands, floating or fixed to the ocean.Industrial
2511010.0Scaffolds & Ladders ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing
temporary frames of metal pipes or other materials, used to support people and materials in the constructions or repair of buildings, also attic ladder, bridge ladder, cat ladder, Extension ladder , fixed and ladders portable.
2511011.0Central Air-Conditioning Requisites Manufacturingncludes manufacturing central air-Conditioning systems ducts and fittings installment, as well as ventilation hole covers, ventilation grids, sound and vibration absorbers and other A/C installation requisites.Industrial
2511013.0Metal False Ceilings ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing aluminum and galvanized steel false ceilings to work as acoustic and heat isolators as well as decorative.Industrial
2511014.0Expanded Metal Components Manufacturing.Includes the process of metal spreading, boring or converting metal plates into gabions nets to produce metal products like reinforcing angles, sections, bricks lining up studs and other requisites used in the constructions for supporting and reinforcing different building elements and prevent cracking.Industrial
2511016.0Metal Partitions ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing readymade partitions used to divide space in offices and open halls, usually fully made of aluminum, sheet iron or other metals, this involves all metal partitions even if certain parts made of wood, plastic or carton.Industrial
2511017.0Metal Doors & Windows ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steel, aluminum and cooper doors and windows and accessories, whether traditionally styled or bullet and blast resistant styles, frames from the same materials are included.Industrial
2511018.0Fire Rated Ducts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing fire rated galvanized iron ducts and sound attenuators in residential, commercial and industrial buildings, they are used to extract smoke and contain fire within the duct system for 2-4 hoursIndustrial
2511019.0Modular Fabrication & AssemblyIncludes fabricating and assembling components of modules in workshops and then transporting to the construction site where they will be located in order to use for MEP services within a building, such as air conditioning ductwork, pipework, electrical containment, wiring, plumbing pipe and insulation.Professional
2511101.0Building Stainless Steel Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing all types of buildings and commercial facilities made of stainless steel, such as doors, windows, display windows, gardens and balconies metallic staircases fences, decor and interior design requisites.Industrial
2511102.0Metal Doors, Windows Making & FixingIncludes small workshops engaged in making metal doors and windows by cutting angles, metal panels and glass, as small scale process.Professional
2512001.0Tanks ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of vertical circular tanks constructed on ground surface or suspended on special support foundations, or horizontal tanks embedded underground and made of welded steel panels, to use for storage of water, oil derivatives, liquefied gas or other liquid substances, it0 does not include upper-buildings water tanks, as they are classified under activity number 2811-03Industrial
2512002.0Silos ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing with galvanized steel storage silos for storage of grains and other products, including flat bottom silos, truck load silos, farm silos, hopper silos.Industrial
2512005.0Pressure Vessels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure different from the ambient pressure to use in different industries, oil, foodstuff, chemicals and petrochemical, it involves also the related metal expansion bellows and joints for steam and exhaust gasIndustrial
2512006.0Boilers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steam boilers for centrally heating water in residential compounds, or to produce steam in central kitchens or laundries.Industrial
2513101.0Plate Heat Exchangers AssemblingIncludes reselling metal components used to heat or cool one fluid by transferring heat between it and another fluid.Industrial
2520001.0Military Heavy Weapons ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of components or the formation of a medium-and heavy-weapons system, including weapons with a caliber of up to 20 mm, such as air defense and aircraft sprayers, artillery, armored combat mechanisms, machine-guns, launchers of up to 59 mm, also, the control systems, monitoring, surveillance and other supplementary equipment to the weapons mechanisms.Industrial
2520002.0Light Military Weapons ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing or assembling of small arms designed for multi-use by different people, including infantry support weapons and individual weapons, such as, light machine guns, firearms of 20 mm caliber, as well as the control systems, monitoring, shooting and other supplementary equipment to the weapons mechanisms.Industrial
2520005.0Military Ammunition Manufacturingincludes firms specialized in manufacturing all kinds of conventional, as well as ammunitions for light weapons ammunition, refiles, machine guns, automatic guns, medium and heavy artillery, air and marine bombs and ammunitions such as torpedoes that use different projectiles.Industrial
2520006.0Military Weapons Spare Parts Manufacturingincludes firms specialized in manufacturing spare parts for light and heavy military weapons, such as, machine guns, firearms, torpedoes, rockets, launch and control systems. Industrial
2520007.0Medium Military Weapons ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture, production or assembly of medium military weapons and parts and spare parts by various methods and materials, this includes weapons with a caliber of 20 mm up to a caliber of less than 60 mm, such as, air defense and aircrafts sprayers, armored combat mechanisms, machine-guns, as well as monitoring, control, targeting and identification devices and other devices and equipment complementary to the weapon systemIndustrial
2591001.0Iron & Steel RollingIncludes the hot or cold forming of iron and steel by passing through a pair of rolls in order to shaping and deforming.Industrial
2591002.0Aluminum ExtrusionIncludes cold and hot extrusion to pure aluminum blocks or cylinders to produce aluminum sections, rods, tubes, pipes, wire cables and others usable in making metallic construction products.Industrial
2591003.0Aluminum RollingIncludes cold and hot rolling operations to pure aluminum blocks or cylinders to produce aluminum panels and plates, breaking aluminum panels in zigzag order to use them for various industrial purposes or in constructions.Industrial
2591004.0Aluminum Powder ProductionIncludes extracting aluminum powder from its basic ores by grinding to use in industrial production or metal coating.Industrial
2591006.0Aluminum Alloy Hardener Tablets ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing hardeners in the form of tablets by blending various metal powders such as copper, Iron, aluminum, manganese in required ratios and then to compress the blended powder in Pelleter, these tablets will be melted with pure aluminum or scrap aluminum alloy to produce aluminum base alloys.Industrial
2592001.0Metal Products CoatingIncludes final or intermediate metal products coating with paints, powders, polishing and protective materials, or by un-precious metals, This can be carried out by using electric, chemical, or conventional coating methods.Professional
2592002.0Metal Products Coating With Precious MetalsIncludes plating silver ware, cutlery, art works and other metallic products with precious metals such as silver and gold. It also includes gold-plated jewellery.Professional
2592003.0Structural Steel Coating & TreatmentIncludes firms which carry out coating of structural steel used in the support of concrete buildings with anti-erosion and rust-proof materials as protective means against effects of salts, humidity, chemical pollutants and others. This also includes pre-coating treatment of any holes or cracks in steel rods, or cutting and plying of rods according to the required specifications in order to form grids or support column molds, or to install the steel structures on site.Professional
2592005.0Steel Fabrication & Welding WorkshopIncludes the workshops involved in the fabrication of a variety of metal products by cutting, bending, and assembling processes, including metal frameworks or skeletons for construction, industrial frameworks in metal…etcProfessional
2592007.0Lathe WorkshopIncludes workshops with lathes designed to machine metals.Professional
2592008.0Pipelines CoatingIncludes coating and lining water, oil or drainage pipelines, submerged under water or embedded underground with water sealants, non – humidity infiltrators, anti-erosion, rust-proofing materials.Professional
2592009.0Blacksmith & Welding WorksIncludes smithery, welding, and turnery small workshops.Professional
2592101.0Display Products MakingIncludes small workshops that make accessories used for displaying goods in shops, price lists, mail stamps, pamphlets, brochures, cards, photo-frames…..ect.Professional
2592102.0Products CoatingIncludes coating building facades and surface materials whether glass, aluminum, stainless steel, plastic or teakwood in order to protect and clean for a limited period of time, without changing the shape or color of such surfaces, interior and exterior of ships and boats are also involved.Professional
2593002.0Hand Tools ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of hand tools used in agriculture, landscaping, construction, carpentry, smithery, plumbery and auto workshops, among such tools are rasps, hammers, chisels, shovels and others.Industrial
2593005.0Cutting & Shearing Tools ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing household or workshop cutting and shearing hand tools, such as knives, scissors or other sharp edge tools, mainly axes, chisels, rasps, saws and others.Industrial
2593006.0Sawing Discs & Cutting Blades ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing linear cutting plates and blades, circular or semi-circular cutting discs and other sharpened cutting or sawing devices, either manually or by power – driven equipment and machinery.Industrial
2593009.0Locks & Keys ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the mechanical or electronic fastening devices as well as the keys, keycards, fingerprints and security tokens which release them.Industrial
2593010.0Ironmongery ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing vertical or horizontal turning knobs and screw hinges, door and window locks, and others metallic requisites made of copper, aluminum, steel or others.Industrial
2599101.0Tin Cans & Containers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cans and containers made of tin, aluminum, copper or any other metal.Industrial
2599102.0Trunks ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing large trunks container for holding clothes and other personal belongings for extended periods.Industrial
2599103.0Metal Drums & Barrels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing containers of metal for storage and transportation of water, petroleum products, chemicals and other liquids.Industrial
2599106.0Metal Utensils ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing bowls, trays and other household utensils made of aluminum, stainless steel, or items plated with protective chinaware layer or a stick-proof layer (Teflon).Industrial
2599107.0Metallic Caps & Lids ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal caps and lids for capping metallic drums, cans, and containers.Industrial
2599109.0Gas Cylinders ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing gas cylinder of steel and composite materials which are chemically stable to use for domestic industrial and medical uses.Industrial
2599110.0Metal Buckets ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing buckets, trays and other metal products used for any purpose other than household utensils, this includes pots and vessels for plantations, laboratories and workshops.Industrial
2599111.0Metal Ropes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal ropes used in pulling and lifting objects and in industrial uses.Industrial
2599112.0Welding Bars ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing welding bars of lead and pewter alloys which have low melting points.Industrial
2599113.0Traffic Signs ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing traffic signs made of aluminum, sheet iron or other materials, used for road directions or traffic instructions, also guiding signs in public places and facilities, shops, hospitals, hotels, banks, parks, governmental offices and others.Industrial
2599115.0Metal Chambers ManufacturingIncludes Manufacturing of metal cabinets and enclosures made of metal panels and used for protecting electrical and industrial distribution control panels, generators, distribution points and fire extinguishing enclosures, or gas assembling or in ventilation.Industrial
2599116.0Planters ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the plastic, wood or stone containers in which flowers and plants are cultivated and displayed, as well as transporting plants to new locations.Industrial
2599117.0Steel Wool ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing Steel wool by broaching low-carbon steel for using as an abrasive in finishing and repair work for polishing wood or metal objects, cleaning household cookware.Industrial
2599118.0Metal Sections ManufacturingIncludes using of extruded aluminum and metal sheets and pipes in fabricating metallic sections, which are used in turn in manufacturing doors, windows, elevations, false ceilings, staircase railing, balcony railing, frames, furniture and other metal building works.Industrial
2599119.0Printing Cylinders ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing printing cylinders for different printing processes and techniques such as letterpress, photogravure, offset lithography printing, engraving and intaglio.Industrial
2599122.0Cable Trays, Cross Arms & Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing trays to convey and run cables and wires through channels and terminals in constructions, made of aluminum, mild and solid steel, GRP, FRP, also fabricating support systems, gratings, bends, covers, couplings and fixing accessories as well as coating with corrosion resistant materials.Industrial
2599123.0Egg Incubators ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing automated poultry breeders which maintain humidity, temperature and lighting necessary for egg hatching.Industrial
2599127.0Fishing Cages makingIncludes firms that manually make fishing cages either for own use or for sale to others.Professional
2599128.0Steel Cable Reels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of steel cables to use in packing cable and wire.Industrial
2599129.0Metal Cutlery ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing knives and spoons used in cutting and cooking, also stainless steel and gold and silver plated cutlery, or purely precious metal brands.Industrial
2599130.0Oilfield Drilling Equipment & Components ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing oilfield drilling equipment for extracting petroleum from oil reservoirs in the earth whether by percussion or rotary drilling, it involves the equipment for power system, hoisting system, rotary system, top drive system, circulating system and well control system.Industrial
2599131.0Exhibition Stands ManufacturingIncludes firms engaged in manufacturing exhibitions fixtures including walls, ceilings, podiums and requisites.Industrial
2599132.0Blasting & Painting Rooms ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing blasting and painting facility of anti-flame and heat-insulation steel skin panel and aluminum roof panel and fitted with systems to allow for air circulation, purification, heating, control, in order to provide a controlled environment in which blast cleaning and painting can be carried out.Industrial
2599133.0Metal Badges & Military Insignia ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of all types of identification cards, decorations and military rank insigniaIndustrial
2599201.0Aluminum Foils ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the heat conductor and resistant aluminum foils for meat and poultry roasting and for food packaging.Industrial
2599203.0Disposable Aluminum Plates & Containers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing disposable aluminum sheets plates, trays, glasses and similar utensils used in serving food, or in preserving or packing food such as containers, cans and others.Industrial
2599305.0Insulation Metal Panels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal panels for proofing heat, humidifying, sounds, for fixing in cold storage compartments, refrigerated trailers, furnaces, pre-fabricated houses, factories.Industrial
2599306.0Offset Printing Plates ManufacturingInclude transforming thin metal and aluminum plates into lithographic plate’s wrap round the cylinders of the offset printing machines.Industrial
2599307.0Leaf Spring ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing leaf springs to use in motor vehicle suspensions.Industrial
2599401.0Bolts, Nuts, Screws & Nails ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing holding tools such as nails, bolts, screws , pins and others, as well as requisites, such as nuts, fixing rings and anti-friction pads.Industrial
2599501.0Cable Trays, Cross Arms Accessories AssemblingThis activity includes the assembling process of tray parts and brackets to carry and lay metal, aluminum, wrought or stainless steel, glass or FRP cables and wires inside pipes and ducts installed in buildings and constructions.Industrial
2599901.0Metal Wires ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal wires by drawing the metal through a hole in a die or draw plate to use bearing mechanical loads and to carry electricity and telecommunications signalsIndustrial
2599902.0Gabions ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing galvanized and plastic coated gabions for using in constructions, fencing, preventing erosion of soil and rocks, making boxes and cages.Industrial
2599903.0Barbed Wire ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing steel barbed wire for fencing public and private property.Industrial
2599904.0Chains ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal chain with series of connected links for using in lifting or pulling, also the roller chains used for transmission of mechanical power in industrial and agricultural machinery and bicycle, which have links designed to mesh with the teeth of the sprockets of the machine.Industrial
2599905.0Metal Grating ManufacturingIncludes making steel and aluminum mesh by cutting and melting to use in industrial complexes floors and staircases, in balcony and stairs handrails, also the requisites like supports, bolts, angles and handles.Industrial
2610002.0Electronic Tubes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the electronic tubes that transmit electronic and electromagnetic waves and signals, used to manufacture TV screens and computer monitors and any other scientific or industrial oriented screen.Industrial
2610003.0Electronic Wafers & Semiconductors ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing silicon wafers used as a semiconductor, integrated circuits, discrete semiconductors and various of chips fitted in computers, electronics, communications and industrial equipmentIndustrial
2610007.0Electronic Printed Circuit Boards AssemblingIncludes assembling and building printed circuit boards using rigid and flexible laminates and HF laminates (Teflon)Industrial
2610009.0Electronic Precision Devices ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electronic devices to observe different phenomena indiscernible by ordinary senses, such as sound waves and vibrations detectors, minute objects observers and measuring instruments.Industrial
2610010.0Electronic Appliances AssemblingIncludes assembling audio-visual electronic equipment, involving radio sets, gramophones, loud-speakers television and video sets, , cinematography and television camerasIndustrial
2620003.0Printers Cartridges Assembly Includes producing reusable printers cartridges by assembling parts of different brands.Industrial
2620007.0Scanners ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the desktop flatbed, drum or hand held scanners which scan images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image to enable send a document via email or upload it to the computer, it also involves the 3D scanners used for industriaIndustrial
2620101.0Computer AssemblingIncludes producing computers and laptops by assembling from different components.Industrial
2630001.0Telecommunications Equipment & Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the equipment and hardware used for the purposes of the transmission of voice, data, text, sound, and video using a wired or wireless telecommunications infrastructure.Industrial
2630003.0Transmitting & Receiving Antenna Manufacturing Includes manufacturing the electric devices which convert electric power into radio waves to use in radio and television broadcasting, telecommunication receivers, wireless computer network, radar.Industrial
2630005.0Remote Control Systems ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing guiding devices for navigating flying or moving objects and such as planes, boats, vehicles and others by transmitted signals remotely controlled systems.Industrial
2630011.0Sensors & Military Communication Systems ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electronic systems and equipment designed specifically for the military communication and control, or equipment designed to prevent such control, this includes military sensors and monitoring systems for tracking and positioning and accessories.Industrial
2630006.0Telecommunications Equipment & Accessories AssemblingIncludes assembling the parts and components to produce
the equipment and hardware used for the purposes of the transmission of voice, data, text, sound, and video using a wired or wireless telecommunications infrastructure.
2630101.0Telecom Optics Cables, Wires & Requisites AssemblingThis activity includes the assembling process of metal or fiberglass cables and wires having a physical property by which signals and data transfer from one point to another. They are Fax, telephone, television, video, computer, the Internet and submarineIndustrial
2630102.0Security Equipment Manufacturing Includes manufacturing security systems and equipment, such as, surveillance cameras, thermal binoculars, police specialized equipment.Industrial
2640005.0Video Games Consoles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing video game consoles which enable visual playing when connected to televisions and computers, such as, PlayStation, Xbox, controllers, headphones, gaming seats…etc.Industrial
2651001.0Electrical Measuring & Control Systems ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electric devices for controlling and measuring industrial process variables, temperature, humidity, pressure, combustion, flow, density, acidity, by fluid meters and counting devices, also instruments for measuring the characteristics of electricity and electrical signals, instruments and instrumentation
systems for laboratory analysis of the chemical or physical composition
of samples of solid, fluid, gaseous or composite materials.
2651002.0Non Electrical Measuring & Control Systems ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing non- electric measuring equipment, mainly water meters, taxi-meters and others, also includes surveying, weight, quantity measuring equipment…. etc.Industrial
2651006.0Detection Equipment AssemblingIncludes firms specialized in assembling detection equipment and systems for, underground, on the surface or underwater exploration of minerals and resources, underground water, mines and caves, also, security and surveillance devices, gold and precious metals testers, global positioning systems (GPS), underwater color photography cameras.Industrial
2651019.0Radar Equipment ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in manufacturing the Radio Detection and Ranging systems (radar) that uses radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects, it’s used to detect aircraft, ships, motor vehicles, terrain, weather formations…etc.Industrial
2651023.0Military Remote-Control Systems ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the unmanned aerial military equipment which are controlled by the remote control of operator on the ground, such as, aircrafts, ships and boats, submarines and other equipment fitted with remote sensing systems, it involves the mechanical parts and electronic slides.Industrial
2652001.0Watches & Clocks ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing watches, clocks, alarm clocks and timing mechanisms, instrument panel clocks, time-recording equipment and equipment for measuring, recording and displaying intervals of time such as parking meters, time clocks, process timers, also, all the accessories and components.Industrial
2680001.0Audio Cassettes Manufacturingincludes manufacturing blank magnetic and optical recording media for audio materials recording, including tapes, cassettes, diskettes, discs.Industrial
2680002.0Video Cassettes Manufacturingincludes manufacturing blank magnetic and optical recording media for visual materials recording, including tapes, cassettes, diskettes, discs.Industrial
2680005.0Optical Media Discs ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing audio – visual compact discs for data storage, duplication, omission or to serve as identification cards, the wrapping plastic cases and bags making is also included .Industrial
2710001.0Electric Motors & Generators ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the devices which convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy to operate washing machines, airconditions, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, sewing machines, including also the devices which produce electrical energy from mechanical energy.Industrial
2710003.0Electric Power Distribution Transformers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the devices that convert an alternating (A/C) current of a certain voltage to an alternating current of different voltage, it involves lower, medium and higher voltage transformers.Industrial
2710007.0Power Generators & Transformers AssemblyIncludes assembling the devices which produce electrical energy from mechanical energy in order to generate electricity, also the transformers used to transform voltage from a higher voltage to a lower voltageIndustrial
2710008.0Power Distribution Panels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the component of the electricity supply system which divides an electrical power feed into subsidiary circuits to control power supply in different facilities, it also involves the steel enclosure to accommodate such system.Industrial
2710010.0Power Distribution Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electric power transmission and distribution equipment, such as, current supply and frequency controllers.Industrial
2710012.0Solar Panels ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing solar panels (photovoltaic) which generate electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity which can be directly consumed or can be stored in battery to use later.Industrial
2710013.0Solar Panels AssemblingIncludes assembling solar panels (photovoltaic) which generate electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity.Industrial
2710014.0Power Control Switchgears ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electric power control switchgears and electrical control devices installed in industrial facilities, such as motors controllers, electronic control devices, electric magnetic brakes and others.Industrial
2710015.0Power Control Switchgear & Distribution Panels AssemblingIncludes manufacturing electric power control switchgears and electrical control devices, such as motors controllers, electronic control devices, electric magnetic brakes and others, this applies to marine equipment and others.Industrial
2720001.0Batteries ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing and assembling motor vehicle batteries component for generating low voltage electric power, it includes also charging, transferring and reusing of electrical power.Industrial
2720002.0Dry Cell Batteries Manufacturing includes manufacturing the device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy, it involves the primary type used once and discharges, and the secondary type designed for recharging and used multiple times.Industrial
2720004.0Energy storage units ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing batteries to store solar and wind generated energy in chemical form, for use after sunset or when wind isn’t blowing.Industrial
2731001.0Fiber Optic Cables Manufacturing Includes manufacturing the cables and wires
using optical fiber as a medium which permits transmission over longer distances, it involves single-mode fiber used in telecommunication and TV cables, and the multi-mode fiber for computer networking.
2731101.0Fiber Optics Cables, Wires & Requisites AssemblingThis activity includes the assembling process of optical-fiber cables and wires that transfer optical signals over a long distance including fibers through which (i) single-mode optical signals are transferred such as cables used in telephone and TV netwoIndustrial
2732001.0Insulated Wires and Cables Manufacturing Includes manufacturing multi-phase insulated cables made of copper, aluminum or other conductive substances, used for transmission and distribution of electric power.Industrial
2732002.0Power Supply Wires ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing by drawing metal through a hole in a die or draw plate to use carrying electricity from places of generation to consumers.Industrial
2732003.0Conductors & Cable Joints ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing conductors and cable joints of steel, copper, aluminum which permit the flow of electric charges in one or more directions.Industrial
2732004.0Telecommunication Wires ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal and fiberglass wires used to carry telecommunication signals and data, such wires are used in telephony, TV and video, computer network and the internet, marine cables.Industrial
2732101.0Electrical Cables, Wires & Requisites AssemblingThis activity includes the assembling process of aluminum and copper cables and wires by assembling their parts to transfer electrical energy from generation plants to consuming points.Industrial
2733004.0Power Supply Wires Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the covers and protectors of the electric cables and wires made of flexible rubber, plastic or polyurethane for transporting electricity across buildings, industrial facilities or even across the streets.Industrial
2740001.0Electric Lamps ManufacturingIncludes manufacture of discharge, incandescent, fluorescent, ultra-violet, infra-red lampsIndustrial
2740003.0Chandeliers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing different chandeliers whether luxurious types coated with precious metals ad decorated with crystal, or normal types coated with other metals and decorated with glass.Industrial
2740004.0Lighting Fitting & Fixtures AssemblingIncludes assembling lighting devices used in public gardens, parks, squares, airports, sports stadium and others.Industrial
2740005.0Lamp Base & Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing lamp bases of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which make an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixtures.Industrial
2750001.0Refrigerators, Freezers & Water Coolers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing refrigerators, freezers, water coolers for household and commercial and industrial use.Industrial
2750004.0Washing Machines & Dryers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing washing and drying machines for household and commercial and industrial use.Industrial
2750005.0Cookers & Cook Stoves ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electric, gas, coal or kerosene burners, ovens and cookers, also, different barbecue items.Industrial
2750006.0Electric Water Heaters ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing electrically operated household water heaters and swimming pools as well as any device for heating water.Industrial
2750007.0Electrical Home Appliances ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing household electrical machines and appliances, such as fans, vacuum cleaners, irons, hair dryers, razors, stoves and others.Industrial
2750009.0Kitchen Appliances ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing household’s kitchen electric appliances such as, blenders, toasters, food warmers, can openers, knives sharpeners, water boilers, juice extractors, kneaders, coffee and grains grinders, meat mincers and food processors.Industrial
2790006.0Heat Elements ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of heat elements fitted in electrical equipment and appliances such as heaters, toasters, kettles, grillers and others.Industrial
2790007.0Neon Signs ManufacturingIncludes fabricating neon tube signs by the craft of bending plastic and glass tubing into shapes and is filled with neon gas.Industrial
2811001.0Turbines ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the turbo machines that extract energy from fluids or gases and convert into rotational energy used in moving blades attached to rotors, such technology is applied in power generation, water pumps, ships, jet engines.Industrial
2811006.0Engine Spare Parts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing major spare parts such as cam shafts, pistons, inlet valves, connecting rods, and other parts used in different engines, machines or industrial, marine or construction equipment.Industrial
2813001.0Pumps ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the devices that enable fluids whether liquids or gases move by mechanical action from suction side to discharge side, they include gear pumps, centrifugal pump, axial flow pumps, reciprocating pumps and hydraulic pumpsIndustrial
2813002.0Pumps AssemblingIncludes assembling the devices that enable fluids whether liquids or gases move by mechanical action from suction side to discharge side, they include gear pumps, centrifugal pump, axial flow pumps, reciprocating pumps and hydraulic pumpsIndustrial
2813003.0Valves ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing valves fitted in engines, mechanical equipment and in oil, gas and water pipes, concern is paid to the engineering specifications regardless of the material involved in production.Industrial
2814001.0Bearing & Gears ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing bearings, metal ball-bearing, cog-wheels, transmission gears and all similar gear box and differential gears fabricating units in vehicle engines and driving equipment.Industrial
2815004.0Food Heating Burners ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of small burners used by hotels, restaurants to keep food hot during parties and different occasions.Industrial
2816002.0Crane ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing machines equipped with a hoist, wire ropes or chains, , that can be used to lift and lower materials in ports and places of cargo loading and unloading and in constructions.Industrial
2816006.0Handling, Loading & Lifting Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing hand-operated or power-driven tools and equipment utilized in lifting, handling, loading or unloading in ports, airports and customs stations, including winches, handling equipment, carriages.Industrial
2816009.0Lifts AssemblingIncludes manufacturing by means of assembling residential, commercial, industrial and servicing (cargo and garbage handling) lifts. The process may involve manufacturing some components such as bodies and cabins, fixing walls, roofs, and floors as well as installing doors, motors and control systems. It also includes design (customized), installation and maintenance.Industrial
2816010.0Access Cradles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing suspended access cradles for cleaning and maintaining multi-storey buildings, the process involves cutting and fixing steel and aluminium bars and sections to fabricate the components, including roof mounted davit jibs, gantries, trolley units and monorails, as well as fixing electrical motors and safety equipment.Industrial
2816011.0Conveyor & Transmission Belts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing rubber, plastic or metal moving belts installed in public utilities like airports, shopping centres or in industrial units to convey raw materials and finished goods or in central kitchens or for any other purposes, pre- installation process involves working out the connectors and metal joiners.Industrial
2816012.0Elevators & Escalators components ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing components such as bodies and cabins, walls, roofs, floors which are assembled to form whole lifts, also manufacturing the components of escalators and electric belts installed in airports, shopping centers, hotels and public utilities.Industrial
2817001.0Calculators ManufacturingIncludes producing reusable printers cartridges by assembling parts of different brands.Industrial
2817003.0Typewriter ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing typewriters, stencil machinesIndustrial
2817009.0Stationery ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing rulers, pencil sharpeners, rubbers and paper punching and wrapping tools which are operated manually or electrically.Industrial
2819102.0Filters ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing air filter composed of fibrous materials to use in factories, workshops, and warehouses to remove particulates such as smoke, gases and scattered solid particles, also, water filters for purifying water of impurities such as salts or chemicals whether the water is intended for industrial or household uses. Industrial
2819104.0Water Treatment Equipment AssemblingIncludes assembling domestic and industrial water treatment and purification equipment such as deep filters, reverse osmosis plants, ultra filtration plants, UV disinfection systems, ozone systems, ion exchange plants.Industrial
2819110.0Water Treatment Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing domestic and industrial water treatment and purification equipment such as deep filters, reverse osmosis plants, ultra filtration plants, UV disinfection systems, ozone systems, ion exchange plants.Industrial
2819201.0Air-Conditioning Machines Manufacturing Includes manufacturing the split units, whether or not linked with general central air-conditioning system.Industrial
2819202.0Air Conditioner Units ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing unitary and packaged terminal units usually placed in a window or wall opening with the evaporative unit on the interior and the condensing unit on the exterior, and they allow the cooling by drawing the heat from the room and discharged to the environment.Industrial
2819203.0Air-Conditioning Units AssemblingIncludes assembling unitary and packaged terminal units usually placed in a window or wall opening with the evaporative unit on the interior and the condensing unit on the exterior, and they allow the cooling by drawing the heat from the room and discharged to the environment.Industrial
2819205.0Central Air-Conditioning Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing central air-conditioning components such as compressors, ducts, internal and external and sounds insulators, air distributors, switches.Industrial
2819206.0Ventilation Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing central equipment to use in factories, workshops, and warehouses for air ventilation and purification of smoke, gases and scattered solid particles, the same is also for household fans and exhaust fans.Industrial
2819207.0Cold Storage Compartment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cold storage compartments to store foodstuff, medicine or other perishable stuff and heat damaging materials, whether for commercial or industrial uses, also, refrigerators and freezers and similar devices in general stores for preserving and displaying foodstuff and other products.Industrial
2819904.0Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of equipment and machinery used in vocational safely, labor accident preventives, natural hazards protective tools, also, firefighting equipment like electric cables, smoke exhaust fans, alarm bells, manual extinguishers, hoses, sprinklers, pumps, dampers, emergency/exit lights, nozzles, automatic fire detectors, wet fire systems.Industrial
2819905.0Fire Fighting Equipment AssemblingIncludes assembling or manufacturing fire extinguishing and fighting equipment, such as foam and chemicals pumps, fire fighting in oil well and petrochemicals facilities specialty equipment, also fire alarm systems.Industrial
2819906.0Automatic Gates & Barriers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing and assembling remotely controlled gates and barriers to control entry and exit of cars in residential building and private or public parks. it includes making aluminum and steel gates and barriers, assembling motors, remote control devices and transmission and receivers.Industrial
2819907.0Diving Equipment AssemblingIncludes assembling the recreational and professional diving equipment such as rebreathers, weighing systems, depth gauges, buoyancy control devices, cylinders.Industrial
2819908.0Energy Efficient Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing energy-efficient equipment which uses less energy to accomplish the same tasks as standard equipment, the process is achieved by adopting a more efficient technology or production process, the manufacturing involves office equipment such as computers, copiers, printers, kitchenware such as reselling refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, washing machines and dryers, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, electric and electronic household appliances such as televisions, air-conditions..etc.Industrial
2819909.0Plate Heat Exchangers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing metal plates used to transfer heat between two or more fluids, whether for cooling or heating processes, they are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power stations, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries and sewage treatment.Industrial
2819915.0Pipes & Hoses AssemblingIncludes fitting fluids and air pipes and hoses, whether metal or non-metal, with clamps, spigots, flanges, Joining, coupling, and nozzles, for using in different industrial application.Industrial
2821001.0Agricultural Tractors ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing tractors and related agricultural machinery for different operations such as ploughs, seeders, harvesters, planters, threshers, sorters, manure spreaders and soil preparation.Industrial
2821004.0Auto Irrigation Devices ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing equipment and accessories used in the artificial application of water to the land or soil where the natural rainfall was insufficient to support crops, it involves pivots for overhead irrigation, pumps, sprinklers, drippers, control and automation equipment.Industrial
2822008.0Military Plants Equipment ManufacturingIncludes firms manufacturing machinery and equipment used in the production of military hardware.Industrial
2823003.0Precision Dies ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing precision dies from iron and metal ingots by smelting and molding, in such a way they become reusable by factories and workshops for making various metallic, plastic and clay products.Industrial
2824010.0Oil & Gas Fields Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing oil and natural gas extraction equipment such as drill pipes, balancing systems diversion connectors, well head repair, as well as oil flow from oilfields to storage tanks equipment and fittings, except rigs and oilfield platforms, they are classified under activity No. 2811-04.Industrial
2824011.0Construction Equipment & Spare Parts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing building and construction equipment for excavating, filling, demolition, earth leveling, road paving, cement mixing equipment and machinery, as well as cranes, elevators and heavy objects lifts, it involves the spare parts and accessoriesIndustrial
2824012.0Construction Equipment & Machinery AssemblingIncludes assembling building and construction equipment for excavating, filling, demolition, earth leveling, road paving, cement mixing equipment and machinery, as well as cranes, elevators and heavy objects lifts .Industrial
2826007.0Sewing Machines & Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing manual, electrical, electronic and computerized stitching and embroidering clothing, fabrics, shoes and leather products, whether a one person or Industrial sewing machines for automated process of stitching, it involves the needles and other accessories.Industrial
2829010.0Packing & Packaging Machines AssemblingIncludes assembling semi-automatic and automatic packing and packaging equipment and machinery, for wrapping, bagging, sealing materials.Industrial
2829011.0Specialized Industrial Machinery & Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing or assembling converting industry specialized machinery to install in factories and plants such as, foodstuff, weaving and spinning, paper, printing, oil refining, construction, mining and packaging machinery and equipment…etc.Industrial
2829012.0Specialized Precision Equipment ManufacturingInclude manufacturing of laboratory, surgical, medical examination, engineering drawing and oilfield test and analysis equipment.Industrial
2829013.0Marine Guide Equipment & Tools AssemblingIncludes assembling marine guide aids, such as, multi-purpose buoys, signal lantern and remote monitor and control systems, for using in lighthouses, ports and harbors, by costal guard and oil and gas companies.Industrial
2829014.0Gas & Chemicals Production Systems AssemblingIncludes assembling the systems of producing industrial, high purity and mixtures of gas products like helium, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen in container of various capacity cylinders, also, installations of the systems.Industrial
2829015.0Cleanrooms ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the systems of the cleanrooms which are designed to have low level of environmental pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes and viruses, aerosol particles, these rooms are used in manufacturing, scientific research and medical facilities or in any place, which require controlled level of contaminationIndustrial
2829017.0Industrial Robots AssemblingIncludes remotely operated or computer programs guided robots and designed as vehicles or telescopic arms or resembling humans in order to take the place of humans in dangerous tasks, such as explosives and radiations detection, firefighting or in manufacturing processes.Industrial
2910001.0Motor Vehicles AssemblyIncludes manufacturing of assembled motor vehicles for transporting passengers, for personal use or otherwise , also, trucks for different commercial uses, the process involves the assembling using parts and components fully manufactured outside the factory or partly inside.Industrial
2910101.0Motor Vehicles ManufacturingIndustrial
2920101.0Trailers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the unpowered trailers which are pulled by a powered vehicle and which are used for transport of goods and materials or as mobile homes.Industrial
2920102.0Refrigerated Trailers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the refrigerator truck designed to carry perishable freight at specific temperatures which can be equipped with any one of a variety of mechanical refrigeration systems powered diesel engines.Industrial
2920103.0Tanker ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing mobile reservoirs, tanks and similar containers of metal to transport water and petroleum products and which are designed to deal with a heavy sloshing load and the risk of collision or other accident.Industrial
2920104.0Mobile Concrete Mixers ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing mobile concrete mixers loaded on trucks to transport and mix concrete up to the construction site, whether charged with dry materials and water, with the mixing occurring during transport, or they can also be loaded from a “central mix” plant, with this process the material has already been mixed prior to loading.Industrial
2920106.0Cargo Container ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing
different dimensions containers used for storing and transporting freight
2920107.0Garbage & Waste Collection Containers Manufacturing.Includes manufacturing of tanks, containers used for garbage and waste collection from public places. Home dustbins are listed under class No. (3699).Industrial
2920901.0Vehicles Bodies ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing vehicle bodies by means of cutting, fixing or welding using steel, metal or fiberglass or other material, also, making boxes for ambulances, security and ice cream vehicles.Industrial
2920904.0Trucks Tarp Covering Systems ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing manual and automatic covering systems for loads in heavy and light trucks and trailers, the system incorporates manual and automatic mechanism to operate, so load dumping on roads is avoided as well as damaging other vehicles on the road by flying rubbish.Industrial
2920905.0Automobile OutfittingIncludes workshop specialized in tuning and modifying the exterior or the interior of the passenger automobiles in order to personalize the characteristics of a vehicle to the owner’s preference, as well as to provide better fuel economy, produce more power, better handling, the exterior includes changing characteristics of the vehicle via side skirts, front and rear bumpers, spoilers, interior involves the audio systems, air conditioning and soundproofing, modifying and customizing commercial vehicles to convert into trucks for other purposes such as food carts, ambulances, concrete-mixers…etc.Professional
2920906.0Outfitting Vehicles for Safe TransportIncludes modifying the exterior or the interior of the vehicles, in order to protect the transported individuals and materials, including money and explosives and military ordnance. Professional
2930101.0Radiator ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing radiators used for cooling internal combustion engines automobiles radiators through heat exchanging process, the cooling involves passing water through the engine block, where it absorbs heat from the engine, then the hot water is then fed into the radiator which releases the heat to the ambient air.Industrial
2930102.0Exhausts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing exhausts used to convey burnt gases from the engine.Industrial
2930106.0Brake Pads ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing pads used to resist friction in cars and trucks brake systems.Industrial
2930108.0Auto Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of accessories and attachments fitted to motor vehicles in order to modify the external outline of the car, such as bumpers, air deflectors, additional tyre covers, baggage support base and other accessories made of metals, fiber glass or reinforced plastic…etc.Industrial
2930109.0Transport Furniture ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing seats and furniture fixed in airplanes, vehicles, yachts, ships and others.Industrial
2930110.0Auto Electrical Wires ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the wire that connect motor vehicle electrical equipmentIndustrial
2930111.0Vehicle Speed Limiter AssemblingIncludes assembling the parts and components to produce the devices whose function is to control the fuel feed to the engine, in order to limit the vehicle speed to a preset value.Industrial
2930117.0Motor vehicles spare parts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing diverse parts and accessories such as brakes, gearboxes, radiators, silencers, exhaust pipes, steering wheels, used fully or partially in repairing and maintaining motor vehicles.Industrial
3011101.0Ships & Yachts Building Includes building of ships and boats by assembling the main parts which include funnels, sterns, rudders, portsides, anchors, decks, propulsion systems, steering systems, it also involves the construction of floating structures which include docks, pontoons, landing stages, tanks, barges, cranesIndustrial
3011103.0Ship Parts ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing parts and sections used for building ships or as spare parts, which include funnels, sterns, rudders, portsides, anchors, decks, propulsion systems, steering systems.Industrial
3011105.0Building of Military ShipsIncludes firms specialized in building armored military boat and warships, such as, destroyers, frigates, aircraft carrier minesweepers, auxiliary ships, submarines, other warships used in combat and security operationsIndustrial
3012001.0Boats BuildingIncludes firms whose activities are mainly related to the manufacture of various fishing or water sports boat hulls, as well as small and medium size yachts, made of metals, fiber glass, or other materials excluding wood, also, the preparation of boats and the installation of mechanical and electrical equipment and all appliances to render them operational.Industrial
3012002.0Wooden Ships & Boats BuildingIncludes firms whose activities are mainly related to the building of ships and wooden boats, including traditional, such as goods and passengers ships and boats, fishing ships, (traditional Arab Abra), sports boats, or modern and wooden ships, also, reparation, re-building and maintenance.Industrial
3030001.0Airplanes ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing different airplanes for various purposes, including the wide-body commercial aircrafts designed for carrying passengers and cargo, helicopters for transportation of people, search and rescue, tourism, medical transport, and the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and Drones controlled by the remote control of a pilot on the ground, in order to use for survey, still and video imaging, mapping and inspection.Industrial
3030003.0Aircrafts Parts & Accessories ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of parts and accessories of the aircrafts, as well as the interior and mechanical structure, such as fuselages, wings, doors, flight control surfaces, landing gear, fuel tanks, nacelles, motors and engines, cabin, seats, inflight entertainment system.Industrial
3030006.0Military Ballistic & Guided Missiles ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of the self-propelled guided missiles which are adapted for different purposes, surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles (ballistic, cruise, anti-ship, anti-tank, etc.), surface-to-air missiles (anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic), air-to-air missiles, and anti-satellite missiles.Industrial
3030010.0Satellites ManufacturingIncludes firm specialized in manufacturing  satellites  thrown by  rockets into the orbit and which are designed for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration.Industrial
3030011.0Remote-control Airplane ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and Drones controlled by the remote control of a pilot on the ground, in order to use for survey, still and video imaging, mapping and inspection.Industrial
3030012.0Military Aircrafts ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in manufacturing military fixed-wing aircrafts and helicopters.Industrial
3030101.0Aircraft Cabin Simulators ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the flight simulation training devices that model and simulate the characteristics of the real processes used to train pilots on the ground instead to training in an actual aircraft.Industrial
3040002.0Tanks ManufacturingIncludes the manufacture of all types of tanks, armament, defense, reconnaissance, surveillance and other related systems and their weaponsIndustrial
3040003.0Armored Amphibious Military Vehicles Manufacturing Includes manufacturing all kinds of armored amphibious, armament, defense, reconnaissance, surveillance and other related systems.Industrial
3040101.0Military Vehicles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing armored and unarmored vehicles used by the armed forces and police for land combat and transportation, including, fighting vehicles, personnel carriers, weapons carriers and missiles launchers, anti- tank vehicles, amphibious vehicles…etc.Industrial
3091001.0Motorcycles & Scooters ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the of powered two or three-wheelers motorcycles, low-powered mopeds, off-road motorcycles for cruising in paved roads or for off road use, scooters which are equipped with battery to produce power.Industrial
3091002.0Off Road Karts AssemblingSee details of activitv no.(504003)Industrial
3092001.0Bicycles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the two or three wheeled bicycles used for recreation, transportation, racing and for children use.Industrial
3100001.0Home Furniture ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing home furniture, such as beds, bedroom sets, sofas, lounge sets, tables, cupboards, chairs and others, also hotels or restaurants furniture, whether fully or partly manufactured from wood, metallic or plastic tubes, glass, bamboo, cane or others.Industrial
3100002.0Kitchen Furniture Manufacturing Includes manufacturing the cabinets and fixtures of wood with metal fittings incorporated into them in order to install in kitchens for storage of cooking equipment and kitchen appliances.Industrial
3100004.0Schools, Hospitals & Parks Furniture Manufacturing Include manufacturing all kinds of furniture used in schools, laboratories, hospitals and parks, such as seats, tables, desks and beds, also other fittings, such as shelves, cupboards, display windows, platforms and others.Industrial
3100006.0Auditoriums & Sports Venues Seats ManufacturingIndustrial
3100007.0Office Furniture ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing office furniture of metal or wood and in various styles, colors and finishes, and intended for reception, desking, seating, screens, storage, conferences, boardrooms, waiting areas.Industrial
3100008.0Shop Fixtures ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing fixtures in groceries, consumer complexes, bookshops, small shops and exhibition halls, such fixtures are shelves, goods preserving cupboards, counters and iron cupboards…etc.Industrial
3100009.0Mattresses ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing mattresses that contains materials such as hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber, or a framework of metal springs.Industrial
3100010.0Spring Mattresses ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing mattresses fitted with spring using wire coils.Industrial
3211001.0Gold & Precious Metal Products ManufacturingIncludes gold smithing of gold and other precious metals (excluding silver), such as platinum, nickel and other precious metals to produce jewellery and gold articles, such as rings, bracelets, earring and other showpieces.Industrial
3211002.0Silverware & Jewellery ManufacturingIncludes turning the silver formed sheet metal into household hollowware such as dishes, cups, teapots, or making tableware cutlery.Industrial
3211003.0Precious Stones Cutting & PolishingIncludes cutting, polishing, burnishing of precious stones into small pieces to prepare for jewellery making.Professional
3211004.0Precious Jewellery ManufacturingIncludes the fitting of jewels or diamonds and precious stones on Jewellery products, watches or accessories as well as other gold articles and precious metals.Industrial
3211006.0Metal Products EngravingIncludes incising a design on metal by cutting grooves on it whether by hand or laser, in order to embellish advertising medals, stamps, trademarks and tags, jewelry and watches.Professional
3211007.0GoldsmithIncludes small workshops specialized in working with and repair precious metals. Professional
3211101.0Diamond Cleaning Includes firms engaged in diamond cleaning through deep acid boiling as part of the preparation of rough diamonds after mining before sale, it includes removing any non-diamond material (eg grease or other impurities) on the rough, it ensures the rough diamonds are presented in a way that makes them as attractive as possible so they get the true market price.Professional
3211010.0Laboratory Grown Diamonds ProductionIncludes growing and modifying laboratory grown synthetic diamonds by chemical vapor deposition and high temperature, high pressure, it’s contrasted with natural diamond created by geological processes and extracted by mining.Professional
3212001.0Medals & Shields ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing souvenir articles such as medals, badges, decorative and necklaces by means of die casting of various metals such as copper and bronze … etc.Industrial
3212002.0Imitation Jewellery SmithingIncludes manufacturing goldsmiths’ articles, such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings made from base metals plated with precious metals, or jewellery containing imitation stones such as imitation gems stones, imitation diamonds.Professional
3212003.0 Handicraft WorksIncludes making a wide variety of types of decorative objects made completely by hand or by using simple tools, and using different material such as wood, metal, clay, bone, glass, stone, textiles, leather or plantsProfessional
3212004.0Gifts & Jewellery Box MakingIncludes the decorated boxes made of different materials and used in keeping jewellery and presenting gifts.Professional
3220001.0Stringed Musical Instruments Manufacturing Includes manufacturing electronic and normal musical instruments like stringed, wind, and percussion instruments, pipes, accordions, organs, including also the parts and accessories.Industrial
3230002.0Sports Goods ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing of sporting and athletic articles and equipment for outdoor and indoor games, such as rackets, balls, fishing and hunting requisites, roller skates, gymnasium and fitness centers or athletic equipment.Industrial
3230003.0Sailboards & Surfboards Manufacturing Includes manufacturing surfboardsusing polyurethane or polystyrene foam and covered with layers of fiberglass, cloth and polyester in order to make light and strong enough to support wave riders.Industrial
3240001.0Plastic Toys ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing indoor and outdoor kids plastic toys such as inflatable items playgrounds, electric cars, swings, climbers, water parks. electronic games, , boats, airplanes.Industrial
3240003.0Dolls ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing dolls and children’s toys made of plastic, fabric, textiles, leather, metal, or of mixture of them.Industrial
3250005.0Dental LaboratoryA health facility licensed and equipped to manufacture dental prosthetics to be used by patients as per instructions of the dentist.Professional
3250006.0Prosthetics & Orthotics CenterSupplementary facility designed for rehabilitation through providing prosthetic appliances to compensate lost or injured body parts, or providing support to alleviate patient suffering and assist to mobilize and walk according to treating doctor instructions.Professional
3250011.0Optical Products ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing ophthalmic goods, eyeglasses, sunglasses, lenses ground to prescription,
contact lenses, safety goggles
3250012.0Contact Lenses ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing the plastic lens placed on the surface of the eye either to correct visual defects or for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons.Industrial
3250013.0Optical Lenses Cutting & FixingIncludes workshops specialized in cutting spectacles and sun glass lenses to fit in frames, also, burnishing and fitting with special features such as anti-glaring.Professional
3250021.0Disinfecting Booths FabricationIncludes fabricating disinfecting booths from aluminum or glass, in order to install in different places to disinfect all individuals and vehicles entering and exiting the areaProfessional
3290001.0Pens & Writing Instruments ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing different kinds of pens, fountain pens, ball-point pens, and pencils as well as other writing instruments used in drawing and engraving.Industrial
3290003.0Stamps ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing rubber, wood, steel stamps which are used primarily to authenticate documents and products.Industrial
3290004.0Wig MakingIncludes making males and females wigs and toupees from real and synthetic hair, it involves all the processes of sewing, sorting, shaping and cleaning.Professional
3290005.0Brooms & Cleaning Articles ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing tools and requisites for cleaning floors, houses, buildings, furniture and household appliances, these are all kinds of brooms, shovels, ground and window sweepers, floor , clothes or utensils brushes, garbage cans and all other cleaning requisites.Industrial
3290006.0Stamps & Seals Making Includes making rubber, wood, steel stamps which are used primarily to authenticate documents and productsProfessional
3290007.0Umbrellas & Awnings ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing hand umbrellas for protection against rain or sun, also, gardens or beaches large umbrellas, awnings fitted to windows or shop-windows, whether made of plastic, fabrics or other fibers or materials.Industrial
3290008.0Mechanical Seals & Gaskets ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing cork, paper, metal and rubber joints, rings fitted in engines and machines connectors or in combustion chambers covers or gear boxes in order to prevent leakage, heat absorption and friction.Industrial
3290009.0Albums ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing photograph albums, whether made of plastic, cardboard or other materials.Industrial
3290012.0Tailoring & Embroidery Requisites ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing requisites and accessories used in tailoring and embroidering such as buttons, threads and badges, emblems and marks to decorate garments and official uniforms or to use also in upholstering and curtain finishing.Industrial
3290013.0Artificial Plants & Flowers MakingIncludes manufacturing artificial ornamental plants and flowers from paper, plastic, fabrics, glass or shells, also, drying of flowers and plants to use as decorators.Industrial
3290014.0Grinding & Scraping Requisites ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing tools and materials to scrape, polish and smooth surfaces, these tools include sandpapers, smoothing stone and polishing heads fitted on polishing devices, except chemicals that are listed under class 2424.Industrial
3290021.0Amusement Centers Equipment ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing amusement centers’ equipment such as billiard tables, electronics and manual games devices etc.Industrial
3290022.0Frame MakingIncludes making the decorative frames for painting or photograph intended to make it easier to display and to protect.Professional
3290023.0Beauty & Personal Care Requisites ManufacturingIncludes manufacturing body care requisites and cleaning such as cotton buds, tooth brushes and picks, dental floss, combs, hair brushes, nail and hair cutters and other requisites apart from pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, also, some beautification and personal care items.Industrial
3290024.03D Printing Products Production (Additive Manufacturing)Includes firms specialized in conducting additive production or 3D printing through creating designs of objects with AutoCAD software, then the printer creates a three-dimensional object using lasers to fuse powdered materials together layer by layer, the powdered materials involve metal, plastic, rubber, silicon, ceramic, such technology involves different products and parts such as, jewelry, industrial parts, vehicles, dental and medical industry.Professional
3290025.0Glass & Plastic EngravingIncludes incising a design on glass and plastic by cutting grooves on it whether by hand or laser.Professional
3290027.0Military Tools & Supplies ManufacturingIncludes firms specialized in the manufacture of military tools and supplies, such as, shields and ordinary and electric sticks for riot control, bullet – proof and helmets, military boots, sleeping bags, military badges, personnel carriers equipped to carry water and food, light-caliber ammunition, military fields’ medical tools and food.Industrial
3290101.0Safety Harness FabricationIncludes fabricating harness from ropes, webbing and locking hardware in order to use in protecting persons or animals or objects from injury or damage when ascending or descending above or the underground.Professional
3311001.0Metal Tanks & Containers RepairingIncludes repairing containers of metal for storage and transportation of water, petroleum products, chemicals and other liquids.Professional
3311005.0Military Weapons Repair & MaintenanceIncludes firms specialized in maintaining and repairing military weapons of all kinds, such as, light, medium and heavy weapons, or any part, as well as monitoring, control, shooting and other devices complementary to the weapon systemsProfessional
3311008.0Cargo Containers Repairing & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining
different dimensions containers used for storing and transporting freight.
3311009.0Scaffolding & Formwork RepairingIncludes using different techniques to repair and maintain scaffolding, used to support people and materials in the constructions or repair of buildings, also, the formwork for pouring concrete in construction.Professional
3312006.0Scales & Dry Measures Repairing &MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining electric and sensitive scales, dry measures and balance equipment used for weighing.Professional
3312007.0Air-conditioning, Refrigeration & Air Purifying Equipment Repairing & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining different air-conditioning systems, central, window or split units as well as coolers, cold storage compartments, central water cooling and other refrigeration equipment.Professional
3312008.0Office Machines & Calculators Maintenance & Repairing Includes the repair and maintenance of of electronic calculators and typewriters and printing sets.Professional
3312009.0Photocopiers Repair & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining
photocopiers, microfilming machines, microfilm and projectors and copiers.
3312013.0Oil & Natural Gas Well Equipment Repair & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining the equipment involved in the various operations of oil and natural gas production, from primary stages of survey and exploration up to storage, including equipment related to drilling, pumping, gas liquefaction, refining and transportation.Professional
3314004.0Transformers & Switchgear Repair & MaintenanceIncludes maintaining the devices that convert an alternating (A/C) current of a certain voltage to an alternating current of different voltage, also switchgears used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment.Professional
3315001.0Ships & Boats RepairIncludes the reparation of vessels, wooden ships, yachts, sports boats, fishing ships and boats…etc. also, re-building, renovation, full maintenance, including refitting or replacement of motors and parts.Professional
3315002.0Yachts Repairing & Maintenance ServicesIncludes the reparation of all kinds of yachts, such as, re-building, renovation, full maintenance, including refitting or replacement of motors and parts, as well as re-painting.Professional
3315003.0Boats Upholstery ServicesIncludes providing ships and boats seats with high-resiliency and high-density materials with a thin film of plastic over in order to keep out water.Professional
3315004.0Railway MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in maintaining railway system and infrastructure, involving rolling stock, track, power generation and distribution, signaling, related communication systems, electro mechanical equipment…etc.Professional
3315005.0Aircraft Engine & Parts Repair & OverhaulIncludes repairing, maintaining, testing and calibrating all kinds of aircrafts engines and spare parts.Professional
3315006.0Light Aircrafts Maintenance & RepairIncludes firms engaged in maintaining and repairing helicopters commercial and military small and light aircrafts, which are capable to sustain a maximum total weight (MTOW) of LB 12500 at overtaking, overhauling is also involved.Professional
3315007.0Aircraft Seats UpholsteryIncludes providing aircrafts seats with padding, springs, webbing, and fabric covers.Professional
3315008.0Dry Docks OperationsIncludes shipyards equipped and developed to repair and refurbish different kinds of ships, including oil tankers, bulk carriers, containerships, ro-ro vessels, cargo vessels, gas carriers, chemical tankers, offshore vessels and rigs.Professional
3315009.0Passengers & Cargo Aircrafts Repair & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in maintaining, repairing, and modernizing passengers and cargo aircrafts to ensure their airworthiness, it involves aircrafts interior and system’s modifications, as well as internal and external aircrafts paint works.Professional
3315010.0Helicopters Repair & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in maintaining and repairing helicopters to ensure their airworthiness, involving performing the overhaul, engine repairs and upgrades, customizations and restorations, avionics upgrades.Professional
3315011.0Navigation Aids Installation & MaintenanceIncludes firms specialized in installing, maintaining and Removing of buoys, beacons and light houses, light vessel, navigational lights, automatic identification system , racons, moorings’ sinkers and anchor cables.Professional
3315101.0Ships & Boats Maintenance ServicesIncludes firms that carry out ships and boats maintenanceas regarding re-painting and cleaning, as well as other simple operations which do not include reparations or total maintenance, which are classified under Class 3512.Professional
3319901.0Light Equipment & Machinery Repairing & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining light equipment and machinery used for various sector, medical, packaging, transport, construction, safety …etc.Professional
3319902.0Heavy Duty Equipment & Machinery Repairing & MaintenanceIncludes firms repair machinery and equipment, lifts, escalators, boilers, central kitchens, automatic washing equipment, electric generators, water pumps, tower cranes…etc.Professional
3319903.0Marine Equipment Repairing & MaintenanceIncludes installing and repairing the equipment related to structures for marine transportation, such as ships, boats, floating structures, pontoons, barges, cranes, the concerned equipment include propulsion systems, steering systems, engines, air-conditions, generators, ventilation blowers, boilers, spindles, pipes, communication and measuring devices.Professional
3319906.0Anti-Corrosion ServicesIncludes workshops engaged in removing rust and polishing tools and utensils made of silver or copper, also, carrying out rust removal from structural steel and marine equipment as well as provision of anti-corrosion services.Professional
3319907.0Medical & Laboratory Equipment RepairIncludes repairing and maintaining instruments and equipment used in hospitals, clinics and laboratories for diagnosis, treatment, surgical operations, medicine and blood preservation, X-raying, sterilization, waste disposal, physical therapy and rehabilitation.Professional
3319908.0Amusement Center Equipment Repair & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining amusement centers’ equipment such as billiard tables, electronics and manual games devices.. etc.Professional
3319910.0Shooting Arenas Equipment Repairing & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and maintaining shooting ranges equipment such as air-conditioning and ventilation systems, sound abatements, static and moving targets, scoring systems, control towers..etc.Professional
3320003.0Communication & Wireless System Equipment InstallationIncludes firms specialized in the installation of equipment used in wired and wireless communications, including main switchboards such as switches and communication transmission and regulation devices, as well as equipment for communications ground stations, GPS systems by satellite and othersProfessional
3320006.0Measuring & Control System InstallationIncludes installing measurement equipment in various facilities to measure quantities, distances, temperatures, humidity, speed, etc., or used to monitor dimensions and environmental and geographical variables, it includes equipment used to control quantities or speeds or to regulate movement at the production level, such as, water and electricity meters, also, the automation devices that turn homes into smart homes through controlling the electrical and electronic appliancesProfessional
3510001.0Power GenerationIncludes plants that produce electric energy, including thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric, gas turbine, diesel, solar, and from hazardous and non- hazardous wastes processed through incineration.Industrial
3510002.0Electricity Transmission & Supply Includes the transmission of electricity from the generation sources to domestic, industrial and commercial consumers .Industrial
3510005.0Power Generation Facilities & Distribution Systems Operation & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in managing and directing the physical and technical functions of the power generation facilities as regarding overseeing and controlling the process of production to ensure that the operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed as well as meeting the requirements, it involves equipment maintenance, strategic production policy, systems and productivity analysis, cost and quality control, materials planning.Professional
3520001.0Production & Distribution of GasIncludes natural gas production plants and distribution through networks for domestic, industrial and commercial consumption, it includes packaging of liquefied and gaseous helium, nitrogen and argon, distribution of gas cylinders by vehicles for domestic consumption is classified under Class 5141 – “Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.Industrial
3530002.0District Cooling ServicesIncludes central cooling stations, which supply cold water to central air-condition systems in districts. Cold air is pumped through a 10 kilometers underground network connecting residential units with the station. Other auxiliary works like management, operations, maintenance necessary to achieve this service are also included.Professional
3530003.0Ice ProductionIncludes producing in blocks, and tubular types to use in food storage and processing, chemical manufacturing, concrete mixing.Industrial
3600002.0Desalination PlantIncludes plants and refineries involved in sea-water desalination by exosmosis methods to produce fresh water good for human consumption or irrigation or other commercial or industrial purposes, also collecting, purifying and transforming to water distribution networks.Professional
3600005.0Water Resource & Infrastructure Treatment & EnhancementIncludes firms specialized in Water resource treatment and water infrastructure systems efficiency enhancement, including reservoirs, khours, wadis, amenity features, pump stations, water wells and pipe infrastructure, by implementing the techniques of magnetizing, aeration, circulation, filtration and coagulation.Professional
3600006.0Desalination & Sewage Treatment Plants Operation & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in managing and directing the physical and technical functions of the desalination and sewage treatment plants as regarding overseeing and controlling the process of production to ensure that the operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed as well as meeting the requirements, it involves equipment maintenance, strategic production policy, systems and productivity analysis, cost and quality control, materials planning.Professional
3700002.0Sewage & Draining ServicesIncludes firms which undertake sucking up and draining the sewage, rain, waste excessive waters by the tank vehicles, and transporting these waters to places where they can be used, refined or disposed of.Professional
3700003.0Sanitary Sewer Networks MaintenanceIncludes cleaning and maintaining sewer networks which transport human or industrial wastewater to treatment stations to avoid blockages caused by grease buildup or other foreign objects, it involves line cleanouts by water and air pumping and chemicals and solvents.Professional
3700004.0Wastewater & Hazardous Liquids TreatmentIncludes plants engaged in treating sewage water and oily water generated from the industrial processes, through chemical and biological filtering processes to remove solids and organics and produce treated water to use in irrigation and industry.Professional
3700005.0 Grease Traps Cleaning & Wastes RemovalIncludes cleaning and emptying grease traps designed to intercept and cooking oils and greases produced in the facilities engaged in catering services, such as hotels, restaurants, commercial complexes, labor camps..etc, it involves removing the waste grease to the treatment facilities before they enter a wastewater disposal system, in order to avoid damaging the environment as well as the sustainability of the sewers network. Professional
3811001.0Garbage Disposal ServicesIncludes collecting of garbage and non-hazardous waste from residential, commercial, industrial and public areas, and then transport and dispose them in specified disposal sites determined by concerned authorities, it includes all municipal waste except construction and demolition waste, organic and horticultural waste.Professional
3811004.0Construction and Demolition Waste Collection and Transportation ServicesIncludes collecting waste originating from construction and demolition activities and transport by special to disposal sites determined by concerned authorities.Professional
3811005.0Organic Waste Collecting ServicesIncludes collecting organic waste and solid nutritional materials such as animals, fishes and bird’s wastes, bloods, fats, bowels and parts unfit for consumption, also, trees and plants leaves, fibers and fruits, it includes placing in special containers in order to transport to the disposal sites determined by concerned authorities.Professional
3811006.0Sea & Shore Cleaning ServicesIncludes firms which undertake collection and disposing of or treating of marine wastes and pollutants which pollute beaches, sea natural , artificial lakes and marine lives.Professional
3812001.0Used Lubricants Collecting ServicesIncludes firms which undertake collecting the various used lubricating oils from the filling and services stations, canning and reselling of these oils for the different industrial purposes.Professional
3812007.0Hazardous Waste Collection & TransportIncludes collecting solid and liquid or gaseous waste generated from manufacturing, medical or agricultural activities and which require special treatment as it cannot be disposed in regular landfills or sewer networks, because of it’s properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment. It involves the transportation by special vehicles to disposal sites determined by concerned authoritiesProfessional
3821002.0Production of Waste-Derived Fuel Includes producing fuel from waste by mixing municipal and agricultural waste and the dewatered sludge , also, from inorganic waste ,such as tires, plastic…etc, the process involves series of thermal processes create liquid fuels, as well as Biomass briquettes that can be incinerated to generate electricity.Industrial
3821003.0Landfill Waste Gas RecoveryIncludes recovering and extracting landfill waste gases, particularly the methane, the process requires the engineering and design of the landfill including drilling, piping and storage for utilization or flaring the gases to minimize the risk of the landfills catch fire.Industrial
3821004.0Cooking Oil Mobile MicrofiltrationIncludes firms specialized in purifying and filtering cooking oil as well as fryers cleaning for restaurants, hotels, hospitals and factories by vehicle mounted machines, to ensure longer oil life.Professional
3830101.0Metal Scrap ProcessingIncludes the operations of crushing, shredding and pressing of metal waste and scrap before conversion in blast furnaces to obtain crude steel which is smelted and refined in order to produce finished products such as alloys, sheet, rods, military waste and scrap such as weapons and explosives are not involved.Professional
3830102.0Automobiles & Equipment Dismantling for Materials RecoveryIncludes firms engaged in knock downing the complete electrical and electronic appliances, such as audio-visual equipment, refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, washing machines and dryers, dishwashers, as well as automobiles, in order to enable for reassembling again or for any other purpose. Professional
3830103.0Battery RecyclingIncludes separating and reclaiming the components of all kind of batteries, whether it’s liquid as lead acid batteries, or dry as nickel batteries, alkaline and lithium and cadmium batteries, through transformation process to raw materials suitable for in various industrial activities.Professional
3830105.0Includes firms specialized in dismantling smashing means of transportation, such as, vehicles and boats and boats that have been approved by the official authorities to be converted into scrap, this includes the recovery of various spare parts or other parts that can be resold, this does not include aircrafts dismantling which is classified under the activity no. 3830914.Professional
3830106.0Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentIncludes collection of discarded or obsolete electronic & electrical equipment and scraps such as computers, printers and accessories, fax machines, phones, televisions, and related devices in information technology, and of domestic appliances such as fridges, ovens, washing machines, and similar equipment for the purpose of recycling of the whole unit or in part. It also includes the process of disassembling, sorting, and refining to produce new raw materials that can be used in a different manufacturing process.Professional
3830110.0Pressurized Cans RecyclingIncludes collecting and recycling used or unused pressurized cans like aerosol cans, medical inhaler enamel, latex and based products cans, shaving gels and foam cans, hand held propane canisters, by pressurizing the cans in a closed chamber, the collected gas or liquid to be disposed or recycled in another industries whichever is applicable, it involves the process of disassembling, sorting, cleaning, shredding the recycled metal or plastic parts to certain sizes for packing or to produce new raw materials that can be used in different manufacturing process.Professional
3830901.0Glass Waste ProcessingIncludes processing glass waste by cleaning, crushing, or cutting in certain sizes, then packing in order to recycle or transfer to process other materials or products.Professional
3830902.0Lubricant Waste RecyclingIncludes refining, processing and purifying of lubricant residues to render re-usable for the same purposes or for another.Professional
3830903.0Fabric & Textile Waste RecyclingIncludes cutting scrape clothes, curtains and bed sheets in rags for using as cleaning wipers.Industrial
3830907.0Recycled Plastic Materials ManufacturingIncludes processing and recycling of plastic waste and residues to produce granular or powdered crude plastic, used for further reforming to produce different plastic products.Industrial
3830908.0Used Tyres RecyclingIncludes collecting and cleaning used tyers prior to recycling, the process involves cutting and separating tyres into rubber granules, steel and nylon fluff, these components are used to reproduce new tyers or other products, packaging is also included.Professional
3830909.0Non Metal Waste Collecting & ProcessingIncludes firms whose activities depend mainly on collecting of waste paper, carton, plastic pieces or parts, fabrics, wood, or other similar materials, whether they were previously used in manufacturing or being factory wastes, also included the pressing of this waste or its wrapping in bundles , cutting, grinding and packing in bags for industrial purposes or for re-using.Professional
3830910.0Construction & Demolition Waste RecyclingIncludes recycling Construction and demolition, the process involves segregation, crushing to obtain steel, stones, and other recyclables and to convert the rest into environment friendly materials.Industrial
3830911.0Sewage Grease TreatmentIncludes removing fats and grease from grease traps in sewer pipes by special techniques, then to treat thermally and chemically in specialized stations to separate oils from water and other particles, it involves further processing to refine these materials.Professional
3830913.0Solvents Waste RecyclingIncludes refining, processing and purifying of solvent residues to render reusable products for their initial purpose or for anther industrial using.Professional
3830914.0Aircraft Dismantling Includes firms engaged in removal of valuable parts and components from a decommissioned aircrafts, which are intended to be reused in the aviation industry, and taking out other parts for non-aviation purposes and tearing down the rest of the aircraft for recycling purposes. Professional
3900001.0Pollution & Environment Protection ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing pollution control services either through pre-pollution control measures or by means of removing wastes mechanically, chemically, or by carbon surface absorption or by any other pollution control techniques.Professional
3900002.0Naval & land Unexploded Ordnance & Mines DisposalIncludes firms that remove unexploded ordnance resulting from military exercises and wars on land and at sea, make a photogrammetric survey of areas affected by military remnants and issue certificates certifying that these areas are free of any explosive ordnance, in the case of construction and development of such areas.Professional
3900003.0Dismantling & Destroying Equipment & military weaponsIncludes firms approved for the destruction of weapons and military equipment, such as, rifles, machine guns and their parts, the destruction of munitions, such as, bullets, hand grenades, land mines and waste in a suitable and safe place.Professional
3900004.0Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide ServicesIncludes firms engaged in removing carbon dioxide by injecting it into peridotite rocks and mineralizing it, so that the carbon dioxide is turned into rock and remove it foreverProfessional
4100002.0Building ContractingIncludes firms involved in constructions of all kinds and for different uses, mainly residential, farms, industrial, commercial, schools, hospitals, airports, public and agricultural buildings, also building adjusting, general maintenance, interior decoration, landscaping as well as electrical fittings and sanitary plumbing, the number of floors to be constructed shall be set by Dubai Municipality.Commercial
4100003.0Steel Constructions ContractingIncludes firms specialized in executing all operations related to steel constructions, as well as installing prefabricated steel structures on site, such as factories, warehouses, hangars, sheds, bridges structures and tunnels, also the execution of all civil works for such installations, mainly foundation piling, floor paving, lay connections. Firms engaged in manufacturing such structures are classified under class 2811, the number of floors involved shall be set by Dubai MunicipalityCommercial
4100004.0Pre-Fabricated Buildings ContractingIncludes firms specialized in assembling houses made of prefabricated wooden or metal panels or others manufactured and transported to be located on site. It also includes connections works and base installation as well as other site fittingsCommercial
4100006.0Pre-Fabricated Concrete Houses ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing all types of pre-fabricated concrete buildings, firms specialized in casting parts at factories without involving installation at sites are classified under Class 2695. This activity does not include firms that carry out partial construction by pre-fabricated parts.Commercial
4100007.0Prestressed Concrete ContractingIncludes firms engaged in the installation of the prestressed concrete structures which are precast in the plants.Professional
4100013.0Meteorology Projects ContractingIncludes firms involved in constructing weather stations on land or sea for accommodating the instruments and equipment that observe the atmospheric conditions to provide information for weather forecast and to study the weather and climate.Commercial
4100017.03D Printing Building Construction ContractingIncludes qualified firms that use new building system by using 3D printing technology in implementing building constructions of all kinds and using them up to the completion stage.Commercial
4210001.0Road ContractingIncludes general contracting of roads, streets, internal roads, parking areas, airports runways, also, adjustment, maintenance and reparation works.Commercial
4210003.0Tunnels ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing, modifying, repairing and maintaining tunnels.Commercial
4210004.0Railways ContractingIncludes firms specialized in executing the civil works for building and maintaining railway lines, including earth excavation and leveling for running the tracks as well as the mechanical works of welding and fixing metals.Commercial
4210005.0Helicopter Landing Pad (Helipad) InstallationIncludes constructing and installing fixed and temporary platforms for helicopters landing, whether on the ground, high rise buildings, oil platforms, including installing all the equipment that enable the safe landing.Professional
4210006.0Road Marking ContractingIncludes firms engaged in making roads and streets marks such as light reflectors, guiding lines and arrows, lane marking, pedestrian crossings and traffic signs.Professional
4210007.0Bridges & Dams ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing, modifying, repairing and maintaining bridges and dams.Commercial
4220101.0Electric Power Lines ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining electric power lines, including civil and electromechanical works and the installation of project equipment.Commercial
4220102.0Power Stations Contracting & RepairingIncludes firms specialized in the construction of electric power plants to generate energy from different sources, including the execution of civil works and mechanical works, such as installing the machinery, generators and other necessary equipment, it also involves the constructing power boosting sub-stations, distribution centers and other facilities related to energy network and distribution.Commercial
4220103.0Wireless Communication Towers ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining wireless communication towers, including civil and electromechanical works and the installation of project equipment.Commercial
4220104.0Communication Lines ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining communication lines, including civil and electromechanical works and the installation of project equipment.Commercial
4220201.0Desalination Plants ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining desalination plants, including civil and electromechanical works and the installation of project equipment, also, constructing sub main networks to collect, desalinate and connect with the main distribution network.Commercial
4220202.0Water Pipelines & Station ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining water pipelines and stations, including civil and electromechanical works, installation of project equipment, constructing sub main networks ..etc.Commercial
4220303.0Sewage & Drainage ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining sewer systems, including civil and electromechanical works, installation of project equipment, constructing sub main networks ..etc.Commercial
4220401.0Water Well Drilling ContractingIncludes drilling wells to get ground water by manual, percussive or rotary digging techniques after specifying the purpose for needing the water, it includes conducting geologic studies to locate the
Ground water reservoirs as well as the site of the well, well maintenance and rehabilitation for optimum performance and longer lasting.
4220902.0Oil & Gas Civil Structural Works Contracting Includes executing the civil and structural works in oil and gas, such as, storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etc.Commercial
4220905.0District Cooling ContractingIncludes firms specialized in constructing and maintaining district cooling stations, including civil and electromechanical works and the installation of project equipment, also, constructing sub main networksCommercial
4220906.0Oil & Gas Mechanical works Contracting Includes executing the mechanical works in oil and gas such as storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etcCommercial
4220907.0Oil & Gas Electrical Works Contracting Includes executing the electrical works in oil and gas such as storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etcCommercial
4220908.0Oil & Gas Instrumentation & Controls Contracting Includes operating machinery and equipment, importing the equipment needed to operate refineries, building their factories and plants, and planning their productionCommercial
4290101.0Ports & Marine Construction ContractingIncludes construction works of marine and coastal structures for: ports, harbours, marinas (excluding floating pontoons & mooring systems), dry docks, artificial islands and waterways, including quay walls, wharves, jetties, breakwaters, revetments etc; coastal protection, stabilization works, breakwaters, revetment, groynes, seawalls, beach nourishment, etc. these works include navigation signs, preparation works and other enabling temporary structuresCommercial
4290902.0Dredging & Reclamation ContractingIncludes capital and maintenance dredging, excavation for waterways, artificial lakes, port basins, borrow areas and environmental dredging, the operations include removal of underwater rocks and sand, do pre-drilling operations such as explosions, cleaning, removal of maritime obstacles and disposal of dredge spoil. Land reclamation for artificial islands, peninsulas, and beach reclamation and maintenance nourishment using material derived from land excavation or from borrow areas including ground improvement.Commercial
4290903.0Service Lines Coring & Ditching ContractingIncludes excavation works either traditionally or mechanically to lay out the lines of public services such as electric and communications lines and water and drainage pipes.Professional
4290905.0Marina Construction ContractingIncludes the installation and maintenance of floating docks, pontoons, jetties along with associated mooring systems comprising of piles, chain, elastic ropes and ancillary works like sewage pump out, water and electricity supply, firefighting systems for recreational, private and government facilities, the works include installation and maintenance of navigational buoys and signs and safety measures Commercial
4290910.0Sport Fields & Halls ContractingIncludes civil engineering works (except constructions) to install indoor and outdoor sport courts, fields, tracks and arenas. Works include flooring, walling, fencing, grandstand fixing and dismantling, as well as supply equipment made to international standards to enhance sport exercising and competitions.Professional
4290911.0Coastal Reclamation ContractingIncludes the drainage of marshes and coastal lands by covering up with sand and rocks brought from other sites, or by using residues of maritime dredging, also, land reclamation and leveling to prepare for any using.Commercial
4290912.0Shooting Ranges WorksIncludes firms specialized in constructing indoor and outdoor shooting ranges, whether for military or civil use, including installing A/C and ventilation systems, sound abatements, static and moving targets, scoring systems, control towers..etc.Professional
4311001.0Wrecking & Demolition WorksIncludes firms engaged in the tearing-down of buildings and other structures on the verge of collapse or for replacement using different techniques, such as cranes for high rise buildings, excavators and manual for medium buildings as well as building implosion using explosives.Professional
4311002.0Civil Exploding WorksIncludes firms engaged in exploding operations for civil purposes on the surface, underground or underwater, also, for construction purposes such as breaking rock layers, building demolition, land filling and leveling deepening water ways ..etc. Exploding for geological test and other civil purposes are also included.Professional
4312002.0Land Draining WorksIncludes firms which carry out underground water suction using equipment and pumps to dewater work sites before the installation of concrete foundations, this being done under sub- contracts with the main contractor of the project. However, if the contracting companies carry out the work themselves, then it would be considered part of their activities.Professional
4312004.0Land Digging, Filling & Leveling Works.Includes firms engaged in prior construction dredging and leveling works which involve site inspection, soil layers testing, digging equipment installation and then the final testing to ensure the land suitability for construction.Professional
4312005.0Sand Compacting & Controlling WorksIncludes firms specialized in sand compacting in order to prevent collapses during construction works or civil projects. It also includes soil stabilization to prevent drifting on highways, or in agricultural projects executed in deserts..Professional
4321001.0Electrical Fitting ContractingIncludes the installation of electric wiring and cable laying in buildings and civil constructions, it involves fixing switch gears, feeding points, distribution panels as well as other power transmitting apparatuses and installations, it also involves the exterior decorative lighting for buildings.Professional
4321004.0Computer Network & Infrastructure Installation & MaintenanceIncludes firms specialized in preparing and installing and maintaining the network and infrastructure of electronic computers, including the excavations for the extension cables and wires, optical fiber, and focal points as well as the attached devices such as servers and compounds connect (including wireless technology), so the composition of the electronic network a group of computers can benefit from the services provided by other computers linked to the network, it involves installing passive and active computer network and WIFI as well as the associated equipment and systems in large complexes such as hotels, hospitals, shopping malls …etc.Professional
4321006.0Traffic & Road Signs InstallationIncludes installing of traffic lights, and road signs posts and gantries in streets, roads and public squares to guide and warn and instruct motorists and pedestrians, also, waterways signaling and guide devices and lighthousesProfessional
4321008.0Radio, TV Station, Cinema, Theater Equipment Installation & MaintenanceIncludes installing equipment of filming, recording, presentation, lighting, audio and visual effects, control systems for radio and T.V. studios and cinema, radio- broadcasting and TV transmission equipment, also, furnishing, flooring, fitting fixtures, repairing and maintenance.Professional
4321009.0Security Equipment Installation & MaintenanceIncludes installing security systems and equipment, such as security doors, metal detectors, thermal binoculars, and police specialized equipment, also, surveillance equipment such as observation cameras, anti-burglar, motion detectors, intercoms, alarms, access control, barrier gates, it involves repairing and maintaining such equipment.Professional
4321010.0Satellite Receiving Equipment Installation & Maintenance Includes installing and fixing apparatus for radio- broadcasting and television transmission, functioning testing, as well as maintenance and reparation services.Professional
4321011.0Electricity Transmission & Control Apparatus InstallationIncludes firms engaged in installing and maintaining electric power transmission and distribution equipment and devices, such as current rectifiers, alternation controllers, operation panels, electric and electronic control apparatuses and distribution panels.Professional
4321012.0Specialized Piping & Related Fittings Contracting.Includes executing various specialized piping, including medical gases in hospitals, fuel gases in facilities and factories, computer and optical fibers lines and waste chutes, also, fitting fixtures and operation control.Professional
4321013.0Internal Communication Network Installation & MaintenanceIncludes designing internal communication systems and networks installed in large complexes, hotels, hospitals, public institutions, student hostels and others, also, fixing telephone calls reception and answering machines and the maintenance and repair services.Professional
4321014.0Underwater Telecommunications & Power Cables Installation & Maintenance ServicesIncludes laying communications cable on the sea bed between land-based stations to carry telecommunication signals across of the ocean, including the cables that use optical fiber technology to carry digital data, such as telephone, internet, and private data traffic, it involves submarine power cables which carrying electric power below the surface of the water.Professional
4321018.0Advertising Sign Boards InstallationIncludes electric and non-electric sign boards installation works as well as some simple assembling and special systems fitting.Commercial
4322002.0Plumbing & Sanitary InstallationIncludes fixing water pipes at home and sanitary installation such as washbasins, bathtubs, lavatories, tapes, spigots, and bathroom and kitchen articlesProfessional
4322003.0Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment InstallationIncludes fixing, testing, operating fire fighting and safety equipment, as well as training services on how to run and maintain.Professional
4322005.0Air-Condition, Ventilations & Air Filtration Systems Installation & MaintenanceIncludes series of installation processes ranging from fitting devices and accessories to air-conditions, ventilators, air-purifiers , to reconditioning and maintaining the old units, cleaning air ducts, fixing fans, fabric filters, sound dampers… etc. It also involves installing air-sterilizers in foodstuff cold stores, kitchens, hospitals, laboratories, animal breeding and husbandry rooms, electronic plants, any facility that requires highly purified air or air with specific gas concentration.Professional
4322008.0Electromechanical Equipment Installation & MaintenanceIncludes assembling and testing, whether on site or elsewhere, for mechanical and electromechanical equipment and machinery utilized in workshops and factories, also, energy generators, boilers, cold compartments, coolers, central kitchens, automatic laundries…etc.Professional
4322009.0Central Gas Distribution Networks ContractingIncludes firms engaged in installing and controlling the safety of central gas systems in buildings, the components include, the fittings, filling and distribution apparatus, measure and control fixtures, the process involves maintaining such systems and providing periodic inspection and reporting to the concerned parties as well as the provision of technical support to end users.Commercial
4322011.0Solar Energy Systems Installation Includes firms engaged in installing and maintaining solar panels and slabs energy systems (photovoltaic) on tops and facades of residential and commercial buildings, or on the ground to generate power from solar energy.Professional
4322101.0Ventilation & Smoke Control Equipment InstallationIncludes installing smoke ventilation systems in residential, commercial, healthcare or educational as part of the overall fire strategy for the building, and which is designed to facilitate the safe escape of occupants in the event of a fire by keeping escape and access routes free from smoke and also enable the fire to be fought in its early stages, and reducing the risk of the fire developing further.Professional
4322102.0Technical Services ContractingIncludes firms engaged in Installation works for false ceilings and light partitions, glass and aluminium,Commercial
4329101.0Lifts & Escalators ContractingPlumbing and sanitary, painting, carpentry and flooring, metal parts erection, steel products, plaster, insulation. Professional
4329104.0Airports Ground Support Equipment Installation & Maintenance
Includes the installation, maintenance and calibration of devices and equipment used in airport operations, such as, baggage belts, x-ray detectors, metal detectors, baggage and person scanners, radar devices and any other devices and equipment used in airport operations.Professional
4329901.0Building MaintenanceIncludes maintenance of buildings only, excluding any equipment or extensions available inside, such operations include restoration and reparations of roofs, columns, walls, floors and others.Professional
4329904.0Electrical Fittings & Fixtures Repairing & Maintenance Includes repair and maintenance of electrical installations in buildings and civil constructions, including cables, wires, switches and feeding points, distribution panels.Professional
4329906.0Sanitary Installation & Pipes RepairingIncludes repairing sanitary installations and water pipes in the kitchen and the rest of the house.Professional
4329915.0Swimming Pools MaintenanceIncludes periodical or general maintenance and repair of swimming pools and water treatment by using special cleaning sterilizing products and equipment to ensure high purity, also, general maintenance and repair of water pipes, pumps and drainers, electric fittings, light fixtures, painting, installing insulation and coating materials… etc.Professional
4329916.0Historical Sites RestorationIncludes firms engaged in restoring and renewing old buildings and historical sites, as well as partially or wholly reassembling using materials and techniques that maintain their historical features.Professional
4330003.0Painting ContractingIncludes firms specialized in carry out painting works for residential, commercial, industrial facilities.Professional
4330005.0Carpentry & wood Flooring WorksIncludes flooring installation and woodwork inside the house except home furniture.Professional
4330007.0Kitchens InstallationIncludes firms that install kitchens of all kinds and the necessary tools and repair them in homes, buildings, restaurants, and others.Professional
4330011.0Steel Products Installation & MaintenanceIncludes installing and maintaining steel doors, windows, advertising signboards frames, balconies, staircases, fences, window grids and garden fences.Professional
4330012.0Engraving & Ornamentation WorksIncludes drawing, engraving, and interior decoration using colors, wood, gypsum or others.Professional
4330013.0Glass & Aluminum Installation & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in glass works as well as installing and maintaining aluminum doors, windows, advertising signboards frames, balconies, staircases, fences, window grids and garden fences.Professional
4330015.0Interior DecorationIncludes interior decoration works, including wooden oriels, gypsum decoration of ceilings, flooring and curtains fixing as well as other similar complete works executed by the firm.Professional
4330016.0Wallpaper Fixing WorksIncludes fixing wallpaper in the interior walls of homes, offices, and other buildings and others in different designs to cover walls defects and cracks and to decorate.Professional
4330018.0False Ceiling & Light Partitions InstallationIncludes the fitting of false ceilings and wooden or metallic partitions used to divide space in offices or other premises.Professional
4330019.0Floor & Wall Tiling WorksIncludes firms specialized in flooring and wall tiling with ceramic, cement and natural stones.Professional
4330021.0Plaster WorksIncludes firms specialized in plastering interiors of buildings with marble, granite, natural stones, tile, ceramic for protective or decorative purposes.Professional
4330022.0Exterior Building Cladding ContractingIncludes firms engaged in installing the metal and class cladding in the exterior of buildings, it involves preparing execution plans for fixing as well as the processes that ensure it’s safety.Commercial
4330023.0Fire Retardant Lining Materials InstallationIncludes firms engaged in installing non-combustible lining materials made of different materials by extruding between interior walls and ceilings to make high heat resistant and prevent flames spreading.Professional
4330024.0Fire Retardant Exterior Cladding Installation Includes firms engaged in installing non-combustible lining materials made of different materials by extruding between exterior cladding materials to make high heat resistant and prevent flames spreading.Professional
4330101.0Fire & Smoke Resistant Doors, Windows, Walls & Partitions Installation Includes installing smoke and fire-resistance rating doors, windows, walls and partitions made of glass, metal or timber in residential, commercial, healthcare or educational, and which are used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of fire and smoke between separate compartments of a building and to enable safe escape of occupants in the event of a fire, as well as reducing the risk of the fire developing further.Professional
4330102.0Technical Services ContractingIncludes firms engaged in Installation works for false ceilings and light partitions, glass and aluminium,Commercial
4330103.0Decoration Design & ImplementationIncludes firms engaged in the design and implementation of decoration, landscaping, exhibitions fixtures, it involves preparing the engineering designs and specifications as well as calculations and executionProfessional
4390001.0Piling & Foundation ContractingIncludes firms engaged in foundation works, pile-driving operations, building site and soil testing, excavation equipment installations, as well as concrete foundations testingProfessional
4390002.0Insulation ContractingIncludes installing insulators in different facilities for damp proofing, waterproofing, heat, sound proofing, and vibrations.Professional
4390005.0Reinforced Carpentry & Steel works Contracting in BuildingsIncludes firms specialized in reinforcing steel works and reinforced carpentry of concrete elements in buildings, such as (bases, ground and upper bridges (beams), ceilings, retaining walls, and reinforced building works), by carrying out the implementation of the wooden formwork and the preparation of the reinforcing steel, in accordance with the engineering plans and specifications and by using modern systems in this regard, taking into account the technical principles and public safety in the execution of worksCommercial
4390006.0Metal Parts Fixtures Contracting.Includes firms specialized in supplying and installing metal parts for buildings, including boilers, water and liquid storage tanks, chimneys and silos, as well as others needed for constructional projects. It also includes installing non- structural metal parts in buildings, constructing metal towers, lay metal pipelines, it does not involve any manufacturing, but supplying and installing parts and on site.Professional
4390007.0Concrete WorksIncludes firms engaged in concrete works, including concrete injection, spray insulation as well as marine constructions concrete.Professional
4390008.0Scaffolding ContractingIncludes temporary frames of metal pipes or other materials, used to support people and materials in the constructions or repair of buildings, including, all inshore, offshore and oilfields constructions and structures.Professional
4390010.0Exhibition Stand Fitting & ExecutionIncludes firms engaged in installing exhibitions fixtures including walls, ceilings, podiums and requisites, also, fitting water pipes, power connectors, telephone and computer accessories.Professional
4390011.0Swimming Pools Installation WorksIncludes installing pools made from concrete, metal, plastic and fiberglass, and is intended for swimming or water based recreations or lifeguard training, including Olympic-size pools, and pools in public and private places, hotels, sport and health clubs, also, water pipes, pumps and drainers, electric fittings, light fixtures, painting, insulation and coating materials… etc.Professional
4390013.0Fencing & Barbed Wire Installation WorksIncludes installing and maintaining fence and barbed wire in industrial, agricultural installations, airports, military facilities to prevent crossing.Professional
4390019.0Electronic Parking Management Systems Installation & MaintenanceIncludes installing electronic systems to guide incoming cars to empty spaces in the parking lot , it involves installing an ultrasonic sensors at each car space to determine whether is full or empty , an electronic board is installed at the entrance to indicate the vacancies in each parking lot.Professional
4390020.0Landscaping WorksIncludes interior and exterior landscaping and the pertaining works of constructions and fitting of fixtures, including swimming pools, fountains, water-falls, water ways and bridges…etc.Professional
4390021.0Automated Car Parking Systems Installation & MaintenanceIncludes installing automatic systems capable of parking the cars in the parking garage by a programmed palletless automatic Robots , it involves receiving the car at the entry module , transfer to a vacant space and to transfer again to the exit module when the car is recalled , such parking garage can be constructed above ground and underground.Professional
4390022.0Tents & Sheds InstallationIncludes firms engaged in installing different types of tents, whether small for use inside homes, beaches and picnics, as well as large ones for organizing celebrations and popular and official events, such as, wedding parties, exhibitions, conferences, school celebrations…etc., it includes the installation of roofed structure, such as, sheds to be used inside gardens or to protect against weather conditions.Professional
4390023.0Concrete RestorationIncludes firms engaged in concrete restoration, including the repair of the cracks and the concrete partial collapse using special kind of concrete, it involves also reinforcement steel corrosion treatment.Professional
4510101.0New Motor Vehicles TradingIncludes reselling of new motor vehicle for personal passenger use, or for commercial use. Commercial
4510102.0Buses & Trucks TradingIncludes reselling buses intended for transporting passengers, as well as trucks designated for transporting goods and building materials, tanks for transporting liquids and other vehicles and transport vehicles of different sizes and types.Commercial
4510103.0Specialized Vehicles TradingIncludes reselling specialized motor vehicles including ambulances, fire engines, garbage collectors , street sweepers, truck- mounted cranes for loading and discharging and truck mixers.Commercial
4510104.0Specialized Electric Cars TradingIncludes electric mini cars designed to serve in golf clubs, football stadiums, horse racetracks as well as passengers and visitors shuttles in airports and malls.Commercial
4510105.0Specialized Vehicles for Safe Transport TradingIncludes selling of vehicles fitted with protective accessories to allow for safe transport of people and valuables and hazardous materials.Commercial
4510106.0Trailers TradingIncludes reselling attached to trucks for transporting cargo and containers.Commercial
4510110.0Racing Cars TradingIncludes reselling different racing cars, which are exclusively restricted to racing tracks.Commercial
4510111.0Caravans & Motorhomes TradingIncludes trading caravans and motorhomes whether towed behind a road vehicle or self-propelled and which are equipped for living, camping or travelling, it also includes the types that are used in specialized transport such as transporting animals and othersCommercial
4510201.0Used Luxury Automobiles TradingIncludes selling of luxury automobiles distinguished with elite designs and finest engineering specifications and manufacturing accuracy and high prices production. This activity defines the factors for classifying luxury automobiles in terms of price and brand and the price must not be less than 700.000 AEDCommercial
4510202.0New Automobile Trading for ExportIncludes firms dealing in exporting new cars only, these firms are not allowed to open shops and sell cars directly to the public as the activity no. 4510101 “New Motor Vehicles Trading”.Commercial
4510901.0Used Automobile TradingIncludes repair and maintenance of electrical installations in buildings and civil constructions, including cables, wires, switches and feeding points, distribution panels.Commercial
4510902.0Used Trucks TradingIncludes reselling used trucks for transporting goods, building materials and liquid tankers…etcCommercial
4510907.0Classic Cars TradingIncludes selling older automobiles and which are distinguished by their respective fine design, high engineering standards and superior workmanship, the factors determine a car as a classic include engine displacement, custom coachwork and luxury accessories, power brakes, power clutch …etc.Commercial
4510915.0Used Automobile Trading for ExportIncludes firms dealing in exporting used cars only, these firms are not allowed to open shops and sell cars directly to the public as the activity no. 5010-04 “Used Automobile Trading”.Commercial
4520001.0Auto Denting & PaintingIncludes restoration and painting of the vehicle body affected by accidents or otherwise, including denting, chassis modify, welding works, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520003.0Auto Mechanical RepairIncludes workshops that repair mechanical breakdowns for vehicles and cars, including installing the hydraulic system to control the brakes and steering wheel and improve the level of fuel circulation, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520005.0Auto Electric RepairIncludes maintaining and repairing the components of the auto electric system which starts and control the operation of the different parts of the car, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520006.0Auto Radiators Repair & MaintenanceIncludes repairing, cleaning and restoring vehicle radiators, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520007.0Tire Fitting & RepairingIncludes workshops engaged in fitting, replacing and repairing cars and motor vehicles tyres and tubes as well as, wheel alignment, such firms are allowed to sell the products relevant to the service provision, such as, tyres in non-commercia quantities.Professional
4520009.0Car Washing & CleaningIncludes firms engaged in different vehicles washing and cleaning services through immovable auto or manual washing stations, it involves cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, these firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
4520010.0Auto Oil ChangeIncludes changing engine oil and other fluids which maintain the efficiency of the vehicle, such firms are allowed to sell the products relevant to the service provision, such as, grease and lubricants and liquids in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520011.0Auto Rust Proofing ServicesIncludes proofing cars with rust-resistant materials such as chrome, steel and others that protect them from corrosion and rust caused by external factors, these firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
4520012.0Auto Accessories FittingIncludes fitting non-essential automotive exterior accessories which embellish the look and feel of an automobile or add functionality, as well as the interior electronic and smart devices, also installing window film to reduce sun heat and glare, these firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
4520013.0Auto Exhaust RepairIncludes maintaining and repairing car exhausts to minimize the noise produced by the engine as well as reducing engine emissions, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520017.0Car Polish ServicesIncludes performing auto exterior polishing and waxing to bring back the shine and gloss to the car’s paintwork as well as all other visible components on the exterior of a vehicle, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520018.0Vehicles Upholstery ServicesIncludes providing vehicles seats with liners, springs, woven strips and covers in cloth or leather, these firms are allowed to sell activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
4520021.0Auto Air-Condition Repair & MaintenanceIncludes maintaining and repairing the air-conditioning system of the car, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520023.0Auto General RepairIncludes firms that repair all types of mechanical failure in light and heavy motor vehicles.Professional
4520027.0Refrigerated Trailers Repair Includes maintenance and repair of refrigerated trailers for foodstuff transport, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
4520028.0Auto Phones Installation & RepairIncludes fitting mobile phones into automobiles.Professional
4520029.0Parking Car WashingIncludes firms engaged in car washing and cleaning manually or through specially equipped movable vehicles which carry out such services in public parking lots and parking facilities in malls and other premisesProfessional
4520101.0Mobile Auto Repair ServicesIncludes firms engaged in motor vehicles emergency repair on road by using mobile workshops, it involves mechanical, electrical, A/C and tyre repair.Professional
4530001.0Auto Spare Parts & components TradingIncludes reselling spare parts and to use fully or partially in repairing and maintaining motor vehicles, buses, trucks and trailers and other relevant requisites including oils, detergents, paints.. etc..Commercial
4530003.0Used Auto Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the spare parts and components which cover the overall of the motor vehicle such as body parts and mirrors, brakes, suspension and steering, engine and drive train , exterior and interior accessories, headlights and lighting.Commercial
4530005.0Tyres & AccessoriesTradingIncludes reselling of various types of tyres and requisites including casings, rims and tubes.Commercial
4530008.0Batteries TradingIncludes reselling power generation and storage batteries for cars, boats, motorcycles and other machinery.Commercial
4530011.0Auto Accessories TradingIncludes the reselling accessories fitted in cars and vehicle exterior such as, additional bumpers to adjust the exterior, air deflectors to increase the car’s efficiency, baggage loading racks to diversify the car’s use, sun and rain protectors and small trailers, as well as the interior electronic and smart devices, also, devices fitted in public service vehicles such as police, ambulances and fire engines.Commercial
4530016.0Used Tires Waste TradingIncludes collecting and reselling used tires waste of vehicles and trucks, such as the inner steel belt or the outside rubber.Commercial
4540101.0Motorcycles TradingIncludes reselling the two or three wheeled motorized motorcycles for cruising in paved roads or for off road use, including selling spare parts and motorcyclists accessories such as helmets .Commercial
4540102.0Motorcycles Spare Parts & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling the parts and components used for the repair or replacement of motorcycles failed parts, also the motorcyclists accessories such as helmets.Commercial
4540103.0Motorcycles RepairIncludes workshops that repair mechanical failures in motorcycles .Professional
4540104.0Off Road Karts & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling three or four wheeled vehicles which run by petrol and used for recreation and sports, also, spare parts and components.Commercial
4540107.0Jet Ski TradingIncludes reselling personal watercraft used water recreational activities and sport.Commercial
4540110.0Scooters Trading Includes reselling the electric scooters which are equipped with battery to produce power. Commercial
4610002.0Commercial AgenciesIncludes firms specialized in representing the principal for the purpose of distributing, selling, displaying or providing a commodity or service within the UAE in exchange for a commission or profit resulting from the provision of this commodity, for the agency to be valid, the agent must be directly related to the original principal by a written and notarized contractCommercial
4610004.0Auction HallIncludes firms engaged in buying and selling goods by offering them up for bid whether indoor for items like jewellery and vehicles and phone numbers, or outdoor bidding for items like cars and real estate.Professional
4610005.0Authentic Artifacts & Antiques Auction HouseIncludes firms which conduct auctions of genuine artifacts, antiques and/or artworks. Auctions may be held for either commercial or non-commercial purposes and may be held on behalf of a third party (e.g. art gallery, charity).Professional
4610006.0Merchandising servicesIncludes firms engaged in displaying and presenting products in supermarkets and retail stores to maximize sales, including, wrapping some goods with gifts, pictures or cards to promote.Professional
4610007.0Permanent Industrial ExhibitionIncludes exhibitions set up by foreign governmental or private corporations for the purpose of exhibiting their industrial products, such exhibitions exist permanently and their roge is confined to products exhibiting, providing data and information and facilitate contact between different parties for making deals.Professional
4610010.0Commercial BrokersIncludes firms engaged in bringing sellers and buyers involved in wholesale and retail trade together in return of a commission or remuneration, these firms are neither allowed to trade on own account nor practice brokerage in real estate, services, shares and bonds and finance.Professional
4610011.0Turnkey Projects ContractingIncludes firm specialized in supplying private and governmental facilities like educational, military and health units, hotels, banks public departments, offshore firms and others with furniture, decorations, equipment, fixtures, appliances and utensils. Firms classified under this activity execute such services and the required installations either through direct contracting or by sub-contractors, these firms are permitted to directly import their materials, but not re-export or trade them.Commercial
4610012.0Discount Cards ServicesIncludes firms which provide other parties with cards that can be used to obtain reduced prices or certain facilities when buying products or services from a group of shops, hotels or other firms participating in the program of reduced prices or facilities provided by such cards, such firms are neither allowed impose charges for obtaining the cards nor to impose contracts on the customers against the provision of the service.Professional
4610015.0Military Companies RepresentativeIncludes firms act as representative to foreign manufacturers or suppliers of military equipment and supplies, such as aircrafts, naval ships, vehicles, weapons, ammunitions, gears… etc., such firms are allowed to involve in marketing, boost business, or facilitate agreements between the foreign companies and the potential local customers.Commercial
4620101.0Grains, Cereals & Legumes TradingIncludes reselling cereals and fruits such as rice, wheat, barley, corn, dates, citrus, legumes, beans, chick peas, and others. It also includes peeling, blending and bleaching for preparation before consumption.Commercial
4620102.0Flowers & Ornamental Plants TradingIncludes reselling and arranging various types of raw flowers and ornamental plantsCommercial
4620105.0Trees Seedlings, Ornamental Plants &
Annual Flowers Trading
Includes firms that resell plant
palm, fruits and shade trees, seedlings like odorous plants, ornament plants, flowers, bulbs.
4620108.0Fodder TradingIncludes reselling animals and birds fodder, whether of vegetal or animal origin such as straw and ha and fish powder respectively.Commercial
4620110.0Agricultural Crops SellingIncludes agricultural firms engaged in selling agricultural crops from the local production, including wholesale or retail sale within the stores or farms or local markets.Professional
4620115.0Fodder & Animal Feed Mixing & PackagingIncludes firms that mix and pack various types of fodder and animal feed in order to produce a balanced mixture of protein, vitamins and mineral salts that lead to the growth of the animal as required, and it also provides them with the necessary protection from immunity diseasesCommercial
4620201.0Live Stock TradingIncludes reselling livestock such as camels, cows, horses, goats and sheeps.Commercial
4620204.0Horses TradingIncludes reselling Arabian and thoroughbred horses for racing, training and breeding.Commercial
4620205.0Hides TradingIncludes reselling dried animal hides before tanning or any other converting process.Commercial
4620206.0Tanned Leathers TradingIncludes reselling of tanned and processed animal leather to render for industrial or any other use.Commercial
4620207.0Horns, Hooves & Animal Bones TradingIncludes reselling of animal bones, hooves and horns before making any converting process.Commercial
4620208.0Fish & Meat Wastes TradingIncludes reselling fish crusts and intestines, slaughtered animals and bird’s blood, intestines, and non-edible parts in order to be used commercially or industrially..Commercial
4620209.0Wool & Animal Hair TradingIncludes reselling cut animal wool and hair before making any converting process, also, bird feathers.Commercial
4620210.0Bovine Semen TradingIncludes firms specialized in trading local or imported high quality semen derived from bulls with better genetic potentials to use in artificial insemination to assure the diversity of herd as well as improving the quality and quantity of the milk produced.Commercial
4620902.0Birds TradingIncludes reselling different species of birds, rare, ornamental and falconidaes like hawks and eagles (provided that selling not internationally prohibited ) birds breeding tools and foods are also involvedProfessional
4630136.0Local Aquaculture Products SellingIncludes agricultural firms engaged in selling aquatic animals and plants from local farms, it includes wholesale or retail in the store, farm or local markets.Professional
4630211.0Foodstuff Supply ServicesIncludes supplying, by contracts, fresh or canned foodstuff to other entities for direct consumption or for industrial use.Commercial
4630901.0Tobacco & Cigarettes TradingIncludes reselling of processed and prepared tobacco for smoking, as well as cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, shisha tobacco, electrically heated tobacco rolls, such products must be manufactured and packed according to the terms and conditions and specifications of the competent authorities and as per the prevailing respective law, the activity should not be given to shops and commercial centers located in residential neighborhoods.Commercial
4641210.0Military Dress Trading Includes firms specialized in trading of all types of light military clothing for the army, police and civil defense such as uniforms, shoes, hats, backpacks, belts.Commercial
4649067.0Drug StoreIncludes firms licensed to import and store registered pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and herbal medicines, alternative medicine, drugs and distribute the same on wholesale basisCommercial
4659306.0Heavy & Light Aircrafts & Helicopters TradingIncludes trading of all types of civil aircrafts , and helicopters used for transportation of people and cargo, search and rescue, tourism, medical transport and aerial observation, and other civil related usagesCommercial
4659959.0Military Weapons TradingIncludes establishments specialized in trading spare parts for all types of military equipment, vehicles and weapons.
4659969.0Military Ammunition, Explosives & Pyrotechnic productsIncludes firms specialized in the wholesale and import of all types of firearms, ammunition and equipment that are designed specifically for military use like machine guns, individual weapons, such as revolvers, shotguns, ammunition and projectiles, also, military smoke screens, sonic bombs and signaling flares, it excludes hunting rifles.Commercial
4661003.0Refined Oil Products TradingIncludes selling oil products derived from converting crude oil in refineries to use in petrochemical industries, such as, methanol, urea, olivine, or fuels of airplanes and ships, kerosene, fuel oil, sulfur and nitrogen compounds, or heavy products such as tar, heavy oil, wax, these firms are not allowed to deal in diesel and gasoline.Commercial
4661006.0Fuel DistributionIncludes reselling motor vehicles, motorcycles fuels as well as similar fuels used in boats, including petrol and gasoline through a network of petrol stations, also, other fuels such as aircraft fuel and keroseneCommercial
4661010.0Fuel Supply ServicesIncludes firms engaged in supplying sea and land transport companies, industrial firms, power generating plants with fuel and lubricants and other similar materials to operate machinery and equipment.Professional
4661011.0Compressed Natural Gas TradingIncludes selling compressed natural gas which is made by compressing natural gas to less than 1% of the volume it occupies at standard atmospheric pressure, and It is stored and distributed in hard containers in cylindrical or spherical shapes, it’s as fuel that can be used in place of gasoline, diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas, it’s used in traditional gasoline automobiles that have been modified or in vehicles specifically manufactured for CNG use, or in conjunction with another fuel such as Diesel (bi-fuel).Commercial
4661101.0Crude Oil Trading AbroadIncludes the trading process carried outside the UAE for the crude oil before processing and refining into more useful products.Commercial
4661102.0Trading Refined Oil Products AbroadIncludes the trading process carried outside the UAE for the crude oil before processing and refining into more useful products.Commercial
4661103.0Diesel Fuel TradingIncludes reselling diesel fuel, not directly to customers, but to industrial and commercial corporations for fuelling vehicles, ships, planes or in industrial or marine equipment.Commercial
4661104.0Jet Fuel Supply ServicesIncludes firms engaged in supplying air transport companies with fuel and lubricants and other similar materials to use in operations.Professional
4662001.0Metal Ores TradingIncludes reselling industrial basic ores for extracting various metals including hematite, bauxite, and zinc ore…etc.Commercial
4663029.0Fly Ash TradingIncludes reselling fly ash which is produced from the combustion of pulverized cool in electricity generation power station boilers, to use as extender (or partial replacement) for cement in concretes and mortar, to increase strength, durability and chemical resistance.Commercial
4663101.0Building & Construction Materials Wholesale TradingIncludes wholesale merchants engaged in the wholesale trade building and construction materials to retailers, to industrial, commercial, professional users, this activity is exclusively available to firms intend to practice wholesaling in warehouses.Commercial
4669101.0Waste Paper TradingIncludes collecting and reselling recyclable paper waste in order to produce new paper products, it includes paper trimmings and waste produced from paper manufacturing, packaging and printing.Commercial
4669102.0Scrap & Metal Waste TradingIncludes collecting and trading of nonhazardous metal scrap that is disposed after being used by households, industrial and agricultural facilities.Commercial
4669104.0Waste Plastic TradingIncludes collecting and reselling all non- hazardous plastic waste, such as water bottles, boxes, shopping bags, dishes and food containers, after being used and disposed of by households, industrial and agricultural facilities, in order recycle and transform into new plastic products.Commercial
4669109.0Aircraft Scrap & Used Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling aircraft scrap and used spare parts obtained from dismantling and scraping old aircrafts.Commercial
4669112.0Glass Waste TradingIncludes reselling non-hazardous glass waste collected from various sources in order to be recycled and transformed into new glass products.Commercial
4669113.0Used Cooking Oils TradingIncludes selling waste cooking oils collected from restaurants in order to recycle and use in producing soap and biodiesel.Commercial
4669114.0Textiles & Fabrics waste TradingIncludes reselling textiles and fabrics waste such as damaged clothes, curtains, beds’ sheets, collected from various sources in order to be recycled and recovered.Commercial
4669117.0Military Scrap TradingIncludes firms specialized in the trade of all types of military scrap whether resulting from weapons projectiles or those discharged from dismantling and destroying weapons and military equipment.Commercial
4669208.0Basic Industrial Chemicals TradingIncludes reselling intermediate chemicals such as resins, compounds, salts, sulfates, sulfurs, and others used in manufacturing by blending with other substances to produce paints, ink, cosmetics, detergents, fertilizers, pesticides, final chemical products, manufacturing metals, water purification and sterilization, in food industries such as preservatives, colorants, additives, flavors and fragrances, or in environment protection.Commercial
4669209.0Industrial Solvents TradingIncludes reselling of solvents and abrasives for cleaning equipment and machinery in factories and workshops, or for central air-conditioners, lifts, boilers, as well as motor and ship engines.Commercial
4669210.0Medical Gas TradingIncludes reselling of specially bottled gases for medical and treatment purposes, including oxygen, sterilization and anesthesia gases.Commercial
4669211.0Industrial & Liquefied Natural Gas TradingIncludes reselling of liquid gases used for industrial purposes, such as workshop welding, and gas for operating household air-conditioners and refrigerators, involving also, liquefied natural gas used for generation of electricity, production of hydrogen and ammonia after warming the LNG into natural gas.Commercial
4669212.0Tannery & Dyeing Materials TradingIncludes reselling the solutions that contain dyes and particular chemical material used to add color to textile products, it also involves the acidic chemical compounds for treating skins of animals to produce leather.Commercial
4669213.0Acids & Alkalines TradingIncludes reselling acids and alkalines for producing other industrial products and compounds.Commercial
4669214.0Photography Processing Materials TradingIncludes reselling photography processing chemicals and photographs printing papers.Commercial
4669215.0Fire Extinguishing Materials TradingIncludes reselling fire control and extinguishing gases, foams and specially treated water, as well as these materials original chemicals.Commercial
4669217.0Non Edible Oil TradingIncludes reselling of vegetable and animal non-edible oil used for industrial purposes.Commercial
4669218.0Adhesives TradingIncludes reselling of glass, metal, plastic, wood fixing adhesive, packs, boxes, carton boxes closing tapes, paper, tiles, flooring and cladding adhesives and tapes, and any other material not classified under glue and gum.Commercial
4669219.0Gum & Glue TradingIncludes reselling gum and glue for direct use or use in producing various chemical compounds, as substances for adhesive and cosmetics.Commercial
4669222.0Oilfield Chemicals TradingIncludes reselling chemicals for various oilfield applications like production, well stimulation, drilling and injection.Commercial
4669223.0Construction Chemicals TradingIncludes reselling chemical agents and products to use in building for concrete improving and curing before and after pouring, water and humidity proofing, pounding and adhesion, joints sealing, solvents, floors handling, pasting and painting.Commercial
4669226.0Laboratories Chemicals TradingIncludes reselling of solutions and chemicals for scientific experiments and research, laboratory analysis, including organic and non- organic acids, alkaline, alcohol, salts, compounds elements, rocks, metals and other solid or liquid chemicals.Commercial
4669227.0Petrochemicals TradingIncludes the resale of petrochemicals derived from transforming refined oil derivatives and classified as light petrochemicals such as Olovires, Butylene, Ethylene, Probalene, aromatic compounds, Benzene, Toluene, Xylene Methanol, Formaldehyde, Ammonia and Urea, or intermediate petrochemicals such as Monovinyl chloride and final petrochemicals such as polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, carbon and the Hydrogen.such products are used in various commercial and industrial as crude before any treatment or transformative operations.Commercial
4669228.0Animal Fodder Supplements TradingIncludes reselling supplements added to at processing fodder, whether of vegetal or animal origin, such as vitamins, amino acids and sulfates.Commercial
4669230.0Water Treatment & Purification Chemicals TradingIncludes reselling the chemicals which purify water by assisting in the removal of the organic and inorganic particles suspended in water, it involves coagulants such as aluminum sulfate and iron chloride.Commercial
4669231.0Radioactive Materials TradingIncludes selling the hazardous to human beings and environment radioactive materials, and which require adherence to stringent measures in dealing with, these materials include uranium, thorium, plutonium, iodine, technetium, thallium, which are used in industry or medical diagnosis and therapy.Commercial
4669911.0Raw Materials TradingIncludes reselling raw materials used in different processes manufacturing and handcrafting and which are only exploitable after going treatments, extraction or formation processes, they involve pulpwood to make papers, shells for shell handicrafts, extracts and natural herbs for perfumes, medicines and cosmetics, also minerals ores such as sand and rocks for extracting metals, and other similar raw materials. Commercial
4690002.0Fireworks TradingIncludes reselling of materials and devices used in performing fireworks.Commercial
4690003.0Caps & Lids TradingIncludes reselling different caps and lids seal the mouths of bottles and containers.Commercial
4690004.0Glass Bottles TradingIncludes reselling bottles made of glass and used to store liquids.Commercial
4690005.0Smelters & Furnaces Refractory Materials TradingIncludes reselling non-metallic materials having the properties of resisting high temperatures and are used in linings for furnaces, kilns, incinerators and reactors.Commercial
4690006.0Airline Inflight Products TradingIncludes reselling of various products specifically made for airlines to use including food trolleys, blankets, towels, cushions, plastic and metal cutlery, dishes and cups, toys and children items, paper products.Commercial
4690011.0Military Tools & Supplies TradingIncludes firms specialized in the trade of military tools and supplies, including riot control tools, such as, shields and sticks, as well as military badges and water and food preserving items for military use.Commercial
4690013.0Vehicles Numbers TradingIncludes reselling the distinguished number plates of the private vehicles obtain from the auctions conducted by the licensing authority.Commercial
4690014.0Mobile Phones Numbers TradingIncludes reselling the distinguished numbers of the mobile phones obtain from the auctions conducted by the concerned authority.Commercial
4690015.0Dry Ice TradingIncludes reselling dry ice which is a solid carbon dioxide at a very low temperature, it’s characterized by having several times the cooling capacity of the normal ice, it’s used in food and beverage preservation, transport refrigeration, meat processing, equipment blast cleaning, cattle branding, fumigation, fog creation…etc.Commercial
4690016.0Authentic Antiques, Artefacts & Artworks TradingIncludes firms trade in genuine antiques, artifacts and original artworks,, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, handicraft works, masterworks, and old antique cameras and accessories. Also includes promotional activities for these works such as advertising, public relations and events through a licensed media provider.Commercial
4690018.0General TradingIncludes commercial firms engaged in importing, trading and re-exporting of any of the allowed goods, the trading activities that need special approvals, can also be traded Commercial
4690019.0Unique & Special Goods TradingIncludes firms engaged in the display and trade of unique and special goods such as antiques, frames, furnishings and other products, provided that the products displayed are limited quantities.Commercial
4690101.0Goods WholesalersIncludes firms engaged in the wholesale of goods and products to retailers, to industrial, commercial, professional users, this activity is exclusively available to firms intend to practice wholesaling in warehouses only.Commercial
4690102.0wholesale Supermarket Includes wholesale commercial complexes involved in marketing consumer fresh, preserved and canned foodstuff, household utensils and tools, detergents and other consumer goods for personal use, this activity should be licensed in warehouses only.Commercial
4690103.0General Trading WholesalersIncludes wholesale merchants engaged in the wholesale resale of any goods and products to retailers, to industrial, commercial, professional users, this activity is exclusively available to firms intend to practice wholesaling in warehouses.Commercial
4711001.0Co-Operative SocietyIncludes co-operative societies trade in foodstuff, readymade garments, household items and other consumables, also, other activities practised in the same site such as butchery, vegetables and fruits, video, laundry, perfumery, pharmacy and other related activities.Commercial
4711002.0SupermarketIncludes commercial complexes involved in marketing consumer fresh, preserved and canned foodstuff, household utensils and tools, detergents and other consumer goods for personal use.Commercial
4711003.0Grocery StoreIncludes commercial firms whose activities are based on the marketing of certain consumer products and goods , such as fresh, preserved and canned foodstuff, household utensils, and detergents.Professional
4711004.0Mini StoreIncludes convenience stores linked to public utilities, such as, hotels, petrol and metro stations, airports and others, they provide hot drinks, groceries, snack foods, confectionery, soft drinks, tobacco products, toiletries, newspapers and magazines.Commercial
4711005.0Grinding ShopIncludes small shops involved in milling cereals, spices and coffee for others, or grind and packing in consumer packs, these are small shops that cannot be classified as industrial firms Professional
4711006.0RoasteryIncludes small shops engaged in roasting nuts, coffee beans, spices, cereals or others, and make the packing in small consumer packs, as well as carry out roasting for others, also, reselling gifts, novelties, artificial flowers and some foodstuff items, such shops are small that they are not classified as industrial firms of category (D).Professional
4711007.0Co-Operative IndustrialIncludes co-operative societies trade in local industrial products and handcrafts.Commercial
4711008.0Co-Operatives AgriculturalIncludes co-operatives outlets involved in marketing local agricultural products.Commercial
4711009.0Floating Mini StoreIncludes boats equipped to be mini stores to sell snacks, refreshments, gifts, magazines and newspapers and some personal goods and requisites, while such boats are anchoring or cruising along the beachCommercial
4719001.0Department StoreIncludes commercial firms engaged in trading various consumer or capital goods which are placed in different sections according to type to facilitate the selling process, such sections include household furniture, textiles and linens, readymade garments, shoes, electric appliances, household utensils, perfumes, medicines, gifts, toys and foodstuff, such store may include a cafeteria to provide snacks.Commercial
4721001.0Vegetables & Fruit TradingIncludes reselling fresh organic and non-organic vegetables and fruits prior to any drying or canning processesCommercial
4721002.0Dairy Products TradingIncludes reselling fresh and preserved milk, whether in liquid, powdered or condensed, also, dairies including cheese, butter, cream and others, usually raw, canned or preserved.Commercial
4721003.0Egg TradingInclude reselling poultry and birds eggs for consumption or incubation.Commercial
4721004.0Fresh, Chilled & Frozen Meat TradingIncludes reselling fresh, chilled or frozen beef, mutton, whether organic or non-organic, provided that no converting process processes have been carried out, It also includes mincing, chopping and preparing meat for cooking.Commercial
4721006.0Fresh Fish & Marine Animals TradingIncludes reselling fresh fish and marine animals, whether whole or in pieces, no conversion or preserving processes are involvedCommercial
4721007.0Frozen Fish & Seafood TradingIncludes reselling all types of frozen fishes and seafood, such as snails, shrimps, sea tortoises and other consumable seafood, after being packed in plastic bags or packs to preserved frozen.Commercial
4721008.0Salted & Preserved Fish & Seafood TradingIncludes reselling of salted, dried or smoked fishs and seafood.Commercial
4721011.0Frozen Poultry TradingIncludes reselling frozen poultry such as chicken, pigeons, ducks, provided that no conversion process has been made.Commercial
4721012.0Coffee TradingIncludes reselling coffee beans, whether in bulk or consumer packs.Commercial
4721013.0Bread & Bakery Products TradingIncludes the reselling of fresh, frozen or dry bakery products, such as bread, rolls, pastry, cakes, pies, tarts, rusks, snack products, biscuits, crackers, and pretzels.Commercial
4721014.0Confectionery & Chocolate TradingIncludes re selling of all kinds of flavored confectionaries, in bulk, packed or coated, it involves natural edible paper for creating preprinted images onto various confectionery products such as cookies, cakes and pastriesCommercial
4721015.0Pastry TradingIncludes reselling pastries in deferent fillings and ready for consumption.Commercial
4721016.0Food Supplements TradingIncludes reselling the supplements which are classified as food and not drugs and are intended to provide nutrients which might be lacked in the food or otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities, it involves vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, honey and herbal tonics, nourishing substitutes for athletes and diet recipes.Commercial
4721017.0Baby Food TradingIncludes reselling baby food, such as liquid or powdered milk, beverages, juices and other dried or liquid foods.Commercial
4721018.0Honey & Apiary Accessories TradingIncludes reselling raw, purified, refined and bottled honey, also, royal jelly, pollen, propolis as well as beehives, beeswax sheets, honey extractors and other apiary accessories, it also includes the import of bees that are raised inside the apiariesCommercial
4721019.0Ice TradingIncludes reselling ice in blocks, and tubular types to use in food storage and processing, chemical manufacturing, concrete mixing.Commercial
4721020.0Dried Vegetables & Fruit TradingIncludes reselling vegetables and fruit dried through sun, or through dryers or dehydrators, such as figs, pineapple, peaches, apricots.Commercial
4721022.0Dates TradingIncludes reselling of all kinds of dates whether soft, semi crunchy or crunchy.Commercial
4721029.0Ghee & Vegetable Oil TradingIncludes reselling of packed fats and natural and artificial vegetable and animal ghee, also, bottled vegeta oils, such as corn, olive, sunflower, soya and vegetable oil.Commercial
4721030.0Spices TradingIncludes reselling of dried, packed or preserved spices, whether as raw or after having been roasted, ground, blended or packed.Commercial
4721032.0Canned & Preserved Food TradingIncludes reselling vegetables, fruits, meat and other consumer vegetable and animal products that are preserved in well sealed metallic cans, frozen, or preserved in plastic, wooden, paper or glass containers. Items mentioned in this Class hereinabove and hereunder are excluded.Commercial
4721035.0Flavours & Fragrances Trading .Includes reselling flavors and fruit extracts used in processing foodstuff, also fragrances used in manufacturing aromatics and cleaning products.Commercial
4721036.0Tea TradingIncludes reselling tea, whether in bulk or consumer packs.Commercial
4721037.0Snack Food TradingIncludes reselling snacks packed in bags or well-sealed packs, such as potato chips or cheese balls…etc.Commercial
4721038.0Sugar TradingIncludes reselling sugar, whether in bulk or consumer packs, in small packs or in small cubes.Commercial
4721039.0Nuts TradingIncludes reselling of all kinds of nuts, such as pistachio, almond, and peanuts, whether raw or after b peeling, processing, roasting, salting or packing in well sealed packs for consumption.Commercial
4721040.0Poultry TradingIncludes reselling poultry such as chicken, pigeons, ducks, rabbits and other birds, also, slaughtering, cleaning and preparing for consumption.Commercial
4721041.0Natural Herbs TradingIncludes reselling raw and dried plants, herbs tisanes and fruits used for medication and treatment, without involving any converting or industrial processes.Commercial
4721043.0Flour TradingIncludes reselling brown and white flour for making bread, pies, biscuit, cakes, pastries…etc.Commercial
4721044.0Ice Cream TradingIncludes reselling made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors.Commercial
4721045.0Salt TradingIncludes reselling refined salt for food salting and preservation as well as skins of animals tanning and fishes salting.Commercial
4721101.0Foodstuff & Beverages TradingIncludes reselling organic and non-organic food and beverages that can be used as food intended for human consumption, including fresh or preserved fruit and vegetables, dairy products and eggs, meat products and poultry, bakery products, sugar confectionery, non-alcoholic beverages.Commercial
4721102.0Potatoes TradingIncludes reselling fresh potatoes after sorting, cleaning and packaging.Commercial
4722001.0Soft Drinks & Carbonated Water TradingIncludes reselling sweetened and a flavored carbonated water as well as the plain carbonated water.Commercial
4722002.0Juice TradingIncludes reselling organic and non-organic vegetables and fruit juices , whether liquid, dried or condensed.Commercial
4722004.0Bottled Water TradingIncludes reselling mineral water from mineral springs and wells after purification and bottling, also, the water extracted from humid ambient air water vaporCommercial
4723001.0 Cigarettes SellingIncludes selling cigarettes in groceries and supermarkets, such products must be manufactured and packed according to the terms and conditions and specifications of the competent authorities and as per the prevailing respective law.Commercial
4723002.0Smoking & Tobacco Heating Devices TradingIncludes reselling of smoking pipes, pipe holders, narghiles (water pipe), lighters, ash trays, match boxes, tobacco boxes and other smokers’ requisites also, it involves narghiles renting, also, the devices for electrically heating rolled or powdered tobacco by thermal contact in order to inhale and exhale it to simulate smoking, the activity should not be given to shops and commercial centers located in residential neighborhoods.Commercial
4723003.0Tobacco TradingIncludes reselling crude or dried tobacco leaves before making any other converting process.Commercial
4723004.0Electronic Cigarettes & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling electronic cigarettes which are electronic devices that work by heating a liquid called e-juice which generates vapor that is inhaled by the user, the e-juice may or not contain nicotine, e-cigarette is intended to simulate the experience of smoking cigarettes and narghiles and may help users to quit smoking.Commercial
4730001.0Gas StationIncludes stations that re-sell fuel products, such as benzene, diesel, and lubricants directly to consumersCommercial
4730002.0Lubricants & Grease Tradingincludes reselling the high viscosity oil based lubricating substances used for lessening friction in the working parts of a mechanism in order to protect against wear and transfer heat.Commercial
4730003.0Fuel Delivery and Vehicle Refueling ServicesIncludes firms engaged in the refueling of vehicles using specialized vehicles for transporting petroleum products, whether through direct call, electronic media or smart applicationsCommercial
4730004.0Diesel Fuel Transport & Distribution Includes firms engaged in selling and distributing diesel fuel via mobile refuelling trucksProfessional
4741001.0Calculators & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the devices used to perform both basic and complex operations of arithmetic, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741002.0Typewriters, Photocopiers & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling typewriters, photocopiers, stencil machines, microfilming machines, projectors, as well as spare parts, ribbons, ink, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741003.0Computers & Peripheral Equipment TradingIncludes reselling electronic computers, such as mainframes, desktop computers, laptops and computer servers and computer peripheral equipment, such as storage devices and input/output devices (printers, monitors, keyboards). Computers can be analog, digital, or hybrid, or digital, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741004.0Computer Systems & Communication Equipment Software TradingIncludes reselling the set of application software and its documentation concerned with realizing the user’s needs and problems, and is applicable in different domains, medicine, accounting, and engineering, it involves also the application software designed to run on smartphones and mobile devices.Commercial
4741006.0Computer & Data Processing Requisites TradingIncludes reselling tapes, CD-ROMs, ribbons, printers ink, paper and other requisites used in computer operation and data storage.Commercial
4741007.0Computer Electric Accessories TradingIncludes reselling computer electric accessories such as distributors, switches, surge suppressors and battery back-ups and cables and connectorsCommercial
4741009.0Telephones & Wired Telecommunications Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the equipment for the transmission of voice, data, text, sound and video using a wired telecommunications infrastructure, including telephone sets and intercommunication equipment (intercom), fax and telex machines and internal switch boards, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741010.0Wireless Telecommunications Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the equipment for the transmission of voice, data, text, sound and video using a wireless telecommunications infrastructure, including mobile and fixed units, massaging devices or inter- communicative mobile unites, also, ground stations receiving information or communication or any transmission oriented by satellites, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741011.0Mobile Phones & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling cellular phones which make and receive telephone calls, beside a wide variety of services such as text messaging, email, Internet access, gaming and photography, it involves selling different accessories such as memory card, car chargers, batteries, leather cases, screen protectors, Bluetooth headset, data cables, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741012.0SIM TradingIncludes selling Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) issued by telecommunication companies to store the subscriber’s information in addition to the services the user has access to.Commercial
4741014.0Jamming Equipment TradingIncludes reselling jamming equipment that interferes with wireless communications, such as cordless telephones and GSM repeaters. Commercial
4741015.0Encryption Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the equipment for encryption solutions that protect sensitive data across enterprise applications data processing IT, critical transactions, storage and big data platforms.Commercial
4741016.0Jamming Software Trading Includes reselling the set of application software for jamming or interfering with wireless communications such as cell phone calls, cordless telephones and GSM repeaters, text messages, GPS systems and Wi-Fi networks.Commercial
4741017.0Encryption Software TradingIncludes reselling the software for encryption solutions that protect sensitive data across enterprise applications data processing IT, critical transactions, storage and big data platforms, Commercial
4741018.0Robotics & Smart Machines TradingIncludes reselling robotics that apply artificial intelligence to enable them to think intelligently in the similar manner the intelligent humans think, and which can take the place of humans in dangerous environments, manufacturing, also, other smart machines, such as, home automation devices that turn homes into smart homes, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4741021.0Telecommunications Equipment TradingIncludes reselling of equipment and systems used in operating fixed and mobile telecommunication networks, including exchanges, central switch boards, and mini switch boards located in commercial complexes, intercom systems, optic fibre and copper made inter connecting networks, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4741022.0Satellite Receiving Equipment TradingIncludes reselling of systems and equipment receive radio and television transmission broadcasted by satellites or by special channels irreceivable by ordinary receivers or antennas, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4742001.0Audio-visual, Recording Equipment & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling audio-visual electronic equipment, involving radio sets, gramophones, loud-speakers television and video sets, cinematography projectors, slides projectors, instant translators respectively, also, cinematography and television photographing systems such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4742002.0Radio, TV Stations, Cinema & Theater Equipment TradingIncludes reselling of cameras, lightings, projectors, loudspeakers and montage systems used in radio studios and television broadcasting studios, cinematography, cinemas and theaters and radio and television transmission, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4742005.0Electric Vehicles Charging Stations & Systems & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling public charging stations used to supply electric energy for the recharging of electric vehicles that use electricity instead of conventional petrol, whether such stations located at retail shopping or public places or on-streets, as well as the same charging systems used for residential and offices charging, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4751001.0Textile TradingIncludes reselling of textiles and fabrics used for sewing and fashion wear or making readymade garments.Commercial
4751002.0Tents , Sheds & Tarpaulins TradingIncludes reselling tents and temporary and permanent sheds made of textiles or plastic and designed to be fixed in shops or building or streets, in order to protect against sun and rain, also, covers and tarpaulin for covering outdoor or transported cargo or for covering cars, it involves fixing these products said places.Commercial
4751003.0Sewing & Embroidery Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of tailoring threads, buttons and needles, as well as embroidery golden and silver threads, tiny diamonds, colored ribbons and others.Commercial
4751004.0Blankets, Towels & Linens TradingIncludes reselling household of blankets and linen, including bedcovers, furniture covers, bed sheets, towels, pillows, cushions and covers and all the other similar products.Commercial
4751014.0Flags & Flagpoles TradingIncludes reselling flags fabrics, paper, plastic or vinyl , also, flagpoles made from steel, aluminum, glass fiber and wood, it includes other accessories related to flags and flagpoles such as rope assemblies, pulleys, winches, finials, anchor bolts, counterweights, etcCommercial
4751015.0Threads & Yarns TradingIncludes reselling all kinds of threads for tailoring and embroidering garments, curtains, drapery and upholstery, also, includes cotton and wool yarns used in weaving and spinning industries.Commercial
4752001.0Timber TradingIncludes reselling timber prior to cutting into boards, bars or blocks to use in construction or in industry.Commercial
4752002.0Cement & Gypsum TradingIncludes reselling raw and pre- to formed cement and gypsum, gypsum and cement products under activities 5143-09 and 5143-10 are not related to this activity.Commercial
4752003.0Reinforcement Steel Bars TradingIncludes reselling steel bars commonly used as a tensioning device in reinforced concrete structures holding the concrete in compression.Commercial
4752004.0Sanitary Ware TradingIncludes reselling of sanitary wares, washbasins, bathtubs, Jacuzzi sets, lavatories taps, spigots, bathroom and kitchen articles (except furniture), as well as water drainage tubes, pipes, joints, drainage covering requisites and others.Commercial
4752005.0Tanks & Silos Tradingmade of metal, plastic or reinforced fibers fixed in residential, commercial or industrial facilities for water, petroleum products, chemicals or other liquids, also, grain, seed silos, truck mounted tanks are classified under No. 503005.Commercial
4752006.0Electrical Fittings TradingIncludes reselling electric wires, cables, assembly boxes, distribution panels, poles, cable, ducts and communication wires. (related gauging devices are listed under 5150-11).Commercial
4752007.0Bricks TradingIncludes reselling of bricks used in building and construction bricks made of lime, bricks, glass or any other material.Commercial
4752009.0Marble & Natural Stones TradingIncludes reselling varieties of marbles and natural stones like granite, basalt, limestone, this activity is limited to firms that trade these materials as crude before any conversional processes except cutting in blocks or slabs for transport purposes.Commercial
4752011.0Tiles & Flooring Materials TradingIncludes reselling different kinds of tiles, mosaic, ceramic, cement and interlock tiles, marble tiles, granite and basalt tiles, also, flooring materials made of rubber, plastic, wood or fibers to cover buildings and vehicles floors.Commercial
4752012.0Water Heaters TradingIncludes reselling household water heaters operated by electricity and solar energy.Commercial
4752013.0False Ceiling TradingIncludes reselling of false ceilings made of aluminum, gypsum, plastic, wood others.Commercial
4752014.0Cement Products TradingIncludes reselling all manufactured cement products except what came in details in this class.Commercial
4752015.0Gypsum Products TradingIncludes reselling gypsum decorative ornaments, maquettes, columns, architectural accessories, cladding panels, insulators, flower potsCommercial
4752016.0Wooden Products TradingIncludes reselling wooden or wooden doors, windows, staircase fences, windows, false ceilings, indoor decoration and other wooden products.Commercial
4752019.0Workshop Hardware & Tools TradingIncludes reselling workshops hammers, rasps, chisels, pincers, welding rods, as well as other hardware and tools used in carpentries, smithery and auto workshops.Commercial
4752020.0Pipes & Fittings TradingIncludes reselling galvanized and corrosion resistant steel pipes for oil and gas industries, also, plastic or rubber hoses and tubes for extending water and drainage networks, electric wires, including also, joints, knobs, spigots, taps, valves and others.Commercial
4752021.0Sand, Gravel & Stones TradingIncludes reselling sand, gravel and stones for buildings construction and maintenance.Commercial
4752022.0Glass & Mirrors TradingIncludes reselling glass to fix in doors and windows to allow illuminating buildings enclosed spaces and rooms as well as using in internal partitions and external cladding.Commercial
4752023.0Building Metal Products TradingIncludes reselling aluminum, steel or copper doors, windows, balconies, staircases, fences, window grids and garden fences, cladding panels, decorators, manhole covers and any other metal product.Commercial
4752024.0Wires & Cables TradingIncludes reselling insulated and un-insulated connecting wires and cables used in electric conductors, telephone lines and cables.Commercial
4752025.0Fiber Glass Products TradingIncludes reselling fiberglass decorations, tubes, tanks, as well as raw fiberglass for manufacturing various products.Commercial
4752026.0Decoration Materials & Partitions TradingInclude reselling of indoor and outdoor decoration materials and products as well as home and office interior design, including gypsum engraves, wood and cement partitions, fittings of artificial decorators such as fountains, water falls and water ways, ready-made partitions used to divide space in offices made of wood, carton, aluminum, steel sheets or others.Commercial
4752028.0Scaffolds TradingIncludes reselling temporary frames of metal pipes or other materials, used to support people and materials in the constructions or repair of buildings.Commercial
4752029.0Ready-mix Concrete TradingIncludes reselling the concrete is manufactured in a factory or batching plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a work site, by mixers mounted on trucks.Commercial
4752030.0Fencing & Barbed Wire TradingIncludes reselling fence and barbed wire to prevent crossing industrial and agricultural installations, airports, military facilities.Commercial
4752031.0Special Fabrics & Fibers for Construction TradingInclude reselling fabrics and fibers made of natural, artificial or synthetic or metal materials and used for specialized construction processes, such as molding and concrete forms made by cement injection or coating and covering of installations or tilting used in buildings and other construction works.Commercial
4752032.0Doors, Windows & other Plastic Building Products TradingIncludes reselling plastic or fiberglass products and requisites for building and construction projects such as, doors, windows, cladding sheets, partitions, plastic decorations, mesh for fly, dust and sun rays screening and trapping, manhole cover, water tanks, and similar products made of plastic or semi-plastic materials.Commercial
4752033.0Building Maquettes & Models Requisites TradingIncludes reselling small physical models of buildings or engineering projects or vehicles and equipment, or animals…etc. Commercial
4752034.0Building & Construction Materials TradingIncludes selling all kinds of materials, supplies and tools that are used in various building and construction purposes, such as marble, tiles, cement products, wooden products, pipes and tubes, sand, gravel and building stones, glass, metal works, pipes and tubes, decoration materials, locks and keys, bitumen and asphalt…etcCommercial
4752035.0Paints & Varnishes TradingIncludes reselling dyes and paints that are in the form of liquids or powders and used in painting buildings, cars, ships, furniture, etc., as well as materials and powders of electroplating, in addition of thinners, thickeners, base dyes, pastes, and finishing supplies, polishes (varnishes)Commercial
4752036.0Agricultural Tools TradingIncludes reselling gardening and nursing tools, including soil movers, trees cutters, planters, palm pollination, irrigation hoses, flower pots, fruit baskets, also, wax cells, beekeepers cloths, apiary accessories, as well as poultry and livestock farms tools.Commercial
4752037.0Building Hardware & Tools TradingIncludes reselling of construction and building shovels, mattocks, coaters, whether all or partially made of wood or plastic.Commercial
4752038.0Metal Drums & Barrels TradingIncludes reselling containers of metal for storage and transportation of water, petroleum products, chemicals and other liquids.Commercial
4752039.0Metal Cans & Containers TradingIncludes reselling metal cans and containers for the distribution or storage of goods.Commercial
4752041.0Precision Dies TradingIncludes reselling of precision dies for metal or plastic molding to make metal or plastic products.Commercial
4752042.0Traffic Signs & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of signboards in streets, roads and public squares to guide cars and pedestrians, whether all or partially non -metallic, also, traffic signals in streets and pedestrians crossings.Commercial
4752043.0Metal Ropes TradingIncludes reselling metal ropes used in pulling and lifting objects and in industrial uses.Commercial
4752044.0Cargo Containers TradingIncludes reselling different dimensions containers to store and transfer freight from one mode of transport to another, ships, air, rail and semi-trailer trucks.Commercial
4752045.0Pre-Fabricated Houses TradingIncludes reselling permanent or temporary pre-fabricated houses made of wood, cement, steel or any other materials, and other related structural metal parts and requisites…etc.Commercial
4752046.0Swimming Pools TradingIncludes reselling pools made from concrete, metal, plastic and fiberglass, and is intended for swimming or water based recreations or lifeguard training, including Olympic-size pools, and pools installed in public and private places, hotels, sport and health clubs, also other accessories and water pumps and drainers and electric fittings.Commercial
4752048.0Ink & Printing Materials TradingIncludes reselling printing inks either powdered, paste or as liquid, in addition to inject cartridges used in fax machines, photo copiers and computer printers.Commercial
4752051.0Insulation & Protection Materials TradingIncludes reselling of insulators and requisites used as humidity proof, water sealants, sun or generated heat proof, acoustic enclosures, vibration isolators, anti radiators, electric and magnetic insulation, metal and wood protectors of rust, corrosions, humidity and heat, as well as any material used in constructions wood, machinery, furnaces, vehicles marine equipment …etc.Commercial
4752054.0Fire Resistant Doors TradingIncludes reselling fire rated metal, wooden or glass doors which are certified by the competent authorities after passing the test of high heat resistance and prevent flames and smoke spreading, also, fixing and installing by technicians approved by the General directorate of Civil Defense in order to ensure specifications compliance.Commercial
4752055.0 Grease Traps TradingIncludes reselling and fitting grease traps designed to intercept and cooking oils and greases in the facilities engaged in catering services, such as hotels, restaurants, commercial complexes, labor camps..etc, in order to enable removing the waste grease to the treatment facilities.Commercial
4752056.0Ventilators & Fans TradingIncludes reselling units used in ventilating residential facilities and offices like electric fans and ventilators as well as ducts, towers, ventilation flues, chimneys and silencers.Commercial
4752057.0Tar & Asphalt TradingIncludes reselling tar and asphalt derived from petroleum distillation for using
in road paving and water and humidity proofing in buildings.
4752058.0Basic Steel Products TradingIncludes reselling of semi-formed made blocks, partitions, panels, rods, or ingots for various uses.Commercial
4752059.0Basic Non Ferrous Metal Products TradingIncludes reselling of blocks, partitions, panels, rods, or ingots made of other non-ferrous metals, including aluminum, copper or zinc for various uses.Commercial
4752060.0Non-Manufactured Precious Metal TradingIncludes reselling of the basic ores of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals in pre-extraction condition, or in the form of ingots, blocks, threads or chips in pre- forming manufacturing.Commercial
4752061.0Crane Rails & Fixing Accessories TradingIncludes reselling the railroad for mounting cranes on it in order to use in freight handling in goods yards, or for accident recovery works.Commercial
4752062.0Metal Alloys TradingIncludes reselling alloys to produce steel plates, structural beams, columns, angles, seamless and welded pipes.Commercial
4752063.0Gas Cylinders TradingIncludes reselling pressure vessels used to store gases at above atmospheric pressure for domestic industrial and medical uses.Commercial
4752064.0Metal Wires TradingIncludes reselling metal wires for different uses, in constructions, or as manufacturing intermediary.Commercial
4752065.0Lighting Poles TradingIncludes reselling utility lighting poles made of metal, concrete or wood for roads, streets and parks lighting.Commercial
4752066.0Green Buildings Construction materials TradingIncludes reselling environment friendly building materials and supplies for constructing green buildings. Green buildings are designed to reduce carbon dioxide emission and eventually reduce global warming, including, wall materials, insulators, doors and window insulation, central heating and cooling systems, solar and renewable energy sources energy efficient lighting systems and energy efficient air conditioning.Commercial
4752067.0Fire Fighting Pipes TradingIncludes reselling fire resistant and retardant cladding and insulation materials, partitions, bricks, paints.Commercial
4752068.0Fire Resistant & Retardant Materials TradingIncludes reselling fire resistant and retardant cladding and insulation materials, partitions, bricks, paints.Commercial
4752069.0Ironmongery TradingIncludes reselling of steel and copper ironmongery door and window knobs, fixed locks and keys, door joints, and door closing requisites.Commercial
4752070.0Locks & Keys TradingIncludes reselling the mechanical or electronic fastening device which are released by a physical object, such as key, keycard, fingerprint, security token.Commercial
4752071.0Rock Wool TradingIncludes reselling rock wool made from natural or synthetic minerals and pressed into sheets, rolls, panels which are used as heat insulators and sound absorbers and as fire retardant, as well as a medium of hydroponics in agriculture.Commercial
4752072.0Raised Access Computer Floors TradingIncludes reselling floor consists of a gridded metal framework to provide an elevated structural floor above a concrete slab in order to use in IT data centers and computer rooms to route mechanical services and cables, wiring, and electrical supply.Commercial
4752073.0Garbage & Waste Collection Containers TradingIncludes reselling and renting of containers for garbage and waste collection from public places as well as from residential commercial and industrial facilities.Commercial
4752201.0Plastic & Nylon Raw Materials TradingIncludes reselling of high or low density chemicals (plastics ) for manufacturing plastic products, nylon and PVC, whether granules or polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene or others.Commercial
4752202.0Industrial Sponge TradingIncludes reselling synthetic sponge chemicals, or fully manufactured sponge.Commercial
4752203.0Rubber TradingIncludes reselling natural and synthetic rubber to use in manufacturing such as tires, belts, bags shoes, synthetic sponge.Commercial
4752204.0Ropes, Sacks & Jute Bags TradingIncludes reselling of bags and ropes made of natural fibers, linen, plastic or other materials.Commercial
4752205.0Paper TradingIncludes reselling of paper made up of natural ingredients, semi- synthetics or recycled and set in rolls, foils and carton sheets for commercial and industrial uses as in newspapers, printing, packaging, construction, stationery and photocopying paper is excluded as it is classified under No. 5133930Commercial
4752206.0Upholstery Requisites TradingIncludes reselling upholstery-related materials such as fabrics, leather, buttons upholstering to automobile and marine seats furniture and marine.Commercial
4752207.0Plastic Bags & Containers TradingIncludes the resale of plastic containers and bags used in commercial outlets for packaging.Commercial
4752208.0Cotton & Natural Fibers TradingIncludes trading of raw cotton before undergoing any industrial or converting processes in order to meet different industrial and commercial needs, also, linen, jute, hemp and other natural fibers.Commercial
4752209.0Plastic Sheets TradingIncludes the resale of sheets made up of plastic or of similar materials like P.V.C, fiberglass or acryl to be used in industry or construction in covering facades, partitioning, steel gates lining, building pyramids and domes and false ceilings as well as making signboards and guiding signals.Commercial
4753001.0Oriental Carpets TradingIncludes reselling manually woven oriental carpet.Commercial
4753002.0Carpets TradingIncludes reselling all types of carpet, including moquette andr decor machine-made pieces.Commercial
4753004.0Curtains & Upholstery Fabrics TradingIncludes reselling different fabrics for curtains and upholstery.Commercial
4753005.0Metal Blinds TradingIncludes reselling metal slat blinds which consist of many horizontal slats and connected to allow light to pass between the slats.Commercial
4753006.0Wall Paper TradingIncludes reselling wallpaper in different designs to cover cracks and decorate interior walls in residential and commercial facilities.Commercial
4759001.0Home Furniture TradingIncludes reselling household beds, bedroom sets, wardrobes, sofas and chairs, tables and requisites, mirrors, hangers, also, furniture for hotels and restaurants totally or partially made of wood, plastic, glass, metal, fiberglass or others.Commercial
4759003.0Chandeliers TradingIncludes reselling different chandeliers whether luxurious types coated with precious metals ad decorated with crystal, or normal types coated with other metals and decorated with glass.Commercial
4759004.0Light Fitting & Fixtures TradingIncludes reselling lighting lamps, ornamental ceiling lamps (except crystal chandeliers) switch keys and sockets. This also includes electric bells, spotlights, garden and house lighting device. Public parks and squares lightings are classified under Class 5150.Commercial
4759005.0Cutlery & Silverware TradingIncludes reselling cutlery spoons and knives and other household trays, plates, candlesticks, whether made of silver or gold or silver-plated metal, or of stainless steel.Commercial
4759007.0Household Utensils TradingIncludes reselling of various household utensils made of metal, glass, plastic, crystal, clay, ceramic, or wood, including bowls, plates, cups, and other food preparing items, except electrically operated appliances . This also involves manual cleaners such as brooms, sweepers, garbage boxes, ironing boards, clothes horses and others.Commercial
4759008.0Air-Condition TradingIncludes reselling central and window air-conditioners as well as the split units, whether or not linked with general central air-conditioning system, also outdoor cooling products for hotels, resorts and restaurants.Commercial
4759009.0Ceramic & Chinaware TradingIncludes reselling household utensils and art works made of ceramic or chinaware.Commercial
4759010.0Antennas TradingIncludes reselling the electric devices which convert electric power into radio waves to use in radio and television broadcasting, telecommunication receivers, wireless computer network, radar.Commercial
4759011.0Musical Instruments & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling electronic and normal musical instruments like stringed, wind, percussion instruments, pipes, accordions, organs, including also the parts and accessories, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4759012.0Cookers & Cook Stoves TradingIncludes reselling electric, gas, coal or kerosene burners, ovens and cookers, also, different barbecue items, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4759013.0Refrigerators, Washing Machines & Household Electrical Appliances TradingIncludes reselling refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, ironers, heaters, also, electric kitchenware, such as, mixers, mincers, cutters, blenders, toasters, juice extractors, grinders, kettles, hot drinks makers …etc., such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4759014.0Cloth Hangers TradingIncludes reselling the wire, wooden or plastic hangers which are designed to facilitate the hanging of coats, jackets and other dress in a manner that prevents wrinkles.Commercial
4759015.0Video Games Consoles TradingIncludes reselling video games consoles which enable visual playing when connected to televisions and computers, such consoles involve PlayStation, Xbox, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4759016.0Domestic Kitchen & Fixture TradingIncludes reselling household wooden or aluminum kitchens and fixtures tailored to the size of the kitchen and customers’ specifications.Commercial
4759019.0Sponge Mattresses TradingIncludes reselling mattresses made of foam rubbers.Commercial
4759020.0Bamboo, Cane & Wicker Products TradingIncludes reselling of household mats, rugs, baskets made of bamboo, cane, wicker and other, furniture of the same is not involved.Commercial
4759101.0Wax Candles TradingIncludes reselling candles made from paraffin wax for lighting and decoration.Commercial
4761001.0Books TradingIncludes reselling different knowledge books in different languages..Commercial
4761002.0Educational Aids TradingIncludes reselling the devices used by a teacher to clarify a subject, including drawings, Shapes, maps, samples, puzzles, mathematics and alphabets resources..etc.Commercial
4761003.0Stationery TradingIncludes reselling stationery, such as copying and writing paper, notebooks, record books, various types of pens and pencils, rulers, sharpeners, paper perforators, paper clipping requisites, ready stamps, typewriters ribbons and other stationery materials, also, drawing requisites including geometrical drawing pencils, decorative pens, rulers, triangular rulers, colors, color pencils, ink, drawing paper and others.Commercial
4761005.0Advertising Requisites TradingIncludes reselling indoor and outdoor advertising requisites like boards, electric and non-electric signs as well as promotional gifts and similar items.Commercial
4761006.0Newspapers & Magazines TradingIncludes reselling of newspapers, magazines, directories, catalogues and other specialized publications used for promoting fashions, furniture, interior designs, household items and others.Commercial
4761007.0Invitation & Greeting Cards TradingIncludes reselling the cards exchanged by individuals on special occasions to feature an expression of friendship or other sentiments or to convey thanks, it involves invitation cards for different occasions and events.Commercial
4761008.0Multi-Dimensional Images Trading (HOLOGRAM)Includes firms that supply other concerns with multi-dimensional imaged posters, pictures and stamps as per their commercial and professional requirements, these firms are not involved in the production process.Commercial
4762001.0Blank Cassette TradingIncludes reselling blank video cassettes, audio cassettes, cinematography tapes, and other tapes used for photographing, copying or recording.Commercial
4762002.0Audio Recorded Media TradingIncludes reselling audio materials recorded on cassettes and discs and other magnetic and optical recording media, including radio programs, songs, lectures, educational courses, religious materials.Commercial
4762003.0Visual Recorded Media TradingIncludes reselling visual materials recorded on cassettes and discs and other magnetic and optical recording media, including, video and television programs, songs, lectures, educational courses, religious materials, video games …etc.Commercial
4762013.0Motion Picture Trading Includes reselling directly to the public motion pictures, whether on video tapes or on compact discs, firms engaged in distribution to movie dealers are classified under group 921. Commercial
4763001.0Diving Equipment TradingIncludes reselling recreational and professional diving equipment, such as, snorkel, mask, rebreather, weighing system, depth gauge, fins, suits, buoyancy control device, cylinders, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4763002.0Hunting Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of fishing, nets, threads, hooks and rods, as well as animal hunting rifles, ammunition, nets, traps, bows, arrows and others, beside falcon breeders and training requisites.Commercial
4763003.0Sport Equipment TradingIncludes reselling fixed sports equipment to perform various exercises, such as, running and walking treadmill, tennis tables, nets, spears and poles, water sports equipment, such as, diving, skiing or sailing, as well as winners’ trophies, such as, cups, medals, shields cups, medals, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4763006.0Ships & Boats TradingIncludes reselling different metal and wood commercial vessels used in transportation such as cargo ships, tankers, long and short distance passenger vessels, tourist, fishing boats and fish-processing factory vessels, recreation-type hovercraft, tugboats, also metal and wood rescue boats, fishing boats, recreation and sport boats.Commercial
4763007.0Ships, Boats Spare Parts & Components TradingIncludes reselling of spare parts and components for ship and boats reparation, maintenance, renovation and efficiency upgrading, including engines, ancillary engines, boilers, spindles, pipes, communication and measuring devices.Commercial
4763009.0Camping Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of camping and picnics food and beverage preserving utensils, lightening, tents, linen, clothes, shoes, kits and other requisites usually used in camping and picnics.Commercial
4763010.0Sports Fields & Gymnasium Equipment TradingIncludes reselling outdoor and indoor equipment for sports, gymnasium, fitness center or athletic equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4763011.0Bicycles & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the two or three wheeled bicycles used for recreation, transportation, racing and as children’s toys, such firms are allowed to carry out the repair and maintenance services Commercial
4763014.0Fishing Tackles TradingInclude reselling the gear and equipment for catching fish and other aquatic animals, such as, nets, filaments, baits, hooks, nets, reels, rods accessories, fish finders …etcCommercial
4763020.0Horse Equestrian Equipment & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of saddles, reins and other horse riding accessories, also, breeding, training, feeding and caring related requisites other than uniforms.Commercial
4764001.0Toys & Games TradingIncludes reselling children’s toys and dolls, manual, electric or electronic games, bicycles, cars, boats, airplanes and other toys for children use.Commercial
4764002.0Kids Rides & Games TradingIncludes reselling in-door children rides and games, as well as those installed in public parks and gardens for children entertainment, including swings, slides, house and aircraft models, whether made of solid and safe materials or of inflatable objects.Commercial
4771101.0Men’s Garment TradingIncludes reselling men’s garments, such as shirts, suits, coats, jackets, socks, ties and others.Commercial
4771102.0Ladies Garment TradingIncludes reselling ladies’ shirts and trousers, party and evening dresses, maternity clothes, wedding dresses, night and in-house wear, beach and bath wear, scarves and others.Commercial
4771103.0Baby Wear TradingIncludes reselling of children’s swaddling clothes, nappies, night wear, party clothes, shirts, trousers and others.Commercial
4771104.0Men Underwears TradingIncludes reselling men undergarments made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric to be worn under other clothes, whether over the waist like T-shirts or below the waist like pants.Commercial
4771105.0Arab Wear TradingIncludes reselling of Arab ready made wear, such as dishdashas, ghotra, bishts, oqal and caps, also, women traditional cloak (aba) head covers, veils.Commercial
4771106.0Garments Accessories TradingIncludes reselling wide range of metal and plastic garments accessories such as buttons, fabrics interlining, beads, fancy belt buckles, hooks, snap fasteners, safety pins, tags, packing clips.Commercial
4771107.0Sports Wear TradingIncludes reselling sportswear for exercising sports, including socks, shoes, hats, gloves, balls, bags and training suits.Commercial
4771108.0Protective Garments & Vests TradingIncludes reselling protective costumes and vests for different uses, like fire resistant wears, athletes and medical wears, also, body cooling vests, which can be wore under and above clothes.Commercial
4771109.0Uniforms TradingIncludes reselling readymade uniforms, such as military, hotels, airlines, school uniforms and others, as well as requisites including, hats, helmets, socks, gloves, shoes, ties, bags, badges and others, it excludes military clothing and uniforms.Commercial
4771110.0Imitation Jewellery TradingIncludes reselling costume or imitation jewellery, such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings made from base metals
plated with precious metals, or jewellery containing imitation stones such as imitation gems stones, imitation diamonds.
4771111.0Sticks & Umbrellas TradingIncludes reselling sun-umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks.Commercial
4771112.0Women Underwears TradingIncludes reselling undergarments for women and children made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric to be worn under other clothes, whether over the waist like T-shirts or below the waist like pants, services in the store should be provided by females.Commercial
4771113.0Military Clothware & Requisites TradingIncludes military gears for the police and civil defence, like uniforms, footwear, back bags, belts, sleeping bags, tents, chevron and badges, weapons and ammunition and combat heavy equipment are excluded.Commercial
4771114.0Face Masks & Gloves TradingIncludes reselling face masks and respirators intended for protection against particles and viruses, and prevent the transmission of viruses and microbes from infected person to a healthy one, or infections to be transmitted via contaminated hand contact with the mouth, it includes also the gloves used by health care professional s to prevent the transmission of viruses and bacteria.Commercial
4771201.0Ready-made Garments TradingIncludes reselling outerwear and underwear for men, women and children such as coats, suits, jackets, skirts, shirts, trousers, shorts, coats, gloves, swimming wear, socks.Commercial
4771906.0Handbags & Leather Products TradingIncludes reselling of handbags made out of leather, fiber, textile or plastic, also, leather purses, belts, leather, and office requisites, leather clothes are excluded.Commercial
4771907.0Suitcases & Travel Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of various traveling leather, metal, plastic or textile and fabrics suitcases and bags, as well as luggage wrapping and transporting and any other item used only for traveling.Commercial
4771908.0Slippers & Sandals TradingIncludes reselling men and women open-sided slippers and sandals made for different uses and by any material.Commercial
4771919.0Shoe TradingIncludes reselling footwear made from leather, rubber or plastic and intended to protect and comfort the human foot while doing various activities.Commercial
4772001.0PharmacyA specialized facility licensed to sell and prepare registered drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and despense herbal and medical drugs against medical prescription, according to the laws and regulations issued by competent authority of UAE. It is supervised by a licensed pharmacist who works permanently in the pharmacy.Commercial
4772003.0Medicinal Chemicals TradingIncludes reselling medicinal basic chemicals to manufacture medicines.Commercial
4772004.0Para-Pharmaceutical Products TradingIncludes reselling para-pharmaceutical products not directly used for medication or treatment, including plasters, after-shave lotions, creams, anti-smoking products, tooth pastes, mouth wash and others sterilization products.Commercial
4772005.0Medical, Surgical Articles & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of certain instruments and precise medical apparatuses for treating of certain diseases, such as earphones, batteries for cardiac patients, pulse regulators, walking-sticks, splints for bone fractures, medical shoes, artificial limbs, dentures and other medical instruments, also, surgical requisites like artificial organs and parts to replace damaged organs, bone joints, heart valves, in additional to surgical suture bandages and plasters.Commercial
4772007.0Perfumes & Cosmetics TradingIncludes reselling different types of concentrated or light perfumes whether manufactured synthetically or extracted from plant or animal sources, also cosmetics, such as body creams and lotions as well as various types of eye make-ups and facial cosmetics, as well as fragrance vaporizers and diffusers.Commercial
4772009.0Agarwood & Incense TradingIncludes reselling agarwood, oriental perfumes, various types of incense, as well as bottles, empty boxes, vaporizers…etc.Commercial
4772010.0Beauty & Personal Care Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of personal beauty treatment scissors ( hair and nails), shaving articles and brushes( hear, teeth and shaving), combs, small mirrors, rasps, wigs, hair dryers and shaving devices.Commercial
4772011.0People of Determination Equipment TradingIncludes reselling equipment and articles for the people of determination who suffer temporary or permanent disabilities and senior citizens. They are designed to work as artificial or auxiliary organs during the medical treatment process or permanently replacing an amputated organ. It involves wheelchairs, walkers, special beds as well as pacemakers and controlling devices for hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and hearing aidsCommercial
4772012.0Soap & Hair Care Products TradingIncludes reselling hair care products like shampoo, oils, lotions, tonics, whether chemically originated or from natural extracts (herbs), also, toilet and hand washing soap in bars and liquid, in addition toilet foamy soap and similar products.Commercial
4772016.0Baby Care Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of children and new-born cradles, chairs, beds, walkers, prams, baskets, linen and covers, toys, creams, lotions and oil and mothers requisites.Commercial
4772017.0Emergency Collection TradingIncludes trading emergency medical bracelets and pendants that contain medical details of the holder and which will give the ambulance and emergency team the opportunity to get important information at once, and thus be treated correctly, specially those suffer of life- threatening allergy or those depend on particular medication.Commercial
4772027.0Veterinary Medicines TradingIncludes reselling any type of formulation that contains one or more medical substances and which is used to deal with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in domesticate or wild animals.Commercial
4773101.0Photographic Equipment & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling cameras, whether traditional using photographic film, or digital that takes video or still photographs, also TV, motion picture, and video cameras as well as underwater and aerial photographic cameras.Commercial
4773103.0Spectacles & Contact Lenses TradingIncludes reselling spectacles and accessories, frames and multi-focal lenses, as well as contact lenses and eyewashes, sterilizers and optical and eye treatment devices.Commercial
4773104.0Films & Photography Materials TradingIncludes reselling photographic materials like films, discs, chips and others.Commercial
4773105.0Specialized Photographic Equipment & Processing Materials TradingIncludes reselling films, chips, sheets, discs of radiography and photogrammetry as well as processing chemicals and photo papers.Commercial
4773106.0Sunglasses TradingIncludes reselling darken lenses glasses used to prevent sunlight and high energy lights from damaging or discomforting the eyes, including cosmetic contact lenses. Commercial
4773201.0Jewellery TradingIncludes reselling adornment jewellery such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, which are made of gold, platinum, palladium, titanium, silver and gemstones.Commercial
4773202.0Pearls & Precious Stones TradingIncludes reselling of natural, cultured and artificial pre-formed pearl, as well as diamond, corundum, emerald, coral and other jewellery and precious stones prior to cutting, polishing and making various types of jewels, artificial precious stones are also included.Commercial
4773204.0Watches & Clocks & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling watches, clocks, alarm clocks and timing mechanisms, instrument panel clocks, time-recording equipment and equipment for measuring, recording and displaying intervals of time such as parking meters, time clocks, process timers, also, all the accessories and components.Commercial
4773301.0Artificial Flowers & Plants TradingIncludes reselling imitations of natural flowering plants made of Synthetic fibers and used for commercial or residential decoration, it involves artificial turf which is used to replace natural grass in arenas for sports, residential lawns and parks.Commercial
4773303.0Aquatic & live Animals TradingIncludes selling aquatic species, such as, ornamental fish, dolphins, sea lions, sea otters, sea turtles, penguins…etc, as well as pets such as cats, dogs, etc., this does not include wild animals such as lions, tigers, hyenas, crocodiles, and other species that pose a threat to people’s lives, it involves selling the breeding and care tools such as aquarium, cages, and feedersCommercial
4773305.0Animal & Birds Feed TradingIncludes reselling animals and birds feed whether canned, dried or frozen, such as grains, seeds, meats, fruits or animal waste, health food like vitamins and tonics other than veterinary medicines, also, fresh feed prepared from different ingredients.Commercial
4773306.0Seeds TradingIncludes reselling plants, trees and flowers seeds and breeders for boosting agricultural output. This should be carried for only agricultural and industrial purposes and not for direct consumption.Commercial
4773307.0Chemical Fertilizers TradingIncludes reselling of synthetic chemical compounds containing plant nutritive elements, usually containing one or more fertilizing elements.Commercial
4773308.0Organic Fertilizer & Plant Feed TradingIncludes reselling animal and bird manure, or vegetable residues or a mixture of them to improve soil quality, such materials can exist as crude or processed to render for marketing or use in fertilizing agricultural soil, also, agricultural feed added to the soil in order to improve and enhance productivity.Commercial
4773309.0Agricultural Pesticides TradingIncludes reselling materials intended for protection against and extermination and control of agricultural pests, including disease carriers affecting animals and plants. Pests are meant to be any plant or creature harmful or destructive, such as insects, spiders, nematodes, bacteria, fungal, moss, plant viruses, harmful weeds, parasitic plants, harmful birds, rodents, also, products plant growth controllers and crop protection.Commercial
4773310.0Insecticides TradingIncludes reselling natural or synthetic chemicals used to manage insects pests in homes, hotels, hospitals, warehouses, ships.Commercial
4773311.0Detergents TradingIncludes reselling detergents for cleaning clothes, carpets, floors, also, bleachers and deodorants for bathrooms, kitchens and drainage points, also, utensils and glass polishers and air fresheners.Commercial
4773312.0Animals & Birds Requisites Trading Includes reselling animals’ accessories, such as, saddles, reins for horses and camels and other, involving veils, stands, straps and gloves for breeding falcons and training, pets requisites, such as, leashes, beds, crates, grooming tools …etc.Commercial
4773315.0Biodegradable & Compostable Products TradingIncludes trading different kinds of products made out of resin, starch and natural substances that are designed to disintegrate and biodegrade in weeks, unlike the plastic products, it involves cutlery product, such as, knives, spoons, forks, plates, glasses, trays and other, also food and fruits wrappers, cling films and shopping bags, since these products dissolve in water and soil, then landfills are minimized, pollution reduced and positive impact in environment is produced.Commercial
4773316.0Sterilizers & Disinfectants TradingIncludes trading of disinfectants and sterilizers made of chemicals, either in a gaseous or liquid form and used to eliminate microorganisms from hands, surfaces, floors, and clothes.Commercial
4773401.0Crystal Products TradingIncludes reselling decorative and household crystal products, such as chandeliers, ladies ornaments, utensils, gifts, trophies.Commercial
4773402.0Gifts TradingIncludes reselling pen sets, lighters, purses, key holders, exquisite gift boxes, golden buttons, make-up sets, tiny antiques and handicraft souvenir and other miscellaneous items used for personal use or presenting as gifts.Commercial
4773403.0Novelties TradingIncludes reselling of paintings, historical photographs, statues, antiquity utensils, as well as other art works made of silver, copper, wood, ivory, crystal, glass or others.Commercial
4773404.0Paintings & Frames TradingIncludes reselling paintings made by renowned artists or others.Commercial
4773405.0Old Postage Stamps & Currencies TradingIncludes selling, buying and exchanging old and memorial postage stamps, coins and bank notes, phone cards, celebrities` photos, whether set in historical order, by topic or single pieces.Commercial
4773503.0Pumps, Engines, Valves & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling of pumps used to pump water or other liquids, as well as engines used in ships, boats, vehicles, machinery, etc., also, those used in operating industrial and mechanical equipment, it also includes valves and compressors of all kinds and sizes, as well as the accessories for installation or operational efficiency, such firms are allowed to carry out repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773504.0Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution Equipment TradingIncludes reselling of power plants turbines, generators, and reactors, transmission and feed equipment, distribution keys, panels, current rectifiers, control systems and others for private or public use, it also involves the batteries used to store solar generated energy, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773505.0Refrigeration & Cold Storage Equipment TradingIncludes reselling central equipment used to cool or freeze foodstuff, medicines and chemicals to save them from damage, including cold compartments and freezers used for cold storage in groceries and supermarkets, household refrigerators and freezers, household refrigerators and freezers are excluded, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773507.0Filters & Purification Devices TradingIncludes reselling of filters and air purifiers of smokes, gases and dust, viruses and bacteria, also, strainers and filters to remove particles and salts from water or other liquids, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773509.0Lighting Equipment & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling outdoor lighting fixtures for public gardens, parks, squares, airports, sports stadium and others, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773510.0Electrical & Electronic Appliances Spare Parts Trading.Includes reselling the spare parts of the audio-visual electronic equipment, involving radio sets, gramophones, loud-speakers television and video sets, , cinematography and television cameras, also, refrigerators, freezers, water coolers, washing machines and dryers, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, ironers, heaters, electric kitchen mixers, mincers, cutters, blenders, toasters, juice extractors, grinders, kettles.Commercial
4773512.0Air-Condition, Refrigeration Spare Parts & Components TradingIncludes reselling spare parts of air-conditioning systems, central, window or split units as well as coolers, cold storage compartments, central water cooling and other refrigeration equipment.Commercial
4773513.0Office Equipment TradingIncludes reselling office equipment in public and private facilities and banks, including, automatic and manual file shelves and cabinets, files moving carriages, safes, paper shredders, day and time attendance machines, paper and document binders and laminators, cards printers laminating and other equipment except office furniture, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773514.0Heavy Equipment & Machinery Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the spare parts of heavy and industrial machinery and equipment used for , handling, refrigeration, air purifying, metal cutting and forming, food, beverage, and tobacco processing, textile apparel, and leather production, lifts, escalators, boilers, central kitchens, automatic washing equipment, electric generators, water pumpsCommercial
4773515.0Laser & Fireworks Show Equipment TradingIncludes reselling laser and fireworks show products such as, digital light processors, screens and projectors, high powered lighting units, video devices, loudspeaker systems, these firms are not allowed to deal in fireworks materials, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773516.0Central Ventilators & Air Filters TradingIncludes reselling ventilation and air filtering equipment to make air inside factories, workshops and warehouses clean of smoke, dust, viruses and bacteria, central ventilators in closed facilities are also included, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773601.0Workshop Equipment, Machinery & Spare Parts Tradingincludes reselling of workshops cutting, welding, balancing, pressure gauging and other equipment and machinery, also, any other equipment and machinery for carpentry, smithery, lathe workshops, auto and electronic workshops, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773602.0Industrial Plant Equipment & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling equipment and machinery installed in industrial plants or used in industrial production, such as, oil refineries, petrochemicals, food and plastic industries …etc., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773603.0Bricks Making Equipment TradingIncludes reselling bricks making equipment and machinery, including sand bricks, red bricks and gypsum bricks, whether they are fixed or portable equipment., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773604.0Painting Equipment TradingIncludes reselling painting, polishing or burnishing equipment and machinery such firms are allowed to carry out the repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773605.0Bakeries & Flour Mills Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the machinery and equipment for producing flour, such as, grinding mills, feeders, sifters, bran cleaners, blenders, rice hullers, also, bakery ovens, dough mixers and dividers, molders, slicers, cake depositors, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773606.0Spinning & Weaving Equipment & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling equipment for various spinning and weaving processes, such as, reelers, wrappers, looms, knotted net, textile printing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, coating or impregnating textile fabrics, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal in.Commercial
4773607.0Sewing Machines & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling manual, electrical, electronic and computerized stitching and embroidering clothing, fabrics, shoes and leather products, whether a one person or Industrial sewing machines for automated process of stitching, it involves the needles and other accessories, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773608.0Measuring & Control Systems TradingIncludes reselling equipment for measuring areas, distances, temperatures and humidity ,or to monitor dimensions and environmental and geographical variables, as well as for controlling the quantities of flowing materials, such as, water, liquids, electric power, gases or speeds, or in regulating movement in the production level, such as, water, electricity and taxi meters, also, the automation devices that turn homes into smart homes through controlling the electrical and electronic appliances, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773609.0Engines & Machinery Spare Parts Trading.Includes reselling parts and components for engines, motors, pumps, gear boxes, steering and starters, including pipes, flexible metal, plastic and fibers hoses used in hydraulic and gas engines and motors, as well as belts, ball bearings, gears, crankshaft and pistons.Commercial
4773610.0Blast Furnaces & Smelters TradingIncludes reselling blast furnaces used for smelting iron ores to produce semi-finished products, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773611.0Water Desalination Equipment TradingIncludes reselling equipment involved in the large or limited scale sea water desalination to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption or irrigation, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773612.0Water Cooling & Heating Equipment TradingInclude reselling central coolers and boilers for cooling or warming water in buildings, factories and hotel, as well as water coolers in hospitals, schools, mosques and other public places, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773613.0Printing Machinery TradingIncludes reselling machines for different printing processes and techniques and on a variety of materials, such as letterpress, photogravure, offset lithography printing, engraving and intaglio, textile screen Printing, hand printing sets, 3D printers, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773614.0Water Treatment & Purification Equipment TradingIncludes reselling domestic and industrial water treatment and purification equipment for domestic use or irrigation, it involves deep filters, reverse osmosis plants, ultra-filtration plants, UV disinfection systems, ozone systems, ion exchange plants, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773615.0Construction Equipment & Machinery Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the spare parts of building and construction excavating, filling, demolition, earth leveling, road paving, cement mixing equipment and machinery, as well as cranes, elevators and heavy objects lifts.Commercial
4773616.0Animal & Poultry Farms Equipment TradingIncludes reselling machinery and equipment used in cattle and sheep farms, or in raising and breeding of poultry other birds and animals for bred for trading and processing their products, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773617.0Petrol Station Equipment TradingIncludes reselling fuel dispenser for pumping fuels into vehicles, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773618.0Carbon Control Systems TradingIncludes reselling systems and units that help reduce carbon and other gases arising from global warming, It includes providing these systems to industrial facilities for developing and improving their practices, which will be reflected in reducing gas emissions and thus preserving the environment., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773619.0Structural Wire Rope Systems TradingIncludes reselling wire rope systems used in a variety of different structural and decorative applications, such as bridge suspensions, structural bracing, balustrades, banners, mast rigging, awning and fixture hangings, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inIndustrial
4773620.0Simulation Equipment & Systems Trading Includes selling hardware and software that model and simulate the characteristics of the real processes, which will enable carrying out experiments on physical objects rather than on real objects, including flight, ships, trains and trucks simulators that are used for training performance optimization and safety, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773621.0Hydropanels TradingIncludes selling hydropanels that extract water from humid ambient air, the hydropanels themselves consist of two different materials, one that can generate heat, and another that can absorb moisture from the air, together they are able to condense water into an onboard reservoir where it is mineralized with calcium and magnesium, in order to make it drinkable, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773701.0Agricultural Equipment & Accessories TradingIncludes reselling of agricultural equipment and machinery used in farms, orchards and gardens to cut grass and small trees and roots, pesticides sprayers as well as other attachments to enable for different uses, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773702.0Agricultural Equipment & Machinery Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the spare parts of the agricultural machinery for soil preparation, planting or fertilizing, ploughing, manure spreading, seeding, grass cutting, sorters, milkers, pesticides sprayers, poultry and bee-keeping.Commercial
4773703.0Construction Equipment & Machinery TradingIncludes reselling equipment and machinery used for building and construction purposes, such as excavation, backfilling, demolition, ground leveling, road paving, and cement mixing, cranes, and elevators for transporting construction materials at the work site, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773704.0Oilfield & Natural Gas Equipment & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling the equipment involved in the various operations of oil and natural gas production, from primary stages of survey and exploration up to storage, including equipment related to drilling, pumping, gas liquefaction, refining and transportation.Commercial
4773705.0Natural Resources Extraction Machinery & Equipment Trading Includes reselling machinery and equipment that works for the extraction of natural resources from the ground, including oil and natural gas, mining equipment, mining and quarrying, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773706.0Handling & Lifting Equipment TradingIncludes reselling equipment used in loading and unloading in ports, airports and customs stations, including winches, handling equipment, carriages, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773707.0Ports & Marine Guide Equipment TradingIncludes reselling ports and harbors equipment and fixtures, including ships and boats berths installations, loaders and unloaders, container movers, traffic control and monitors, signals and marine guide devices and lighthouses., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773708.0Aircraft Spare Parts & Components TradingIncludes reselling specialized parts of railway locomotives and rolling Stock, such as axles and wheels, brakes, hooks and coupling devices, buffers, shock absorbers, wagon and locomotive frames, bodies, corridor connections.Commercial
4773709.0Trains Spare Parts & Components TradingIncludes reselling specialized parts of railway locomotives and rolling Stock, such as axles and wheels, brakes, hooks and coupling devices, buffers, shock absorbers, wagon and locomotive frames, bodies, corridor connections.Commercial
4773710.0Airport Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the support equipment found at airport terminal, such as baggage handling system, x-ray inspectors, metal detectors, luggage and body scanners, also, equipment at the ramp area, such as bag carts, trolleys for containers and pallets, ground power units, container loader, passenger boarding stairs., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773713.0Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drone) TradingIncludes reselling unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and Drones controlled by the remote control of a pilot on the ground, in order to use for survey, still and video imaging, mapping and inspection., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773714.0Agricultural Tractors & Machinery TradingIncludes reselling tractors and agricultural machinery such as ploughs, seeders, harvesters, etc., and the accessories that are added to diversify their uses, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773715.0Light Aircraft TradingIncludes reselling light aircraft with a maximum gross takeoff weight of 100,000 lbs and are used commercially for passenger and freight transport, sightseeing, photography and personal use.Commercial
4773716.0Gliders, Sailplanes & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling non-motorized glider or sailplane for using in gliding.Commercial
4773717.0Trains & Railways Construction & Fabrication Equipment Trading & MaintenanceIncludes reselling specialized parts of railway construction and locomotives and rolling stock maintenance, such as machines and supplies of welding, cutting, grinding, fabrication, power wire, signaling, clips, fasteners, axles and wheels, brakes, hooks and coupling devices, buffers, shock absorbers, wagon and locomotive frames, bodies, corridor connections, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773718.0Oil Drilling Rigs & Equipment TradingIncludes reselling offshore platforms used for operational operations in all areas of the oil sector and petroleum derivatives and others, whether liquid or inert, as well as equipment and devices used for drilling and exploration, pumping, liquefaction and filling, refining and filtration, and transportation., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773901.0Gas Cylinders DistributionIncludes the sale and distribution of gas-filled cylinders by custom-designed vehicles for domestic and commercial consumption.Commercial
4773902.0Central Gas Tanks FillingIncludes firms engaged in filling central gas tanks in residential and commercial facilities by special tank trucks, such firms must be approved by the Directorate General of Civil Defense.Commercial
4773903.0Charcoal & Firewood TradingIncludes reselling wood and charcoal and stone coal to use in heating, cooking and in factories.Commercial
4773904.0Ignition Materials TradingIncludes reselling igniters for household burners, cookers and warmers, such as match boxes and lighters.Commercial
4773905.0Paging Receivers TradingIncludes the resale of wireless paging devices operated as telecommunication systems to receive massages and telephone number, other telecommunication devices are classified in class 5150Commercial
4773906.0Dry Batteries Tradingincludes reselling the device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy, it involves the primary type which is used once and discharges, and the secondary type which is designed to be recharged and used multiple timesCommercial
4773907.0Occupational Hygiene & Safety Requisites Trading.Includes reselling protective instruments and kits for protecting workers from occupational hazards in hospitals and clinics, factories, oilfields, civil construction sites and workshops, including masks, gloves, helmets and anti-radiation eyeglasses and uniforms.Commercial
4773908.0Laboratories Tools & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling laboratory requisites for scientific and medical testing and analysis, including glassware, instruments, apparatuses other than chemical solutions and equipment.Commercial
4773909.0Fiber Optic Products & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling of wires and cables made of fiber optics for different uses, as well as related connectors, sockets, feeding points, control and distribution panels….. etc.Commercial
4773910.0Astronomy, Earthquakes & Meteorology Monitoring Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the specialized devices for measuring natural phenomena such as wind speed and cyclones detectors, temperature meters, air monitoring stations’ equipment, measuring and monitoring of earthquakes devices, devices for observing astronomical phenomena, such as, telescopes and magnifying equipment in different sizes and magnitudes, also, astronomical instrument for geographical locations and celestial bodies distances calculations, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773914.0Scales & Dry Measures TradingIncludes reselling of electric and sensitive scales, dry measures and balance equipment used for weighing, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773915.0Bolts, Nuts, Screws & Nails TradingIncludes reselling of different types of screws, nuts, nails, spikes, needles, tension, tighten, anti-friction tools, gasket rings and similar requisites, also includes chains, rings and anchoring hooks for moorages and ports.Commercial
4773916.0Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment TradingIncludes reselling of equipment and machinery used in vocational safely, labor accident preventives, natural hazards protective tools, also, firefighting equipment like electric cables, smoke exhaust fans, alarm bells, manual extinguishers, hoses, sprinklers, pumps, dampers, emergency/exit lights, nozzles, automatic fire detectors, wet fire systems, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773918.0Solar Energy Systems & Components TradingIncludes reselling solar panels and slabs energy systems (photovoltaic) installed on tops and facades of residential and commercial buildings, or on the ground to generate power for use in water heating and cooling and energy supply, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773919.0Scientific & Laboratory Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the equipment and machinery used in scientific, medical and research laboratories., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773920.0Office Furniture TradingIncludes reselling of office desks, chairs, tables, cabinets and others, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773921.0Schools, Hospitals & Laboratories Furniture TradingIncludes reselling furniture for schools, universities, educational institutes, hospitals, clinics, laboratories and others, including seats, tables, cabinets, desks, beds, shelves, safes, display windows, whether partially of wood, metal, plastic or fabrics, or totally made of cane and bamboo, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773924.0Electronic Card TradingIncludes reselling specialized electronic cards such as plastic membership cards, magnetic cards used as key cards and ATM machines, credit cards, smart cards, phone cards, finger print identification cards, in addition to other electronically programmed cards.Commercial
4773925.0Beauty & Personal Care Equipment TradingIncludes reselling equipment and supplies used in beauty and hair salons, rehabilitation and personal care centers, also, health equipment like pure and flavored oxygen generators, relaxation and message equipment like chairs, beds, steam and sauna rooms, other similar ones unclassified as medical or sport equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773926.0Vending Machines TradingIncludes reselling vending machines located in public places for selling beverages and snacks, newspapers and publications, DVD’s, cigarettes, photo booths, as well as paying public services charges such as Etisalat bills payment machines, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773927.0Industrial Kitchen & Catering Equipment TradingIncludes reselling industrial kitchens equipment and machinery usually used by hotels, restaurants and hospitals to prepare, preserve and serve meals, such equipment are ovens, grillers, dishwashers, cold rooms, chillers, warmers and refrigerators, (glass fronts) service counters, conveyor belts… etc, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773928.0City Cleaning Equipment TradingIncludes reselling machinery and equipment for outdoor and city cleaning, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773929.0Building Cleaning Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the equipment that facilitate and expedite the cleaning process of buildings interior and exterior, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773930.0Sea Cleaning Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the specialized mechanical equipment designed to clean up and collect and remove marine floating debris, also the specially designed sifting devices to remove rubbish and other foreign matter form beach sand., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773931.0Environment Protection Equipment TradingIncludes reselling environment protection and pollution control machinery and equipment, including sewage disposal treatment and waste recycling equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773932.0Laundry & Dry Cleaning Equipment TradingIncludes reselling machines and equipment used in laundries for removing dirt from clothes and textiles, bedspreads, linens, curtains, rugs, and other textiles by water washing, steam or dryers, as well as ironing and preserving equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773933.0Auto Washing Equipment TradingIncludes reselling automatic and manual car cleaning and washing equipment, involving fully automatic tunnel car wash equipment, high press automatic car wash equipment, rollover car wash equipment, mobile equipment, vacuum cleaners, foamers, dryers, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773935.0Shop Fittings TradingIncludes reselling equipment and fittings for groceries, cooperative outlets, bookshops, kiosks and exhibitions and public shops, including, display shelves, goods storage shelves, counters, electronic promotion machines, also, trolleys, purchase recording equipment, cash safes, insect traps…etc, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773936.0Packing & Packaging Equipment TradingIncludes reselling automatic and semi-automatic packing and packaging equipment and machinery, for wrapping, bagging, sealing materials, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773937.0Well Drilling Equipment TradingIncludes reselling well drilling equipment to get ground water whether through manual, percussive or rotary digging techniques, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773938.0Pest Control Equipment TradingIncludes reselling pests’ control and exterminating devices, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773939.0Garden Equipment TradingIncludes reselling out-door and parks equipment and fittings such as seats, umbrellas, flower pots, garbage baskets, camping items and others.Commercial
4773940.0Medical, Surgical Equipment TradingIncludes reselling instruments and equipment used in hospitals and clinics for diagnosis, treatment, surgical operations, medicine and blood preservation, X-raying, sterilization, waste disposal, physical therapy and rehabilitation, also, manual kits and instruments used for check-up, surgical operations and bandaging, as well as electronic devices using communication techniques, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773941.0Veterinary Equipment & Instruments TradingIncludes reselling equipment and instruments used to deal with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in domesticate or wild animals, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773942.0Lifts, Escalators & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling lifts fixed in multistoried facilities to carry people and goods, also, escalators and electric belts in airports, shopping centers, hotels and public utilities, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773943.0Automatic Gates & Barriers & Components TradingIncludes reselling sliding doors and gates, as well as the automatic ones that are opened and closed by remote controls, also, the automatic barriers regulating entrance and exit in private and public parks, it involves the related machines and components, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773944.0Irrigation Equipment & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling equipment and accessories used in the artificial application of water to the land or soil, it involves pivots for overhead irrigation, pumps, sprinklers, drippers, control and automation equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773945.0Engineering Designing Instruments TradingIncludes reselling equipment for engineering designing, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773946.0Green Houses & Equipment TradingIncludes reselling greenhouses made of glass or plastic and is designed to control the growing environment of plants as regarding temperature and light and humidity, the allow improve food production in lands suffer shortcomings in the growing qualities, as well as they enable certain crops to be grown throughout the year, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773947.0Meat & Fish Processing Equipment & Machinery TradingIncludes reselling of equipment and machines for processing slaughtered cattle, chicken, fish and seafood, including skinning, defeathering, removal of crusts, cleaning and removal of unwanted parts, also, cutting meat in slices, filets, or mincing meat and preparing for cooking, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773948.0Aquariums & Display Cases TradingIncludes reselling aquariums to display fish and marine animals in public places, in restaurants serve sea food, in shops sell living fishes and marine animals, also, equipment for preserving chilled for selling, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773949.0Inspection & Testing Equipment TradingIncludes the reselling of equipment and devices specialized in testing, examining, and inspecting constructions, facilities, marine and industrial equipment, vehicles and transport means, these devices are related to on-site testing apart from laboratory equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773950.0Photographic Processing Equipment & Requisites TradingIncludes reselling photographic processing apparatus which transform the latent image into a visible printable image, it involves manual small-scale processing as well as the automatic commercial processing equipment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773951.0Cleanroom Systems TradingIncludes reselling cleanrooms systems which are designed to have low level of environmental pollutants such as such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles and which are used in manufacturing and scientific research which require controlled level of contamination, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773952.0Monetary & Banking Equipment TradingIncludes reselling monetary and banking operations equipment and machines, including A.T.M., currency and stock displayers, currency counters, currency and banknotes detectors, cheque numbers typewriters, money collectors, credit cards identifiers…etc., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773953.0Global Positioning Systems (G.P.S) TradingIncludes reselling the specialized systems that provide users, in land or sea, with accurate information about their positions, as well as serving as navigators and trackers in different transport means, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773954.0Security Systems & Equipment TradingIncludes selling security systems and equipment, such as, security gates, metal detectors, thermal binoculars, radar systems, police specialized equipment, surveillance and access control equipment, as well as the related accessories, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773955.0Franking Machines TradingIncludes selling franking machines which affix stamps or marks to indicate postage payment, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773956.0Magnetic Technology Equipment TradingIncludes selling magnetic technology equipment and systems which are involved in the application of agriculture and animal resources, thermal energy, constructions, water treatment, chemical and oil industries…etc., such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inIndustrial
4773957.0Plate Heat Exchangers TradingIncludes reselling the metal components used to heat or cool one fluid by transferring heat between it and another fluid, such technology has been applied in industrial facilities and power generation plants, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773963.0Paper Products TradingIncludes reselling paper or carton products, including tableware, plates, cups, napkins, facial tissues, toilets paper, paper towels, diapers, sanitary napkins.Commercial
4773964.0Packing & Packaging Materials TradingIncludes reselling freight packing and wrapping, industrial packaging materials, including packs, boxes, panels, sheets, foils and straps made of paper, plastic or metal materials or other substances.Commercial
4773966.0Electronic Precision Instruments TradingIncludes reselling the electronic devices used to observe different phenomena indiscernible by ordinary senses, such as, sound waves and vibrations detectors, minute objects observers and measuring instruments, laboratory and medical equipment are not included herein, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773968.0Military Vehicles & Equipment Spare Parts TradingIncludes firms engaged in trading the parts and accessories for military vehicles and equipment used by the armed forces for different operations, the parts will be for tanks, armored and tactical vehicles, troop carriers, mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles, mine detection system and others. Commercial
4773969.0Car Parking Systems & Equipment TradingIncludes selling the systems and equipment for traditional and automated car parks, including automatic robots, ultrasonic sensors, access controllers, CCTV and remote monitors, dynamic signage, vehicle detectors, automatic barriers, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773970.0Radiation Equipment TradingIncludes selling the equipment used in radioactive industrial and medical environments where radiation detrimental to living organism, it involves equipment for radiation monitoring, protection, detection, testing, therapy, measuring, safety…etc.Commercial
4773971.0Life Saving Equipment TradingIncludes reselling equipment for marine life saving such as life jackets, lifebuoys and boats, also the devices that ignite light, smoke and flare signals used to indicate the position of the distressed lifebuoys in day or night in order to enable rescuing.Commercial
4773973.0Balloons TradingIncludes trading of balloons used for a variety of different reasons such as commercial leisure flights, business advertising or promoting their product, corporate events, sports, skydiving, scientific research and meteorology..etc.Commercial
4773974.0Satellites’ Components & Spare Parts TradingIncludes reselling of components and spare parts used for satellites operation, reparation, maintenance, renovation and efficiency upgrading, it involves hyperspectral imaging cameras, converters, signal amplifiers, transponder, microwave components, antennas, solar cell and battery backup, communication and safety systems…etcCommercial
4773976.0Disinfecting Booths & Equipment TradingIncludes reselling disinfecting booths and equipment which are installed in different places to disinfect all individuals and vehicles entering and exiting the area, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773977.0Tracking Equipment & Objects & Space Technology TradingIncludes reselling spacecrafts, sensors and space imaging, including satellite parts and other components and supplies used in repair, maintenance, or refurbishment, or raise their operational efficiency, or provide them with safety devices or other components and supplies. In addition to astronomy equipment, including tracking, monitoring, radar and telescope, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4773978.0Meteorite TradingIncludes trading in meteorites that have been collected from the surface of the earthCommercial
4773979.0Space Resource TradingIncludes reselling the materials resulting from the extraction of mineral resources from space bodies with non-living resources in outer space, such as minerals.Commercial
4773988.0Mind Abilities Development Equipment TradingIncludes the reselling of equipment and devices specialized in develop mind and body abilities and the functions of each to reach the most use thereof, such firms are allowed to carry out the installation, repair and maintenance services for the equipment they deal inCommercial
4774001.0Used Furniture TradingIncludes reselling second-hand furniture of any kind, any material for any place and various purposes.Commercial
4774002.0Used Jewellery TradingIncludes reselling second-hand adornment jewellery such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, which are made of gold, platinum, palladium, titanium, silver and gemstones.Commercial
4774003.0Used Electrical & Electronic Appliances TradingIncludes reselling used household electrical appliances, such as, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers …etc, also, audio-visual electronic equipment, such as television and video sets, cinematography …etc, also, electrical and electronic equipment used in hospitals and clinics for diagnosis, treatment, surgical operations.Commercial
4774005.0Used Household Utensils TradingIncludes reselling of various used household utensils and cleaning itemsCommercial
4774006.0Used Building Machinery & Equipment TradingIncludes reselling second-hand building and construction equipment and machinery for excavating, filling, demolition, earth leveling, road paving, cement mixing, as well as cranes, elevators and heavy objects lifts.Commercial
4774007.0Used Heavy Equipment & Machinery TradingIncludes reselling used heavy plants machinery and equipment, marine engines, lifting and loading equipment…etc.Commercial
4774009.0Used Cloth & Personal Items TradingIncludes reselling used books, toys, CD’s, tapes, clothes, shoes, leather items, hats and belts, the process involves sorting out according to quality and type and then packaging in bulks.Commercial
4774019.0Used Medical & Surgical Equipment TradingIncludes reselling the used equipment which are used in hospitals and clinics for diagnosis, treatment, surgical operations, medicine and blood preservation, X-raying, sterilization, waste disposal, physical therapy and rehabilitation, also, manual kits and instruments used for check-up, surgical operations and bandaging.Commercial
4781001.0Fruit & Vegetable SellerIncludes sellers who use benches and small stall in public markets to sell fresh fruits, dried fruits such as dates, lemon, medical herbs … etc.Professional
4781003.0BakerIncludes backing traditional bread using traditional bakeries.Professional
4781004.0Tobacco SellerIncludes sellers practicing tobacco leaves trading activity on benches and stalls inside popular markets, the activity should not be given to shops and commercial centers located in residential neighborhoods.Professional
4781005.0Dates sellerIncludes sellers practicing small dates trading activity on benches and stalls inside popular markets.Professional
4781006.0Fodder SellerIncludes sellers practicing small fodder trading activity on benches and stalls inside popular markets.Professional
4781007.0Fish SellerIncludes sellers who perform selling fishes directly to consumers in the public markets, the service provided includes cutting and preparing fishes for cooking.Professional
4781008.0Meat SellerIncludes small shops and sellers who perform selling meats and chickens direct to consumers in the public markets, the service provided includes cutting and preparing meats for cooking.Professional
4781009.0Beverages CanteenIncludes the preparation and serving of beverages for immediate consumption
on the premise.
4781013.0Folk Goods SellerIncludes sellers who use benches to sell their goods in the public markets. Their goods include popular items and traditional house holds items such as mats, tools, coal and woods.Professional
4789001.0Publications & Stationery OutletIncludes shops engaged in selling stationery, such as writing paper, notebooks, record books, writing and drawing instruments, rulers, sharpeners, paper perforators, paper clipping requisites, stamps, typewriters ribbons.Professional
4789004.0Sport Games KioskIncludes kiosk selling electronic and video games devices and discs and tapes with sport games.Professional
4789006.0Short Term Retail OperatorIncludes firms offering retail windows in retail outlets for sellers for short terms, the operator should obtain the required permits, as well as being responsible for compliance of sellers with the prevailing laws and regulations in Dubai. Professional
4791001.0Foodstuff E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling foodstuff to the general public or to other businesses over the Internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the Interne, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791002.0Garments, Textiles & Gifts E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling garments, textiles and gifts to the general public or to other businesses over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791003.0Publications and media Materials E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling publications and media materials to the general public or to other businesses over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791004.0Household, Professional & Personal Goods E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling household, professional and personal goods to the general public or to other businesses over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791005.0Vehicles and transport means E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling motor vehicles to the general public or to other businesses over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791006.0Equipment E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling equipment and machinery to the general public or to other businesses over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791007.0Jewellery & Precious Stones E-TradingIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling jewellery, pearls and precious stones to the general public or to other businesses over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791008.0Travel & Leisure Services E- TradingIncludes firms specialized in providing travel and leisure services to the general over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791009.0Sport & Recreational Events Tickets E-TRADINGIncludes firms specialized in conducting selling sport and recreational events tickets to the general public over the internet without needing any human interaction using any of the applications that rely on the internet, it involves coordinating with payment service providers which offer online electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, smart cards, digital money E-cash.Commercial
4791010.0TV ShoppingIncludes utilizing TV commercials and acting techniques to promote advertise personal and consumer goods and products including household appliances, cosmetics, apparels, sport equipment and detergents, such products are not available in the local market, but attainable only through such offers delivery and repair arrangements are also included.Professional
4791012.0Purchasing Through Catalogue ServicesIncludes firms engaged in promoting goods and products through publishing them in books or catalogues, then present them to customers to make their choices and orders, which would be transferred to wholesalers, wholesalers then send ordered stuff directly to customers or to the firms, these firms usually neither involve in goods storage nor in importing and exporting.Commercial
4799002.0Selling Products & Services by Automatic Vending MachinesIncludes vending machines located in public places for selling cold and hot drinks, fruits, sweets and snack food, newspapers and publications, DVD’s, cigarettes, tickets, stamps, it involves machines for providing some services, such as, mobile phones charging kiosk, photo booths, currency change machines …etc.Commercial
4799003.0Selling Goods via Mobile TrucksIncludes firms carry out roaming sales in designated areas with vehicles equipped for that, and according to the activities in their licenses, and using direct call, electronic media and smart applications.Commercial
4921001.0Urban Public Buses ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing land transport for passengers by buses on scheduled routes following fixed timetable stopping and different stops indicated by the timetable.Commercial
4922001.0International Buses ServiceIncludes firms specialized in providing land transport for passengers by buses or luxury coaches on international scheduled routes and following timetable stopping.Commercial
4922002.0Inter Urban Public Buses ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing land transport for passengers by buses on scheduled routes following fixed timetable stopping and different stops indicated by the timetable.Commercial
4922003.0Taxi ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing passenger transport service by taxi within or outside cities.Commercial
4922004.0Luxury Motor Vehicles ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing passenger transport by luxury motor vehicles within or outside cities or as per order.Commercial
4922006.0Passengers Transport by Rented BusesIncludes firms involved in private hire of buses from charter bus companies to passenger transport, either for short, or a longer contract basis.Commercial
4922007.0Transport By Tour BusesIncludes transporting tourists to hotels and tourist and heritage destinations inside and outside city by tour buses, it also involves operating the open-top buses that allow tourists to view local attractions or scenery.Commercial
4922008.0School TransportIncludes firms specialized in transporting school students and nursery pupils and children by buses with special specifications.Commercial
4922010.0Passengers Transport by Vehicles via Electronic Media and Smart AppsIncludes firms authorized by the Public Transport Agency to provide passengers’ transportation service via calls, electronic media, smart apps, or any other mean, it involves organizing the booking and distribution of vehicles by integration with electronic systems provided by RTA for the monitoring and organizing the transportation services. Commercial
4922011.0Passenger Transport by Classic CarsIncludes transporting passengers by 30+ year old cars, which are classified and licensed by the competent authority as classic cars and are intended for leisure transport inside Dubai only, distance of the tour is determined by the same authority according to the classification of the car.Commercial
4922012.0Non-emergency Transport of Patients & EldersIncludes firms specialized in transporting patients ,seniors and people with special or non- emergency needs from homes to hospitals or any other destinations within the city.Commercial
4923002.0Raw Materials Transport by RoadIncludes transporting raw materials for manufacturing or trading or construction.Commercial
4923003.0New & Used Furniture RemovalIncludes firms engaged in removing by specialty vehicles as per the competent authority specifications.Commercial
4923004.0Petroleum Products TransportIncludes firms transporting petroleum products and derivatives on tanks and as per order.Commercial
4923005.0Drinking Water TransportIncludes firms transporting drinking water in tanks and as per orderCommercial
4923006.0Transport by Refrigerator Trucks Includes firms transporting fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and other perishable goods by refrigerated trailers.Commercial
4923007.0Transport by Specialized Trucks Includes firms transporting live animals, antiquities, and special objects by specialized trucks.Commercial
4923008.0Hazardous Materials TransportIncludes firms engaged in transporting inflammable materials whether liquid, solid, gaseous or compressed state, like explosives and gas cylinders, it involves transporting also the hazardous acidic, radiant, toxic and oxidizing materials.Commercial
4923009.0Cargo Transport by Heavy TrucksIncludes firms engaged in general cargo transport by 2.5 ton trucks or as per order.Commercial
4923010.0Cargo Transport by Light TrucksIncludes firms engaged in general cargo transport, except that related to specialized activities, by 2.5 ton trucks or as per order.Commercial
4923012.0Radioactive Materials TransportIncludes transporting by light and heavy vehicles the radioactive materials, a risky stuff to human beings and environment, and which require adherence to stringent measures in transporting.Commercial
4923015.0Animals TransportIncludes transporting and relocating animals by specialty vans and vehicles custom designed to fit the transported animal, including horses, camels, sheep, dogs…etc, using self-driving or semi-autonomous vehicles or any mean introduced in the future to move animals inside or outside Dubai, including wild animals.Commercial
4923016.0Fodder & Animal Feed TransportIncludes transporting fodder and animal feed by specialty trucks.Commercial
4923017.0Motor Vehicles TransportationIncludes firms engaged in transporting motor vehicles by specialized trucks.Commercial
4923018.0Chemicals & Wastes TransportationIncludes using light and heavy trucks and tankers which are duly fitted to transport chemicals and wastes that are considered risky stuff to human beings and environment, and which require adherence to stringent measures in transporting.Commercial
4923019.0Biological Materials TransportIncludes using light and heavy trucks duly fitted to transport biological materials considered risky human beings and environment, and which require adherence to stringent measures in transporting.Commercial
4923020.0Lubricants & Petroleum Wastes TransportIncludes using light and heavy tankers which are duly fitted to transport Lubricants and Petroleum Wastes that are considered risky to human beings and environment, and which require adherence to stringent measures in transporting.Commercial
4923022.0Freight Transport within Open Markets & Designated Areas Includes firms operating in transporting freight within the open markets and designated areas in the Emirate of Dubai, and using different modes of freight transportCommercial
4923101.0Explosive Materials TransportIncludes firms engaged in transporting explosive materials which require sophisticated handling for safety as well as the compliance of shippers to local and international codes for handling such materials.Commercial
5011001.0Shipping Lines of Freight & Passengers Transportation.Includes shipping companies that
transport passengers and freight on vessels which are owned or chartered and which are designed for operating
on sea or coastal waters.
5011002.0Interurban Boats servicesIncludes firms specialized in providing transport for passengers by boats on scheduled routes following fixed timetable stopping and different stops indicated by a timetable.Professional
5012003.0Sea Freight & Passengers ChartersIncludes firms involved in passengers and freight sea transport by chartered ships or vessels under special contracts and according to semi-regular trips.Professional
5012004.0Sea Transport of Oil & Petroleum Products by Oil TankersIncludes the bulk sea transport of unrefined crude from its point of oil extraction to refineries by crude tankers, and also moving refined products and petrochemicals refineries to consuming markets.Commercial
5012005.0Sea Transport of Radioactive, Chemical & Biological MaterialsIncludes shipping firms engaged in the sea transport of the hazardous chemicals, radioactive and biological materials which require sophisticated handling for safety as well as the compliance of shippers to local and international codes for handling such materials.Commercial
5021001.0Small Boats Passenger ServicesIncludes inter-city passenger transport by small motor boats (Abra).Commercial
5021002.0Leisure Yachts & Boats RentalIncludes firms which hire out boats, small vessels and fully equipped yachts for individuals or tourist groups for sightseeing inside the cities or from one to another, through launching irregular trips. This does not include overnight Accommodation.Commercial
5021003.0Marine Tours OperationIncludes firms which organize leisure cruising in the city waterways or between cities to individuals and tourist groups for marine discovery tours, sport and recreational fishing, diving, whale watching and dolphin…etcProfessional
5110001.0Airlines of Passengers & Cargo Transportation.Includes airlines involved in passengers and cargo air transport by civil airplanes owned or chartered by such firms and used for internal and international regular flights.Commercial
5110002.0Helicopters Rental & OperationIncludes rental and operation of helicopter on demand for passenger and cargo transportation and for other purposes that includes the use of helicoptersCommercial
5110003.0Private Airplane CharterIncludes firms specialized in renting all kinds of civil aircrafts for passenger and cargo transport, or for businessmen and personal travels or for recreational travels.Commercial
5120001.0Air Freight & Passengers ChartersIncludes firms involved in chartering airplanes under charter contracts for air flights in non-scheduled passengers and freight transport flights, it involves transporting all kinds of animals, including camels as well as horses for races abroad.Commercial
5120003.0Air Transport of Radioactive, Chemical & Biological MaterialsIncludes shipping firms engaged in the air transport of the hazardous chemicals, radioactive and biological materials which require sophisticated handling for safety as well as the compliance of shippers to local and international codes for handling such materials.Commercial
5210001.0Storage in SilosIncludes storing imported or harvested grains in metal or concrete silos, in order to keep stockpile sufficient for months.Professional
5210002.0General WarehousingIncludes firms offering warehousing facilities equipped with loading and unloading to store dry food products, it excludes the storage of other goods under the activity no. 5210008 “Warehousing & Storage Management & Operation”.Professional
5210003.0Gas & Petroleum Products StorageIncludes tank storage of liquefied gases as well as liquid or solid petroleum products like fuel, kerosene, diesel, lubricants, and petrochemical derivatives.Professional
5210004.0Cold StorageIncludes firms offering cold storage warehousing to store foodstuff or other perishable stuff or materials damageable by heat materials.Professional
5210005.0Self Storage ServicesIncludes providing spaces for temporary storage of business and personal property. The customer would own the lock and might access his unit at any time, security, packaging and transport are also provided.Professional
5210007.0Chemicals StorageIncludes storing chemicals in storage containers in a variety of sizes and shapes and made of materials resistant to the chemicals stored, as well as resist being impacted by external considerations, such as heat, cold, pressure.Professional
5210009.0Auto WarehousingIncludes operating of warehouse facilities for all kind of automobiles as well as provision of caring services to the cars during the storage period.Professional
5210010.0Airport Equipment & Aircraft Spare Parts Storage ServicesIncludes firms offering warehousing facilities equipped with loading and unloading to store airport equipment and aircrafts’ spare parts. Professional
5221001.0Vehicles RecoveryIncludes firms engaged in towing and lifting vehicles whether to specialized workshops or otherwise.Professional
5221002.0Rail Management & OperationIncludes firms specialized in managing and operating trains for other parties. This involves executing operations necessary for handling passengers and cargo transport as well as changing the crew.Professional
5221004.0Heavy Lift Solutions ServicesIncludes firms engaged in organizing heavy lifts traffic to secure road and pedestrian safety, including exploring the road from start point to destination, obtain permits from competent authorities, coordinate with traffic police, ensure loading the cargo properly on the trucks, escort the convey with vehicles fitted with road safety signs.Professional
5221006.0Motorcycle RecoveryIncludes firms engaged in towing and lifting motorcycle whether to specialized workshops or otherwiseProfessional
5221007.0Boats Transport & TowingIncludes firms engaged in transporting power boats, sail boats and yachts for different purposes.Professional
5221008.0Overland Boats & Jet Skis Transport & TowingIncludes firms specialized in road transport and towing of boats and jet skis from their storage places to places for their use, repair or for any other purpose.Professional
5221010.0Fleet Vehicles ManagementIncludes managing all administrative and technical operations related to the company’s vehicle fleet except for passenger buses, including vehicle registration with the competent authority, licensing and renewal, scheduling periodic and emergency maintenance tasks through qualified and specialized employees in this field and who have knowledge of traffic laws and regulationsProfessional
5221011.0Bus Management & OperationIncludes firms specialized in managing and operating buses for other parties, it involves executing operations necessary for handling passengers transport.Commercial
5221012.0Electric Vehicles Charging Stations Management & OperationIncludes firms specialized in managing and operating the charging stations for supply electric energy for the recharging of electric vehicles, which are located at public and private parking lots, as well as at retail shopping centers or on-streets.Commercial
5221014.0Transportation & Delivery Orders by Electronic Media & Smart Apps.Includes firms authorized to manage the transportation and delivery orders through electronic platforms and smart applicationsProfessional
5222001.0Ports ManagementIncludes firms engaged in managing and operating the logistic operations in the ports, involving the movement of ships and cargo, the loading and unloading of ships and containers and storage, tugs, berths operations.Professional
5222002.0Ship Piloting & Towing ServicesIncludes providing marine pilots or ship handlers who possess detailed knowledge of local waterways to bring vessels into and out of the port safely, involving also tugboats services for pushing or towing vessels that either should not move themselves, or those that cannot move by themselves in crowded harbor such as barges, disabled ships, oil platforms.Professional
5222004.0Salvaging Distressed VesselsIncludes the firms specialized in salvaging ships and recovering cargo after stranding or sinking by refloating and towing, whether the wreck occurred offshore or in the internal waters, the aim of the salvage may be to repair the vessel at a harbor or dry dock, or to clear a channel for navigation, or to recover a valuable cargo of the ship, or to prevent hazardous cargo damage the marine environment.Professional
5222005.0Ship Management & OperationIncludes firms specialized in managing operating ships and vessels and other sea means of transport for the account of other parties. This involves executing other operations necessary for handling passengers and cargo transport, changing ships crew and navigators.Professional
5223001.0Airport Ground ServicesIncludes servicing an aircraft while it is on the ground and parked at a terminal gate of an airport, involving handling the many service between arrival and departure such as cabin service, catering, ramp service, passenger service, field operation service.Professional
5223003.0Airplane Management & OperationIncludes firms specialized in managing and operating airplane for other parties. This involves executing operations necessary for handling passengers and cargo transport, changing crew and navigators.Professional
5223004.0Civil Aviation Information ServicesIncludes firms specialized in receiving all information and data concerning civil aviation operations according to specific information system and to make these information available to its member companies to use in its flights and passengers reservation.Professional
5223006.0Aviation Services CoordinationIncludes firms specialized in coordinating between their clients and services providers as related to fuel services, airport ground operation, flight permission and passenger facilitation.Professional
5223007.0Space ConsultanciesIncludes firms that provide consultancies for space missions including spaceship building and development and planning and managing space missions.Professional
5223008.0Helicopters OperationIncludes firms engaged in providing aerial transport of personnel and cargo by helicopters to different industries, including construction projects, to oil and gas companies, for search and rescue.Professional
5223009.0Slot Coordination ServicesIncludes firms engaged in coordinating airport slot as a mean for managing air traffic capacity through the implementation of the set of regulations and directives as they appear in the Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG), the allocation of slots is planned subject to the requests submitted by airlines and determined by the airport.’Professional
5223010.0Ground Services for Non-commercial AircraftsIncludes servicing non-commercial aircrafts, such as, private aircrafts and aircrafts for charter, while it is on the ground and parked at a terminal gate of an airport, involving handling the many service between arrival and departure such as cabin service, catering, ramp service, passenger service, field operation service.Commercial
5224001.0Cargo Loading & Unloading ServicesIncludes firms which provide services of cargo loading on and discharging from vehicles, ships or airplanes.Professional
5224002.0Sea Cargo ServicesIncludes firms specialized in sea shipping of imported and exported goods. The role of such firms is to receive goods from different parties to arrange for shipping as well as handling all related services such as storage, packing, unloading and sorting out. The tasks of these firms involve also contacting shipping companies or agents to reserve spaces in ships and boats and arranging the insurance formalities.Commercial
5224003.0Air Cargo ServicesIncludes firms specialized air transport of exported goods, such firms are allowed to receive goods from different parties as well as handling all related services such as warehousing, crating, unloading and sorting out, they coordinate with freight forwarders and air-cargo agents to reserve aircraft spaces, it involves transporting all kinds of animals, including camels as well as horses for races abroad.Commercial
5224005.0Cargo PackagingIncludes firms provide other parties with packaging and preparing cargo for freight transportation, as well as cargo moving to docks, also, wrapping and packaging personal effects and goods in warehouses prior to removing or restoring.Professional
5224006.0Shipping Containers Loading & Unloading ServicesIncludes organizations that survey aircrafts in order to categorize according to the applicable local and international standard specifications, classification certificates can be issued as regarding adherence to the technical standards of operation.Commercial
5229001.0International Driving Licenses & Vehicles Trip Tickets Issuing ServicesIncludes offices engaged in issuing documents necessary to enable driving private cars abroad, ship or cross international borders while driving them. These documents include International Driving License, trip tickets for vehicles and TIR, as per FIA/AIT regulations.Professional
5229003.0Car Guarantee Extension ServicesIncludes firms act as coordinator between insurance companies, products dealers in one hand and their customers who desire to extend the warranty of the automobiles they purchase beyond the manufacturer’s warranty, the role of such firms is restricted to coordination and management of the process only.Professional
5229004.0Customs BrokerIncludes legal or natural persons engaged in preparing customs declaration and submitting to customs authorities to clear the goods of others.Professional
5229005.0Means of Transportation Services BrokerIncludes firms engaged in providing services related to transportation to the individuals who might not have the time to approach the services providers, such as, auto repair workshops or car washing stations, and this includes taking cars and vehicles to the technical inspection centers and complete the registration procedures and pay the fees.Professional
5229006.0Vehicles Registration ServicesIncludes firms that provide services to other individuals or companies to register their cars and vehicles with the competent authorities and traffic departments, and this includes examining cars and vehicles at technical inspection centers in traffic departments, completing registration procedures and paying feesProfessional
5229007.0Ship Rental IntermediatorIncludes ship chartering intermediary between the firms involved in renting in one hand and ship owners and travel agents on the other. The role of the mediator must confine to intermediary against remuneration.Professional
5229009.0Baggage WrappingIncludes wrapping travelers’ baggage by plastic films, belts or bands in order to prevent damage at handling as well as breaking at airports, harbors and bus stations.Professional
5229010.0Passenger Luggage DeliveryIncludes moving luggage from air or seaports and deliver to passengers’ residences. Firms practicing this activity should be permitted by airlines, on contractual bases, to also hand over lost and found luggage or any luggage requiring special handling.Professional
5229011.0Transport ConsultanciesIncludes firms specialized in providing consultancies and studies on transport as regarding the means for smooth traffic flow, the effect of big projects on traffic, traffic lights timing control, advising on alternative streets and way outs at events times (exhibitions, competitions), fix the crossings and exits for the services streets, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering , along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
5229012.0Aviation ConsultantIncludes firms specialized in providing aviation feasibility studies and consultancies as regarding airplanes buying and selling, fleet planning and aircraft selection, safety audits, crew selection and appointment, maintenance follow-up,aircraft registration, ownership transfer, lease delivery and return.Professional
5229013.0Land Logistic ServicesIncludes firms that specialized in transporting, loading and unloading various types of general materials. It includes land freight services and transporting goods and products by means of transport vehicles according to demand. It can be through self-driving or semi-autonomous vehicles or any other type to be developed in the future according to the vehicles designated for that.Commercial
5229014.0Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) ServiceIncludes firms operating unmanned (UAV) and drones to provide various aerial services, such as, aerial photography, aerial advertising, air show, photogrammetry, Inspection, surveillance, spraying seeds and fertilizer, wildlife protection, weather forecasting, firefighting..etc.
5229015.0Land Transport AgentIncludes firms engaged in brokerage between their agents and the owners of the means of land transport, including undertaking contracts signing on behalf of principal against commission.Commercial
5229016.0Appointed General Agent For Airline/AirlinesIncludes any person who obtained a commercial agency one commercial airline or more, and is authorized according to the applicable laws to sell air tickets to outbound trips, in addition to the outbound tourism programs organized by such airlines or by agent himself.Commercial
5229017.0Sea Shipping Lines AgentsIncludes the designated agents held responsible for handling shipments and cargoes and transport of passengers on behalf of ship owners, their services involve, arranging for the pilot and the tugs, drawing up the documents for the customs and harbor services, arranging for storage bunkers, organizing the supply, contacting shippers and the receivers of the goods.Commercial
5229018.0Air Cargo AgentIncludes agents of international airlines who are engaged in air cargo operations. They are authorized to reserve spaces for imported, exported or re-exported goods.Commercial
5229019.0International Airline Representative OfficeIncludes office established by an international airline which has regular flights to conduct marketing and other non-transactional operations.Commercial
5229020.0Aviation Business BrokerageIncludes firms engaged in variety of brokerage services regarding aviation business such as brokering flights on behalf of individuals and companies market for both passenger and cargo transportation, the sale and acquisition of aircrafts..etcCommercial
5229101.0Freight BrokerIncludes firms that serve as a liaison between individuals or companies that need air, sea and land transport services and the respective freight forwarders.Commercial
5320001.0Stamps IssueIncludes issuing postage stamps by the competent authorities to memorize and mark special events, in order to use in letter posting and for philatelists, the stamps usually designed to reflect the history of the nation and the different stages of development.Commercial
5320002.0Letters & Post Items DeliveryIncludes delivering surface and registered mail, usually letters, postcards, publications, small packs and publication pouches weighing 1 kgm in most.Commercial
5320003.0Money Orderincludes issuing postal money order for sending money through the mail for recipients in UAE and abroad.Professional
5320004.0Full Service Postal AgencyIncludes firms appointed by the General Postal Authority as full service agencies to carry on full postal services, which cover mail receipt and delivery, stamps and publications sale, registration services, parcels, mumtaz post and Empost services.Commercial
5320005.0Sub- Postal AgencyIncludes selling postal stamps and publications by private firms according to contractual bases with the General Postal authority AgencyCommercial
5320007.0Documents DeliveryIncludes delivering documents and parcels delivering and courier services as well, it involves delivering official and non-official notifications issued by official departments or others, private firms can obtain licenses from the General Postal Authority to perform such services through land or air postal delivery channels, provided that the weight of delivered items do not exceed 31.5 KG.Commercial
5320008.0Sale & Purchase of Philatelic StampsIncludes reselling new or used UAE or other countries postage stamps to philatelists, it also involves selling pertaining requisites such as albums, magnifying lens…etc. firms engaged in this activity should be duly licensed.Commercial
5320009.0Parcels DeliveryIncludes delivering well wrapped parcels in specific weights and dimensions of 1.5 meters at most, as well as providing courier services.Commercial
5320010.0Delivery Services Coordination & ProvisionIncludes delivering consumer goods and food of the general stores, cooperatives and restaurants to homes, offices, factories, airports and airplanes and others, it excludes delivering mail and parcels and postal item.Professional
5320011.0Legal Notifications ServicesIncludes firms engaged in receiving legal notices and correspondences on behalf of natural and corporate persons from governmental and semi-governmental departments as well as from public and private corporations as per contract, power of attorney or representation Professional
5510001.0HotelIs a facility that, based on it’s rating, offers upscale accommodations and superior service, in-room media amenities, full service accommodations offer diverse on-site eateries ranging from fine dining to casual dining and 24-hour room service, guests access to concierge services, an on-site fitness facility and on-site pool.Commercial
5510002.0Guest HouseIncludes firms which offer furnished rooms to persons who are interested in temporary accommodation on the basis of daily rent and fixed prices. The role of such firms is limited to residence provision only excluding such services usually provided by hotels.Professional
5510003.0Hotel Apartments RentalIncludes firms which furnish residential apartments with all requisites and means necessary for residential purposes. Such apartments are leased for relatively long periods in return for monthly or annual rent.Professional
5510004.0Floating HotelIncludes residence services provided on board ships or vessels equipped with the necessary requisites for residents, beside temporary short-term residence on board, such ships provide the usual hotel services.Commercial
5510005.0Beach ClubIncludes tourist facilities situated on beaches or small islands, on built facilities or chalets or sheds, to enjoy entertainment and sport activities during holidays, including, boating, jet skiing, cycling, sailing, water skiing, surfing, diving, kids entertainment, barbeque grills, as well as restaurant and cafesProfessional
5510006.0ResortIncludes firms specialized in providing accommodation facilities, including beach cabins and flats for a short-stay in tourist destinations whether in beaches or mountains, beside a suitable accommodation, which may be taken on rental or on daily charge bases, all other tourist services are provided.Professional
5510007.0Youth HostelsIncludes firms providing of inexpensive lodging places for travelling young people while visiting Dubai, such places might accommodate facilities to enable them practice cultural, social and sport activities which help in enhancing and developing better understanding between them.Professional
5510008.0Vacation Homes RentalIncludes offering owned or rented furnished accommodation for renting to vacationers on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis, it involves renting the unit as a whole and not partially as rooms or beds.Commercial
5510009.0Economy HotelIncludes hotels that offer a very limited amount of on-site amenities and often only offer basic accommodations with little to no services.Commercial
5590002.0University DormitoryIncludes firms which provide furnished residential quarters for large numbers of students and also has extra amenities such study and dining rooms, kitchen facilities, recreation rooms, gym, Internet and TV facilities.Professional
5610001.0RestaurantIncludes restaurants equipped with the suitable installations to prepare and serve food and snacks inside, as well as various beverages for immediate consumption by the public.Professional
5610002.0Floating RestaurantIncludes ships, boats or yachts suitably equipped for dining on board, including serving the food and beverages while the ship is anchoring or on entertainment cruise.Professional
5610003.0CafeteriaIncludes cafeterias that sell snacks, juices and beverages to the public.Professional
5610005.0Mobile Food & Beverages TrucksIncludes firms selling food and beverages services roaming vehicles and according to the activities in their licenses, and using direct call, electronic media and smart applicationsProfessional
5610007.0Ice-Cream ShopIncludes shops which prepare and sell ice cream to the public for immediate consumption, factories which produce ice cream on commercial scale and in standard size packs are classified under (1520).Professional
5610101.0Restaurant & Mini StoreIncludes restaurants equipped with the suitable installations to prepare and serve food and snacks inside, such firms are allowed also to sell some consumer goods such as fresh, preserved and canned foodstuff, beverages, dairy and bakery products as well as newspapers and magazines, the sale of such goods should not predominate the role of the restaurant.Commercial
5621002.0Banquet kitchenIncludes the provision of food services based on contractual arrangements with the customers, such firms are allowed the take away service as the premises lacks the suitable installations for serving food .Professional
5621003.0Hospitality ServicesIncludes firms specialized to taking care of or serving the guests in the personal and corporate events such as weddings, birthdays, exhibitions, meetings, as well as receiving visitors at airports.Professional
5621004.0Pastry PreparingIncludes shops engaged in preparing and selling pastries directly to the public for immediate consumption, or selling un-cooked pastries to consumers in such a way that they can latter cook themselves.Professional
5621005.0Fish & Meat GrillingIncludes shops engaged in cooking and grilling fish and meat to the public for taking away, such meals are not allowed to be served and eaten on the premises.Professional
5621007.0Local Sweets PreparingIncludes preparing local sweets in stalls sell directly to the public for immediate consumptionProfessional
5621008.0Sandwich ShopIncludes shops that provide sandwiches, juices and beverages for immediate consumptionProfessional
5629002.0Catering Services Includes firms engaged in the provision of food and beverages on contractual arrangements with schools, institutes, hospitals, airlines, shipping companies and contractors with fresh meals cooked and prepared in own kitchens such firms must own necessary facilities to carry out the catering activities.Professional
5629004.0Ship ChandlersIncludes providing ships and other sea transport units with foodstuff, fresh water, spare parts, medicines…etc.Commercial
5630001.0Coffee ShopIncludes shops sell coffee, tea, Juices, biscuits and certain sweet cakes and ice-creams to the public.Professional
5630003.0Juice & Soft Drinks PreparingIncludes shops that provide fruits juices for immediate consumption.Professional
5630005.0Oxygen CafeIncludes firms operating oxygen stations where customers can inhale through a nasal cannula pure or flavored oxygen produced from the ambient air by an oxygen concentrator, which concentrate oxygen up to 98% compared to the normal atmospheric content of 21% oxygen, such concentrated oxygen is supposed to enhance health and well-being and reducing stress and increasing the body relaxation. Professional
5630006.0Floating Coffee ShopIncludes boats suitably equipped for serving coffee, tea, Juices, biscuits, sweets, cakes and ice-creams on board anchoring or cruising boats.Professional
5630007.0Sweets & Candies PreparingIncludes shops engaged in preparing and selling oriental and European sweets, tea, soft drinks, cakes and candies directly to the public for immediate consumption.Professional
5630101.0Shisha ServicesIncludes serving shish in cafes or in other places as per the approval of the competent authorities.Professional
5630102.0Specialty Coffee ShopIncludes shops engaged in preparing and serving hot and cold drinks, fresh juices, and displaying ready-to-eat snacks, sweets and ice cream supplied from approved sources for direct consumption, such firms are allowed to roast, grind and sell coffee to patrons in non-commercial quantities.Professional
5811001.0Publishing of Books & Other Publications ServicesIncludes firms involved in publishing books as well as literature and scientific references, school books, atlases, geographical maps, presentational brochures and other publications mentioned in details in this division, whether the process involves printing or not, or whether the firm owns its own printing press which can carry out the publishing, or the activity of such a firm is limited to the provision of publishing facilities and the conclusion of contractual agreements with printing houses to do so and with bookshops to distribute and market such publications.Professional
5811005.0Culture & Arts PublishingIncludes firms which write and publish books, magazines, brochures, both printed and electronic, specifically for and about arts and culture. Also includes promotional activities for these works such as advertising, public relations and events through a licensed media provider.Professional
5811006.0Commercial Publications EditingIncludes firms that provide editing process to publishers and others who are involved in publishing and printing various commercial publications, their responsibility involves correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate and complete work.Professional
5813001.0Publishing of Newspapers, Magazines& PeriodicalsIncludes firms involved in publishing newspapers, magazines and periodicals, whether the process involves printing or not, or whether the firm owns its own printing press to carry out the publishing, or the role of such a firm is limited to facilitate the publishing and arranging with the printers and distributors.Professional
5813004.0E-sports Online Publication Includes firms engaged in online publishing of a newspaper, periodical, journal, magazine and other online publishing activities specific to the E-sports and gaming genre
5819005.0Other PublishingIncludes the publishing of photos, greeting cards, tables, forms, calendars and posters, as well as other reproduced publications.Professional
5820003.0Gaming PublisherIncludes firms that hold the publishing rights to video and mobile games, whether the games have been developed internally by the publisher or externally by a gaming developer. Professional
5911001.0Motion Picture ProductionIncludes firms which produce motion pictures to be eventually released to the public for commercial, artistic or non-commercial purposes. Organizations may recruit technical and artistic staff to produce motion pictures, including technicians, set designers, costume designers, actors, musicians etc. Also includes promotional activities such as advertising, public relations and events through a licensed media provider.Professional
5911002.0T.V Programs, Commercials & Visual Materials Production Includes firms that produce television programs, such as, drama, comedy, music, sports, documentaries, news magazines, commercials, animations, as well as visual contents and materials for direct projection on different media, or for video recordings stores or for any other purposeProfessional
5911003.0Theatrical ProductionIncludes performing all the stages involved in the theatrical production up to delivering to the public.Professional
5911004.0Documentary FilmingIncludes firms which produce documentary films to be eventually released to the public for education or awareness purposes. Organizations may recruit technical and artistic staff to produce motion pictures, including technicians, set designers, costume designers, actors, musicians etc. Also includes promotional activities such as advertising, public relations and events through a licensed media provider.Professional
5911006.0Cartoons ProductionIncludes firms engaged in animated cartoons creation as well as the 2 and 3- dimensional animation graphic techniques.Professional
5911007.0Special Effects ProductionIncludes TV studios, equipped for TV and movie filming and for taking shots of special effects, artifices and tricks, through filming the same and tracking them on the tape previously filmed in open scenes or indoors or through using the computer, cartoons etc. for producing these artifices and tricks.Professional
5911008.0Gaming Studio Includes firms involved in multiple aspects of the gaming industry, including game development, content production, technology, distribution and publishing.Professional
5911009.0Gaming Content ProductionIncludes firms engaged in creating, developing and providing creative content for use in the gaming industry, including animations, texts, images, videos, infographics and the 3D computer-generated imagery, in order to use on applications and digital platforms, and ensuring that the content is formatted and configured for use on a variety of devices and platforms, such as, videos, mobiles and computer games.Professional
5912002.0Motion Picture StudioIncludes any place prepared and equipped with machines, devices and facilities proper for filming and recording motion pictures and the like. Such place can be hired part-time to specialized firms or artistic troupes for producing movie and TV films, programs and serials.Professional
5912003.0TV StudioIncludes installations equipped with technical requirements and decorations in
live television productions take place, or for the acquisition of raw footage for post- production.
5912009.0Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Provision & Development Services Includes firms specialized in 360-videos, post-production, fully interactive VR experiences, VR simulators, augmented virtual reality development, 3D design and 1. computer-generated imagery animations, sound design and production, on-site installations, which may include strategic consulting in respect of offering VR and AR solutions to businesses. Professional
5912010.0Gaming Production Service ProvidersIncludes firms providing services to assist all of the needs of companies involved in the gaming industry including audio development, audio localization, casting and talent management services, tool development, co-development, remastering, sound design and music, voice recording and video facial capture, asset integration, pre-production and script adaptation, postproduction, mastering and mixing, functional testing services, hardware certification testing, user experience testing, quality assurance and player support services. Professional
5913001.0Motion Picture DistributionIncludes firms engaged in the distribution of motion pictures either on special films or on video tapes and compact discs to movies houses Private shows and movies retailers. Firms engaged in selling these materials directly to the public are classified under 513912.Professional
5913002.0Film, TV & Radio Production ServicesIncludes providing complete technical supplies and manpower to artistic companies engaged in cinema, T.V., and radio production. Series of activities are involved including preparing internal and external filming and recording sites, decorations, renting and supplying equipment, light fixtures, sound effects, costumes, concluding contracts with actors and artists and associates supervision, accommodation, transport, flight reservations…etc.Professional
5913003.0Visual Recorded Media DistributionIncludes firms authorized to distribute original master video recordings, whether motion pictures or television programs and others produced on videotapes, discs, and digital media or downloaded from the internet on behalf of the copyright owners directly to the public or for playing in hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and public places. Commercial
5914001.0CinemaIncludes movie theaters for motion pictures and animations projection, whether a one theater or a complex with multiple screens, or any other projection facilities. Commercial
5914002.0Art House CinemaIncludes for-profit cinemas which present non-mainstream motion pictures and may be aimed at a niche audience. Also includes promotional activities for these works such as advertising, public relations and events through a licensed media provider.Commercial
5920006.0Audio Recorded Media DistributionIncludes firms authorized to administer sound recordings and music on behalf of the copyright owners by distributing the original master recordings produced on cassettes, discs, and digital media or downloaded from the internet to be played directly to the public in hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and public placesCommercial
5920007.0Radio Programs, Commercials & Audio Materials Production Includes firms that produce radio programs and audio materials, such as drama, comedy, music, sports, documentaries, news magazines, commercials, on audio tapes, or disc for direct projection on different media, or for audio recordings stores.Commercial
6010001.0Radio Broadcasting StationIncludes firms engaged in broadcasting audio signals through radio broadcasting studios and facilities to the public, to affiliates or to subscribers via over-the-air broadcasts, cable or satellite, over the Internet, as well as data broadcasting integrated with radio broadcasting.Professional
6020001.0Gaming Streaming Social Media PlatformIncludes live streaming digital platforms through which gaming videos and E-sports competitions are streamed, and offering a gaming social media platform in which the gaming community can interact.Professional
6110001.0Wired Telecommunications ServicesIncludes firms which provide the services for the transmission of voice, data, text, sound and video using a wired telecommunications infrastructure, including telephone sets and intercommunication equipment (intercom), fax and telex machines and internal switch boardsCommercial
6110002.0Cable TV ChannelIncludes transmitting programs, movies, news, documentaries and recreational materials via cable channels to a limited number of subscribers against certain rates. This activity is restricted to transmission services without production process.Commercial
6110003.0TV & Radio Broadcasting StationIncludes transmitting programs, movies, media materials and documentaries via normal TV channels and radio waves, or through satellite channels. It also includes producing and marketing said materials.Commercial
6110004.0Cable TV & Satellite Channels Establishing & ManagingIncludes establishing TV transmitting stations either through cables and satellite channels or through any similar devices. It involves managing, renting, selling or the operating of these stations for commercial, educational, recreational and publicity purposes.Commercial
6110005.0Switching & Transmission Facilities Operation & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in operating and maintaining switching and transmission facilities to provide point-to-point communications via landlines, microwave or a combination of landlines and satellite linkupsCommercial
6110006.0Data & Television Signals Distribution Cables Systems OperationIncludes firms engaged in operating data distribution cables through which the services that will be provided determined by distributing those data according to the type of service provided, this includes the operation of wireless television signal networks.Commercial
6110008.0Television & Radio Broadcasting Via Encrypted & Open ChannelsIncludes transmitting programs, movies, media materials and documentaries via normal TV channels and radio waves, or through satellite channels, whether in clear unencrypted form or via cable channels to subscribers, also, establishing TV transmitting stations either through cables and satellite channels,or the internet, as well as acquiring the rights of rebroadcast programs of the international TV stations and networks through closed TV circuits and re-sell them to others. Commercial
6120001.0Wireless Telecommunications ServicesIncludes firms which provide the services of the transmission of voice, data, text, sound and video using a wireless telecommunications infrastructure, including mobile and fixed units, massaging devices or inter- communicative mobile unites, also, ground stations receiving information or communication or any transmission oriented by satellitesProfessional
6120002.0Rebroadcast of International TV Network Programs ServicesIncludes firms which buy rights of rebroadcast programs of the international TV stations and networks through closed TV circuits and re-sell these programs to the public or establishments such as hotels and companies in return for annual subscription.Commercial
6120004.0Satellite Communication ServicesIncludes firms providing satellite telephone services via their own satellites and ground stations. The volume of services must cover a vast region of the globe. The system involves a capacity of integrating different satellite systems. The services provided are voice data, facsimile, messaging and GPS location.Commercial
6130001.0Short Messages ServicesIncludes firms engaged in text messaging on behalf others who want to use as a promotive tool for their services and offers, or to utilize as a formative for furnishing their subscriber base with news, weather forecast, stock exchange, entertainment events, medical instructions…etc. Professional
6130002.0Satellite Ground StationIncludes sites equipped with specialized facilities to receive satellite communications and remote transmissions such as telephone calls, data, radio and T.V. transmission. As well as transmitting photographs relating to meteorology, weather changes, space survey, geographical and geological photographs which are used in resources exploration and observation of the geological changes…etc.Commercial
6190001.0Internet ServicesIncludes providing internet service to the public in shops, shopping centers and public places, also, providing documents copying and scanning on limited scale.Professional
6190002.0Online Gaming Services Includes firms engaged in developing and offering support services to enable free or paid online gaming played through the internet, computer network or E-gaming devices, downloadable from app stores, or through CD’s, these firms are not allowed to operate or conduct electronic applications, such as gambling apps that contravene the prevailing legislations in UAE, as well as the shameless apps.Professional
6190005.0Farm Animals & Birds TrackingIncludes firms specialized in tracking and monitoring farm animals and birds via radio-frequency identification and global positioning systems to enable farms’ owners locate their animals, it involves setting up the network and provision of the hardware and software and the internet linkage.Professional
6190006.0Space Situational Tracking, Monitoring & Awareness ServicesIncludes the provision of services aimed at identifying the situation, the current situation and the surrounding conditions in space, including monitoring and tracking space objects, whether through the earth station or by analyzing data from other sources.Professional
6190007.0Managing & Operating Satellites & Provision Satellite ServicesIncludes the management and operation of satellites, receiving and transmitting earth stations, in addition to providing space services such as telecommunications, satellite imagery and navigation services, and management of space data that includes receiving, storing, processing, distributing, archiving or disposing of any space data.Professional
6201001.0Computer Systems & Communication Equipment Software DesignIncludes firms specialized in computer systems software design, implementation, operation and maintenance based on analyzing the user’s problems and his need for economical solution and the programs necessary for realizing such a solution, it involves designing application software designed to run on smartphones and mobile devices.Professional
6201002.0Electronic Chips ProgrammingIncludes programming electronic chips used in computers or in other automatic electronic devices, which are used in industry, vehicles, household electronic appliances and electronic games.Professional
6201005.0Web-DesignIncludes firms specialized in designing different areas of web, including web graphic design, user interface design…etc.Professional
6201009.0Social Media Applications Development & ManagementIncludes firms specialized in helping businesses and others to utilize such social media like Facebook, twitter, you tube, LinkedIn, Instagram to increase visibility and expand the number of regular visitors, which will boost customer base and consequently result in the grow of their businesses and services steadily over time, it involves providing contents as well as managing such channels. Professional
6201010.0Cyber Security ArchitectureIncludes designing the organization’s specific protective objectives that address the necessities and potential risks involved in the theft or damage to the hardware, software or the information on them.Professional
6201011.0Education & Training Computer SoftwareIncludes providing computer systems analysis and software design to the firms involved in education and training process, it involves analyzing the user’s needs and problems and offering consultancy on the best economical solution and the programs necessary for realizing such a solution, also, the software installation, testing and operation.Professional
6202002.0Computer Systems ConsultanciesIncludes providing comprehensive professional consultancies to IT organizations to help them match their needs with the networking solutions, it involves securing, analyzing and designing network solutions that maintain the security and integrity of their IT assets, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
6202003.0Information Technology Consultants Includes providing information technology consultancies to enhance performance in different aspects, in addition to proposing the adequate software consistent with the nature of the firm, it involve advising the proper technical applications for transformation to the platform of the block chain, with emphasis on the expected economic returns, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
6202005.0Information Technology Network ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing the services of subscribing & Connecting to international information networking as well as specialized information banks and exchange of electronic mail which includes operating systems and applications such as electronic mail and the exchange of data electronically by using communication networks as well as their local and international lines. The role of those is limited to facilitating subscription procedures against fees or specified amount.Professional
6202006.0Cyber Security ConsultancyIncludes firms specialized in offering comprehensive professional cyber security consultancy to other organizations on how to prepare for, avoid and protect themselves against cyber-attacks and threats, such threats might involve networks, computers, programs and data damage or unauthorized acces,the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
6202007.0Cyber Risk Management ServicesIncludes firms which help others with the essential tools needed to identify and asses cyber threats which might include users themselves, networks, devices, all software, processes, information in storage, applications, including recommending effective measures to eliminate or manage cyber threats.Professional
6202008.0Auditing, Reviewing &Testing Cyber RisksIncludes firms engaged in auditing the organizations’ compliance with the standards and documented procedures that identify risks and vulnerabilities within the existing IT environment, also, conducting penetration testing to the established security measure for possible breaches and the exploitable vulnerabilities that an attacker might gain unauthorized access.Professional
6202009.0Network ConsultanciesIncludes providing comprehensive professional consultancies to IT organizations to help them match their needs with the networking solutions, it involves securing, analyzing and designing network solutions that maintain the security and integrity of their IT assets, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
6202010.0Internet ConsultancyIncludes firms specialized in drawing up consultancies and strategies for search engine optimization for businesses by analyzing the current the company’s online, then assessing what needs to be added, adapted, or replaced in order to show up on search engines, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Computer sciences or Information Technology, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
6202011.0Data Management & Cyber Security Services Includes firms providing outsourced monitoring and management of cyber security devices and systems. Services may include firewall provision, intrusion detection, VPN and vulnerability scanning, also, offering data management and protection solutions to ensure that online and mobile games are compliant with relevant laws and that adequate cyber-security measures are in place.Professional
6202012.0Distributed Ledger Technology ServicesIncludes firms that provide database management solutions and ancillary services based on distributed ledger technologies, such as blockchain, such firms are not permitted to trade in, or setup an exchange for currencies or crypto currencies or commodities or provide any financial services, whether brokerage or payment processing.Professional
6202013.0Metaverse Services ProviderIncludes firms engaged in the development and hosting of digital virtual environments, which enable simulated interactions between individuals, such firms are not permitted to issue tokens which are traded on exchanges or trade in crypto commoditiesProfessional
6202101.0Marketing Services Via Social Media Includes firms specialized in helping businesses and others to promote and market their products and services via social media applications, it involves preparation of plans to attract and retain customers, as well as coordinating to purchase an advertising space and to identify the range of targeted customer segment.Professional
6311001.0Data Classification & Analysis Services Includes firms specialized in evaluating and analyzing data provided by public and private entities, as well as classifying according to their common characteristics, in order to discover useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making by said entities, with the goal of improving the investment returns and optimally utilize the resources, as well as enhancing the capabilities of such entities as regarding solving present problems and future challenges, involving using different techniques to carry out the service including artificial intelligence.Professional
6311005.0Electronic DirectoryIncludes firms engaged in listings of businesses and search functionality of the business database, especially restaurants and services facilities, by business name, vicinity maps, company profiles, product information, in order to allow searches using computers and smart phones to find businesses via said different particulars.Professional
6311006.0Data Entry ServicesIncludes firms which provide data entry and processing services on behalf of others, the process involves ordinary data entry and documents scanning for final electronic storingProfessional
6311007.0Internet Content ProviderIncludes firms specialized in providing the internet sites with contents and make them available for users.Professional
6311009.0Computer System Housing ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing concerned companies and corporations with housing services to their computers and communication systems by means of securing them the adequate operational environment as well as providing them with the maintenance and the connections with communication networks.Professional
6311010.0Cloud Service & Datacenters Providers Includes firms that offer elements of cloud computing, such as software or platform as services provided in the cloud. Professional
6311011.0Datacenter Colocation ServicesIncludes firms hosting and maintaining an organization’s owned servers, including space, power, cooling and network resources.Professional
6311101.0IT InfrastructureIncludes firms specialized in laying the technical foundations of the information technology, which comprises the network, the systems and the data bases. It also involves firms engaged in preparing the consultative studies alongwith the installations of the network and the systems.Professional
6312001.0Gaming Engine OperationIncludes platforms offering a software-development system solution, which enables the construction of video and mobile games for all platforms. Professional
6312004.0PortalIncludes firms operating websites that act as portals to the internet, via PCs and digital devices, to link buyers and sellers as well as services providers and users together to make deals, it also involves listing sellers’ products as well as hotel rates to make consumers shop online and travelers to make hotel reservations, the role of such firms is restricted to brokerage only apart from finalizing the transactions between said parties.Professional
6312005.0Therapeutic Services Brokerage Via Electronic Media Includes firms operating interactive platform which connects licensed healthcare providers and patients via electronic media, smart apps, it involves entering into contracts between the healthcare providers and the platform to enable the patients booking appointments with doctors, radiology centers and clinical Laboratories, obtaining medications prescriptions and dispensing at the pharmacies, medical follow-up during the treatment, creating electronic health record containing the medical history for the patient, coordinating the approval of the Insurance companies, the role of such firms is restricted to brokerage only apart from the provision of therapeutic services and consultancies. Professional
6312006.0Online Insurance Premium Prices Comparison ServicesIncludes firms registered with the central bank of UAE to provide online insurance rates comparison services, through operating interactive platforms that act as portals to compare insurance rates from multiple insurance companies in order to enable finding the cheapest rates.Professional
6312007.0Services Provision Brokerage Via Electronic MediaIncludes firms operating interactive platforms which link services’ providers with those looking for them through electronic media or smart applications, the platform will be responsible for the administrative and financial aspects, while the registered firms are responsible fulfilling the requirements related to the practice of their activities, such as the responsibility of beauty salons and the like for the health aspects, registration in the platform is restricted to the firms licensed in Dubai.Professional
6312008.0Vehicles Auctions Organizing by Electronic Media and Smart Apps Includes firms engaged in organizing public auctions of vehicles through their website or smart applications, including setting the auction date and promoting the auction through such mediaProfessional
6312101.0Blogging ServicesIncludes bloggers who establish regular personal journal or diary on the internet to record their thoughts, opinions, or experiences and make available for other people to read and respond to.Professional
6391001.0News AgencyInclude journalist organizations which gathers news reports release in visual, audial or written materials and supply to subscribing news organizations such as radio and television broadcasters, newspapers and the internet Professional
6399001.0Press Materials Editing & DistributingIncludes firms which undertake press interviews and reports, work out reports, research, studies and archive materials needed by newspapers and magazines and distribute said materials to said press firms according to their needs.Professional
6399003.0Non-Commercial Information ServicesIncludes firms that provide various types of information and non-commercial data to others and by various types of means, this does not include information related to commercial, industrial and professional activities, as well as investment opportunities and commercial events.Professional
6399004.0Taqyeem (Evaluation) Service CenterIncludes centers engaged in providing, through evaluators, information to MOHRE about the public sector facilities, which are registered in the Ministry’s system, the owners of such centers are obliged to sign undertaking to acknowledge compliance with the conditions governing the practice of the activity.Professional
6399005.0Media Monitoring ServicesIncludes firms entrusted by their clients to monitor all types’ media like newspapers, magazines, TVs, radios, websites news portal and social media networks, in order to capture topics related to said clients, then notify them about it, to enable them use in enhancing their quality of service and the way of communicating with their audience and customers. Professional
6399006.0News Services via WebsitesIncludes firms that provide news services through their accounts on social networking sites or through the internetProfessional
6419001.0Commercial BankIncludes firms which regularly receive money from the public in the form of call, notice or time deposits, or invest loan instruments or deposit certificates to use them partially or fully in the granting of loans and advances for their account and on their own responsibility. This also includes firms which issue and receive cheques, introduce public and private loans, trade in foreign currencies or precious metals, open documentary credits, exchange travel cheques , and carry out other banking operations provided for by the Commercial Law or have been established as operations pertaining to commercial banks.Commercial
6419002.0Islamic BankIncludes financial institutions perform a form of modern banking based on the principles of sharia law, the underlying concept in this regard is designing investment operations contrary the interest-based commercial banking system, the approaches applied are Mudarabah (profit sharing), Ijarah (lease), Bai Salam (advance purchase), Istisna (manufacturing finance), Mudarabah (profit sharing), Musharakah (joint venture), Qard hassan (good loan), it involves conducting conventional banking against charges such as opening accounts, accepting deposits, opening letter of credits, issuing letters of guaranteeCommercial
6419003.0Credit & Finance BankIncludes firms mainly involved in lending or granting individual or commercial loans, as well as financing and participating in existing or under-establishment projects, or investing their money in movable assets, such as goods or any means determined by the Central Bank. The activities of such firms do not include the receipt of money in the form of deposits. However, they are permitted to borrow from their main office, other local or foreign banks, or from stock markets.Commercial
6419004.0Investment BankIncludes firms called business or investment banks. They deal in medium, long and other terms investments. They are also specialized in investment operations and the acceptance of deposits upon specific conditions (deposits are not accepted for less than two years). Such firms do not carry out ordinary banking operations carried out by other banks, except in conformity with the conditions set forth by the Central Bank.Commercial
6419005.0Saving BankIncludes firms whose main activities are based on the acceptance of individual and corporate savings and the execution of certain investment operations for the development of savings.Commercial
6419006.0Financial Instruments BiddingIncludes investment companies that pool their money or money from many investors to buy or sell stocks, bonds, currencies, banknotes, monetary coins and travelers’ cheques.Commercial
6419009.0Wholesale BankIncludes firms which take deposits from all kinds of business entities in the UAE (except from individuals), they may sanction loans and advances to such entities as well as to government and semi- government institutions in UAE.Commercial
6419010.0Digital Wallet for Electronic PaymentsIncludes firms engaged in providing digital wallet which refers to an electronic device that works through apps on the electronic devices and smartphones, and which allows an individual to make electronic transactions, including purchasing items on-line or at a store, the individual’s bank account can also be linked to the digital wallet or it can be rechargeable.Commercial
6419011.0Tourist Attractions Smart Cards ServicesIncludes firms issuing and operating prepaid tourist smart cards which allow the holder a cash–free access to tourist facilities and attractions purchased and loaded in the card, such as hotels, furnished apartments, and tours….etcProfessional
6419012.0Hawala Brokers ServicesIncludes arrangements for the transfer and receipt of funds or equivalent value and settlement through trade and cashCommercial
6492001.0Real Estate FinanceIncludes lending institutions other than banks involved in granting personal and commercial credit for purchasing or developing real estate, whether for personal or commercial useCommercial
6492002.0Industrial FinanceIncludes lending institutions other than banks involved in granting industrial credit for financing new projects or under construction projects, expansion or restructuring existing plants or acquisition existing plants.Commercial
6492003.0Agricultural FinanceIncludes lending institutions other than banks involved in granting industrial credit for financing agricultural production projects, such as, field farming, local production of poultry, local production and processing of dairy products, construction of greenhouses, breeding livestock and fish farming, production of feeds and fertilizersCommercial
6492005.0E-FinanceIncludes financial and monetary firms engaged in providing direct financial facilities (live) to finance commercial deals made by other firms on the internet, either for themselves or for other parties. These firms could have a actual existence or could hypothetically exist, depending on their legal status.Commercial
6492006.0Granting of Consumer CreditIncludes lending institutions other than banks involved in granting loans for non-business purposes such as personal loans, overdraft facilities, car financing, credit card payments, financial leasing or loans for any other personal purposesCommercial
6492007.0Financing OperationsIncludes making loans by institutions not involved in monetary intermediation, where the granting of credit can take the form of loans to persons to pay for education, financing durable goods such as real estate and cars, also corporate finance which deals with expanding the business or covering losses.Commercial
6492008.0Car MortgageIncludes car agencies that mortgage the cars they sell.Commercial
6499001.0Investment in Commercial Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through the establishment of subsidiary firms which carry out various commercial activities, as well as transport, contracting and financing activities, besides other investments or shareholdings in commercial enterprises. This also includes the management of such subsidiary companies and the organization of their affairs.Commercial
6499002.0Investment in Industrial Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through the establishment of subsidiary firms which carry out various industrial, extraction or converting activities, or by the investment of their funds through the shareholding in such projects. This also includes the management of such subsidiary companies and the organization of their affairs.Commercial
6499003.0Investment in Agricultural Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds or create the necessary investments for the establishment of subsidiary projects, which carry out agricultural activities and other subsidiary activities, such as land reclamation, establishment of agricultural projects, cattle, sheep and chicken farms, as well as the marketing of agricultural crops and investment in fish and sea animal resources. This also includes the management of such subsidiary companies and the organization of their affairs.Commercial
6499004.0Real Estate DevelopmentIncludes holding companies formed with a prime role of creating and developing property projects, across residential, commercial and tourist facilities, also, to develop infrastructure that offer luxury lifestyle. Such projects are then offered for sale on a freehold bases, whether they are belonged to the licensee or others, and through a contract between the developer and the land owner. The developer must also register with the Property Developer guarantee Account before commencing the project.Commercial
6499005.0Investment in Tourist Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through setting up subsidiaries to invest in tourist facilities that aim at enhancing Dubai as tourist attraction, it also involves managing and organizing such subsidiaries.Commercial
6499008.0Investment in Energy Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through setting up subsidiaries to invest in non-renewable and renewable energy resources, it also involves managing and organizing such subsidiaries.Commercial
6499009.0Investment in Health Enterprises & DevelopmentIncludes holding companies formed in order to invest their own funds or secure funds to be invested in setting up healthcare projects or other similar enterprises. This also includes managing and organizing the affairs of such companies.Commercial
6499010.0Investment in Educational Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through setting up subsidiaries to invest in educational facilities, the projects that aim at enhancing the capabilities of the people with special needs and the children with autism as well as knowledge and human development promoting project, it also involves the management and organizational activities.Commercial
6499011.0Investment in Sport Enterprises & ManagementIncludes holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through establishing subsidiaries to carry out investment in sport infrastructures and projects, it involves exercising operational control and managing the operations of their related units.Commercial
6499017.0Investment in Water Enterprises & DevelopmentIncludes holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through establishing subsidiaries to carry out investment in water infrastructures and projects, it involves exercising operational control and managing the operations of their related units.Commercial
6499018.0Investment in Retail Trade Enterprises & ManagementIncludes holding companies that hold the assets of subsidiary corporations which carry out retail trade, it also involves managing such enterprises.Commercial
6499019.0Forfaiting ServicesIncludes firms engaged in purchasing commercial bills and credit documents or other receivables at certain discount by paying cash, thus the forfaiter frees the exporter or the beneficiary from the debt and becomes the entity to whom the importer will pay, the documents involve normal, deferred and standby letters of credit, promissory notes, bills of exchange, irrevocable payments guarantees.Professional
6499020.0Investment in Oil & Natural Gas ProjectsIncludes holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through establishing subsidiaries to carry out investment in oil and natural gas projects, it involves exercising operational control and managing the operations of their related units.Commercial
6499021.0General Investments Management & Operation Includes firms and holding companies formed to invest their funds to carry out various commercial, industrial and servicing activities, such activities involve agriculture and fishing, mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply, construction, wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants, transport, storage and communications, tourism, financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities, media, education, health and social work, community, social and personal service activities.Commercial
6499023.0Investment in Technological Enterprises & ManagementIncludes firms and holding companies formed in order to invest their funds through setting up subsidiaries to invest in technological enterprises, such as, information and communications technologies, life Sciences and healthcare, energy, renewable energy, environmental, digital technology and artificial intelligence, it also involves managing and organizing such subsidiaries.Commercial
6499024.0Investment in Outer Space ProjectsIncludes firms and holding companies formed to invest their funds and hold the assets of subsidiary corporations which carry out various activities related to external space, whether domestic or foreign capital, it includes operating and managing said subsidiaries.Commercial
6511001.0Life InsuranceIncludes firms which execute all insurance operations related to human life and covering any danger to life.Commercial
6511002.0Accidents & Civil Liabilities InsuranceIncludes firms which execute all insurance operations against damages incurred as a result of individual accidents, work accidents, theft and robbery, trust breach, as well as car and vehicle insurance against crash, run-over and fall accidents, insurance against civil liability, engineering insurance, and other insurance modes which are generally established as insurance against accidents and liability.Commercial
6511201.0Credit & Saving InsuranceIncludes firms which execute insurance operations on the issuance of documents, instruments and certificates… etc. which bind a given company to make a post-dated settlement of a certain amount/ amounts of money by one or more regular installment payment.Commercial
6512001.0Fire InsuranceIncludes firms which execute all insurance operations against damages incurred as a result of fire, explosions, natural disasters and phenomena and disturbances. This also includes other insurance modes which are generally established as insurance against fire.Commercial
6512002.0Theft InsuranceIncludes firms execute all insurance operations against loss or damages incurred resulting from burglary, robbery, and other theft, practiced through unlawful breaking and entering of designated premises or places of safekeepingCommercial
6512003.0Work Accident InsuranceCommercial
6512004.0Motor, Marine, Aviation & Transport InsuranceIncludes firms which execute all insurance operations on passengers, goods, other movable, freight remunerations, as well as carriers, such as ships, and road transport means hulls, machinery and accessories. This also includes insurance against dangers that may arise during their construction, manufacture, use, repair or anchoring. This also includes damages incurred by other parties, as well as other insurance modes which are generally established as insurance against dangers of road, air and sea transport.Commercial
6512005.0Health InsuranceIncludes firms carrying out health insurance policies, which compensate, loss of income, medication expenses of the insured in case of sickness.Commercial
6512006.0Mechanical Failure InsuranceIncludes firms that offer mechanical breakdown insurance that covers a wide range of mechanical and electrical parts and labour.Commercial
6512008.0Other Types of InsuranceIncludes firms which carry out other insurance modes against all dangers other than the following Insurance activities, accidents and liabilities, health, transportation risk and credit and saving insurance, life insurance and reinsuranceCommercial
6520001.0ReinsuranceIncludes firms which carry out all or specific type/types of insurance (excluding life insurance) by concluding contracts with other insurance companies as follows: The first insurance company bears the responsibility of dangers insured against by the first contract. The second insurance company undertakes to insure the first company against all or part of the dangers insured against by the first company. The company which provides the second insurance undertakes to cover all losses which exceed a certain amount during a specified period.Commercial
6520002.0Life ReinsuranceIncludes firms involve in life insurance passing some or all associated with high risk to a reinsurer to avoid bearing the high risk alone.Commercial
6611002.0Securities & Commodities MarketIncludes firms specialized in regulating securities market operations and services, including the regulation and supervision of securities trading, listing bonds and shares, licensing of authorized brokers and supervision their activities, the imposition of control procedures on trading in the market, the inspection of brokerage companies and others involved in transactions related to securities, hose legal entities take the form of public companies and public shareholding companies.Commercial
6611003.0Issuing of  Covered warrantsIncludes firms which issue securities of equal value that give their holders the right, without obligation, to buy or sell a specific number of (Underlying Assets) at a specified price within a specific periodProfessional
6611004.0Securities Remote Access TradingIncludes the entry by a foreign brokerage firm of securities sell or buy orders from outside the state in order for the same to be directly executed in the market in accordance with the regulations, the securities include shares, bonds and notes issued by joint stock companies, bonds and notes issued by the federal government or local governments, public authorities and public institutions in the state, investment units issued by the investment fundsProfessional
6612001.0Brokerage in Local SecuritiesIncludes firms acting as intermediary in the purchase or sale transactions of securities in the stock market and which are licensed by the Securities & Commodities Authority.Professional
6612002.0Trading in Global MarketsIncludes legal entities which act as intermediary in the purchase or sale transactions of securities listed in the international securities market, securities include stocks, bonds, sukuk, units of investment funds, commodities contracts, derivatives and other securities or financial instruments issued by foreign issuers.Professional
6612003.0Currencies & Monetary BrokerInclude firms engaged in brokerage of buying and selling of local and foreign shares and stocks, currencies and commodities as well as the intermediary services in the money market. The role of these firms should confine only to negotiate buying and selling prices and completing the deals between concerned parties against a commission and should not do the buying and selling for themselves.Commercial
6612004.0Brokerage in Commodities Listed in Local MarketsIncludes companies which act as intermediaries in the buying and selling of commodities, options contracts or futures contracts on licensed international commodities markets, commodities include agricultural products, minerals, other natural resources and their indices, or other financial products (not including securities) which are approved by the Authority and for which contracts to purchase and sell specific quantities, on a specified date or during a specified time period at a price agreed upon.Commercial
6612005.0Money ExchangersIncludes financial firms which work for their own account or the account of others in money exchange field, which is based on the purchase and sale of negotiable foreign currencies, monetary notes and coins. Their activities also include the purchase and sale of travelers’ cheques, financial transfers and other exchange activities regulated by the laws and statutes of the Central Bank. This activity does not include firms working in financial and monetary brokerage.Commercial
6612006.0Money Orders & Travellers Cheques ExchangersIncludes firms receive and issue money orders and travellers cheques to enable travelers avoid the risk of holding cash during the travel, businesses also accept these cheques for purchases instead of currency.Commercial
6612007.0Remittance of Local & Foreign CurrenciesIncludes firms engaged in transferring and receiving money locally and internationally, in local o foreign currency, remittance methods involve, cash or bank notes, bank account, money orders, credit cards.Commercial
6612008.0Brokerage in Commodities Listed in Foreign MarketsIncludes companies which act as intermediaries in the buying and selling of commodities, options contracts or futures contracts on licensed international commodities markets, commodities include agricultural products, minerals, other natural resources and their indices, or other financial products (not including securities) which are approved by the Authority and for which contracts to purchase and sell specific quantities, on a specified date or during a specified time period at a price agreed upon.Commercial
6612009.0Bank BrokersIncludes firms which buy and sell local and foreign currencies deposited with local and foreign banks and financial institutions. Their activities are limited to brokerage to conclude deals in the favor of third parties.Professional
6612012.0Clearing Services for Commodities ContractsIncludes specialized firms licensed by Securities & Commodities Authority to engage in calculating the net rights and obligations of the clearing house members. Professional
6612013.0Central Clearing Services for SecuritiesIncludes firms licensed by the Securities & Commodities Authority for the representation of the counterparty for all trades (Novation) in the market in consideration for a specific commission while ensuring the execution all trades concluded in the market, and determining the net rights and liabilities of the central clearing members for such trades, and determining their legal statuses arising from the trading operations.Professional
6612014.0 General Clearing for SecuritiesIncludes clearing and settling the operations for the accounts of the contracting party and the accounts of that entity’s clients.Professional
6612015.0Trading Non-regulated Derivative Contracts & Currencies in Spot MarketIncludes firms engaged in with in securities trading by receiving trading orders related to non-regulated derivative contracts (OTC Derivatives) or currencies in the spot market (Forex Spot Market) and executing them and conducting clearing and settlement related to their implementation.Professional
6612016.0Securities Lending & Borrowing AgencyIncludes the agents of Securities lenders and borrowers who temporarily pass the ownership of securities from lender to borrower with the obligation of the borrower to return it if recalled by the lender at any time during the agreed period or at the end of it, unless otherwise agreed, the securities include shares, bonds and notes issued by joint stock companies, bonds and notes issued by the federal government or local governments, public authorities and public institutions in the state, investment units issued by the investment funds.Professional
6612101.0Local Shares & Bonds BrokersIncludes agents or stock market brokers whose activities are based on the negotiation of the purchase and sale of ordinary shares and bonds, loan bonds and other local or foreign financial instruments, regardless of their being locals or agents representing foreign institutions.Commercial
6612102.0Foreign Shares & Bonds BrokerIncludes agents or stock market brokers whose activities are based on mediating in the purchase and sale of foreign ordinary shares and bonds and loan bonds and other financial instruments, the role of such firms is restricted to regardless of negotiating the process up to concluding a deal between the parties, these firm are not allowed to trade for themselves.Commercial
6619001.0Financial Consultation & Financial AnalysisIncludes firms engaged in providing to the clients or the public recommendations based on studies as well as on economic and financial analysis as regarding feasibility studies, forecasting and predicting current and future values of the commodity prices and contracts, it involves the financial analysis which depends on systematic assessment of the financial statements to evaluate the past, the current and to forecast the future performance of the companies ,also, assessing securities and commodities and their contracts, price trends, transactions volumes, in order to enable making decisions.Professional
6619002.0Banking ConsultantIncludes firms engaged in advising individuals and businesses on planning various banking issues, such as, saving, cash flow, also, rendering consultancy on the appropriate funding as well as the better terms of short and long term borrowing and the interest rate, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in business, finance, accounting, or a similar field of study, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
6619003.0Financial Instruments Quotation ServicesIncludes firms specialized in displaying full range of data of the financial instruments derived from international exchanges via different media, such as newspapers, radio, TV, internet …etc.Professional
6619004.0Loans & Overdues Rescheduling ServicesServices
Includes providing advisory services to persons and corporations who failed to manage their borrowings and overdue claims, and so became under overspending situation which leads to social and legal problems, it involves advising on how to organize the cash flow and mediating between borrowers and defaulters in one hand and banks and official departments on the other to reach a workable rescheduling program.
6619006.0Pawn ConsultantIncludes firms specialized in offering advisory on how to pledge possessions to get loans from financial institution, including selection of a financial institutions , how to make and release a pawn, preparation and submission of documents, re- pledging and transfer to another financer, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in business, finance, accounting, or a similar field of study, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
6619007.0Real Estate Mortgage ConsultancyIncludes firms specialized in offering advisory on how to mortgage property to get loans from financial institutions for financing freehold property, including selection of a financial institutions , how to mortgage and release a property , preparation and submission of documents , the implications of breaking financing and mortgaging in mid term , refinancing and mortgaging fully paid properties , re-mortgaging and transfer to another financer , evaluation of financing rates , such firms are not allowed to seek or carry out any mortgaging for themselves.Professional
6619010.0E-BankingIncludes banks engaged in delivery of banking products through electronic channels, this involves automated cash withdrawal and cash and cheques deposits, collection of account statements, obtain and transfer of customers instructions and feedbacks to the bank, the e- bank is not allowed to conduct directly any banking transaction.Commercial
6619013.0Real Estate Mortgage BrokerIncludes personal and corporate brokers who advice and assist borrowers in obtaining the best borrowing conditions from lenders and commercial banks to acquire or build properties, such service is against commission without exercising direct lending to borrowers.Professional
6619015.0Collateral Management ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing custodial and management services in respect of goods pledged or charged to banks and other financial institutions, they mainly receive, store and latter release said goods in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded between them and other involved parties.Professional
6619017.0Credit Review ServicesIncludes credit applications submitted to banks by borrowers and were refused due to being outside the credit criteria or being non-complying to the banks’ regulations, it involves helping these borrowers resubmitting their applications after corrections and complying to the requirements.Professional
6619018.0Financing BrokerIncludes firms act as facilitator between borrowers, whether persons looking for personal loans or businesses for purchasing, developing or expanding the business, and lenders, it involves assisting them on securing the right finance from banks or other lending institutions.Professional
6619019.0Market Making in SecuritiesIncludes firms depending mainly on the provision of continuous prices for the purchase and sale of certain securities to increase the liquidity of such securities.Professional
6619021.0Consulting in Listing SecuritiesIncludes the legal entities licensed by Securities & Commodities Authority to give advice and care to the issuing companies as well as verifying compliance with the listing requirements and their continued compliance with these regulations.Professional
6619022.0Consultancy Regarding the Issuance of SecuritiesIncludes the legal entities authorized by Securities & Commodities Authority to carry out on behalf of the issuing company the management and marketing of shares issues, and to provide financial advice related to to the offering and coordination with the competent authority and the parties involved in the offering and the resident of the shares in kind. Professional
6619024.0Custodian of Securities Includes the financial institutions engaged in securities as regarding the provision of electronic programs and technical systems necessary for the custody of securities in accordance with the conditions and specifications set by the market and approved by the ASCA, it includes providing an internal control system to ensure the compliance with regulations and decisions issued and the follow-up by the internal management, it involves the receipt of interests and profits along with the right to subscribe and attend meetings of the General Assembly and vote on behalf shareholders after attaining their consents, arranging for the transfer of securities by the market on behalf of investors, operating lien or freezing at the request of the investors or his representative, lien on the securities based on court order in force unless there is another legal objection. Professional
6619027.0Registrar of Private Joint Stock CompaniesIncludes financial firms engaged in registers the shareholders’ ownership of the private shareholding company and documents the transfer of ownership of the shares in the company.Professional
6619028.0Central Depository Services for SecuritiesIncludes firms engaged in introducing financial services by inviting any person in any way or means to enter into an agreement with a licensed entity or a body licensed by a regulatory authority similar to the authority to provide him with a financial service.Professional
6619029.0Introduction to Financial ServicesProfessional
6619101.0Prepaid Cards Management ServicesIncludes firms engaged in managing prepaid cards as a third party processing agent, including sales and marketing, managing public relations with other commercial entities, data entry and records keeping, cards and PIN delivery, operations support, handle the financial and accounting formalities related to clearing and settling the stored values for the cardholders. Professional
6621001.0Surveyors & Loss AdjustersIncludes firms involved in the settlement of insurance claims by surveying and inspecting the damages incurred by the insured. This also includes loss adjustment and assessment of the due compensations.Professional
6621003.0Claims Settlement ServicesIncludes offices specialized in managing and settling claims arising from transactions involving insurance , such claims arise when said parties become unaware of what legally due to them when the contracts concluded between them are violated, practicing this activity requires in-depth knowledge of rules and regulating laws, no debt collection or tax reclaim are included.Professional
6621004.0Insurance ActuariesIncludes firms specialized in mathematics sciences related to probability principle and compound interest as well as other insurance related mathematical issues. Such firms use mathematical and statistical methods in order to calculate the rates set forth by insurance companies for each of the insurance types. The basic elements for the above-said can be the person’s age or the age of the insured thing, as well as the years during which a person is expected to live, and the dangers that may arise.Commercial
6621005.0Insurance ConsultanciesIncludes insurance consultants who specialize in assisting business and individuals in assessing their insurance needs and creating an insurance plan that will meet those needs, including selecting the right insurance coverage, scientific evaluation of risks, finding the solutions that meet such risksProfessional
6621006.0Health Insurance Claims ManagementIncludes firms engaged in settling the claims with healthcare providers on behalf of insurance companies or the self-financing programs, in order to recover the claims from the insured weather being individuals or public or private entities in accordance with a universal medical coding guideline.Professional
6622001.0Insurance BrokersIncludes firms which buy insurance policies for individuals and companies from insurance companies. These firms differ from insurance agents in that they do not represent a certain insurance company while buying the insurance policies for their own clients. They provide their services against remunerations received directly from the beneficiaries of their services.Commercial
6622002.0Insurance AgentIncludes firms which represent one or more insurance company/companies in dealing with the insured parties, policy buyers and insurance brokers. An establishment of that kind works for the account of the insurance company under a special contract. It represents the insurance company on the local level and is authorized to carry out business assigned to it, provided that all its acts and activities are approved by the company. It receives its remunerations from the company and not from the insured parties.Commercial
6630001.0Management Services for Investment FundsIncluding the legal entities licensed by the Securities & Commodities Authority to carry out supporting activities of the investment manager of the various funds, which includes real estate investment funds, stock funds, commodity funds and precious metal funds whether closed or open. The management services of these funds are to keep records of investors, preparing the necessary reports for the communication to investors, communication and disclosure to the Authority and the owners of the units of the funds includingProfessional
6630002.0Securities Portfolios ManagementIncludes firms that practice managing financial products for the account of others and on their behalf according to their objectives and investment policy and based on the discretion of the portfolio manager without the intervention of the client (Discretionary) or based on a decision taken by the client himself (Non-Discretionary) in accordance with the agreement concluded between them.Commercial
6630003.0Managing Investments of Investment FundsIncludes managing the investment funds in accordance with the fund offering document and its investment policy.Professional
6810001.0Buying & Selling of Real EstateIncludes firms engaged in buying and selling real estate, such as residential and non-residential buildings and land, such firms are not allowed to practice the activity no.6499004 ” Real Estate DevelopmentCommercial
6810002.0Offshore Mobile accommodation Platforms RentalIncludes renting and managing fully furnished platforms to accommodate the employees of marine oil and construction companies, these platforms are towable from one place to another, no tourist renting is allowed.Commercial
6810003.0Car Park Rental & Managementincludes firms engaged in operating parking facilities in public and private places and in airports and shopping malls.Commercial
6810004.0Commercial ComplexIncludes complexes which consist of a large number of units, various real estate and commercial utilities leased to other parties who can use them as shopping centers or offices, where various commercial activities can be carried out. This also includes other utilities such as housing units, car parks, hotels, theaters, conference halls or more as well as commercial exhibition halls and other utilities.Commercial
6810005.0Shopping Center (Mall)Includes centers which consist of a large number of shops, halls, exhibitions, and offices where commercial activities of selling goods and various products or providing recreational and social services such as entertainment centers, restaurants, some housing units and others are conducted.Commercial
6810006.0Cultural CenterIt’s a complex comprising various cultural facilities concerned with promoting intellectual issues through organizing cultural and artistic events and activities, such as, lectures, art galleries, live theatrical presentations, concerts, it also hosts restaurants, lecture theatres and exhibitions halls, service offices and storage spaces.Professional
6810007.0Business CenterIncludes complexes comprising furnished and technically supported offices in order to become professional business environment, the support involves reception, telephone answering and mail, internet access, meeting rooms, secretarial services, airlines booking, hotel reservation, it includes also document processing and clearing for the businessmen located in the center, office occupancy in the center should not exceed four yearsProfessional
6810009.0 Multi Restaurants CenterIncludes a common area comprising several shops designed and furnished and leased as food vendors and coffee shops, customers may take the food inside such vendors or in surrounding a shared common seating area. Professional
6810010.0Business Sustainability CenterIs an area attached to the business center, which includes many furnished office spaces and provided with technical support and office services to become a suitable environment for business practice, with a total area not less than 2000 square feet and aims to contribute to the sustainability of business in the Emirate of DubaiProfessional
6810011.0Outlet  MallA commercial complex with a large number of commercial outlets that are leased to retailers to sell their products directly to consumers at lower prices than other similar commercial outlets. The complex also includes facilities providing services such as restaurants, cafes, and snack shops. As well as recreational and social services such as entertainment centers and others.Commercial
6810012.0Kitchen Incubator The kitchen incubators aim to serve the largest number of unlicensed food projects by providing an integrated work environment that includes: obtaining a cooking place, licensing, training, supervising by the experts, product’s marketing and delivery, where creativity of food products is encouraged through a number of variant kitchens that suits the needs of the license applicants and therefore qualify these products to be launched in the local market in-line with the needs of the market, , also, it provides common usage areas or licensed closed kitchen areas for the production of food, tenants or members can use the kitchen for an hour or a day to produce food with a commitment to regulations. Food entrepreneurs, ranging from chefs, food suppliers, food trucks owners, bakers and value-added producers, can take advantage of the kitchen incubator Professional
6810013.0Cloud Kitchens CenterIt is a cooking facility comprising many spaces that are fully managed and supervised after being furnished and equipped for the preparation of delivery-only meals, and with no indoor seating for customers.Professional
6810015.0Kitchen Units CenterIt is a cooking facility comprising many kitchen units that are furnished and equipped with all kitchen essentials and rented on an annual basis and under a lease contract for licensed entities involved in foods preparation that want the center to be the location of their business.Professional
6820001.0Leasing & Management of Other People’s PropertyIncludes firms engaged in managing commercial, residential, industrial buildings through contracting with the owner in order to re-lease on subcontracting bases also, handling contractual arrangements with the firms in- charge of maintenance, security and as well as issuing tenants contracts, such firms are not allowed to practice Leasing BrokerageProfessional
6820002.0Renting By Timeshare SchemeIncludes hotel firms specialized in renting or selling Timeshares Intervals Or selling points in exchange for the use of the accommodation unit specified under the points contract, or exchanging them for another unit.Commercial
6820004.0Real Estate Buying & Selling BrokerageIncludes firms engaged in real estate brokerage or be agents, they mainly involve in buying, selling or appraisal activities.Commercial
6820005.0Real Estate ConsultanciesIncludes providing sound advice to potential buyers as well as developing strategies to achieve their goals and objectives, it involves showing properties, analyzing sales statistics, sourcing appraisers, referring mortgage service providers, contractors and renovation providers, examining contracts before making offers, closing and escrow expertise.Professional
6820006.0Real Estate Valuation ServicesIncludes firms specialized in assessing and estimate the value of fixed assets, such as, lands and buildings, as might be requested by disputant parties or be as an assignment by the court.Professional
6820007.0Property Inspection ServicesIncludes firms specialized in inspecting properties to enable provide a comprehensive reports professional, credible and impartial reports to landlords, sellers and buyers in order to facilitate negotiations and deal making, to submit observation reports prior to sale and purchase process, observation should reflect any technical defects in the property.Professional
6820010.0Pre-Fabricated Houses RentalIncludes renting and leasing pre-fabricated buildings entirely or partly made of wood, or other materials, to use as offices or food courts or first aid clinics.Commercial
6820011.0Self-owned Property Leasing & Management ServicesIncludes firms engaged in managing commercial, residential, industrial buildings owned by the owner and his first and second- degree relatives, also, handling contractual arrangements with the firms in-charge of maintenance, security and as well as issuing tenants contracts, such firms are not allowed to practice real estate Brokerage.Professional
6820012.0Real Estate Leasing BrokerageIncludes the firms which work as a connection link between landlords and tenants regarding property lease against remuneration, their role will end up when said parties reach an agreement.Professional
6820013.0Real Estate Promotion TrusteeIncludes firms conducting property promotional services via computerized system provided by Land Department, it involves promotions to attract investments, answering customers Inquiries, as well as other related real estate services as per each service regulations. Professional
6820014.0Real Estate Management Supervision ServicesIncludes firms specialized in managing and supervising properties as regarding contracting with the firms in charge of maintenance, cleaning and security services, handling the administrative issues for the property’s owner, coordinate with lease brokers to find tenants for vacant units in the building, these firms are not allowed to practice selling, leasing or releasing propertiesProfessional
6820015.0Owner Association Management ServicesIncludes firms specialized in managing and supervising the properties that are jointly owned and run by owners’ associations, as regarding contracting with the firms in charge of maintenance, cleaning and security services, handling the administrative issues and the records of the building and the association, submitting periodical reports to the association, these firms are not allowed to practice property selling or purchasing or leasing brokering.Professional
6820101.0Real Estate Services CenterIt’s a center established after signing agreement with Land Department to provide various real estate services under one roof, the services involve consultancies, real estate preference service which aims at attracting wealthy people and the thought leaders through attracting foreign investments and boosting of sales and real estate transactions, provision of investment unified investment window service on behalf of the department to enable users to browse and access the information on the real estate developers project as well as what is offered in the market, provision of information via the portal to developers, brokers and real estate investors. Professional
6910001.0Lawyers & AdvocatesIncludes firms licensed to assume the defense in the cases filed with courts. They also offer consultancy and draw up legal studies of the lawsuits and the legal questions submitted to them.Professional
6910002.0Legal ConsultantsIncludes offices and firms which offer consultancies and prepare legal studies of the lawsuits and the legal questions submitted thereto. However, they are not entitled to assume the defense before courts in this regard.Professional
6910003.0Patent & Industrial Property AgentIncludes offices specialized in preparing documents, completing legal and technical requirements, making the legal procedures to register patents and industrial designs with the competent bodies and obtaining certificates to this effect issued in return for fixed fees.Professional
6910004.0Trade Marks Registration AgentIncludes offices specialized in preparing documents, completing legal and technical requirements and formalities to register trademarks with the competent authorities and obtaining the due certificates.Professional
6910005.0Intellectual Property Registration AgentIncludes offices specialized in preparing documents, completing legal and technical requirements and formalities to register intellectual property, which is manifested in artistic forms, with the competent bodies and obtaining the due certificates.Professional
6910009.0Private Notary Public ServicesThey are the services provided by court authorized entities/ agencies to practice the General Notary Public works with limited jurisdiction. These services include authentication of documents, contracts and declarations of all types, attestation of signature of those concerned and the verification of their dates.Professional
6910010.0Tawafoq Service Center for Employers and Employees Includes the centers that Receiving labours disputes, complaints, studying these requests, providing recommendations to MOHRE for reviews and decision making, with regard to the settlement of dispute or transfer it to the Court and providing Labour Relation Services, legal consultations, replying to the labour relation inquiries, any other services determined by MOHRE in this regardProfessional
6910011.0Dubai Courts ServicesIncludes firms engaged in the registration of all cases, submission of smart cases requests, Inquiry about case, provision of legal translationProfessional
6910012.0Author’s Copyrights & Neighboring Rights Collective Management ServicesIncludes firms specialized in protecting authors’ copyrights through handling their representation , contract management , collect copyrights proceeds in return of contribution in domain of literature , drama , music , cinema and arts , also , to care for neighboring which involves individuals and corporations that perform and produce the authors intellectual production.Professional
6910013.0Judicial Experience Houses ServicesIncludes the services provided by certified legal persons from companies and houses of expertise, or three or more experts sworn before the Dubai courts, who are ordered by courts or judicial bodies or others to perform a specific task relating to a fact or material fact that require special scientific and technical expertise to examine or evaluate and the provision of opinion.Professional
6910014.0Judgment Enforcement ServicesProfessional
6920001.0Auditing of AccountsIncludes offices specialized in practicing accounting services and qualified to audit accounts of companies and firms and make comprehensive examination and auditing of all kinds of accounts, records and accounting books of an establishment, the outcome of its business, and reports on its financial position.Professional
6920002.0Tax ConsultantIncludes specialized firms engaged in tax advisory to UAE businesses on the VAT as well as tax levied abroad reclaim, also, advising foreign companies in UAE on how to avert double taxation, how to implement tax treaties between countries, reviewing the periodical forms and statements of the companiesProfessional
6920003.0Accounting & BookkeepingIncludes the offices specialized in setting and designing accounting systems for companies and firms, designing accounting documents, records and books, setting documentary cycles or other accounting processes. These offices offer services against fixed fees, but may not examine or audit accounts.Professional
6920004.0Recovery Analysis ServicesIncludes firms engaged in business systems, data and documentation analytics to other firms, with specific focus on commercial transaction accuracy, identifying any underpayments or overpayments made by a client in its business dealings with third parties, and advise on recovering overpayments where identified in the analysis.Professional
6920005.0Businesses Valuation ServicesIncludes accounting and financial firms specialized in evaluating tangible assets, such as, property, plant, equipment and intangible assets, such as, patents, trademarks, goodwill and intellectual property of establishments and companies in order to reach their true value.Professional
6920007.0Taxation Procedures Follow-upIncludes persons registered with the Federal Tax Authority in the register, who are appointed to represent others before the authority and assist them in the fulfilment of their tax obligations and the exercise of his associated tax rights.Professional
6920008.0Restructuring of Financial Regulation & Bankruptcy ServicesIncludes firms specialized in providing services regarding organizing the bankruptcy protection measures and the restructuring and financial regulation of businesses and individuals, including conducting studies of asset re-evaluation, debt restructuring, capital alternatives, increase of internal cash flows, reducing the operation cost of the institution and directing savings towards increasing of efficiencyProfessional
6920101.0Billing services ProviderIncludes firms engaged in the billing services on behalf of landlords, master developers, owner associations and other service providers, who pay the charges of the utilities consumed by the occupants and beneficiaries and want to recover the charges from each individual unit, it involves collecting consumption data, calculate charging and billing information, produce bills to customers, process their payments…etc.Professional
7010001.0Managing OfficeIncludes offices opened by an industrial or commercial firms or company in order to organize the administrative and office affairs of the same. Thus, these offices are not allowed to practice any commercial works, they must also be linked to a licensed industrial or commercial entities previously .Professional
7010002.0Government Commercial Liaison OfficeThis is a government office established in the Dubai by any competent official entity subordinated to a foreign country in order to activate trade relations with that country and to promote its products as well as its industrial and commercial enterprises, such offices are not allowed to carry out any trading activity nor enter into commercial transactions and deals by themselves.Professional
7010003.0Representative OfficeThis is an office established in Dubai by any international company or enterprise to represent it in the UAE in order to promote its products and services, boost business, or facilitate commercial agreements between the principal the customers, such office is not allowed to carry out any trading activity nor enter into commercial transactions and deals by itself.Professional
7010004.0Companies RepresentationIncludes firms act as representative of foreign companies or enterprises in the UAE, as per contracts and authorizations, in order to promote their products and services, boost business, or facilitate commercial agreements between the principals the potential customers, contacting local businesses to encourage imports from the principals, such firms are not allowed to carry out any trading activities by themselves.Professional
7010005.0Regional Liaison OfficeThis is an office established in Dubai by any foreign company or enterprise to facilitate the contacts and follow-up of the company’s activities and affairs, and to promote the company services. Such an office may not carry out the company’s activities nor make any trading activity inside the UAE.Professional
7010006.0Corporate Services Provider (CSP)Includes firms that perform many administrative services aimed at assisting establishments and companies wishing to conduct business by carrying out the procedures required to register and obtain the necessary licenses from official authorities, assisting these companies in obtaining partnerships with foreign companies, it excludes provision of any kind of legal services.Professional
7010007.0Real Estate Representative OfficeThis is an office established in Dubai by any international company or enterprise to represent it in UAE in order to market and promote the property that it owns outside UAE, or facilitate commercial deals between the the mother company and it’s customers, such office is not allowed practice any activity or enter transactions concerning real estate by itself.Professional
7010008.0Banking Representative OfficeIncludes offices established in the Emirate of Dubai and managed by any of the international foreign banks. They are intended to promote the activities of the major banks existing in the fatherland country or those of any of their branches. They are also assigned to facilitate contacts between the concerned banks and their clients.Professional
7010009.0Management ServicesIncludes offices founded by businessmen to care for and reserve their interests in the establishments they own and the companies where they hold shares, such firms are not allowed to practice the activity no. 7499-20 Facilities Management Services.Professional
7010010.0Government Tourist Liaison OfficeThis is an office established in Dubai by an entity subsidiary to a foreign government to work as a representative and tourism promoter. This office is neither allowed to involve in direct transactions, nor to conclude contracts or agreements by itself.Professional
7010011.0Pharmaceutical Representative OfficeThis is a scientific office established in Dubai by a pharmaceutical company to notify and give information on the medicinal and chemical elements of their pharmaceuticals, and shall be contacted by the medical authorities in case undesired adverse effects of their products, it will also be responsible of the advertising as well as facilitating deals with the local customers, such office is not allowed to engage in commercial transactions.Professional
7010014.0Defence & Security Companies’ RepresentationIncludes representing one or more military company in order to mediate, negotiate, promote, market their products or services, or to facilitate the import and export contracts.Professional
7010015.0Scientific OfficeThis is a scientific office established by a local pharmaceutical company to promote its products, as well as conducting advertising and facilitating contacts and deals with the local customers, such office is not allowed to engage in importing, trading, storing or distributing such products in UAE.Professional
7020001.0Public Relations ManagementIncludes firms perform as connecting link between commercial entities and the media to introduce and shed light on their activities and achievements as well as promoting corporate image through leaflets, produce information reflecting transparency, establish positive relations with customers by visits and participation in gatherings, enhance their employees sense of belonging.Professional
7020002.0Feasibility Studies ConsultanciesIncludes firms which prepare technical and economic feasibility studies on the new projects to determine the profitability of these projects over a period of operation, such firms are not allowed to conduct field surveys and questionnaire before getting approval from the competent authority,the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Economics, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020003.0Management ConsultanciesIncludes providing consultancies and studies to help improving the organizations’ performance, through analyzing the existing organizational problems and the development of plans for improvement., it involves procedural engineering, laying out flow-charts and related documents circulation, internal policy formulation, organizational restructuring, strategic plans development, , the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Business or Economics, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020004.0Hotel ConsultantsIncludes specialized firms engaged in preparing marketing studies, economic feasibility studies and the required field surveys and questionnaires, in addition to providing technical advice related to economic investments in the field of hotel services, and whether this relates to new projects or the development of existing projects, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in hotel management or marketing, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020005.0Media Studies & ConsultanciesIncludes providing consultancies pertaining to printing, publishing, issuing newspapers and magazines, radio and television and motion picture production. It also includes conferences, seminars and ceremonies organizing related services, in addition to providing studies and information to organizations engaged media production, organizing and planning, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Media, Journalism, Communications, Public Relations, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020006.0Quality & Standardization ConsultantsIncludes firms engaged in services consultancies aiming at improving the standard of quality of the services and products provided by the servicing and the industrial sectors. It also includes providing standardization consultancies to make such services and products to conform with standard specifications,the manager must have a Bachelor degree in quality management, business, economics, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020007.0Military ConsultancyIncludes providing consultancy and administrative studies to military institutions concerning administrative military operations, as well as studies related to military supplies and equipment and the classification and description of the military tasks.Professional
7020008.0Human Resource Consultants.Includes studying the functional technical, psychological or behavioral problems facing the employee, diagnosing problems and providing solutions, including preparing reports, advice, designing professional and administrative programs and proposing the training that helps overcoming problems and enhancing performance, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in human resources management or business administration, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020009.0Waste management & Recycling ConsultancyIncludes firms specializes in providing professional advice on how to manage and monitor waste materials, whether to reduce their effect on health and environment or to obtain the ISO accreditation, it involves advising on eliminating waste through resources recovery practices like recycling materialsProfessional
7020010.0Facilities Resources Planning ConsultancyIncludes firms engaged in conducting studies and consultancies as regarding various alternatives available to a firm in order to achieve the optimum utilization of resources, thus the firm is enabled to minimize utilization of inputs and energy, as well as impact on environment, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Economics or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020011.0Pests Management Consultancypublic health and pest’s control. It includes training in pest’s management techniques.Professional
7020013.0Forensic Medicine ConsultancyIncludes providing technical counselling following thoroughly studying technical reports issued by forensic medicine pertinent authorities, and to discuss them with specialists as might be requested by courts, advocates, insurance companies (to determine the extent of physical disability or defect caused by accidents). No clinical examination or diagnosis is included, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Forensic pathology or related field, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020014.0Health Planning ConsultanciesIncludes providing consultation and feasibility studies for health facilities as regarding managing finance, human resource estimations, assisting medical organizations in regulatory compliance, required medical equipment and supplies, set up health quality assurance program to promote services level according to the international medical standards, the manager must have a bachelor degree in business administration or economics or a related discipline , along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020015.0Fine Arts ConsultanciesIncludes firms which provide consultancy and advisory services on the investment, collection, storing and restoration of original art works, as well as services related to the coordination and curating of fine arts exhibitions, festivals and events, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in fine arts, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
7020016.0Music ConsultantIncludes firms which provide consultation on the organization of events such as recitals, concerts, dance, chamber music, etc., as well as consultation on instrumental education and performance, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in music, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020017.0Sport Research & ConsultanciesIncludes the provision of advice and assistance to sport clubs and organizations on organizational and development issues, such as strategic planning, financial planning and budgeting, marketing and advertising objectives and policies, sport psychology, human resources policies.Professional
7020018.0Occupational Safety ConsultancyIncludes providing safety and vocational health services and consultancies, such as the information must be given to employers on the risk and dangers arising from their works or from new circumstances, including the measures to reduce or get rid of the risks, and what employees should do if they are exposed to the risk, examination of construction or industrial machinery, non- destructive examination and inspection, issuance of certificates of safety and vocational health measures applied therein, elaborating technical and economic feasibility studies on these machinery and equipment.Professional
7020019.0Spa & Fitness Clubs ConsultantIncludes firms engaged in technical studying and consulting over investing in spa and fitness clubs, as regarding location and architectural design, technical and economic feasibility, operational and administrative analysis, and marketing and promotional plans,the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Economics or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
7020020.0Project Development ConsultantIncludes firms specialized in providing studies and consultancies on the development of the projects carried out by real estate investment companies and others, including, draw up strategies of development opportunities , economic feasibility and marketing , revising development requirements and obstacles , supervising execution progress, the manager must have bachelor degree in business administration, economics or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020021.0Verification of Compliance of Islamic Banking with Shari’aIncludes studying and reviewing the transactions of the Islamic banking and financial institutions to ensure compliance with Shari’a, providing Islamic solution to any problem occurs, applying Islamic quality specifications to banking transactions, introducing new Islamic financial products to replace existing bank products as an effort to meet the increasing need for Islamic oriented financial productsProfessional
7020022.0Cost Control & Risk Management ServicesIncludes firms which help others in taking steps to control and ensure that the actual cost of production do not exceed the standard cost set in advance in the planning stage, it involves risk management which implies identifying the risks encounter organizations, then assessing the risks, and finally to take steps and develop strategies to enable avoiding the risk or reduce it’s negative effects or transfer to another party.Professional
7020023.0Sourcing & Procurement ConsultantIncludes providing procurement consultancies and analysis to determine where to achieve savings and minimize the cost, determine the purchases specifications and tender procedures, advise on purchasing sources by rendering to the best standards, advising on compliance with contracts and purchasing policies and procedures, the manager must have bachelor degree in business administration, economics or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020024.0Heritage ConsultantIncludes providing consultancies and ideas in general and to entities that organize events involving UAE heritage, proposing to events’ organizers the right folkloric show for their event, helping companies in designing and building camps whih reflect the geographical aspects of UAE, to give consultancy to media agencies on the advertisements that include folkloric scenes, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Arts, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020025.0Food & Dairy ConsultantIncludes providing consultancy on food and diary to meet the increasing needs to acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in food concepts, involving also, development of new recipes, sourcing raw materials and ingredients, design and sourcing of machinery and method of production and packaging, cost and quality compliance auditing, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Agriculture, Food Science or Dairy Technology, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020026.0Technical Installations ConsultanciesIncludes offering technical consultancy services related to electronic installations, audio-visual systems, TV and radio production and lighting techniques to studios, theatres, conference rooms and educational laboratories. It involves determining the proper equipment, their descriptions, assessing their purchasing bids and the supervision over the technical execution, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in science or engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020027.0Pharmaceutical ConsultanciesIncludes firms specialized in offering consultancy on the use of human and veterinary medicines, their manufacturers and storage methods to hospitals, pharmacies, doctors, clinics, medical institutes and colleges,the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Science, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020028.0Logistics ConsultancyIncludes providing consultancies and solutions to supply chain problems, as well as, providing methodology for improving performance, this involves analyzing the distribution network and delivering practical solutions, auditing the operation and identify the potentials for improvements, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in supply chain management and Logistics or business or economics, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020029.0Business IncubatorIt’s a venue designed to house start-up entrepreneurs and enterprises where they can enjoy an array of business support and guidance, this involves the provision of office spaces and technical and administrative services, innovative ideas and counseling, marketing and business potentials planning, bank finance choices, coordinate interaction with the business community outside the incubator to build relations, firm intend to practice this activity should be licensed as legal, financial or management consultant.Professional
7020030.0Parliamentary ConsultancyIncludes providing specialized consultancies and studies on the legislative and control roles of parliament, as well as the parliamentary diplomacy, this involves how to draft and analyze legislations, application of modern parliamentary studies, preparing the proposed agenda for the parliament activities, preparing guides and work models for each aspect, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in law or business or economics or politics, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020031.0Cooking ConsultantIncludes the provision of advice, guidance and operational assistance to hotels, restaurants, clubs, and other professionals in the hospitality industry as regarding how to skillfully preparing meals, helping create the recipes, demonstrate knowledge of the science of food, understanding of diet and nutrition, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in culinary arts management, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020032.0Customs ConsultantIncludes firms engaged in advising importer and exporters on customs, involving, customs procedures, restrictions, discrepancies, exemptions, tariffs, customs value, in additions advising on customs cases considered before customs committees.Professional
7020033.0Tourism & Recreation ConsultantsIncludes firms that provide consulting and specialized studies related to tourism and recreational, including strategies, planning and development, marketing plans, feasibility and technical studies, identifying opportunities for new tourist facilities and services, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in hotel administration or marketing, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020034.0Fire Safety ConsultancyIncludes firms engaged in providing consultancy in fire protection and safety, including, preparing protective strategy and emergency and evacuation plan, assessing fire risks and formulate action plan complying with regulations imposed by the concerned authorities in this respect, developing fire management policies and procedures, modifying premises designs to comply with the building regulations regarding fire safety, designing fire training programs.Professional
7020035.0Radiology Centers ConsultancyIncludes specialized in providing consultancy and technical feasibility studies for radiology departments in the medical diagnostic centers and assistance in the selection of appropriate hardware, also efficiently managing and operating such facilities, the installation and operation of the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) , the manager must have a Bachelor degree in radiological sciences, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020036.0Health ConsultanciesIncludes firms engaged providing expertise, guidance and advice to health care organizations in order to improve business functions and ensure patient safety, as well promoting health and prevent disease through holistic approach, areas of consultancy involve reviewing regulatory compliance, assessing staffing needs and resources, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in healthcare management or or a related discipline, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
7020037.0Maritime Consultancies ServicesIncludes providing consultations on various marine aspects, such as, shipbuilding and repair contracts, sale, purchase, operation and leasing of ships, shipping documents and insurance for goods and ships, marine debts and guarantees for lifting the seizure of ships, marine pollution damage and compensation claims, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in business administration, economics, law, or a related discipline, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7020039.0Innovation & Artificial Intelligence Research & ConsultanciesIncludes firms specialized in providing studies and consultancies on innovation to technical and administrative personnel in the public and private sector to stimulate extraordinary thinking procedures and innovative solutions to the challenges comforting them, also, providing the same on artificial intelligence which is based on computers that capable of imitating the intelligent human behavior to understand future developmentsProfessional
7020040.0Industrial ConsultantIncludes firms engaged in providing consultations to industrial entities regarding establishig factories and the selection of production lines, as well as the technical and financial issues, evaluation of proposals related to the life cycle of the plant, evaluation of financially operating factories and how to develop them, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Economics or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7020041.0Gaming Consultancy ServicesIncludes firms providing strategic, management and marketing, public relations, branding consultancy services and expert advice to the gaming industryProfessional
7110106.0Mechanical Engineering ConsultanciesIncludes firms which offer mechanical engineering services and consultancies with all or most of their specialties such as industrial production engineering and hydraulics mechanics, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110108.0Electrical Network & Distribution Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the transmission of power from generating facilities to distribution centers and distribution to end users, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110111.0Surveying Planning & Photogrammetry ServicesIncludes firms engaged in aerial photography and space images and related services, digital photogrammetric mapping such as base, topographic, thematic mapping as well as land use, cover characterization and classification, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil or Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110112.0Water, Sewage & Irrigation Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering consultancies and services with regard to water, sewage and irrigation, including water purification plants and lines and reservoirs, sewer disposal plants and systems, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110113.0Medical Engineering ServicesIncludes providing public and private healthcare facilities with consultancies on how to build the facilities as well as the specifications of the equipment and instruments and where to locate. To healthcare industries on how to plan manufacturing, the process flow, analyzing equipment efficiency and marketing planning. To universities and medical institutions on instrumentation and to set standards for students learning and curriculum designing. To public authorities involved in medical equipment and to contracting companies constructing healthcare facilities, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical or medical equipment engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110114.0Communication Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the transmission of voice, data, and video using a wired or wireless telecommunications infrastructure, involving switching and transmission facilities to provide point-to-point communications via landlines, microwave or a combination of landlines and satellite linkups, cable distribution systems, cellular and other wireless telecommunications networks, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110201.0Interior Design Engineering ServicesIncludes specialized firms which prepare landscaping drawings and designs for residential buildings, hotels, offices… etc., this includes choosing the right materials, colors, fixtures and lighting in addition to supervising the execution according to the designs set forth. It also involves firms specialized in drawing up detailed graphics and designs to stands and fixtures used in exhibitions, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110202.0Architectural Design ConsultancyIncludes firms engaged in providing consultancies and services related to architectural engineering, including preparing preliminary and final engineering and technical studies for construction projects as well as interior design and landscaping, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110203.0Construction Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering consultancies and services and constructional drawings, including drawing up preliminary and final studies to construction projects, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110207.0Green Buildings Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering services along with architectural designs which aim at saving energy in buildings as well as minimizing carbon dioxide emission by means of ideal designs and by using environment friendly buildings materials, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural, civil, electrical or mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110208.0Buildings Energy Efficiency ServicesIncludes providing consultancies and designs aiming at reducing energy use in buildings through optimal utilization of the resources and developing solutions to minimize electricity and water consumption, the services target the cooling and ventilation systems, lighting, lifts and pumps, water systems.Professional
7110209.0Building Facades Cladding Engineering Design Includes firms providing engineering consultancies and services regarding designing the cladding of the outer skins of buildings with metal and glass panels, It involves drawing up technical and economic feasibility studies as well as the available alternatives, preparing engineering design along with specifications and cost calculations, execution progress supervision. Professional
7110210.0Buildings Electrical Engineering ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing consultancies and services related to buildings’ electrical and electronic engineering, including preparing preliminary and final electrical and electronic works for construction projects as well as interior design and landscaping, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110404.0Oil & Natural Gas Exploration ConsultanciesIncludes firms that provide consultations that will increase production efficiency while reducing risks associated with exploration and production of oil and gas, including advice on procedures related to reservoirs, production fluids, geological issues, low productivity, corrosion tests, delayed production, risk analysis and evaluationProfessional
7110405.0Mines, Mining & Geological Engineering ConsultanciesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to all specialties of mines and mining engineering such as geophysical, geochemical and geomechanical engineering, mining and petroleum geology, ground and surface water geology. It includes studying the underground strata for solidity and the types and specification of rocks and minerals they contain, in addition to analyzing and drawing the technical data for subsequent studies, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in geological engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110406.0Chemical & Oil Engineering ConsultanciesIncludes firms which offer chemical engineering services and consultancies with all precise specializations such as oil refining engineering, industrial, metal and plastic engineering, chemical compound testing of the materials and the atomic composition of the elements and services related to the branches of chemical engineering, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110407.0Energy Projects Engineering ConsultancyIncludes conducting engineering consultancy for energy and water related projects such as gas and coal energy, it involves engineering, technical, analytical and economic feasibility studies to identify alternatives, compare between the environmental impacts of energy sources, including design and drawings and supervising execution progress.Professional
7110408.0Mining, Oil & Water Geological Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and consultancies services to companies engaged in oil industry, water well drilling, minerals exploration, petroleum services with regard to rock specifications, subterranean materials mechanism, well drilling and underground water testing engineering, petroleum transport and storage & oil extraction, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in geological engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110409.0Oil Exploration Engineering ServicesIncludes providing hydrographic, land and geophysical survey services with regard to oil and natural gas exploration. These activities are restricted to exploration without extending to extraction and exploitation, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110410.0Oil & Gas Process Engineering Services Includes providing process related to the engineering consultancy services in oil and gas, such as, storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etc., the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical petroleum or petrochemicals engineering, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
7110411.0Oil & Gas Electrical Works Engineering Services Includes electric engineering consultancy services in oil and gas field, such as, storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etc, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7110412.0Oil & Gas Instrumentation & Control Engineering Services Includes providing instrumentation and control engineering consultancy services in oil and gas such as storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etc., the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electronics, mechatronic or instrumentation engineering, along with three years hands-on experience Professional
7110413.0Oil & Gas Civil & Structural Engineering Services Includes providing civil and structural engineering consultancy services in oil and gas such as storage tanks, piping, pipelines, petroleum refinery plants, etc., the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110501.0Urban Planning Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering services with regard to all or most of urban design specialties such as urban and territory planning engineering, urban and environment design engineering. It involves drawing up studies, designs and charts concerning the planning process, in addition to work out studies on areas allocation, future expansion potentials, considering proper systems for traffic, construction methods, city growth pattern and the harmony between buildings, topography, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110507.0Landscape Architecture ServicesIncludes firms specialized in drawing up designs, plans and specifications for beautification and organization of parks, lands and gardens and harmonizing beauties of the same with the neighboring buildings and natural scenes, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110508.0Hydrographic Engineering Surveying ServicesIncludes mapping of seabed, execution of all types of hydrographic survey related works, participation in different construction projects inside water or coastlines, preparation of all kind of hydrographic maps with different scales, production of tidal charts.Professional
7110509.0Real Estate Survey ServicesIncludes firms engaged in surveying buildings and dwellings as regarding number of floors and joint spaces, this process involves lands, buildings and units, vertical and dimensional surveying, joint spaces in buildings lands surveying, preparation of maps and sketches of real estate units.Professional
7110601.0Marine, Ports & Waterways Engineering ConsultanciesIncludes firms engaged in providing consultancies, designs and construction supervision of ports and harbours, marinas, waterways; involving studying the effect of waves, hydrodynamics, sediment transport through numerical and/or physical models, port planning, design of breakwaters, berthing structures, retaining walls, floating docks, dry docks, pile-supported waterfront structures, dredging & reclamation, ground improvement.Professional
7110603.0Marine Projects Engineering ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing engineering consultancies and services to marine projects such as floating marinas and infrastructure for waterfronts developments, which would be submitted to the concerned authorities for approval, these firms are not allowed to involve in the designs and drawings of said projects, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110604.0Coastal Engineering ConsultanciesIncludes firms engaged in providing consultancies, designs and construction supervision of coastal protection and defence works, involving studying the effect of waves, hydrodynamics and sediment transport through numerical and/or physical models, design of coastal structures viz., revetments, seawalls, groynes, breakwaters, marine intakes and outfalls etc., design of beaches, dredging and reclamation, ground improvement.Professional
7110704.0Tunnels & Bridges Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to land and subsea tunnel construction engineering, involving design, engineering geology and rock mechanics, geotechnics, geophysics, choice of machines and methods for excavation and ground support, it also involves engineering services bridge construction, including design and drawings and the cost, choice ,f structure and materials, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110706.0Road & Traffic Engineering ServicesIncludes firms specialized in offering engineering services related to roads, traffic and related specializations, involving elaboration of studies, designs, plans and technical specifications for bridges, tunnels, pedestrian accesses and traffic studies and data collection through traffic counting and surveying , the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110709.0Airports Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the planning and functional design of airports in order to provide for the safe, , rapid, efficient, movement of people and goods, it involves airport planning and layout, size of runways, lighting, fuel systems, drainage and storm water pollution plans, size of arrival and departure buildings, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110711.0Railway Development Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering consultancies and services with regard to setting up and develop railway framework, including project feasibility studies, track design and specification, civil engineering and construction, strategic operations planning, maintenance management, demand forecasting, impact of noise and vibration and pollution on environment, overall project development & management, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110712.0Vertical & Horizontal Transportation Systems ConsultantIncludes providing consultancies and services on analyzing and establishing standards on vertical and horizontal transportation systems e.g elevators , escalators , moving walks , for moving people and materials in public places and factories, services include determining design and installation standards, providing shop drawing review, prepare opinions on costs and timetables, as well as modernizing existing installationsProfessional
7110713.0Noise Control, Vibration & Acoustics ConsultancyIncludes offering noise control, vibration & acoustics services for commercial and industrial sectors. The objective is to address noise impact of loud sources near noise sensitive areas such as hospitals, airports, mosques, theatres, cinema halls…etc. It involves measures design, technical specifications setting, execution and supervisingProfessional
7110901.0Engineering Surveying ServicesIncludes executing all types of engineering projects i.e. roads, bridges and drainage, detail survey for engineering, planning and re-planning purposes, demarcation of services lines, water lines, electric power lines, drainage, qibla direction demarcation, leveling for producing contour maps, grading and gate level, checking and verification of as built surveys, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil or Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110907.0Structural Quantity Surveying Engineering ServicesIncludes firms which undertake surveying structural quantities in terms of sizes and prices, upon the basis of designs and structural specifications set for the construction of projects, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil or Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110908.0Projects Management Engineering & Technical Feasibility Studies ServicesIncludes firms which work out primary technical and economic studies for constructions projects and for different commercial and economic establishments. These services also include preparation of tender documents, prequalification of consultants and contractors, assessment of financial offers and follow up of execution on the technical and engineering levels, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural, civil, electrical or mechanical engineering, along with ten years hands-on experience.Professional
7110910.0Environmental Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to improving the natural environment (air, water, and land resources), remediate pollution sites, finding plausible solutions in the field of public health, promote adequate sanitation in urban, rural and areas, waste water management and disposal, air pollution control, recycling, radiation protection, environmental sustainability, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil or Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110911.0Ship Engineering ServicesIncludes preparing building designs and drawings, for ships, boats and similar transport means. It involves laying out detailed specifications of the materials required and providing the equipment and engines as per each type and its area of utilization, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7110912.0Meteorology Engineering ConsultancyIncludes providing engineering consultancies and services as regarding the scientific study of the atmosphere and the metrological phenomena which concerns with the observable weather events that are bound by the variables, temperature, air pressure, water vapor that exist in earth’s atmosphere, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110916.0Foundations & Soil Mechanics Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to soil mechanics to analyze the deformations of and flow of fluids within natural and man-made structures that are supported on or made of soil, also, the design foundations based on the load characteristics of the structure and the properties of the soils and bedrock at the site, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110918.0Archeological Restoration & Conservation Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to conservation and preservation of archeological materials by using the method of examination, documentation, treatment, protection to keep that property in as close to its original condition as possible, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110923.0Power & Automatic Control Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and services to power stations and water desalination plants and to the fully automated factories with regard to control engineering and dynamic systems, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110924.0Electronic Engineering ServicesIncludes providing physics engineering consultancies and services as regarding the equipment that involve the controlled conduction of electrons especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor and which are utilized in diverse fields, such as data processing, telecommunications, transmitting and receiving installations, material testing and research, medical Installations, signal and transmission, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110925.0Industrial Production Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies to various technical and technological specialties of industrial engineering with regard to machinery and equipment utilization and maintenance, factory planning, commodity design studies and the execution of the related researches, drawings, designs and in addition to preparation and execution of maps and the consultancies related to plants operation and production planning, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110926.0Building Mechanical Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to buildings mechanical engineering services, including preparing preliminary and final engineering studies to the mechanical various systems involving air-conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation and heating cold and hot water supply, sewage, firefighting, gas, pumps, steam, swimming pools, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110927.0Hydraulic Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering supports and services to gas, thermos and hydroelectric generating stations, to auto engineering, internal combustion engines and water pumping units with regard to hydraulic mechanics, air propelling, conditioning and cooling systems, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110928.0Aeronautical Engineering ServicesIncludes preparing airplane and other similar means of transport designs and drawings. It involves laying out detailed specifications of the materials required and equipment and engines as per each type and its area of utilization, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110929.0Mechanical Power Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and services to electric generating stations, air-conditioning, and auto engineering, with regard to thermal dynamics and transmission, to thermal equipment, power plants, and fuel combustion, and propelling systems technology, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110930.0Mining & Mines Equipment Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the design, build, installation and commission of mining equipment such as aggregate production line, mineral ore processing plant, sand making plant, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in geological engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110931.0Geophysical, Geochemical & Geomechanical Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the study of the earth shape and internal structure using quantitative physical methods for remote exploration to analyze potential petroleum reservoirs and mineral deposits, locate groundwater, it also involves geochemistry to explain the mechanisms behind major geological systems such as the earth crust in order to explore mineral resources that cannot be explored by geological methods, also, the geomechanics which through the soil mechanics and rock mechanics study of the behavior of soil and rock, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in geological engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110932.0Oil Refining Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering consultancies to oil and gas industries and fertilizers factories with regard to oil refining engineering, thermodynamics, chemical engineering, control process, gas processing, thermal and bloc transmission, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110933.0Manufacturing & Material Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and services to steel and metal plants with regard to thermal dynamics, material engineering, interaction engineering, thermal and matter transmission, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110934.0Metal Engineering ServicesIncludes firms which offer services and consultancies on industrial engineering with its technical and technological specialties such as the use and maintenance of machines and equipment, factory planning, product design and other consultancies concerning factory operation and production planning, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110935.0Plastic Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and services to plastic, sponge, furniture and synthetic fibers industries with regard to polymers science, material and thermal dynamics transmission, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110936.0Building Maquette & Model Making Technical ServicesIncludes firms which make building maquettes and models, or engineering designs, models and forms of tools, vessels etc.Professional
7110937.0Architectural Prospective Drawings ServicesIncludes firms specialized in offering architectural prospective drawings services for all buildings and civil projects, showing relations with other standing, neighboring projects, buildings or elevations and natural scenery. These services also include drawing up horizontal and vertical sections of these buildings and projects.Professional
7110938.0Drilling, Stock & Production Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to designing and implementing procedures to drill wells as safely and economically as possible, also, the production engineering which focuses on designing and selecting equipment to extract and treat oil and gas well fluids, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110939.0Products Design ServicesIncludes designing the models of products prior to mechanical or manual production, furniture and personal household and professional appliances are involved. It includes pre-manufacturing drawings, setting technical specifications, materials and production costs calculation, and testing to ensure compliance of materials with safety and quality standards. Professional
7110940.0Geodetic Engineering Surveying ServicesIncludes establishing of vertical and horizontal control networks of different orders of accuracy, determination of the shape, size of the earth and its gravity field, building deformation monitoring, determination and commutation of geodic models, monitoring crystal movement and earth quake hazards, execution of large projects of geodetic nature like pipelines, highways, international boundaries, MSL determination projects, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in civil or Architectural engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110941.0Geographical Maps Drawing Technical ServicesIncludes preparing natural, political and civil geographical maps, whether digital or linear, also includes preparing topographical and contour designs as well as analytical reporting.Professional
7110942.0Aviation Equipment Engineering ServicesIncludes providing consultancies and services as regarding the systems that carry out homogeneous functions in the aircraft, including avionics, electrical, hydraulics, fuel, navigation, flight control, cooling systems, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110943.0Physical Engineering ServicesIncludes providing physics engineering consultancies and services as regarding physics in order to provide a more thorough grounding in applied physics for a selected specialty such as optics, quantum physics, materials science, applied mechanics, nanotechnology, microfabrication, mechanical and electrical engineering, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110944.0Nuclear Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the practical application of the nuclear energy and the related nuclear reactors, it involves designing, operation, radiation control procedures, safety precautions, the nuclear fuel cycle including extraction, enriching, handling and the safe disposing of the nuclear waste, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110945.0Mechanical Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and services to water desalination and power generation plants with regard to mechanical engineering, machinery designing and computer designed engineering drawing, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110946.0Heavy Duty Machinery Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design of heavy duty machinery for agriculture, automotive, construction, mining, transport and logistics, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110947.0Oil & Gas Mechanical Works Engineering ServicesIncludes providing consultancies and services as regarding the construction of the stations for oil products storage, pipes, oil pipelines, oil refining plants, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical, chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110948.0Petroleum Refining Plants Engineering ServicesIncludes providing engineering support and services to oil companies and refineries with regard to thermal dynamics and transmission, fluids mechanics, petroleum refining engineering, interaction process engineering, and oil refining industries including laboratories and stations construction and operation and production planning, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110949.0Gas Extraction Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the process designed to clean raw natural gas by separating impurities to produce pure gases for different applications, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in geological engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110950.0Raw Materials Composition Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the substances or components of the raw materials which have certain physical properties that are used as inputs to production or manufacturing in order to ensure compliance with the relevant industry standards, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in geological engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110951.0Automobile Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to vehicle engineering which incorporates the elements of design, mechanical, electrical, safety, fuel economy, noise, vibration, and harshness, performance, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110952.0Petrochemicals Engineering ServicesIncludes providing petrochemicals and chemicals engineering support to factories that uses petrochemicals, in manufacturing paints, detergents and synthetic fibers, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in chemical or Petroleum engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110957.0Fire Safety & Protection Engineering ServicesIncludes applying engineering principles to protect property, people from the destructive effects of fire by focusing on fire detection, suppression and mitigation as well as preparing protective strategy and emergency and evacuation plan, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical or mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110958.0Radiation Consultant:   Includes providing consultations on the use of radiation in workplace, also, enhancing the safety awareness for users of radiation in medical facilities for diagnosis and therapy, or for radioactive materials transporters, including calibrating the equipment monitoring radiation as per domestic and international standards, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in physics or chemistry or nuclear engineering or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7110959.0Green Buildings Consultant Includes offering counseling and technical assistance on environmentally-sustainable building and community design, building science, and energy efficiency, including all the services enable the efficient use of energy, water and other resources, which will have impact national health and global environment, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in architectural engineering or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7110962.0District Cooling Plants EngineeringIncludes providing consultancies and services related district cooling plants the distribution networks, it includes preparing preliminary engineering, technical and economic feasibility studies as well as the environmental impact, also, preparing the electromechanical designs, supervision of execution and operation.Professional
7110963.0Aviation Mechanical Power Engineering ServicesServices Includes providing engineering support and services to aircrafts with regard to thermal dynamics and transmission to thermal equipment, fuel combustion, and propelling systems technology, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110964.0Aviation Projects Engineering Management &Technical Feasibility Studies ServicesIncludes firms which work out primary technical and economic studies for aviation projects, involving preparation of tender documents, prequalification of consultants and contractors, assessment of financial offers and follow up of execution on the technical and engineering levels, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in Architectural, civil, electrical or mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110965.0Aviation Electrical Network & Distribution Engineering ServicesIncludes providing services and consultancies related to the aircraft electrical system which consists the self-contained network of components that generate, transmit, distribute, utilize and store electrical energy, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7110966.0People of Determination Universal Accessibility ConsultantIncludes providing consultancies and setting standards for creating an appropriate internal and external environment in different places in order to enable the people of determination with a range of impairments to efficiently access places unaided in comfort and safety, as well as to conform to global standards in this regard, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in architectural engineering or related discipline, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7120001.0Soil Analysis ServicesIncludes firms specialized in conducting site soil examination and testing in terms of engineering, geological, hydraulic and geophysical aspects and working out the studies necessary for determining soil features, nature and suitability for construction or agricultural projects. These services also include collecting soil samples for analysis at specialized laboratories to determine chemical and physical composition thereof.Professional
7120002.0Chemical & Biological LaboratoryIncludes firms which mainly conduct chemical and biological analysis, measurement and weight verification of various materials, metals or elements, such as analysis of building materials, soil metals and chemical materials or foodstuffs, to determine the chemical composition thereof. This also includes laboratory tests of materials and elements to determine mechanical characteristics such as solidity, cohesion, or resistance etc. The establishment’s activities are restricted to offering said services and issuing certificates or reports thereon.Professional
7120005.0Weighing & Measuring LaboratoryIncludes laboratories specialized in examining the metrology used in laboratories, factories and trade and services firms, to ensure their intactness and accuracy. These firms use internationally-recognized methodologies and metrology and issue certificates on the results.Professional
7120006.0Security Systems Inspection ServicesIncludes firms engaged in carrying out inspecting security systems to ensure safety, workability and consistency with standard specifications, then to provide technical reports and certificates accordingly.Professional
7120008.0Pipelines Inspection & RepairingIncludes firms that provide Inspection of water, oil, gases, sewage water, or other pipelines, whether these pipelines are on the surface, underground or submerged, to ensure intactness or specify places of damage or leakage and then the method of repair according to the nature of the material the pipes are made of and the material flow in them, and to carry out the techniques of repair, whether, thermal, chemical, blowing or water-flow treatmentsProfessional
7120009.0Vehicles Technical TestingIncludes firms engaged in testing vehicles to determine validity prior to renewing registration by licensing authorities.Professional
7120011.0Gold & Precious Metals Testing LaboratoryIncludes firms which undertake chemical and physical testing of bars of gold and precious metals, their ores or alloys to determine the content of gold or precious stones, solidity, fineness etc.Professional
7120013.0Industrial Facilities’ Installations Inspection Engineering servicesIncludes firms engaged in the technical inspection to disclose effects in different industrial facilities and relevant equipment, including the mechanical and electromechanical equipment for power, water desalination and sewage plants, petrochemical laboratories, workshops, factories and machineries, it also involves the nondestructive technical inspection, the analysis of the result and preparation of studies and reports that show the status of cases and treatment programs, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in electrical or mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7120015.0Physical & Mechanical Testing LaboratoryIncludes laboratories which mainly conduct mechanical, physical, electrical and light examinations and measurements. They also undertake measurement of heat and heat conductivity, hertz etc. and giving reports or certificate on the same.Professional
7120016.0Fire Causes InspectionIncludes firms which have the expertise and basic skills that enable investigating the causes as requested by official authorities or insurance companies, it involves identifying and examining the scene where the fire began, conducting preliminary investigation procedures, the ability to reveal the indicators that caused the fire, to reveal the
violations to safety regulations
7120017.0Foundation & Piling Testing ServicesIncludes specialized firms involved in conducting load capacity testing of piles and foundations to insure provision of adequate capacity for the structures or buildings they support. The activity includes static piling and foundation testing to mitigate the risk of failures and provide technical reports and certificates accordingly.Professional
7120018.0Oilfield High Pressure Equipment TestingIncludes firms conducting of physical, chemical and other analytical testing of oilfield high pressure equipment to decide mechanical characteristics and performance with regard to strength, thickness, durability.Professional
7120019.0Trade Mark Verification ServicesIncludes firms specialized in verifying the genuineness of trade marks. This includes detecting imitation, counterfeiting and forgery as well as designs and packs used in marketing.Professional
7120020.0Nondestructive Testing ServicesIncludes conducting tests, without causing damage, on materials during welding, manufacturing or lifetime to detect the defects in order to prevent further defects, such test is applied on airframes, underground pipes, laboratory pipes, structures, gas tanks, methods used are, liquid penetrant testing, radiography, ultrasonic, electromagnetic waves and infrared rays testing.Professional
7120021.0Compliance Certification For Building Construction ProductsIncludes firms serve as representatives for international organizations and authorities, which issue compliance certificates for materials and products used in Building Construction in accordance to international standards, it also includes inspection, supervision and control of certified factories, which manufacture these products.Professional
7120022.0Quality & Standardization Certificates Issuing Services.includes firms serve as agents to international organizations, which issue quality & standardization certificates to goods and services.Professional
7120023.0Agricultural LaboratoryIncludes specialized firms conducting research and chemical and biological lab analysis for development of agriculture, involving, control plant disease, irrigation water testing, tissue culture, plant survival in salt water, flower germination, mortality of plants and plant production through convention methods.Professional
7120024.0Roofs & Scaffolding Support Systems ExaminationIncludes firms that provide inspection services to roofs and scaffolding support system, whether external or internal, including reviewing and approving the designs and drawings of construction according to the uses and purposes to be allocated to them, the role of such firms is limited to carrying out these services and to give certificates or reports.Professional
7120028.0Building Inspection ServicesIncludes firms specialized in in non-intrusive detection of building conditions via infrared cameras, which measure variations in temperature and hidden moisture in walls, also, to determine the air leakage or infiltration and to study window installation or temperature of piping.Professional
7120029.0Diamond & Precious Gemstones Testing LaboratoryIncludes firms which undertake chemical and physical testing for gemstones and diamond to determine their key characteristics, color, clarity, cut and carat weight, as well as providing identification and appraisal reports.Professional
7120030.0Environmental Testing & Inspection ServicesIncludes firms providing environmental testing and inspections in different sites and locations, it involves sampling and laboratory testing, as well as inspecting the environment elements, such as air, water, soil, sediments, wastes, fumes and vapor emission, pollutions, noise level, industrial hygiene …etc.Professional
7120031.0Materials Fire Resistance Testing ServicesIncludes firms which conduct physical, chemical and other analytical testing of all types of materials and products used in constructing buildings to examine their fire resistivity, the tested material involve cladding and insulation materials, partitions, bricks, paints, electric fixtures…etc.Professional
7120032.0Products & Materials Transportation Equipment InspectionIncludes firms performing inspection of land, sea and air transportations means used in moving food, drinking water, livestock animals, pets, predators, chemicals reagents , detergents, cleaning chemicals and disinfectants, compressed gases cylinders, petroleum products, environmentally dangerous and hazardous waste and radionuclide and nuclear materials, against international standards and specifications.Professional
7120033.0Halal Quality & Conformity Certification Services Includes local firms or agents of international organizations and companies specialized in granting or issuing global Halal quality and conformity certification for products and services after conducting the testing and inspection and certification conformity assessment certificates and reportsProfessional
7120034.0Modified Vehicles’ Conformity Certificate Issuing ServicesIncludes firms authorized by the Emirates Authority for Specifications and Standards to undertake issuing the conformity certificates for the modified vehicles according the standards of quality and standardization approved by the authorizer, on both local and international level, the approval of the competent licensing authorities of said conformity certificates is solely subject to their prevailing traffic regulations and legislations. Professional
7120036.0Buildings & Civil Works Inspection Engineering services Includes firms engaged in the technical engineering inspection to disclose effects in different civil installations (buildings of all kinds), also, civil structures of the infrastructure such as bridges, roads, tunnels, dams, it also involves the nondestructive technical inspection, the analysis of the result and preparation of studies and reports that show the status of cases and treatment programs, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in architectural or civil engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7120037.0Storage Environments Temperature Verification ServicesIncludes firms providing temperature calibration, validation and monitoring solutions for a wide range of storage and transportation environments across the manufacturing, research, distribution & storage sectors to demonstrate that products are being stored in a suitable environment through reporting of the mapping process, it involves verifying that the materials stored are of the same nature. Professional
7120038.0Proficiency Testing Provider Services (PTP)Includes the conformity assessment bodies specialized in providing proficiency testing services for different sectors, such as, testing and calibration laboratories, medical laboratories and inspection bodies.Professional
7120039.0Gaming Quality Assurance Specialized ServicesIncludes firms offering all forms of quality assurance testing for the gaming industry, including functional testing services, hardware certification testing, stress and load testing, user testing and network performance testingProfessional
7210001.0Research & Experimental Development on Natural ScienceIncludes firms specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development researches on sciences (mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, life, earth sciences etc.), as well as medical, pharmacology, agricultural, engineering and technical sciences, in order to enrich knowledge and innovate new scientific applications thereof.Professional
7210002.0Environmental Consultants & StudiesIncludes firms conduct technical studies and research on the polluters affecting the environment elements, mainly air, water and soil and how to handle the subsequent impacts as well as determining the techniques and practical preventive measures, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in environmental engineering or environmental sciences, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
7210003.0Pharmaceutical Researches & StudiesIncludes institutes, academics or centers that encourage or promote scientific issues and research in the field of pharmacology and its advanced technologies and implement it in the manufacture of medicines and pharmaceuticals as well as up-grading the pharmacy profession, develop pharmacy education and introduce raw materials that can serve the pharmaceutical industry, such firms are not allowed to conduct field surveys and questionnaire before getting approval from the competent authority.Professional
7210004.0Geophysical & Geological Studies & ServicesIncludes conducting geophysical and geological surveying by acoustic waves to determine the potential of oil, gas and minerals in deep ground layers.Professional
7210005.0Renewable Energy Engineering ConsultancyIncludes conducting engineering consultancy and services regarding utilizing renewable energy specially winds, tidal waves, solar energy, hydrogen, as a clean alternative to traditional energy, it involves technical and economic feasibility studies, identify alternatives as well as preparing architectural designs and supervise execution, the minimal qualifications required is bachelor degree in renewable energy, electrical or mechanical engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7210009.0Technological Aspects of Aircrafts DevelopmentIncludes providing experimental development directed primarily towards substantially improving the aircrafts systems in order to promote safety and preserve fuel and resources, it involves fixed-wing aircraft, drones and helicopters.Professional
7210012.0Defense & Surveillance Systems DevelopmentIncludes specialized firms that develop defense and surveillance systems for military fields, military bases and air fighters through devising necessary developments for these systems.Professional
7210013.0Science & Technology ConsultancyIncludes offering counseling and drawing plans on science and technology as regarding water desalination techniques, nanotechnology, health, power technology, also, studying and analyzing the reports submitted by laboratories and other analysis entities in respond to requests by governmental and private bodies, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in science or engineering, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7210014.0Veterinary Research CenterIncludes firms centers engaged in veterinary research to aid in the diagnosis, prevention, control and eradication of infectious and non-infectious animal diseases occurring in various animal species whether being pets, farm animals or wild animals, as well as assisting manufacturers to produce vaccines, antibiotics and anti-parasitic drugs to help prevent animals diseases.Professional
7210104.0Control & Command Systems DevelopmentIncludes centers or institutes specialized in conducting experimental and development studies and research in special control, command and control systems.Professional
7210105.0Missiles & weapons Technology DevelopmentIncludes research and development of weapons and offensive and defensive missiles and related weapons.Professional
7210108.0Military Aircrafts Safety & Protection Systems Development Includes firms specialized in developing safety and protection systems for military aircrafts and air fighters, through making the necessary developments, maintenance and modernization of these systems, as well as the process of linking those systems.Professional
7210133.0Military Technology Research & DevelopmentIncludes centers for research, innovation and development of military technologies for the use by the armed forces, including weapon engineering as regarding design, development and testing of weapons and military systems, testing prototyping systems, improving systems performance, integration with other systems, and testingProfessional
7220002.0Research & Experimental Development on Social SciencesIncludes firms, centers or institutes specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development researches on social sciences (Economics, psychology, sociology, legal sciences etc.) and human sciences (languages, arts, etc.), so as to enrich knowledge and innovate new scientific applications thereof, such firms are not allowed to conduct field surveys and questionnaire before getting approval from the competent authority.Professional
7220007.0Educational Technologies Research & DevelopmentIncludes centers or institutes specialized in elaborating studies and experimental and development researches on learning technologies to set guidelines to enhance designing, evaluating and implementing learning techniques to reach the utmost efficiency, such firms are not allowed to conduct field surveys and questionnaire before getting approval from the competent authority.Professional
7220008.0Award Rendering ProgramIncludes forums, centers or firms specialized in encouraging studies and research in the various scientific fields, social, human and applied sciences and practicing the activities which serve such purpose such as organizing competitions, granting awards to researches and publishing of the winning studies and researches etc.Professional
7220009.0Islamic Economics Researches & Studies Includes firms that engaged in Islamic science of Islamic economics,as they are taught in universities and academic circles. These studies aim to monitor trends, methods, tools and methods that can be followed or used in the research process in the same field and enable researchers to walk in the correct and clear direction. And employing this science in the service of society.Professional
7220010.0Artificial Intelligence Developing Services Includes firms specializes in all aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning research and developmentProfessional
7220011.0Gaming Industry Research ServicesIncludes firms providing market research and studies for games industry trends, such as, surveys, questionnaires, technical studies relating to the gaming industry including, but not limited to analyzing market trends, marketability of games, public opinions and consumer habits and behavior, game genre popularity, game publishers’ activities, gaming audience trendsProfessional
7310001.0Advertising AgencyIncludes firms introduce the products and services of the clients to the public through creating and placing advertising in different media, including published magazines, newspapers, periodicals, outdoor advertising in billboards, panels and car and bus carding, radio and television advertising, the Internet and mobile phones.Commercial
7310003.0Aerial Advertising Servicesncludes artworks, pictures, multiple word messages designed on banners flown by airplane in short trips at altitudes and routes permitted by the authorities in charge of air traffic. Airplanes must meet the safety requirements set by the concerned authorities. No firm can practice this activity prior to obtaining the required approvals from the general aviation Authorities and Civil Aviation Department.Professional
7310004.0Promotional Gifts Preparing Includes creative designing and creating promotional gifts used by commercial entities to promote themselves and products, such gifts include pens, diaries, commemorative and sport medals, sport trophies, tyres covers, names engraving…etcProfessional
7310005.0Distribution of Advertising Materials & SamplesIncludes distributing promotional materials such as pamphlets, catalogs, posters and gifts, besides distributing samples of the products which a company produces and is bidding to promote.Professional
7310006.0Advertisement Designing & ProducingIncludes firms engaged in designing, creating commercial advertising to display in a printed medium such as a newspaper, magazine, periodicals, and also placing in radio, television, the Internet and other mediaProfessional
7310010.0Billboards AdvertisingIncludes creating and placing advertisements in the outdoor advertising structure found in high-traffic areas such as alongside busy roads and on roof of buildings, aimed at attracting passing pedestrians and drivers. Professional
7310014.0Newspaper AdvertisementsIncludes creating and placing advertisements in different published newspapers, magazines, periodicals.Professional
7310017.0Advertising Researches & ConsultanciesIncludes providing consultations to advertising organizations as regarding the creation of advertising campaigns and placement of such advertising in periodicals in order to encourage and persuade consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, also to employ different methodologies of research that works to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in business, media, marketing, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7310021.0Natural Gas Technology MarketingIncludes firms conduct operations and activities to explore the demand on natural gas technology in order to assist the firms involved in such technology to how to meet such demands.Professional
7310023.0Sports Events MarketingIncludes firms engaged in marketing and promoting championships and festivals on behalf of the sport and cultural authorities and clubs, as well as finding official sponsors for such events, including the follow-up all the contracting subsequent formalities.Professional
7310024.0Foreign Securities PromotionIncludes firms conducting a series of coordinated campaigns designed to promote foreign securities, through present information to investors in different areas of media on the advantages and benefits of investments in such securities.Professional
7310026.0Advertising Services via WebsitesIncludes firms that seek to provide advertising services for marketing and promoting different products through their accounts in social media or via the Internet.Commercial
7310027.0Insurance Products Marketing Includes Insurance producers engaged in marketing of insurance policies by attracting natural or legal persons to familiarize them with the company they work for, its services and offers, they shall use regular or electronic means, by placing the electronic link of said company on their online account or their pages on social networks, multimedia sharing networks, participatory work applications and smart applications, this shall be exclusively so that the applicants for electronic insurance will be transferred automatically to the website of the company or the agent.Commercial
7310028.0Securities & Financial Products PromotionIncludes firms conducting marketing, distributing, advertising, publishing any kind of data or information or brochures related to financial products, these products involve securities, commodities contracts, derivatives and structured product. Professional
7320001.0Marketing Research & ConsultanciesIncludes the provision of research and consultancies to businesses to achieve competitive advantage in the market place and come out with results that assist in marketing and sales boosting, it involves knowing the specifications of the product that the client firm is selling to the market, products of the rivals, advertising strategies required, price that the customer is willing to pay, customer expectation, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration or marketing or Economics, along with three years hands-on experience.Professional
7320002.0Marketing ManagementIncludes firms provide assistance to businesses on marketing products and services to attract and retain customers, involving advice on planning, pricing, sale outlets, such firms are not allowed to sell the products and services they are promoting.Professional
7320003.0Statistical Services ConsultanciesIncludes firms engaged in conducting statistics consultancies and services in economic, social and other domains, it involves data collection whether through questionnaires or from administrative records and then draw indicators which can assist decision makers to know how to find alternatives in order to evaluate the status quo as well as to plan for the future, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in statistics, along with three years hands-on experience. Professional
7320004.0Public Opinion Polling ServicesIncludes firms engaged in conducting surveys of public opinion on behalf of others to investigate the opinions of a population as well as collecting data and statistics in any domain, it involves utilizing telecommunications or in person-to-person contact or using any other direct or indirect techniques, it also includes investigating the collective opinions of the public about political, economic and social issues as well as opinion for matters such as marketing, psychology, sociology, health, the process involves designing the poll forms, specifying the sample of population to be investigated and finally issuing the analyses of the resultsProfessional
7320005.0Branding ServicesIncludes firms engaged conducting branding and corporate identity services, involving defining the brand strategy for corporations to enable them present themselves to the public, also, articulating the visual identity and expression of the corporation which might be manifested in the company name, logo, slogan, such elements play significant roles in the way an organization presents itself to both internal and external stakeholders.Professional
7410001.0Fashion DesigningIncludes shops which design fashions and clothes for men, women and children, including uniform suits for the official bodies’ personnel.Professional
7410002.0Jewellery DesigningIncludes designing the models of gold and precious metals jewellery prior to mechanical or manual production, involving pre-manufacturing drawings, setting technical specifications, materials and production costs calculation, testing to ensure compliance of materials with safety and quality standards.Professional
7410003.0 Design ServicesIncludes preparing the preliminary sketches or the plans for different objects, including Interior design, design of gardens and basins, such works shall then be executed by specialized companies.Professional
7410004.0Calligraphers & PaintersIncludes firms engaged in the art of writing through hand lettering to produce different forms artistic writings such as, certificates, invitations, envelopes, business branding and logos, it involves drawing and painting works as a form of different arts, including visual, arts, abstract arts, sketch arts, decorative arts, illustration arts, as well as graffiti, also, body painting, where artwork is painted directly onto the adults and children skin, unlike tattoo which is prohibited. Professional
7420001.0Commercial Photographs ProductionIncludes photographing in specialized studios or on location to produce pictures for different commercial purposes such as press documentaries, fashion shows, tourist items, advertising agencies pictures, as well as air shooting of landscape and urban landmarks.Professional
7420002.0Models Production By Three Dimensional Laser ScanningIncludes using three- dimensional imaging and laser scanning to reproduce objects outwards, or to acquire data to construct digital models of objects sizes, in order to use in a wide variety of industrial and non-industrial applications, including, discovering the technological principles of the object through analysis of it’s geometry and other elements undetectable by traditional survey techniques, such technology can be applied in constructions, roads, tunnels, bridges, historic sites, ships…etc.Professional
7420003.0Photography ServicesIncludes firms that produce photographs for personal purposes, whether inside or outside private studios, such as the production of personal photos, as well as photographing weddings, parties and personal events, also, photographing and producing video-based virtual tours of real estate and various locations.Professional
7420005.0Parties & Events FilmingIncludes firms which undertake filming of personal wedding parties, official opening ceremonies, exhibitions etc.Professional
7420008.0Aerial photography servicesIncludes firms which provide aerial photography services, satellite imagery, and related services, in addition to collection of their data including preparation of aerial photos and related non-engineering services, these firms may use the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).Professional
7420009.0Photographs & Motion Pictures ProcessingIncludes laboratories specialized in processing photographic films and personal motion pictures (Commercial activities listed under class 9211) – alongwith developing and printing this activity also includes enlarging the pictures.Professional
7420010.0Multi-Dimensional Images Production (Hologram)Includes multi-dimensional imaging (two or three-dimensional) or hologram imaging by means of sophisticated technology specially applying laser on mediums like thermal paper, stickers or tapes (films) useable on promotions, and unti- counterfeiting.Professional
7420013.0Underwater Photography ServicesIncludes firms that provide underwater photography and videography services, whether for individuals, companies, or entities involved in motion picture television programs…etc.Includes facilities that provide underwater photography and videography services, whether for individuals, companies, or entities working in the field of film and television production, among others.Professional
7490001.0Surveying & Evaluating ServicesIncludes firms specialized in examining, and estimating movables such as goods, machines, equipment and furniture, for various purposes, for holding public auctions, upon disputant parties’ request or as an assignment by the court, arbitration committee or any other body, also, checking motor vehicles to determine the technical defects or value and not renewing registration by licensing authorities.Professional
7490002.0Vessels InspectionIncludes firms deal in inspection of ships, vessels, boats, barges and other maritime transport means in order to determine value, productive age, the type and volume of consignment weight that can carry, to calculate the cost of maintenance, also, inspecting consignments reporting to the owners or lease holders or to the competent authorities.Professional
7490003.0Aircraft Classification ServicesIncludes organizations that survey aircrafts in order to categorize according to the applicable local and international standard specifications, classification certificates can be issued as regarding adherence to the technical standards of operation.Professional
7490004.0Weighing & Measuring ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing weighing and measuring of goods to the parties involved in the selling and buying or importing and exporting to enable them comply with local and international regulations and standards.Professional
7490005.0Legal TranslationIncludes specialized offices engaged in providing written translation to documents and texts with contents of general nature or to texts of specific and professional nature, like commercial contracts, legal, commercial, technical and scientific texts. It also includes instant and simultaneous translations provided by specialized translators in meetings, seminars or conferences.Professional
7490006.0Visual Materials Subtitling & Dubbing ServicesIncludes post production subtitling motion picture, video and television programs, also, dubbing where recordings are “mixed” with original production sound to create the finished soundtrack.Professional
7490008.0Diving ServicesIncludes firms which undertake underwater examination of pipelines, concrete or other scientific or practical applications. The activity of any such firm must be limited to said service, and not a part of other major operations undertaken by firms operating in the fields of offshore oilfields or marine contracting works.Professional
7490009.0Lifeguard ServicesIncludes providing qualified swimmers, trained and certified to work as swimmers’ rescuers, whether in swimming pools, beaches or water parks.Professional
7490011.0Real Estate Registration TrusteeIncludes firms permitted by Land Department to undertake registering real estate transactions via computerized system, it involves buying and selling contracts, real estate mortgage, leasing, right of usufruct between parties, terms and conditions pertaining said services should be preserved, these firms will be inscribed in the agents register.Professional
7490012.0Translation, Editing & Proofreading ServicesIncludes offices which provide simple translation for ordinary personal and commercial letters and correspondences, also, editing and proofreading Arabic and English writings to correct spelling and grammar errors and improve the texts to university students as well as public and private entitiesProfessional
7490014.0Immigration ServicesIncludes offices specialized in offering consultancies and services to immigration applicants, whether the immigration for work, investment or family re-unification abroad, provided that the local rules and regulations governing such process are observed, it involves assessing the applicants as per the hosting countries requirements, screening the documents and advise on what needed to support the application, prepare a complete file and submit to the concerned authorities, follow up the procedures and answer enquiries and provide the additional needed documents, qualifying the applicants to pass the personal interviews made by the representatives of the hosting countries.Professional
7490015.0Agricultural Extension ServicesIncludes firms which provide extension
services to the public in terms of planting
dates, fertilization, pest control methods, care
and maintenance of agricultural production
procedures and other extension services
7490016.0Vessel Classification ServicesIncludes organizations that survey ships and other marine structures in order to categorize according to the applicable local and international standard specifications, classification certificates can be issued as regards the availability of safety and rescue equipment, and the technical standards for operation enforced.Professional
7490017.0security consultanciesIncludes providing security consultancies and studies, set out security and technical solutions to ensure buildings and facilities safety, also advisory on designing and laying out technical specificationsيشمل تقديم الاستشارات الأمنية وإعداد الدراسات والبحوث وتقديم الحلول الأمنية والفنية لتأمين المباني والمواقع وكل ما يتعلق بها من مسائل أمنية، بما في ذلك إعداد التصاميم والرسومات والمواصفات الفنية.
7490018.0Agricultural Research & ConsultancyIncludes firms providing consultancy and research related to agricultural economic feasibility, land reclamation and irrigation, agricultural project development, animal poultry farming.Professional
7490019.0Real Estate Services TrusteeIncludes firms permitted by Land Department to provide real estate services via computerized system, it involves registering tenancy agreements in Ejari, undertake registration in the training courses, issuance of “to whom it may concern certificates”, the regulations pertaining to any of these services should be preserved.Professional
7490020.0Lifestyle CoachingIncludes providing advice and coaching to help clients transform from sedentary lifestyle into more healthy and active, in order to achieve specific personal or professional goals in different human endeavors, ranging from their concerns in health, personal, professional, sport, social, family, working closely with them to facilitate healthy and sustainable behavior change, with a focus on improving personal behavior as well as enhancing personal appearance to make them look more beautiful, it involves advising about clothing, shopping, hair styling, makeup, and also showing how cosmetic products work to improve personal appearance.Professional
7490022.0Gaming Localization ServicesIncludes firms providing localization services, including language translation and general cultural accuracy in respect of gaming content, advertising, marketing, and branding materials for the gaming industry.Professional
7490101.0Personal Shopping ServicesIncludes firms engaged in selection and purchase of goods on behalf of others not having enough time or desire to do the shopping themselves.Professional
7500001.0Veterinary HospitalIs a healthcare facility provides animal and birds with primary medical care, along with diagnosis, treatment and surgical services through specialized veterinarians supported by in house laboratories, radiology, surgery and rehabilitation facilities.Professional
7500002.0Veterinary ClinicIncludes clinics where qualified veterinarian practices veterinary medicine by treating disease, disorder, and injury in farm animals or pet animals.Professional
7500003.0Veterinarian LaboratoryIncludes laboratories that specialize in veterinarian analysis as well as providing technical reports.Professional
7500004.0Veterinary Quarantine ServicesIncludes firms authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries to undertake animal quarantine, in order to prevent entry of animals carrying diseases hazardous to humans and animals, their role involves sampling, analyzing, issuing certificates of validity or recommendations of prevention.Professional
7500005.0Animals Physiotherapyincludes providing animals and horses rehabilitation and stimulating body movement and improving abilities to perform body functions through using massage, stretches, muscle stimulation and manipulation exercises.Professional
7500006.0Veterinary ConsultantIncludes providing consultancy and technical feasibility studies on how to set up poultry, dairy and fish farms, abattoirs, quarantines, clinics, inform the local authorities on the animal infectious diseases such as avian and swine flu, provide information to foreign slaughterhouses interested in exporting meat to UAE about the Islamic way of slaughtering, the manager must have a Bachelor degree in Veterinary Medicine, along with three years hands-on experienceProfessional
7500007.0Animal Etiquette & Behavior ConsultantIncludes veterinary clinics involved in animal behavior consultancy for pet and farm animals, to solve behavior problems, such as, aggression, anxiety, fears and phobias. Treating these problems will help animal owners to have better relations with them and improve the productivity in the case of farm animals, as well as reducing the risks of injury , it also involves animal etiquette which offers an approach to the positive reinforcement methods of training in all the activities that is provided for the animal.Professional
7710001.0Car RentalIncludes firms which rent automobiles for short periods of time, without drivers, to people who do not own their own car, travelers who are out of town or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair.Professional
7710002.0Transportation Vehicles RentalIncludes renting heavy or medium vehicles without drivers to use in moving raw materials and goods.Professional
7710003.0Buses RentalIncludes leasing, without drivers, buses and other public transports either by means of personal lease for a short period of time or through long contract arrangements with schools to transfer students or with private and public firms to transport employees.Professional
7710004.0Driving Test Vehicles RentalIncludes renting vehicles to the persons who undergo driving testing by the traffic department, these cars should be specifically equipped to meet the safety requirements.Professional
7710005.0Racing Cars RentalIncludes renting different racing cars without drivers to be exclusively restricted to racing tracks.Professional
7710006.0Liquid Gas Tanks RentalIncludes offering for rent the transportable liquid gas tanks.Professional
7710007.0Specialized Vehicles RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting, without drivers, the specialized motor vehicles including ambulances, fire engines, garbage collectors , street sweepers, truck- mounted cranes for loading and discharging and truck mixers it also includes food trucks and mobile salons and tailoring trucks.Professional
7710008.0Motor Vehicles Transport Trucks RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting trucks for transporting motor vehicle without drivers and as per orders.Professional
7710009.0Refrigerator Trucks RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting, without drivers, refrigerated trucks to transport perishable freight, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, drugs, medical materials or any materials entail such kind of transport.Professional
7710010.0Garbage Trucks RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting to others, without drivers, trucks specially designed to collect municipal and non-hazardous waste from households, businesses, industrial and public places and dispose them in specified disposal sites determined by concerned authorities, it excludes demolition and agricultural and organic waste.Professional
7710012.0Ambulances RentalIncludes firms that rent ambulances without drivers.Professional
7710013.0Hourly Car RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting vehicles by the hour via electronic media, smart apps, the firm will locate it’s vehicles in convenient locations across Dubai, the lessee through mobile apps you can reserve the vehicle, fix the period of time, pay the fare and then drive the car according to the instructions of the lessor, at the end of the reservation the lessee shall return the vehicle to the place he drove off from or can park it at any place in Dubai.Professional
7710014.0Sewage & Drainage Vehicles RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting to others, without drivers, sewage vehicles to use in collecting sewer water and sinks, stagnant water, rain water and contaminated water, it involves collecting and transporting to treatment or disposal sites.Professional
7710015.0Using Electronic Media Smart Applications or any other Means of Renting VehiclesIncludes firms authorized by the RTA to provide the rental service via calls, electronic media, smart apps, or any other mean, it involves organizing the booking, e-Payment, information, customer support services. Professional
7710016.0Mobile Vans RentalIncludes firms that lease vehicles designed to sell goods or provide services and which take the form of mobile vans.Commercial
7721001.0Leisure & Sport Equipment RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting leisure and sports equipment and instruments used by clubs, gyms and individuals for practising sports and leisure activities.Commercial
7721002.0Children Games & Baby Care Requisites RentalIncludes renting children rides and games including swings, slides, house and aircraft models, whether made of solid and safe materials or of inflatable objects, also, new-born cradles, chairs, beds, walkers, prams, baskets, linen and covers.Commercial
7721004.0Bicycles RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting bicycles, fitted with two wheels or more, non-motorized, and are intended for leisure and sports use.Professional
7721006.0Jet Ski RentalIncludes renting personal watercraft used water recreational activities and sport.Commercial
7729001.0Costumes, Shoes & Personal Items RentalIncludes offering costumes and uniforms rental for men, women, and children, whether historical or contemporary or for masquerading, also, shoes, leather items, hats and belts and other personal items.Commercial
7729002.0Furniture RentalIncludes renting furniture to others for limited period of time, it includes home, office and school furniture, as well as relaxation beds and chairs to be placed in airports and malls, also, furniture requisites, such as carpets, curtains, lighting appliances, paintings and artworks.Commercial
7729003.0Blankets, Towels & Linens RentalIncludes renting and leasing household blankets, linens, bedcovers, furniture covers, bed sheets, towels, pillows, cushions and covers and the similar products.Commercial
7729004.0Electrical & Electronic Appliances RentalIncludes shops whose activities are based on the rental of electric and electronic appliances, such as stoves, ovens, audio-visual sets and related recording appliances, as well as refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen appliances and antennas, besides utensils and household items used for various purposes.Commercial
7729006.0Jewellery RentalIncludes renting and leasing diamond necklaces, bracelets, earrings, watches.Professional
7729007.0Children Carts RentalIncludes firms providing special kinds of manual and automatic playing carts to children under six. Such carts are available for rental by the parents who accompany their children in shopping centres, parks or public utilities.Commercial
7729008.0Tents RentalIncludes renting small tents for beaches and picnics, also big tents to accommodate celebrations and events such as wedding parties, exhibitions and conferences, it involves providing lighting and sound apparatus, tables, chairs, airconditions.Commercial
7729009.0Camping Supplies RentalIncludes the rental of tools and supplies that are used for trips, picnics and camping, such as tents, lighting tools, food and drink preservation utensils, linens and other camping supplies that do not exceed 24 hoursProfessional
7729010.0Musical Instruments RentalIncludes the rental of electronic and normal musical instruments like stringed, wind and percussion instruments, pipes, accordions, organs.Commercial
7729011.0Paintings & Artworks RentalIncludes renting distinctive artworks such as drawings, sculptures, photographs, handicraft woks, masterworks to art galleries, exhibitions, museums…etcCommercial
7730001.0Off Road Karts RentalIncludes renting and leasing the three or four wheeled vehicles which run by petrol and used for recreation and sport.Commercial
7730002.0Motorcycles RentalIncludes firms engage in renting motorbikes, fitted with two wheels or more, motorized, and intended for recreation and other uses, in paved and off roads.Commercial
7730003.0Safety Deposit Vaults RentingIncludes firms that engaged in renting vaults to others to save their valuables and important documents, involving furnishing a safe room equipped with alarm systems, TV surveillance, guarding, burglary insurance, as well as enable the lessee the access his vault at anytime.Commercial
7730004.0Heavy & Light Machinery & Equipment RentalIncludes renting and leasing heavy and industrial machinery and equipment used for handling, refrigeration, air purifying, metal cutting and forming, food, beverage, and tobacco processing, textile apparel and leather production, lifts, escalators, boilers, central kitchens, automatic washing equipment, electric generators, water pumps, it involves also light duty equipment for medical, packaging, transport, construction and occupational Safety applications.Commercial
7730005.0Extracting & Drilling Equipment & Machinery RentalIncludes renting and leasing equipment for the extraction of minerals occurring naturally, involving extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas as well as the mining and quarrying.Commercial
7730006.0Movie Filming & production Equipment RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting filming and production of movies and television programs, including cameras, equipment for lighting and sound, cranes and dollys, grips, smoke machines, special effects devices, it involves the props used on stage or on screen by actors during a performance or screen production, such as, statues, dinosaurs, pirate figures, animals, weapons, decorations …etc.Commercial
7730008.0Pumps, Engines & Generators RentalIncludes renting and leasing pumps for water and liquids pumping, engines and machines for ships, boats, vehicles, also machinery for industrial operation, the generators which convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy to operate machineryCommercial
7730009.0Construction Equipment & Machinery RentalIncludes renting building and construction equipment for excavating, filling, demolition, earth leveling, road paving, cement mixing equipment and machinery, as well as cranes, elevators and heavy objects lifts, it does not involve the wheeled and motors operated equipment and machinery.Commercial
7730010.0Rental of Loading, Lifting & Construction Equipment with Wheels & MotorsIncludes firms engaged in renting fixed and mobile lifting handling and construction equipment and machinery, with wheels and operating by motors, including electro and hydraulic cranes and trucks loaders.Commercial
7730011.0Scaffolds RentalIncludes renting
temporary frames of metal pipes or other materials, used to support people and materials in the constructions or repair of buildings.
7730012.0Telecommunications Equipment RentalIncludes renting and leasing equipment and systems used in operating fixed and mobile telecommunication networks, including exchanges, central switch boards, and mini switch boards located in commercial complexes, intercom systems, optic fiber connecting networks.Commercial
7730014.0Converting Industries Equipment & Machinery RentalIncludes renting and leasing machinery and equipment
that are generally used by industries such as engines and turbines, machine tools, mining and oilfield equipment, measuring and controlling equipment.
7730016.0Ship CharterIncludes firms specialized in renting and operational leasing of water-transport boats and for passenger transport or cargo, whether owned by the company or being rechartered.Commercial
7730018.0Barges & Tugs CharterIncludes firms specialized in renting and operational leasing of tugboats for bringing vessels into and out of the port safely, also the barges which are built to transport heavy good.Commercial
7730020.0Aircraft & Requisites LeasingIncludes firms specialized in leasing airplanes under lease contracts for air flights in scheduled passenger and freight transport flights including its operational and ground handling tools.Commercial
7730022.0Paramotors OperationIncludes operating and renting the motorized parachutes ( paramotors ) for recreation and advertisingProfessional
7730024.0Caravans RentalIncludes caravans (mobile homes) rental whether they are towed or self mobile motor vehicles and which are equipped for living, camping or traveling.Professional
7730025.0Cargo Containers RentalIncludes renting and leasing different dimensions containers to store and transfer freight from one mode of transport to another by ships, air, rail and semi-trailer trucks.Commercial
7730026.0Agricultural Equipment & Machinery RentalIncludes renting and leasing agricultural machinery for soil preparation, planting or fertilizing, ploughing, manure spreading, seeding, grass cutting, sorters, milkers, pesticides sprayers, poultry and bee-keeping.Commercial
7730029.0Accounting & Office Machinery RentalIncludes the rental of office equipment regardless of their use, such as accounting equipment, typewriters, photocopiers, computer sets, word processors, microfilm photography equipment.. etc.Commercial
7730031.0Medical Equipment RentalIncludes renting medical equipment used medical facilities as well as light devices needed by medical professionals who undertake home healthcare services such as blood pressure and cardiac monitors, medical thermometers, oxygen tanks etc..Commercial
7730032.0Sleeping Cabins RentalIncludes furnishing pods with beds to sleep or rest and offer for short-term rental in places where people need to wait for a little longer, as airports’ transfer areas or in shopping mall.Commercial
7730033.0Medical Gas Compressors RentalIncludes renting and leasing medical gas equipment and compressorsCommercial
7730034.0Mobile Phones RentalIncludes firms which rent mobile phone for short period of time without operating the calls and the communication system.Commercial
7730035.0Electric Bicycles RentalIncludes renting the electric powered bicycles with two or more wheels, electric scooters are not involved.Commercial
7730039.0Kitchen Equipment RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting for specified period of time kitchens tools and supplies, as well as catering equipment to festivals and events’ organizers or others, no cooks provision is involved. Commercial
7730040.0Security Equipment RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting of security-related and monitoring equipment, such as, screening equipment, observation cameras, anti-burglar alarms, motion detectors, intercoms, alarms, access control, barrier gates, safes and security vaults.Commercial
7730041.0Solar Energy Systems RentalIncludes renting and leasing solar panels and slabs energy systems (photovoltaic) installed on tops and facades of residential and commercial buildings, or on the ground to generate power for use in water heating and cooling and energy supply, it involves the batteries and devices to store the generated energy.Commercial
7730042.0Testing Equipment RentalIncludes renting and leasing equipment and devices used in testing, examining, and inspecting construction of civil engineering projects, marine and industrial equipment, vehicles and transport means.Commercial
7730044.0Disinfecting Booths & Equipment RentalIncludes reselling disinfecting booths and equipment which are installed in different places to disinfect all individuals and vehicles entering and exiting the areaCommercial
7730046.0Robots & Smart Machines RentalIncludes the rental of robots that apply artificial intelligence to enable them to think intelligently in the similar manner the intelligent humans think, and which can take the place of humans in dangerous environments, manufacturing, also, smart machines applying the same techniques to conduct any kind of tasks. Professional
7730047.0Batteries RentalIncludes renting and leasing mobile batteries for storing the generated energy that are installed on the roofs and facades of residential and commercial buildings or on the surface of the ground of the construction sites and used in cooling of water, power supply and lighting, it involves also the batteries for electric vehicles.Professional
7730101.0Shopping carts Rental & Retrieval servicesIncludes firms rent shopping carts to shopping centers and retail stores and airports and others on permanent or seasonal bases, also providing retrieving and returning carts abandoned off the premises at the parking lots and adjacent walkways.Commercial
7730102.0Off Road Motorcycles RentalIncludes firms licensed to engage in renting recreational motorbikes, with two wheels or more, fitted with motors, but not designed as vehicles or karts and are intended for mountains and off road use.Commercial
7730103.0Watersports Equipment RentalIncludes firms engaged in renting watersport equipment for sport facilities and individuals, such as, diving devices, surf boards, windsurfs…etcCommercial
7730104.0Electric Scooters RentalIncludes renting the two or three-wheeled electric scooters equipped with electric motor to produce power and without a seat.Commercial
7740001.0Patent & Intellectual Property Rights Management Includes firms specialized in managing and promoting patent intellectual property rights issues, following obtaining a proxy from the owner, including buying, owning and selling such rights, as well as conducting the required legal formalities, such as, issue the licenses, , issue the contracts and certificates and sale agreements as per owners’ terms and conditions, also, assessment and pricing formalities as well as intermediary between owners and buyers to reach compromisesProfessional
7810001.0Labor Recruitment Brokerage Office ServicesIncludes recruitment offices specialized in bringing in manpower for companies, establishments and individuals and assuming necessary procedures for having their visas issued.Professional
7810002.0Employment Brokerage Office ServicesIncludes third-party recruiters specialized in listing employment vacancies and referring or placing applicants for employment.Professional
7810003.0Medical Manpower SupplyIncludes offices specialized in supplying medical manpower for governmental and private medical facilities, such offices will provide the sponsorship for the concerned persons, These offices need to be approved by the Department Ministry of Labor to practice this activityProfessional
7820001.0On Demand Labors Supply (Temporary Employment)Includes specialized firms engaged in supplying others with different professionals on temporary basisProfessional
7820002.0Tadbeer Center for Domestic Workers Services Includes Tadbeer centers engaged in supplying domestic workers to households, and assuming necessary procedures for bringing them, also, supplying workers to take care of or serving the guests in the personal and corporate events such as weddings, birthdays, mourning gatherings, also involving the provision temporary workers to work within the employer’s household, and who perform as cooks, gardeners, housekeepers, laundress, children care.Professional
7820003.0Freelancers’ ServicesIncludes firms engaged in managing and regulating the contractual formalities between freelancers and private and public entities, and enabling new way of work and undergoing all procedures necessary to engage employers to freelancers, provision of training and consultation services to improve their skills and performance, as well as issue certificates to the freelancers to enable them being employed, facilitate agreements between them in a way to work together from distance, including financial formalities, by collecting fees from employers and paying off freelancers.Professional
7911004.0Travel AgentIncludes any person who sells air tickets outbound trip, and provides related services including accommodation, visas, tours organizing and transportation, in addition to selling tourist programs organized by outbound tour operators.Tourism
7911009.0Manned Space Flight ServicesIncludes the provision of manned space trips, or human residence for long periods in space, or building or using installations in space, or on the surface of celestial bodies permanently or temporarily, as well as space tourism.Professional
7912002.0Hajj & Umra OrganizingIncludes offices which organize hajj (pilgrimage) and umra to the holy places, carry out the necessary procedures and contacts needed for travel and hotel, and accommodation bookings and facilitate pilgrims’ transportation during their stay.Commercial
7912003.0Falconry Tour ServicesIncludes firms which organize falconry safari tours inside and outside UAE, involving carry out arrangements and contacts with the competent authorities in order to arrange for travel and stay, facilitate transportation, prepare visits to hunting places.Professional
7912004.0In Bound Tour OperatorIncludes firms that organize local incentive tours or tours for foreigners to attend conferences and events, it involves handling visas, transport and residence.Tourism
7912005.0Out Bound Tour OperatorIncludes firms that organize and sell tourist programs abroad via travels and tourism agents.Tourism
7912006.0Educational & Recreational Tours OrganizingIncludes organizing internal and external tours for students to enhance their skills and motivate competition among them through conducting games and competitions and quizzes, the objective is also, to learn how positively with oneself and with the others, to develop the skills of thinking and mental capabilities.Professional
7912007.0Safari Trips & Private Hunting OrganizerIncludes firms engaged in organizing tourist to watch wild animals and enjoy the wildness, as well as practicing hunting, it involves providing all the outdoor supplies, such as, tents and sheds, caravan trailers, mobile bathrooms, the barbecue, lighting and air-conditioning.Professional
7990001.0Sport & Recreational Events Tickets SellingIncludes firms engaged in selling the tickets of sport and recreational events on behalf of their organizers, whether the sale made in the place of the event or in any other place, as well as online, it involves providing the equipment to organize audience entry and computing.Professional
7990003.0Tourist Guiding ServicesIncludes firms providing tourist guiding services by arranging guided visits to tourist destinations in Dubai or all over U.A.E., or to supply other tourist firms with tour guides on demand. These guides are licensed by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing provided that they hold the right tourist qualifications.Professional
8010001.0Event Security & Bodyguard ServicesIncludes providing parties and other events with guards to care for the security aspects, organize visitors and keep order, as well as offering private guarding to individuals.Professional
8010002.0Money and Valuables Transport ServicesIncludes providing transport services to carry money, precious metals like gold, silver, Jewellery, masterpiece antiques..etc.Commercial
8010012.0Security Dogs TrainingIncludes training dogs to suit various security requirements, involving guarding, weapons and explosives detection, drugs detection, footprints tracing.Professional
8010013.0General Security Guard ServicesIncludes providing guarding services to facilities and residential and commercial buildings.Professional
8010015.0Maritime Security ServicesIncludes providing maritime security personnel trained to use firearms.Professional
8010017.0Sports Clubs Security Guard ServicesIncludes providing guarding services to sport facilities and events.Professional
8010101.0Tourist Facilities Security Guard ServicesIncludes firms that provide security service to their own properties, they can neither offer such service to the public nor to other companies.Professional
8020001.0Vehicles Tracking Systems ServicesIncludes fitting vehicles with tracking systems, as well as monitoring the subscribers by special devices.Professional
8020002.0Security Control ServicesIncludes receiving and monitoring alarm of robbery and offensive breaking in, or medical emergency, and to provide the subscribers with the required help or notify the concerned authority, also, providing subscribers’ locations with camera surveillance to ensure that they are safe and secure, monitoring insured vehicles by tracking systems and to notify the concerned authorities if help is needed.Professional
8020101.0Technical Survey ServicesIncludes providing the services that can secure the facilities against different technical intrusion, as well as evaluating the threats and generating solutions in this respect.Professional
8020102.0Central Station Linking ServicesIncludes establishing a link between the security alarm central stations and the peripheral equipment.Professional
8030002.0Minor Traffic Accidents Inspection ServicesIncludes carrying out minor traffic accidents investigation by a sworn expert on behalf of Roads & Transport Authority, his role is to assess damages, indicate the liability of each party and report the finding to the parties associated with the accident. Any firm involved must provide central and field communication systems, free direct calling lines, flexible means of transport, in general all the infrastructure that make the service providable round the clock.Professional
8110001.0Concierge ServicesIncludes firms which provide personal concierge to serves guests of an apartment building, hotel, or office building, the services include informational requests, setting dinner reservations, making telephone calls, researching travel arrangements and tours of local attractions, arranging for spa services, coordinating porter service, procuring tickets to special events …etc.Professional
8121001.0Building Cleaning ServicesIncludes firms which provide interior, exterior and outer areas cleaning to residential buildings and governmental and professional premises , it excludes providing domestic workers who perform as cooks, gardeners, housekeepers, laundress, caring for children and elderly, it also excludes providing these workers to conduct cleaning residential buildings on temporary basis.Professional
8121002.0Tanks & Containers Cleaning ServicesIncludes firms engaged in cleaning of tanks for storage of oil or natural liquefied gases or water, tankers and tanker vehicles, also, metal and plastic containers for garbage and waste collection as well as the reusable packaging crates used to ship to retail storesProfessional
8121003.0Public Health Pests Control ServicesIncludes firms which undertake controlling of all type of pests, such as mosquitoes, flies and rodents at residential facilities and public utilities.Professional
8121004.0Disinfection & Sterilization ServicesIncludes firms specialized in eliminating bacteria and viruses that trigger infectious diseases by decontaminating indoor air homes, offices, schools and hospitals, also, in cabins such as cars, ambulances and airplanes, it involves using spreading the disinfectants and sterilizers all over the iterior to to eliminate microorganisms.Professional
8129005.0Airport Runways Cleaning ServicesIncludes the manual and mechanical cleaning of runways and roads.Professional
8129006.0Aircraft Cleaning ServicesIncludes interior and exterior aircraft cleaning service and airplane cabin garbage collection and disposal.Professional
8129007.0Yacht Cleaning ServicesIncludes yacht interior and exterior cleaning, involving buffing and polishing, metal restoration and polishing, teak brightening and oiling, plastic enclosure cleaning and polishing, interior cleaning, leather and vinyl treatment.Professional
8129009.0Street Cleaning ServicesProvision of general cleaning services for all streets, footpath and markets by manual or mechanical means.Professional
8129010.0Advertising Signboards Cleaning ServicesIncludes cleaning signboards fixed on streets and roads.Professional
8129011.0Dry Ice Blast CleaningIncludes using dry ice to remove residues from industrial plant and equipment as cleaning can be carried without the need to strip the machine down, it is considered an environmentally friendly alternative to cleaning with solvents or hazardous chemicals.Professional
8130002.0Landscape & Gardening works &
Includes firms engaged in landscape gardening for municipal grounds such as parks, streets, squares, private housing, it involves executing landscape architecture through planting trees and flowers and green areas, fitting fountains and walkways, trees trimming, fertilization, disinfecting.Professional
8130003.0Golf Courses & Football Playgrounds Works & MaintenanceIncludes firms that execute golf courses by
applying technical specifications such as highs
and lows , water runways to avoid bunkers,
also size and number of holes required as well
as maintaining and fertilizing the green areas
along with the plants within, it also involves
executing and maintaining green spaces and
football playgrounds green areas, irrigation
system, drainage fertilization..etc.
8130004.0Residential Property Care ServicesIncludes firms take care of residential units when owners are in long absence, involving gardening, landscaping, bills payment….etc, guarding and real estate activities contained in class 7010 are excluded.Professional
8130005.0Home Gardening servicesIncludes firms engaged gardening of private housing, it involves executing irrigation and trimming trees and green areas, it excludes engineering works which involve irrigation systems water pumps and a installations.Professional
8211001.0Hotel ManagementIncludes managing hotels owned by others and licensed by the competent authorities, involving, supplying the personnel who carry out the duties and responsibilities, provided that the prevailing laws and regulations are observed.Professional
8211002.0Theater & Cinema ManagementIncludes managing the theaters and movie houses owned by others and licensed by the competent authorities, provided that the prevailing laws and regulations are observed.Professional
8211004.0Restaurants ManagementIncludes the provision of advice and assistance as well as overseeing and managing restaurants and coffee shops owned by others and licensed by the competent authorities, as per the prevailing laws and regulations, these firms are not allowed to practice real estate activities under division.70.Professional
8211010.0Business Entities Management ServicesIncludes the provision of advice and assistance as well as overseeing and managing the facilities owned by others and licensed by the competent authorities, such as clubs, parks, private, hospitals, industrial and commercial facilities, as per the prevailing laws and regulations, these firms are neither allowed to provide the manpower to such facilities, nor to engage in the activities of maintenance and cleaning, they are also not permitted to practice labor recruitment and employment brokerage or temporary employment.Professional
8211011.0Extended Warranty ManagementIncludes firms act as coordinator between insurance companies, products dealers in one hand and their customers who desire to extend the warranty of the products they purchase beyond the manufacturer’s warranty, the products involves automobiles, electronics, home appliances, communication systems..etc, the role of such firms is restricted to coordination and management of the process only.Professional
8211013.0Amenities ManagementIncludes firms engaged in supervision and management of different amenities in buildings, shopping malls and public parks, including, swimming pools, fitness centers, amusement centers, electronic games, kids playgrounds, health clubs, outdoor parks, car parking, cafesProfessional
8211015.0Project Management ServicesIncludes firms specialized in managing and guiding project processes from start to finish as regarding planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources, procedures in order to achieve all of the project goals, it involves managing budgets, resources and relationships to achieve organizational objectives, planning, developing schedules to ensure timely completion of projects.Professional
8211017.0Public Toilets OperationIncludes firms manage and operate public toilets, whether in streets and public parks or inside buildings e.g. malls, petrol and railway stations, involving cleaning and maintenance and provision of required sanitation conditions against charging the users (pay toilets)Professional
8219001.0Typing & Photocopying ServicesIncludes firms engaged in preparing and typing documents to be submitted to governmental and non- governmental bodies, including formation of a contracts and agreements between different parties, it also involves preparing personal documents, such as curriculum vitae writing, , these firms are neither allowed to involve in the typing of the transactions related to the medical fitness examination, nor to conduct the services of the centers that process the transactions of the Government.Professional
8219002.0Documents Copying ServicesIncludes firms which carry out the copying of documents, whether printed, audio or video taped, photographed, microfilmed or otherwise. These firms may use their own facilities or those of other firms.Professional
8219003.0Maps & Drawings Copying ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing to architectural engineering consultants and contractors photocopying of maps and plans.Professional
8219004.0Documents Storage ServicesIncludes firms which provide, against remunerations, services to other parties regarding keeping and storing their documents in proper places. These documents may take the form of papers, electronic or mechanical or in recordings. Firms which practice their own storing are not included.Professional
8219005.0Documents Destroying ServicesIncludes firms offering to the others documents destroying services. The documents could be paper or any other type of data and information stored by any means.Professional
8220002.0Call Centers ServicesIncludes firms enter into contracts with others to receive and answer on behalf of them the inbound calls from their clients using human operators, or any similar technical response system, it involves receiving orders, deal with customer requests for assistance or address customer complaints, making notifications, such service allowed only on contractual basis with others.Professional
8220003.0Information Helpline DirectoryIncludes providing a tele-directory similar to the yellow pages, the requirements to render such service includes, a toll free line (800), staff for answering the calls and a computer, joining this service is possible against monthly or annual subscription.Professional
8220004.0Online Players Support Service Providers Includes firms offering player support service solutions which may be through multilingual, multichannel 24/7, customer support through email, live chat, phone support) and in-game support.Professional
8230001.0Exhibition OrganizingIncludes firms specialized in organizing commercial exhibitions which are held to promote or activate trade at the local or the international levels. It also includes the holding of fairs to boost the local industrial and agricultural products. It moreover includes the holding of other specialized commercial or individual fairs.Professional
8230002.0Conferences & Seminars OrganizingIncludes firms which offer conference and symposium organization and administration services to the government or private bodies. These services include the activities and measures necessary for holding conferences and symposia such as receiving the participants, organizing their residences, travel and the venue of the function and providing it with the necessary facilities.Professional
8230004.0Real Estate Public Auction OrganizingIncludes firms engaged in organizing property public auction against commission, the process covers handling licensing formalities, fixing auction date and venue, promote the property in the media as regarding its particulars and sale terms and conditions, provide consultancy and evaluation by experts, handle payments arrangements and ownership transfer, remote auctioning when concerned parties are not present.Professional
8230005.0Fashion Shows OrganizingIncludes firms which mainly carry out preparations for the organization of fashion shows and training of fashion models.Professional
8230006.0Real Estate Exhibition OrganizingIncludes firms specialized in organizing exhibitions for promoting property locally and abroad, a permit from the competent authorities for such activity is required.Commercial
8230008.0Sports Exhibitions OrganizingIncludes firms specialized in organizing sport exhibitions for official departments and sport clubs in order to promote sport activities and facilities, as well as for commercial entities engaged in sport products and services.Professional
8230009.0Events Organizing & ManagingIncludes the organization and management of events, which involves, devising the event concept, planning logistics, coordinating the technical aspects before executing the modalities of the event, the activity applies to a variety of areas, such as, corporate events, marketing programs, general meetings, team building, gala dinners and launches, award ceremonies, press events, children parties, hair and makeup shows.Professional
8291001.0Debt Collection ServicesIncludes firms engaged in collecting the debts incurred in favor of businesses and individuals owed by others, It is required to submit an insurance policy for Dh 2000000, issued by a licensed insurance company and valid for the duration of the license, and it shall stipulate that it is against liability for professional errors and to cover damages resulting from practicing the activity, the qualifications required Bachelor’s in law or one of the financial majors or equivalent as a minimum.Professional
8291003.0Tax Reclaim ServicesIncludes offices specialized in contacting tax authorities and clearing out all the documents, papers, information required to finalize all the procedures necessary for refunding taxes levied on goods and services purchased on the basis of being refundable after all conditions are met.Professional
8291004.0Credit Rating ServicesIncludes specialized bureaus in studying and analyzing the capabilities of the companies to determine their credit worthiness, based on information obtained from the concerned companies or from other reliable sources. Following the evaluation the process involves granting such companies points according to facts found, such firms are not allowed to conduct field surveys and questionnaire before getting approval from the competent authority.Professional
8291005.0Medical Billing ServicesIncludes firms engaged in submitting claims to insurance companies and patients on behalf of medical facilities, such as hospitals, clinics and physicians to ensure that their claims against their services are paid, following in that universal coding guidelines.Professional
8291006.0Payment Services ProviderIncludes firms engaged in providing payment services on behalf of payment industry members such as banks, telecommunication companies, public departments and others, whether via payment kiosk or mobile phones, the process involves network establishment and technology provision, supply of payment tools as well as hardware and software, data center setup.Professional
8291101.0Personal Debt CollectionIncludes firms which pursue payments of debts owed to the licensee and his first and second- degree relatives by individuals or public and private entities or others, no debt collection as in the activity no. 749910 is allowed.Professional
8292002.0Gift Wrapping ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing to others gift wrapping and boxing by closing with ribbon and topping with a decorative bow, as well as designing and typing the gift cards.Professional
8292003.0Repackaging & Refilling ServicesIncludes firms engaged in the repackaging and bottling of bulky solid or liquid products which are elsewhere manufactured, in consumer or commercial packs to make ready for final consumption or export.Professional
8292004.0Pharmaceuticals PackingIncludes repacking pharmaceuticals such as wounds antiseptics, paraffin oils, laxatives, creams, carbonates and permanganates powders, in addition to other pharmaceuticals packed in small glasses, plastic, metal or paper packs for personal consumption .Commercial
8292005.0Vehicle Liquids BottlingIncludes bottling or rebottling vehicles high temperature coolants and battery acids and water, in bulks or consumer packs.Professional
8292006.0Perfumes Blending & BottlingIncludes making new perfumes either by blending natural essential oils extracted from plants or animal product, or blending synthetic perfume chemicals.Professional
8292013.0Chopped or Pressed Tobacco Repackaging & Refillingincludes repackaging and refilling ground tobacco used for smoking pipes or for any other purpose. Professional
8292101.0Labeling ServicesIncludes firms engaged in relabeling in Arabic and English the goods and products which were imported with labels in other languages, it involves submitting such labels to the concerned authorities prior to re-sticking on these goods and products.Professional
8292102.0Electronic Gadgets Masking ServicesIncludes firms engaged in masking decorating electronic gadgets such as mobiles, laptops, MP3’s in order to give a new look and protect from damage.Professional
8299001.0Barcode ServicesIncludes firms that provide to others global bar-coding for their goods and services, each member’s products are entitled a code, thus they become globally recognized. The system allows for mutual understanding between producers, exporters and costumers worldwide.Professional
8299003.0Documents Clearing ServicesIncludes firms which undertake submitting commercial and personal documents belonged to others to government and non-government bodies and follow up until finalization, these firms are neither allowed to involve in the transactions of the medical fitness examination, nor to conduct the services of the centers that process the transactions of the Government. Professional
8299004.0Businessmen Administrative ServicesIncludes firms that provide businessmen with various office administrative services, including secretarial services, editing meeting minutes, arranging their appointments and meetings with other parties, as well as travel reservations, car transportation, hotel booking, etc., these firms are not allowed to engage in any service related to the transactions of the medical fitness centers.Professional
8299006.0Commercial Information ServicesIncludes firms engaged in the provision of information on business potentials and investment opportunities as well as on how to practice business Dubai, these firms are not allowed to visit the premises of other firms to inspect or collect information about their activities.Professional
8299007.0Medical Treatment Facilitation ServicesIncludes offices which offer specialized services to patients seeking medical treatments in UAE, or act as health tourism provider for patients intend to obtain these services abroad, it involves contacting hospitals and healthcare providers, coordinating with health insurance providers, handling visas and travel issues, provision of logistical information, such as accommodation, ground transportation, expected duration of stay and cost of treatments, it also involves handling non-medical barriers that hinder patients’ treatments, such as cost and health insurance problems, as well as other administrative issues. Professional
8299008.0Drivers’ Test ServicesIncludes firms authorized by Traffic Department to carry out driving testing and then issue driving licenses to the successful applicants, irrespective to whether they are new drivers or they hold foreign licenses, these firms must also provide the qualified examiners as well as the specialized equipment.Professional
8299009.0Customer Care CenterIncludes centers founded by foreign and local corporations having several branches and subsidiaries such as hotels, banks, hospitals, to provide services to their customers in respect of hotel reservations, information providing, complaints receiving….etc, this is different from any service provided by public relations or customer services offices operating in a relatively small firm.Professional
8299013.0Car Covering Servicesincludes renting prefabricated temporary sheds for cars shelter in public parking lot for short periods.Professional
8299018.0Employers &Workers Guidance CenterIncludes the center that conduct awareness and guidance services to workers and employers regarding laws and decisions regulating labor relations as well as delivering special services to said categories.Professional
8299019.0Auction OrganizingIncludes firms organize public auctions to sell properties or movables by experienced auctioneers and appraisers, and in specialized galleries or in any place specified by the concerned authority, also, carrying out related procedures, mainly obtaining auction permits, announcements, venue leasing, sorting out sold materials, transfer of ownership and value collection.Professional
8299021.0Loyalty Card Servicesncludes firms that issue and/or operate loyalty and preloaded card programs which enable cardholders to become a member in a loyalty program, the card works as identifier of the holder when making purchases, the member will be entitled to accumulate points and to redeem them against goods and services at participating partners.
It includes joint promotions by partners within the scheme and using partners’ outlets for distributing loyalty program information and applications.
Both the firm and the cardholder will benefit of the service, the first will increase the client base and the latter will get additional benefits
8299022.0Government Transactions CenterIncludes centers which sign agreements with government departments to finalize and clear, on behalf of them, the transactions of the public and the businesses, the center also comprises the supportive entities such as banks’ counters, the typing services as well as cafeterias, this activity doesn’t involve conducting the medical fitness examination, or typing or clearing the documents of the medical examination.Professional
8299023.0Document Verification Follow- up ServicesIncludes firms, which on behalf of others contact the official departments, diplomatic institutions and other domestic or foreign entities to verify personal and business documents, these documents involve educational qualifications, job contracts..etc.Professional
8299024.0Documents & Data verification ServicesIncludes firms undertake on behalf of governmental and private institutions screening the documents submitted for employment or otherwise, as well as documents relating to transportation equipment and machinery offered for sale or export or being imported to disclose stolen and fake items, the process involves approaching the sources that issued the documents or equipment manufacturers for accreditation, the documents concerned are education certificates, profession licenses, employment history, registration certificates, import declarations ..etc.Professional
8299025.0Gaming Community ManagementIncludes firms offering gaming community management solutions for the gaming industry including social media and games forum monitoring, moderation and content approval, social media and forum content creation and community and social media performance reports Professional
8299101.0Online Government Transactions ProcessingIncludes persons engaged in delivering online government transactions and services to the existing businesses and to potential investors in different places, such as, cafes, restaurants, malls, such service is exclusively online and the reception of customers in offices affiliated to those persons is not allowed. Professional
8299102.0Vehicles Auctions OrganizingIncludes firms engaged in organizing public auctions of vehicles, including setting the place and date of the auction and promoting the auction through coordination with the concerned authorities in the Emirate.Professional
8510001.0KindergartenIncludes specialized firms which act as preschool educational institutions as well as being a transition from home to school, it involves adopting edutainment concepts, learn children how to communicate, play and interact with each other, help children to adjust with the condition of being away from their parents.Professional
8510002.0Primary SchoolIncludes the type of institution attended by children from around the age of five until the age of twelve, and which children receive the first stage of compulsory education, the instruction is designed to give students basic education in reading, writing and mathematicsProfessional
8510003.0Intermediate SchoolIncludes the type of institution attended by children from around the age of eleven until the age of fifteen, this stage lies between the primary and secondary education, the instruction is designed to give students basic
education in reading, writing and mathematics along with natural and social sciences.
8510004.0Early Learning CenterIs an establishment licensed for providing education and skills development under the age of six according to programs/curriculums certified by the certified by the knowledge and Human Development Authority suitable to their ages and groups.Professional
8521001.0Secondary SchoolIncludes of the type of education that lays the foundation for lifelong learning and human development, it provide programs that are usually on a more subject-oriented pattern using more specialized teachers, they are designated to qualify students for entrance
to higher education.
8522004.0Religious Studies SchoolIncludes the type of institutions on the intermediate or secondary level where Islamic religious education is more predominant than academic education.Professional
8522006.0Nursing SchoolIncludes schools and institutes specialized in training and preparing nursing personnel for hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers. The training includes special caring for recuperating patients, elders and patients with special needs.Professional
8522007.0People of Determination Rehabilitation CenterIncludes centers specialized in rehabilitating individuals suffering mental retardation or multiple disabilities through educational programs to enable them conduct normal life.Professional
8522015.0Vocational SchoolIncludes secondary schools which offer specialized vocational curricula such as the commercial, agricultural, industrial and technical education etc.Professional
8530001.0Community CollegeIncludes technical colleges which offer technical education services of two years or more after the secondary school certificate, and grant diplomas in the various fields.Professional
8530002.0Specialized Professional InstituteIncludes Institutes and high colleges which offer specialized teaching and training at a level above the high school and under the University level, and award the appropriate degrees and certificates. Teaching includes fine arts (painting, sculpture, photography, decoration .. etc.) or profession related to tourism, hotel industry, It also includes cinematic, theatrical, musical institutes.. etc.Professional
8530003.0CollegeIncludes scientific and educational institutions which operate independently of a university and is engaged in teaching applied and social sciences at university, and post graduate levels (higher studies), they adopt the recognized regulations and curriculums, they provide the essential elements for the scientific research and studies as well as awarding their students the degrees of their respective levels.Professional
8530004.0UniversityIncludes scientific and educational institutions embracing a number of faculties which are engaged in teaching applied and social sciences at university, and post graduate levels (higher studies). They adopt the recognized regulations and curriculums for a period not less than four years. In addition they provide the essential elements for the scientific research and studies as well as awarding their students the degrees of their respective levels.Professional
8530005.0Internet UniversityA university which uses the internet technology to teach scientific curriculum looking for qualifying human resources in different professional specializations, studying may take place in regular classes or through the net.Professional
8541004.0Equestrian InstituteIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of equestrian, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
8541005.0Ice Skating TrainingIncludes firms specialized in providing off and on ice skating training for beginners to acquire the basic skills of skating , as well as offering sessions for advanced levels on ice dance or ice hokey, whether for entertainment or contests.Professional
8541006.0Sport AcademyIncludes sports institutions engaged in enhancing sporting performance and qualify sportsmen for regional and international sport excellence, through applying education on the latest advances in sports science, also, is to set up world class sports facilities involving courts and tracks, gyms, swimming pools, sport labs, coach training, lecture theater, organizing sports activities.Professional
8541007.0Football TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of football, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
8541008.0Yoga CenterIncludes firms engaged in yoga instructions and practices to enable yogins through physical postures alleviate health problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple in contemporary times, also to use as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine.Professional
8541009.0Meditation CentreIncludes using natural methods in the treatment such as healthy nutrition, fasting, hydrotherapy,and natural health habits, e.g, simple exercises, relaxation contemplation, optimism and herbal medicines.Professional
8541010.0Camel Riding TrainingIncludes firms engaged in teaching camel riding and how to deal with it, including training on racing and preparing camels physically and healthily.Professional
8541011.0Gaming AcademyIncludes firms that develop and provide specialized gaming related training for individuals in professions including, but not limited to programmers, video game designers, animators, developers, professional E-sports gamers, referees, coaches and analystsProfessional
8541101.0Personal Sport Coaching ServicesIncludes firms providing fitness and athletic performance training and coaching to individual clients, on a standalone basis or in in a group, at the client’s own residence, at licensed premises such as hotels, gyms, sports facilities and health clubs as well as public areas deemed suitable for the purpose, it involves also coaching and training clients in all the complementary aspects of wellness and wellbeing as well as nutrition guidelines.Professional
8541102.0Sport TrainingIncludes firms engaged enhancing sportsmen physical conditions, as well as raising the level of physical fitness as regarding speed, flexibility and endurance, as being the basic elements for practicing sport activities, such as football etcProfessional
8542007.0Fine Arts TrainingIncludes institutions primarily engaged in offering instruction in performing arts, involving theatrical representation, music, singing, speech, simulation, dance, also, arts and handicraft training, such as drawing, sculpture, calligraphy, floral arts, glass crafts, embossing, fine arts printing, pottery …etc.Professional
8549001.0Automobile Driving SchoolIncludes providing theoretical education and practical driving instruction on light motor, heavy trucks and buses, lifting trucks and motorcycles, before attempting the practical driving test conducted by the concerned authorities.Professional
8549002.0Motorcycles Driving SchoolIncludes providing theoretical education and practical driving instruction on motorcycles before attempting the practical driving test conducted by the concerned authorities.Professional
8549003.0Heavy Vehicles Driving SchoolIncludes providing theoretical education and practical driving instruction on light motor vehicles before attempting the practical driving test
conducted by the concerned authorities.
8549004.0Boating & Yachting Training InstituteIncludes firms specialized in conducting theoretical and practical sailing training to enable acquire the skills for driving boats and yachts.Professional
8549005.0Real Estate Training InstituteIncludes firms specialized in offering training to professional to acquire knowledge in real estate as regarding , property selling and renting brokerage , appraisal , mortgage and developmentProfessional
8549006.0Fire Safety TrainingIncludes firms specialized in educating on fire safety, which would help people to identify fire hazards around them, how to prevent fire occurring and how to contain, how to evacuate properly to avoid chaos and injuries, using of firefighting equipment, first aids for minor injuries.Professional
8549007.0Desert Driving InstituteIncludes providing theoretical education and practical driving instruction to the drivers who hold valid driving licenses, to qualify them on the skills of off-road and sand dunes driving, for the sake of acquiring permits to conduct desert driving for tourist companies or to obtain experience to drive their own four wheel vehicles. Professional
8549008.0Aviation Training ServicesIncludes firms specialized in training and qualifying individuals to perform technical occupations in aviation.Professional
8549009.0Child Skills Development TrainingIncludes institutions engaged in the provision of instruction which enriches and develops the non-academic skills of students by providing them with tools to supplement formal education, the content provided by these centers is different from formal school education and does not lead to formal school qualifications or assist in the passing of school examinations.Professional
8549011.0Traffic Awareness InstituteIncludes enhancing driving conducts and approaches, promotes traffic understanding to be conducive to driving safety and traffic awareness, encourages the sense of responsibility for others, finds an ideal driver obedient with the traffic regulations. These institutes are not allowed to teach driving techniques.Professional
8549012.0Computer TrainingIncludes institutions primarily engaged in conducting computer training, such as computer programming, computerized business systems, computer electronics technology, computer operations and local area network management, it involves training on block chain technology, in order to enhance the skills of the IT technicians to enable the integrate said technology into the existing computer network.Professional
8549013.0Professional & Management Development TrainingIncludes institutions primarily engaged in offering an array of short duration courses for management, professional and personal development, including providing training in areas such as education, social and behavioral development, management, secretarial, legal, HR, insurance, accounting, sales, banking and finance, advertising and market…etc.Professional
8549015.0Cooking & Household Training Services Includes firms specialized in household economics teachings such as cooking, cutting clothes, weaving, embroidery, house ornamentation from wastes.Professional
8549016.0Tutoring servicesIncludes institutions engaged in enhancing students’ academic skills in subjects related to recognized school curricula, i.e. curricula offered at schools approved in the UAE.Professional
8549029.0Occupational Safety TrainingIncludes specialized centers in providing occupational safety training through complying to international standards, including the techniques of how to maintain safety in all the activities of the firm, way and means of periodical inspection to ensure the validity of the equipment, issuing certificates upon training completion.Professional
8549031.0Language TrainingIncludes institutions primarily engaged in offering language instruction, including sign language and cultural awareness.Professional
8549037.0First Aid Training CenterA center specialized in scientifically designing and providing training programs in first aid and its applications, in order to save a life or alleviate injury impacts to minimal level and facilitate therapeutic procedures to be done by the doctor, such firms must be staffed by highly trained medical personnel as well as obtaining due licensing from the competent medical authorities.Professional
8549040.0Learning Difficulties CenterIncludes providing training and teaching for children with learning difficulties through programs of attention, auditory, visual discrimination motor skills, learning skills of reading, writing and mathematics, including also, early identification, diagnosing and perceptual tests.Professional
8549043.0Technical and Occupational Skills TrainingIncludes institutions primarily engaged in offering technical training in a variety of job-specific subjects and trades, the training often leads to job-specific certification, the areas of training include media production, hospitality and tourism, food safety and hygiene, agriculture, home economics and cooking, fashion design, cosmetic and hair care, healthcare, architecture, mechanics and built environment, construction including the installation of drywall for moistures resistance and acousProfessional
8549044.0Security Training Includes organizing seminars, conventions, conferences and meetings and workshops for security personnel.Professional
8549045.0Transport Services TrainingIncludes providing practical training to the new firms engaged in transportation, or to businesses already practicing different modes of transport, such as, logistics, hazardous, international, light and heavy, passenger and tourist transport.Professional
8549060.0Advanced First Aid Training CenterA center specialized in scientifically designing and providing training programs in advanced first aid and its applications, in order to save a life or alleviate injury impacts to minimal level and facilitate therapeutic procedures to be done by the doctor.Professional
8549061.0Advanced Driving SchoolIncludes providing theoretical education and practical to light motor vehicles drivers who hold valid driving licenses to refresh and enhance awareness on safe driving on roads, upgrading skills to identify and avoid driving risks, enabling understanding driving psychology, educating on how to plan a driving trip before taking the road.Professional
8549062.0Occupational Driving SchoolIncludes providing theoretical education and practical driving instruction to the drivers who hold valid driving licenses and whose profession is driving heavy and light motor vehicles, in order to qualify them to attain permits for occupational driving, also, rehabilitating the drivers engaged in tourist, school and public transport as well as rough terrain drivers.Professional
8549068.0Space Training ServicesIncludes the provision of specialized training programs related to space fields.Professional
8549069.0Military Aviation TrainingIncludes firms specialized in instruction and training of military aviation, including the activities of schools specialized in theoretical and practical training of fixed-wing aircraft and military helicopters of all kinds, as well as unmanned aircraft (drones).Professional
8549101.0Aviation Training InstituteIncludes institutes engaged in providing ground as well as flying training in order to acquire air transport pilot license as per the curriculum and standards laid down by civil aviation authority, the courses involve aircraft general knowledge, principles of flights, general navigation, operational procedures, airplane performance, communication.Professional
8549104.0Laser Hair Removal Training Center Includes centers providing training to individuals who want to be certified by Dubai Health Authority as hair removal technicians in licensed health facilities.Professional
8550005.0Technical & Vocational Certification CenterIt is a center that serves as an agent to international certification organizations which award internationally accredited Technical and Vocational Education and Training qualifications, such Centre is authorized to certify TVET qualifications after conducting actual tests and examinations for applicants, the certification involves TOEFL, IELTS, ICDL, GRE, GMAT, SAT, Cambridge certifications.Professional
8550006.0Education Support ServicesIncludes institutions primarily engaged in providing non-instructional services that support educational processes or systems, such as educational consultancies, university admission services academic liaison, educational facilities management as well as the provision of examination preparationProfessional
8550007.0Educational Quality Assurance ServicesIncludes firms primarily engaged in assuring the quality of the delivery and assessment of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training qualifications (TVET) according to the requirements of the qualifications.Professional
8610001.0General HospitalIs a healthcare facility where diagnosis, medical care, treatment, obstetrical care, nursing care or related services are provided on outpatient or on inpatient basis for a period of more than 24 consecutive hours to persons who have an illness, injury or deformity or to aged or infirm persons requiring or receiving convalescent care .Professional
8610002.0Ophthalmology HospitalIs a healthcare facility where diagnoses, medical care, treatment, nursing care are provided to ophthalmic patients on outpatient or on inpatient basis.Professional
8610003.0Paediatric HospitalIs a healthcare facility where diagnoses, medical care, treatment, nursing care are provided to children and neonates on outpatient or on inpatient basis.Professional
8610004.0Gynecology & Obstetric HospitalIs a healthcare facility where diagnoses, medical care, treatment, nursing care are provided to women and neonates on outpatient or on inpatient basis.Professional
8610006.0Plastic Surgery HospitalIs a healthcare facility where surgery and medical treatment are provided to plastic surgery patients on outpatient or on inpatient basis.Professional
8610007.0Orthopedic Surgery HospitalIs a healthcare facility where surgery and medical treatment are provided to orthopedic surgery patients on outpatient or on inpatient basis.Professional
8610008.0Specialty HospitalIs a healthcare facility allocated to a particular specialty, where diagnosis, medical care, treatment, obstetrical care, nursing care or related services are provided on outpatient or on inpatient basis to persons who have an illness, injury or deformity related to that specialization .Professional
8620001.0General ClinicA licensed health facility where one general practitioner or more is/are permanently available. It is specialized in examining patients, prescribing proper medicines and referring cases to specialist if necessary, it involves clinics in schools, nurseries, hotels…etc.Professional
8620002.0Internal Medicine ClinicA health facility licensed where there is more than one doctor licensed permanently in different specialties It is specialized in the diagnosis of internal diseases as well as treatment and prescription of medicine.Professional
8620003.0General Dental ClinicA licensed health facility where one general practitioner and a nurse are permanently available, and is specialized in the “evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body.Professional
8620004.0Cardiac ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the heart as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620005.0Paediatric ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of children and neonates as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620006.0Ophthalmology ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the eyes as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620007.0Orthopedic ClinicA health facility licensed where there is more than one doctor licensed permanently and specialized in dealing with the diseases involving the musculoskeletal system.Professional
8620008.0Rheumatology ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the rheumatic diseases and disorders as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620009.0Respiratory ClinicA health facility licensed where there is more than one doctor licensed permanently and specialized in dealing with the diseases involving the respiratory track.Professional
8620010.0Obstetric & Gynecology ClinicA health facility licensed where there is more than one doctor licensed permanently in different specialties, it’s specialized in the diagnosis and medical care provision to women and neonates.Professional
8620011.0Urology ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the urinary tract system and the reproductive organs as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620012.0Psychiatry ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of mental disorder and illness as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620013.0Dermatology ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the skin as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620014.0Otolaryngology ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of the ear, nose, and throat as well as the prescription of medicine.Professional
8620015.0Dental Surgery ClinicIncludes clinics where a surgeon specialized in dental surgery is permanently and continuously available to provide a number of medical procedures that involve artificially modifying dentition.Professional
8620016.0Plastic Surgery ClinicIncludes clinics where a surgeon specialized in plastic surgery is permanently and continuously available, whether the surgery for enhancing the appearance or to correct functional impairments caused by accidents and surgical operations.Professional
8620017.0General Surgery ClinicIncludes clinics which have general surgeons who do not operate specialized surgeries, usually undertaken by specialized surgeons. These clinics activities are limited to removing tumors, digestive system surgeries. These operations are not conducted in the clinics but in the equipped government or private hospitals.Professional
8620018.0Endocrinology ClinicIncludes clinics specialized in the diagnosis of endocrine glands diseases as well as treatment and prescription of medicine for patients.Professional
8620021.0Poly ClinicA health facility licensed where there is more than one doctor licensed permanently in different specialties under central management. It is specialized in examining patients and prescribing therapy on an out patient basis.Professional
8620022.0Neurosurgery ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available diagnosis and therapy of the diseases and disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves,
as well as the prescription of medicine.
8620023.0Vascular Surgery ClinicIncludes clinics where a surgeon specialized in vascular surgery is permanently and continuously available for the treatment of varicose veins affecting the lower limb, different arterial pathologies, foot ulcers and gangrene, venous and arterial thrombosisProfessional
8620024.0Assisted Fertilization CenterA facility where technologies for assisting human fertility and includes all clinical and biological interventions used to help in achieving fertilization and pregnancy without sexual intercourse.Professional
8620025.0Oncology ClinicIncludes clinics where an specialized surgeon is permanently and continuously available for diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of as well as follow-up of cancer patients after successful treatment .Professional
8620026.0Day Surgical CenterA health facility licensed to receive and treat day cases in which stay will not be overnight, where previous and past operative complications are not expected ( for surgical cases ). It is provided in such cases that diagnosis, clinical lab tests and other procedures doe prior to admission.Professional
8620030.0Maxillofacial Surgery ClinicIncludes clinics where a surgeon specialized in plastic surgery is permanently and continuously available to provide surgery and medical treatment to the diseases of jaws, face, skull region.Professional
8620032.0Renal Dialysis Center
A freestanding centre specialized in treating kidney diseases and provides services of renal dialysis with specialized health professionals.Professional
8620033.0Podiatry CenterIncludes clinics where an specialized doctor is permanently and continuously available to provide diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower and diabetic feet.Professional
8620034.0Geriatric Medicine ClinicIncludes clinics where a specialized doctor in geriatric medicine is permanently and continuously available to provide health care to elderly people and promote their health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities.Professional
8620036.0Anesthesia & Pain Therapy ClinicIncludes clinics where a specialized doctor in anesthesia and pain therapy is permanently and continuously available to perform narcosis for patients undergoing surgeries or treating patients suffering chronic pain disease.Professional
8620037.0Occupational Medicine ClinicIncludes clinics where a specialized doctor in occupational medicine is permanently and continuously available to provide preventive medicine and management of illness, injury or disability that is related to the workplace.Professional
8620039.0Outpatient Treatment & Diagnostic CenterA special health facility in the form of outpatient center capable of accommodating a
wide array of outpatient treatment and diagnostic services and minimally invasive procedures.
8620040.0Sports Medicine Center ClinicIncludes clinics where a specialized doctor in Sports medicine is permanently and continuously available to treat and prevent injuries related to sports and exercise such as muscle, ligament, tendon and bone problems.Professional
8620045.0Family Medicine ClinicIncludes clinics where a specialized doctor in family medicine is permanently and continuously available is to provide personal, comprehensive and continuing care for the individual in the context of the family and the community.Professional
8620046.0Gastrointestinal System Medicine ClinicIncludes clinics where a specialized doctor in digestive system medicine is permanently and continuously available.Professional
8690001.0Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation CenterA licensed health facility where a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation is permanently available. Iis specialized in rehabilitating patients through simulation of natural body functions using them in treatment after conducting all necessary medical tests to verify reasons of therapy, upon instructions by the treating doctor.Professional
8690002.0Radio Diagnostic CenterA licensed health facility where a radiologist or nuclear medicine specialist is available. It is prepared to carry out various radiology diagnostic procedures, including x- ray and nuclear medicine.Professional
8690005.0Optical CenterA facility licensed and equipped to examine sight, prepare medical glasses and apply contact lenses according to the report of ophthalmologist..Professional
8690006.0Physiotherapy CenterA health facility licensed to provide rehabilitation services through stimulating body movement and improving abilities to perform body functions. This includes manual- motor therapy, therapeutic exercises, physio electric- mechanical devices, supportive tools and electric diagnosis methods applied by licensed physiotherapist.Professional
8690007.0Ambulance ServicesIncludes firms providing ambulance emergency and non- emergency medical services by a well equipped ambulances for transferring patients and injured persons to hospitals and clinics, involving transport of patients from homes, escort services, located in public places and highways for emergencies, such firms must be staffed by highly trained medical personnel as well as obtaining due licensing from Dubai corporation for ambulance services.Professional
8690008.0Dieting & Weight Control ServicesIncludes firms specialized in diet systems and weight loss or control programs. This process involves consultations, advice, support and regular follow-up to ensure the customer is sticking to his lifestyle changes, in addition to advice on low calorie meals.Professional
8690009.0Clinical LaboratoryA licensed health facility where a pathologist is permanently available. It is equipped to perform various medical analysis tests for medical diagnosis purposes.Professional
8690010.0Home Health Care CenterA health facility licensed to provide patients at their homes with health care services less intensified than that required at the health facility. The services include, but not limited to, nursing care, I.V therapy, respiratory therapy, ECG, physical and functional therapy.Professional
8690011.0Telemedicine Counseling CenterA center specialized in using different communication means to provide diagnostic, therapeutic and learning services for individuals residing in places far from specialized medical centers. It includes direct contact with specialists around the world for consultation, diagnosis and therapy without providing any therapeutic services.Professional
8690012.0Acupuncture CenterA health facility licensed to provide medical treatment through insertion of metal needles into the skin and underlying tissues. It is believed that the needle affects the hypothetical channels and burning spaces of the body. The site of insertion is chosen to affect a particular organ for treatment purpose.Professional
8690014.0Chiropractic CenterA health facility specialized in correction of vertebral column joints and bones status by mechanical manipulation of the vertebral column. It includes preparing the patient for manual therapy through muscle relaxant devices such as thermal, electrical, ultra- sound devices and others.Professional
8690016.0Homeopathy CenterA health facility licensed to practice homeopathy medicines to restore internal body balance through a system of therapeutics based on the theory that “like cures like” where is believed that a large amount of a particular drug may cause symptoms of disease and moderate “very small” dosage may reduce these symptoms.Professional
8690017.0Traditional Chinese Medicine CenterA health facility licensed to provide medical treatment based on Chinese dualistic theory (Yin, Yang). This theory is used to understand pathology, diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic conclusions are drawn from the quality of the voice, and notes are made of the face and tongue color, and examination of pulse. Acupuncture, moxibustion, hydrotherapy are integral part of the traditional Chinese medicine.Professional
8690018.0Ayurvedic CenterA health facility licensed to provide ayurvedic Indian medicine, based on Indian philosophy of understanding human body, medicine and treatment. Indian medicine consists of natural resources of herbs, message, oils, nutrition, exercises, yoga and diet.Professional
8690020.0Unani Medicine CenterA health facility specialized in traditional therapy based on theories, beliefs and experience of indigenous to different cultures of the middle east. This includes cupping (Hejama), herbal medicine, cauterization, dietary, as well as the Unani medicine which is based on Hippocrates theory of four bodily humors. Drugs are of plant, animal or mineral origin, either in crude or compound formulasProfessional
8690022.0Osteopathy CenterA health facility specialized in treatment of body structure such as bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and connective tissues, as well as their relation with each other and their health status on various body systems.Professional
8690023.0Fish Spa (Doctor Fish)Includes spa centers provide skin treatment services, in non-medical context, through tanks filled with small fishes called Garra Rufa, which consume the affected and dead areas of the skin, leaving the healthy skin to grow, including, submerging the body or affected parts in the tank and let the fishes do the exfoliation and cleaning.Professional
8690024.0Smoking Cessation CenterIncludes healthcare centers specialized in helping smokers to discontinue the practice of tobacco smoking, whether through the method of medications depending on nicotine replacement therapy by using nicotine patches and electronic cigarettes , also, the method of counseling, health awareness programs.Professional
8690025.0Naturopathy CenterIs health facility specialized in using natural methods in the treatment such as healthy nutrition, fasting, hydrotherapy, and natural health habits, e.g, simple exercises, relaxation contemplation, optimism and herbal medicines.Professional
8690026.0Genetic Fingerprint Analysis CentreIncludes undertaking specialized laboratory analysis based DNA identification methods, including criminal cases transferred by courts, personal and legal paternity test, and building genetic data base for the military, police and civil defence servicemen, whose lives are jeopardized..Professional
8690027.0Hijjama CenterA facility provides cupping therapy (Hijama) by qualified and licensed professional.Professional
8690029.0Laser Cosmetic CenterIncludes clinics where a surgeon specialized in plastic surgery is permanently and continuously available to provide cosmetic surgery by laser.Professional
8690030.0Medical Fitness CenterIncludes firm provide programs and services to promote, protect and improve the health of the population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) against imported infectious diseases through medical examination of expatriates, such service is provided by governmental medical entities or private medical entities approved by DHA, these firms are permitted to do the typing of the documents that precedes the medical examination.Professional
8690031.0Blood Bank Service CenterSpecialized facility that deals with people for blood donation, preservation, and performing laboratories tests to assure the safe use of the donated blood and its contents, and dispensing it based on the approved policy and procedures.Professional
8690032.0Cord Blood CenterA health facility licensed to collect the umbilical cord blood stem cells from newly born babies and store to use in treating malignant diseases such as cancers, sickle, cell anemia, thalassemia.Professional
8690034.0Molecular biology TechnologiesIncludes the scientific use of molecular biology technologies (biotechnology) in order to develop genomics analysis within human healthcare application, personalized medicine, biodiversity, bio-security and bio-safety, including specialised laboratory analysis based DNA identification methods, bio-informatics, database analysis.Professional
8690035.0Air Ambulance ServicesIncludes providing air ambulance emergency services to move patients and accidents victims to hospitals and treatment centers, shifting doctors and medical teams alongwith the medical supplies to where natural disasters strike, transporting donated organs and medical equipment, such firms must be staffed by highly trained medical personnel as well as obtaining due licensing from the competent medical authorities.Professional
8690036.0Maggots LaboratoryIncludes medical firms specialized in producing and distributing maggots (fly larvae) for treating and cleaning gangrenous and non- healing wounds by dissolving the dead infected tissues, they disinfect wounds by killing bacteria and stimulate healing, firms intend to practice this activity must be approved the competent medical authorities.Professional
8690037.0Audiology & Speech CenterA health facility licensed to evaluate and treat hearing weakness and speech problems.Professional
8690038.0Hearing Screening ServicesIncludes licensed firms equipped for hearing screening and fixing of hearing aids based on a report from a hearing specialist.Professional
8690039.0Childbirth Support Services (Doula)Includes providing professional services provided by a doula aiming at psychologically and emotionally support a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth, it involves meeting the mother physical and informational needs, it involves giving information about various birth choices, giving continuous support to overcome labor pain, assist in facilitating communication between the mother and care provider, assisting in breastfeeding after birth, no medical care is involvedProfessional
8690040.0Therapeutic Massage CenterA health facility licensed to provide therapeutic massage as a non-medical therapy by application of soft tissue manipulation techniques to the body generally intended to reduce the stress, fatigue and pain while improving circulation, the process works through the mobilization of the soft tissue including skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and connectives tissues by licensed massage therapist. Professional
8690041.0Telehealth ServicesIncludes providing range of electronic technologies used by health facilities or healthcare professionals to enable the safe, secured internet-based video, telephone, secure email. Telehealth services shall include, but not limited to, teleconsultation, teleradiology, telepathology, teledermatology, telesurgery, telehealth care and electronic pharmacy.Professional
8690042.0Gene LaboratoryA licensed health facility equipped to perform various genetic tests.Professional
8690043.0Slimming Massage CenterA facility specialized in massage using equipment for treating excess fat and shaping and trimming the body through non-surgical methods and without a need for specialized doctor.Professional
8690044.0Ear Piercing ServicesIncludes firms which are not E.N.T clinics and are licensed by the competent health authorities to engage in ear piercing for children and adults, in order to avoid health complications caused by using unhealthy traditional methods or refer to any entity that might not consider the health conditions for such piercing.
8690055.0Mind Abilities Development CenterIt is the facility that works on developing mind and social abilities of individuals through improving both the mind and body and the functions of each to reach the most use of mind functions through a special mind device that helps alleviate stress and dyslexia, improve psychological tension, boost mind capabilities for children and adults, and also includes the use of games and techniques for enhancing concentration, memory, creative and logical thinking, problem solving, mind maps, light, sound, and memory techniques to improve brain functions.Professional
8710001.0Convalescence HouseA health facility licensed by the concerned authority in order to provide inpatient nursing care and other health-related care to those in need of continuous care that do not require hospitalization.Professional
8710002.0Medical Spa (MedSpa) CenterA centre supplies a variety of treatments with the aim of providing relaxation, rejuvenation, preventive healthcare, detoxification, fitness and general wellbeing including medical services; diagnostic methodology in this facility is western-centered while prescribed treatment consists of combined modalities. The focus of the services ranges from skincare to weight management to face and body enhancement. Non-invasive beauty services and Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM) services may be available. Services are performed by aestheticians, physiotherapists, and cosmetologists supervised by a specialist physician.Professional
8720002.0Psychological & Behavioral TherapyIncludes providing treatment of psychological, emotional and behavioral disorders through the provision of non-medical treatment. These services are provided through a licensed professional.Professional
8720003.0Addiction Rehabilitation CenterA healthcare facility provides residential treatment for people recovering from addiction as part of continuum of care for effective treatment. It is characterized by a high level of psychological and social intervention at a critical stage of recovery. Residential treatment is most effective when people are immediately discharged from an in-patient hospital unit, or when their addiction symptomology requires a low level of assisted withdrawal and when abstinence is a goal of treatment. In addition residential treatment is most valuable where there is polydrug misuse, co-occurrence of substance misuse and mental illness or complex social and relationship issues.Professional
8720004.0Children with Autism Rehabilitation CenterIncludes centers engaged in specialized services to children with Autism, their families and the professionals working with them, it involves delivering them with psychological, rehabilitative, care and support programs, as well as applying educational plans to foster their behavioral, imitative, emotional, social, functional, communicative basic skills and also their academic and pre- academic skills as well.Professional
8730001.0Geriatric Care CenterA health facility licensed and prepared to medically and psychologically care for elders under direct medical supervision.Professional
8730002.0Special Need CenterA Community-based non-residential facility specializing in providing services that are designed to meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively impaired children. Special need center facilities provide a caring, non-institutional setting for individuals who, for their own safety and well-being, can no longer be left at home alone. These facilities often provide protected settings and include a mixture of health and support services. Many offer specialized services such as programs for individuals with developmental disabilities, vision and hearing impairments.Professional
8790001.0Non-Medical Resident ServicesIncludes providing permanent or temporary accommodation designated for the vulnerable individuals, who are in need of special care, support, or protection, such as, children, pregnant women, elderly people, malnourished people, and people who are ill or immunocompromised.Professional
8810002.0Health Awareness ServicesIncludes firms specialized in organizing health awareness programs on various diseases to patients and their families, including, distribution of print and audiovisual materials, periodic campaigns, lectures and talks in clubs, associations, universities, work closely with media to reach out to masses, online information givingProfessional
8810003.0Elderly & People of Determination Personal Care ServicesIncludes providing personal care services and everyday tasks to the elderly and the physically disabled and the mentally impaired people, and who are unable to fully care for themselves, it involves the activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, feeding, toileting and incontinence care, laundry, meal preparation, hairdressing and other beauty treatment, also, providing day care of infants or children for helping mothers. Professional
8810004.0Adult Day Healthcare FacilityA non-residential facility specializing in providing services that are designed to meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively impaired adults. Adult day health care facilities provide a caring, non-institutional setting for individuals who, for their own safety and well-being, can no longer be left at home alone. These facilities often provide protected settings and include a mixture of health and support services. Many offer specialized services such as programs for individuals with developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, HIV/AIDS, and vision and hearing impairmentsProfessional
8890001.0NurseryIncludes firms specialized in receiving and caring for children while their parents are absent.Professional
8890002.0Charity SocietyIncludes charity societies founded for collecting donations, grants and alms, and spending them on the charity works and projects either inside or outside the country, expenditure aspects include in particular grants for the needy Muslims, students, orphans, preachers, building mosques, schools etc.Professional
8890003.0Social & Family Consultancyincludes firms specialized in offering a variety of social and family guidance services to families as regarding the area of social growth, assisting families in solving their problems, organizing workshops for dealing with family guidance and how to address children and adolescents problems..Professional
8890004.0Parents of Children with Disabilities ConsultantIncludes providing counseling and support to the families of children who suffer disabilities on how to handle their children cases, as regarding , the right school and education , defining each case , scheduling diagnosis and re-evaluation , set goals for the children , assist the families in overcoming the psychological impact of having disabled children.Professional
8890005.0Early Intervention CenterIncludes the centers engaged in providing rehabilitation and assessment to children with developmental delays or to children with disabilities or eligible to from (aged birth to five years)Professional
8890006.0Educational ServicesIncludes firms specialized in offering educational services to the teaching staff, these services are aimed at providing them with the art of treating students, means of handling educational problems and to identify the right means for confronting them, involving, also, lessons memorizing techniques, enhancing thinking skills, such firms are not allowed to organize summer activities or camps.Professional
8890007.0Baby-Sitting ServicesIncludes firms specialized in taking care of children for short periods at their parents absence.Professional
8890008.0Speech & Language Disorders CenterIncludes the centers engaged in providing training in language and speech and hearing enhancing for the children who suffer language and speech impediments.Professional
8890009.0Individualized Special Education CenterIncludes the centers engaged in special education to rehabilitate mentally retarded and autistic children through individualized training sessions.Professional
8890010.0Protection from Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation ServicesIncludes providing protection services and taking measures to protect the health, well-being and rights of vulnerable individuals, which allow them, especially children, pregnant women, elderly people, malnourished people, and people who are ill or immunocompromised to live free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.Professional
8890011.0Early Childhood CenterIncludes providing care, education, and other services approved by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority to children during their early childhood, to develop their abilities and skills and grooming their personality.Professional
9000101.0Wedding Parties OrganizingIncludes firms specialized in offering comprehensive packages of outdoor and indoor wedding planning and organizing, including decorations, wedding dresses, make up, hospitality and valet parking, bands and DJS, videographers, these firms are not permitted to practice labor recruitment and employment brokerage or temporary employment.Professional
9000102.0Parties & Entertainments ServicesIncludes firms specialized in indoor and outdoor supplies and preparations where concerts, weddings, special occasions and entertainment events are held, they can do the decorations, rent and supply equipment, light fixtures, sound effects, conclude contracts with artists and music bands, arrange for photographers and service waiters, they are also not permitted to practice labor recruitment and employment brokerage or temporary employment.Professional
9000103.0Artistic Talent ContractingIncludes offices which undertake brokerage and conduct contacts with singers, actors, musicians or the various artistic groups to perform musical, wedding, ceremonies and private parties or give artistic performances in favour of some licensed bodies and firms such as hotels, clubs and social institutions against a commission. These offices may not perform at parties for its own sake.Professional
9000104.0Musical EnsembleIncludes musical groups or ensembles which perform for private or public functionsProfessional
9000105.0Folklore Dance PerformanceIncludes firms which provide performances of traditional folklore dances for private or public functions for a fee or without cost to the customer.Professional
9000106.0Laser & Lights Shows Includes firms which use the laser and special effects technology to perform shows in trade fairs, TV commercials, conferences, sports events and ceremonies or to present reports, also, to perform lights show using the exterior of buildings walls as a performance venue, as well as 3D stage lighting show in the interior.Professional
9000107.0Fireworks ShowsIncludes organizing fireworks shows to accompany official and private festivities.Professional
9000108.0Live Theatrical Show Production Includes theatrical shows, carnivals, concerts, operettas, drama and music organized by public and private concerns on national, sport, cultural promotional occasionsProfessional
9000109.0Performing Arts & Music FestivalsIncludes establishments which organize and coordinate signature festivals or events the purpose of promoting music, performing arts, musicians and performing artists.Professional
9000110.0CircusIncludes entertainment performances held in fixed places or mobile tents, the performers include clowns, acrobats, hoppers, trapeze acts, tightrope walkers, trained animals.Professional
9000112.0Literature FestivalsIncludes firms which organize and coordinate signature festivals or events for the purpose of promoting literature and writers.Professional
9000113.0Visual Arts FestivalsIncludes firms which organize and coordinate signature festivals or events for the purpose of promoting visual arts and artists.Professional
9000901.0Decorative Sculptures MakingIncludes producing sculpture works like statues, shapes, decoration pieces, made out of disposable materials such as polystyrene, paper, Ice, sweets and used decorative in hotels and restaurants parties and feasts or to put in shop display windows.Professional
9000903.0Performing Arts HallIncludes both indoor and outdoor venues which offer live and recorded performances, production and eventsProfessional
9000904.0Art GalleryIncludes galleries which constantly show art works such as drawings, sculptures, photographs, handicraft works, masterworks… etc, or allocate these works of art for holding exhibitions for artists from time to time, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
9000915.0SculptorsIncludes firms engaged in craving shapes from material by scraping away portions of that material, such as statute from stone or scraping concrete to produce building decorative items, also making three dimension models using soft and malleable materials like clay and wax.Industrial
9101001.0Public Library Includes any place supplied with the essential materials such as scientific and literary books, references, periodicals, magazines and audiovisual aids by commercial cultural and educational firms. It also includes firms which supply these materials and make available to others either through free lending or renting.Professional
9102001.0Woman MuseumA cultural and documental center concerns with women heritage and issues and the history and roles played by grandmothers and mothers in social development and nation building , as well as the contribution of pioneer women in educational, economic and health domains.Professional
9102002.0Antiques MuseumA building storing local antiquities which display life in the past, including pottery, coins, households and utensils, musical instruments, hunting and fishing articles, gold and gold ornaments…etc.Professional
9102003.0Wax MuseumIncludes museums consists of a collection of wax sculptures representing famous contemporary personalities or people from history, such museums are not allowed to exhibit Islamic religious figures, as well as they need approvals from the competent authorities to exhibit national figures.Professional
9102008.0Future Foresight MuseumIs an institution comprises various sections that care for exploring the future of science, technology and innovation and focusing on the future of robots and artificial intelligence and its impact on human life, museum different units providing different services where a visitor can make shopping and find entertainment attractions, this involves retailers, restaurants and cafes, cultural symposium and workshops halls, amusement arcades …etc.Professional
9103001.0Zoo ParkIncludes facilities which exhibit all kind of animals, birds, insects and plants, and visitors can explore and encounter the rich biodiversity, it includes parks where animals are confined within enclosures and displayed to the public, and also open parks which keep various animals in an open and natural environment.Professional
9103003.0Aquarium ParkAn aquarium designed to accommodate a large variety of marine species, such as, dolphins, sea lions, sea otters, sea turtles, penguins…etc, it provides wonderful marine shows of entertaining dolphins and sea lions, not only that, but the audience can get closer to the animals to learn more about them and even take pictures with them.Professional
9103005.0Wildlife PreservationIt is an area of habitat connecting wildlife populations separated by human activities or structures, causing animals to lose both their natural habitat and the ability to move between regions to use all of the resources they need to survive, the habitat fragmentation due to human development is an ever-increasing threat to biodiversity, and preservations are a possible mitigation.Professional
9103006.0Butterfly parkIncludes parks which house different plants and flowers and where visitors can experience the many different species of butterflies in natural surroundings, it also houses an exhibition area with information on butterflies, as well as cafes and souvenir stores.Professional
9311001.0Sport Clubs & Facilities ManagementIncludes providing management services to sporting and entertaining facilities ancillary to sport and recreation entities such as football, equestrian, golf and water sports clubs. It involves carrying out all the tasks concerning running these entities, preparing and renting facilities, organizing activities, promoting products… etc.Professional
9311003.0Sport Tournaments Organizing ServicesIncludes firms which organize sports, races and tournaments and subsequently conduct contacts with the international and local sports associations, sports teams or sportsmen, enroll sportsmen, set tournament schedules, prepare grounds or courts, supervise championships, monitor results, give trophies.Professional
9311004.0Endurance Horse Racing OrganizersIncludes the organizers of the long-distance horse races, whether competitive trail riding or endurance rides, it involves carrying out all the required services, such as setting the route of the race and the places for compulsory halts, keeping the time for each rider, arrange for veterinary all over the stages of the race, horses feeding and watering.Professional
9311005.0Auto RacetrackIncludes the motorsport venue for hosting local races and the grand prix (formula), it’s designed to have several tracks, mainly the grand prix circuit and high speed test circuit, the grandstands are laid out to enable spectators to view all the stages of the race as well as securing spectators safety.Professional
9311006.0Sports ServicesIncludes the provision of a range of specialized services to sports teams or clubs, such as, conducting contacts to secure contracts with coaches, arrange for Inside and outside pre-season team camps, making contacts with international sport clubs to participate in local sport events, operating indoor or outdoor sport arenas.Professional
9311008.0Billiard & Pool RoomIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of billiard and snooker, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves operating billiards rooms where people get together for playing billiards and snooker.Professional
9311009.0Ice Skating RrinkIncludes iced arenas installed in hotels and shopping malls or outdoor arenas, covered with mechanically frozen ice to allow for entertainment skating or for ice hockey contests, including offering skating equipment for rental.Professional
9311012.0Sports & Amusement TracksIncludes firms which offer and rent sport indoor and outdoor facilities and courts with a view for entertaining, including pitches and courts for football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, squash, swimming and diving pools, running tracks, rock climbing, cycling races, shooting, aiming arrows ….etc. Professional
9311016.0Educational Institutions’ Sport Facilities LeasingIncludes permitting educational institutions to lease their own sport facilities to others, including, courts for football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, also, tennis grounds, squash courts, swimming pools, athletics tracks. Professional
9311018.0E-sports League OperatorIncludes firms that own or operate recognized E-sports LeagueProfessional
9311101.0Recreational Course OperatorIncludes firms licensed and permitted by the competent authority to operate the recreational course and supervise motorcycle riding therein.Professional
9312001.0Sports & Recreational ClubIncludes clubs which have facilities to practice a number of sports and entertainment activities such as rowing, sailing, driving powerboats, ground tennis, driving sport cars, polo, swimming etc. These facilities are restricted to members against periodical subscriptions or fixed fees.Professional
9312002.0Water Sports Training ServicesIncludes firms specialized in water sports instruction, such as, jet ski, shawahevs, fast wooden boats, sailboats, rowing, sailing, windsurfing, water skiing, remote control boats and fishing.Professional
9312003.0Bowling ClubIncludes sports institutions dedicated to bowling training through applying the latest theoretical and practical techniques to optimizing sporting performance and qualify players for regional and international sport excellence, the process involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving, knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms should set up the facilities that enable conducting the training.Professional
9312004.0Chess ClubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of Chess, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for playing chess.Professional
9312005.0Hockey ClubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of hockey, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of fields to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312006.0Cricket ClubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of cricketl, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising these sports.Professional
9312007.0Martial Arts ClubIncludes clubs and training centers specialized in one or more of the self-defense arts such as karate, judo, taekwondo, and kung fu, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising these sports, , such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
9312008.0Body Building ClubIncludes firms specialized in the training of bodybuilding in order to control and develop one’s musculature for aesthetic purposes, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising these sports, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
9312009.0Falconry ClubIncludes the clubs whose members’ interests centre on taking up the sport of falconry and dedicate themselves to the preservation of the ancient art of falconry and the conservation of birds of prey, it involves instruction in how to keep and handle hawks, falconry training.Professional
9312010.0Equestrian ClubIncludes sports institutions dedicated to horse riding training through applying the latest theoretical and practical techniques to optimizing sporting performance and qualify equestrians for regional and international sport excellence, the process involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving, knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms should set up the facilities that enable conducting the trainingProfessional
9312011.0Men Physical Fitness ClubIncludes firms specialized in the training of physical fitness for men in order to secure fitness and lose weight, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising these sports, , such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
9312012.0Ladies Physical Fitness ClubIncludes firms specialized in the training of physical fitness for women in order to secure fitness and lose weight, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising these sports, , such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
9312013.0Boxing ClubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of boxing, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of boxing rings to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312014.0Wrestling Training Includes firms specialized in wrestling coaching inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising wrestling.Professional
9312015.0Golf ClubIncludes sport clubs licensed by competent authorities and which accommodate sport facilities for exercising golf in order to optimize trainees performance and qualify regional and international sport excellence.Professional
9312016.0Football ClubIncludes sport clubs licensed by competent authorities and which accommodate sport facilities for playing football, and is play in local, regional and international competitions with amateur or professional athletes.Professional
9312017.0Basketball TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of basketball, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312018.0Tennis Training ServicesIncludes sports institutions dedicated to tennis training through applying the latest theoretical and practical techniques to optimizing sporting performance and qualify players for regional and international sport excellence, the process involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving, knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms should set up the facilities that enable conducting the training.Professional
9312019.0Polo ClubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of polo, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of fields to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312021.0Parachuting ClubIncludes firms specialized in the theoretical and practical instructio, parachuting, It involves the operation of facilities that allow for exercising such sports..Professional
9312022.0Diving & Snorkeling ClubIncludes sports clubs dedicated to diving and snorkeling training through applying the latest theoretical and practical techniques to optimizing sporting performance and qualify sportsmen for regional and international sport excellence, the process involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving, knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms should set up the facilities that enable conducting the training.Professional
9312023.0Swimming Training ServicesIncludes sports institutions dedicated to swimming training through applying the latest theoretical and practical techniques to optimizing sporting performance and qualify sportsmen for regional and international sport excellence, the process involves emphasizing the physical, skills improving, knowledge and psychological aspects, these firms should set up the facilities that enable conducting the training.Professional
9312024.0Gymnastics ClubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of gymnastics, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of gymnastics arena to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312025.0Motorcycle Club Includes firms specialized in the instruction of motorcycles sports, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising motorcycle sports.Professional
9312026.0Shooting TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of shooting using various types of ranged weapons, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising such sportsProfessional
9312027.0Squash TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of squash, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312028.0Rugby Football TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of rugby football, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising such sports.Professional
9312029.0Volleyball TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of volleyball, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312030.0Jiu Jitsu clubIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of Jiu jitsu, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312032.0Ping Pong TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of Ping pong, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312034.0Baseball TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of baseball, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312035.0Badminton TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of badminton, whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, it involves the operation of courts to allow for exercising such sport.Professional
9312036.0American Football TrainingIncludes firms specialized in the instruction of American football , whether inside the firm’s own facility or elsewhere, It involves the operation of the equipped sports facilities to allow for exercising such sportsProfessional
9312037.0Aviation ClubIncludes firms aim at promoting aeronautical sciences and to encourage the participation of members practice sky sports and leisure flying such as gliding, paramotoring, remote-controlled aircrafts operation, parachuting. Professional
9319004.0Sports BrokerThis covers facilities approved by official and international authorities as a broker for football players and clubs aiming to provide best offers and deals negotiate and sign transfer or secondment contracts with clubs. This also covers fostering interests of players and representing them before sports, local and international bodies.Professional
9319007.0E-sports Tournament Support PlatformIncludes online platforms which facilitate and support organizers of E-sports tournaments and offer turn-key solutions for testing, scaling, and operating E-sports competitions Professional
9319008.0E-sports Event ManagementIncludes firms that provide services to produce, promote, organize, manage, support and facilitate E-sports events, competitions and tournaments, including conferences, exhibitions, activations, conventions, business and trade showsProfessional
9319101.0Players’ AgentIncludes firms licensed by the competent local and international sport authorities to act as sports agent, including promoting and marketing athletes’ careers and securing them the best deals, negotiating employment, contract signing with clubs and sponsors, generally, to represent and look after the athletes’ interests before local and international sport authorities.Professional
9321001.0Ski DomeIncludes a winter sports complex in a dome like structure to house an artificial snow – making system , it contains slopes, ski areas, children winter village, as well as skiing requisites rental.Professional
9321002.0Gaming VenueIncludes operating venues where people get together for playing electronic and video games, as well as hosting E-sports competitions. Professional
9321003.0Amusement ParkIncludes amusement parks or theme parks, including the operation of a variety of
attractions aimed towards all ages , such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme exhibits and
picnic grounds.
9321005.0Recreational PlaygroundIncludes firms that equip arenas for entertainment activities such as inflatable games, electric cars, swings, sliding platforms, water games, horse shows, and others.Professional
9321008.0Camels & Horses HiringIncludes offering camels and horses for riding in live events.Commercial
9321010.0Helicopter RentalIncludes offering sightseeing tours by helicopters to view city architecture from above as well as mountains and other attractions.Commercial
9321011.0Recreation Services for People of Determination Includes offering recreational programs for people of determination, these programs are designed to promote inclusion, minimizes deconditioning, optimizes physical functioning, and enhances overall well-being, it includes sport activities, yoga classes, life skills, cultural and music arts, dance classes, cooking classes, summer camps, field tripsProfessional
9321012.0Kids Amusement ArcadeIncludes halls equipped with facilities for entertaining children of different age categories, , such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantitiesProfessional
9329001.0Recreational ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing services to establishments, firms supervising recreational projects. These services include preparing playgrounds, halls and parks used for performing certain recreational activities such as rope jumping platforms, circus shows, fun parks, gun and arrow shooting’s field, water cycles hire, leisure boats .. etc.Professional
9329004.0Marina ManagementIncludes firms engaged in different marina services, involving, lease of boat berthing, security and cleaning, water and electricity provision, TV, Tel and internet connections for boats and a shop for boat, fishing and diving equipment.Professional
9329007.0Balloon Operation & MaintenanceIncludes firms operating balloons for recreation. A balloon can either be fixed by wires to a tourist site, or can be flying rendering short trips at altitudes and routes permitted by the authorities in charge of air traffic. Balloons must meet the safety requirements set by the concerned authorities. Firms can not attain this prior to obtaining the required approvals from the General Aviation Authorities and Civil Aviation Department.Professional
9329008.0Observation DecksIncludes observatory decks or platforms located upon a tall architectural structure or natural feature, where visitors can enjoy 36o degree view, also, telescopes are positioned to provide different views.Professional
9329009.0Picnics & Camping OrganizingIncludes firms which organize outdoor picnics and recreational camps by providing different supplies such as tents and sheds, caravan trailers, mobile bathrooms, the barbecue, lighting and air-conditioning, it involves also operation of campgrounds for horse and camel races and desert rallies.Professional
9411001.0Business CouncilIncludes councils set up by groups of businessmen belonging to a specific country or nationality, and which undertake developing trade ties between businessmen of the country to which the council and businessmen belong, particularly the United Arab Emirates. The council’s activities also include developing work in the agricultural, industrial, trade and vocational sectors etc. But these councils may not directly practice any commercial business.Professional
9411002.0Businessmen ForumIncludes the non-profit local business groups which represent different business sectors, the objective of the forum is centered around achieving its goals through organizing the affairs of the members in each sector or coordinating with entities that have the same interests, membership is optional to the firms of the business community.Professional
9411004.0Business Aviation AssociationIncludes unions and associations founded by local and regional airlines to organize aviation business and preserve own interests , as regarding facilitating communications and information exchange with relevant international associations , provide a forum where interested parties gather and formulate plans that will expand aviation business.Professional
9491001.0Endowments Managing & OrganizingIncludes firms which manage the charity endowments, granted by owners of the firm themselves or others for the various charity expenditure, care for these endowments and organize spending their return on building, developing and restoring mosques or other charity purposes.Professional
9491003.0Endowment & Donation Funds Management ServicesIncludes firms engaged in managing he funds as well as properties constructed from the donations of the natural and corporate persons, in order to spend their proceeds in different works of righteousness and community initiatives, it involves managing and supervising properties as regarding contracting with the firms in charge of maintenance, cleaning and security services, coordinating with lease brokers to find tenants for vacant units in the building, handling theProfessional
9511001.0Computer Repair & Maintenanceincludes the repair of desktop and laptop computers and peripheral equipment , involving magnetic disk drives, flash drives and other storage devices, printers, monitors, keyboards, internal and external computer modems, servers.Professional
9512001.0Telecommunications Equipment RepairIncludes firms repair telephone, telex, fax sets and telecommunications equipment and systems, land satellite stations, receivers, transmitters and wireless equipment.Professional
9512002.0Mobile Phone RepairIncludes firms engaged in cellular mobile phones maintenance and repair, including reconditioning, screen replacement, antenna, phone housing, water damaged phones and damaged parts change.Professional
9521001.0Electronic Instruments Devices & Equipment RepairIncludes repairing all electronics appliances and equipment not given in details in this classProfessional
9521003.0Antennas Installation & RepairIncludes installing and fixing antennas to use in radio and television broadcasting, telecommunication receivers, wireless computer network, radar.Professional
9521004.0Mobile Phone Upgrading ServicesIncludes upgrading operating systems in cellular mobile phones, as well as performing modification on the basic software. The modifications cover installing anti-virus programs, reinforcing transmission systems, handling programming related malfunctions, such as screen vanishing, decoding code number, data updating, phone programming to match the transmission system, phone adjustment.Professional
9522001.0Electric Household Appliances Repair & MaintenanceIncludes firms engaged in repairing household refrigerators, washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, fans, mixers, toasters and other electric kitchen appliances, radio, TV, video sets.Professional
9522003.0Cookers & Cook Stove RepairIncludes repairing electric, gas, coal or kerosene burners, ovens and cookers.Professional
9523001.0Shoe RepairIncludes manual and mechanical repairing of different gents, ladies and children footwear.Professional
9523002.0Leather & Similar Products RepairIncludes repairing leather goods other than footwear, such as hand bags, wallets, and belts, wearing apparel, whether made of natural or synthetic leather.Professional
9524002.0Curtains Preparing & FixingIncludes preparing all kinds of curtains and fixing in different facilities.Professional
9524003.0Furniture UpholsteryIncludes providing furniture, especially seats with padding, springs, webbing, and fabric and leather covers.Professional
9524004.0Furniture Repair & Refurbishing Includes the firms specialized in repairing of home and office furniture, including chairs, tables, cabinets, sofas made of wood or metal, the repair includes, polishing painting, varnishing, changing of upholstery..etc.Professional
9529001.0Watches & Clocks RepairIncludes repairing and maintaining watches, clocks, alarm clocks and timing mechanisms, instrument panel clocks, time-recording equipment and equipment for measuring, recording and displaying intervals of time such as parking meters, time clocks.Professional
9529002.0Jewellery RepairIncludes repairing adornment jewellery such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, which are made of gold, platinum, palladium, titanium, silver and gemstones.Professional
9529004.0Bicycles RepairIncludes repairing the two or three wheeled bicycles used for recreation, transportation, racing and as children’s toys.Professional
9529005.0Antiques & Rare Collections RepairIncludes the firms specialized in repairing and maintaining antiques and precious collections, including luxurious furniture, work of arts, manuscripts, books.Professional
9529006.0Spectacles RepairIncludes repairing ophthalmic goods, eyeglasses, sunglasses, lenses ground to prescription,
contact lenses, safety goggles
9529007.0Knives, Scissors Repair & SharpeningIncludes repairing and sharpening knives and scissors for different uses.Professional
9529008.0Gas Cylinders Testing & RepairIncludes shops and workshops specialized in testing filled various gas cylinders, pressed air, medical gases and water divers specialty gas cylinders, also, verifying the validity of such cylinders as well as carry out repairing and maintaining such cylinders.Professional
9529009.0Toys RepairIncludes repairing and maintaining children’s electric or electronic games, bicycles, cars, boats, airplanes and other toys for children use.Professional
9529011.0Musical Instruments Repair & MaintenanceIncludes repairing and Maintaining
electronic and normal musical instruments like stringed, wind, and percussion instruments, pipes, accordions, organs.
9529012.0Locks RepairIncludes repairing the mechanical or electronic fastening device which are released by a physical object, such as key, keycard, fingerprint, security token.Professional
9529013.0Key DuplicatorsIncludes firms specialized in duplicating and handling the keys and locks for residential and commercial facilities, as well as car keys, keys for heavy duty locks.Professional
9529020.0SilversmithIncludes making of silversmiths’ articles, such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings from silver.Professional
9529101.0Bags TailoringIncludes making school and hand bags made out of leather, fiber, textile or plastic by sewing different parts together.Professional
9601001.0Cloth Pressing ServicesIncludes providing pressing all kinds of clothing and textiles, provided by hand, by mechanical equipment, or by self-service coin-operated machines, whether for the general public or for industrial or commercial clients.Professional
9601002.0Laundry ServicesIncludes automatic and manual laundries which undertake washing clothes, curtains, bedsheets, small carpets it also includes washing clothes and leather products etc.Professional
9601004.0Carpets CleaningIncludes shops which offer washing services for various kinds of carpets, be it moquette, machines-made decoration pieces, hand-made oriental carpets. These services include cleaning or washing the carpets either on site or at the laundry, or re-dying or treating the carpets with materials to restore or strengthen the original colors in addition to the repair and sewing up operations.Professional
9601005.0Dry Cleaning ServicesIncludes shops which offer clothes washing, cleaning and ironing services by using steam powered machines. Included also are dry-cleaning services. These laundries also undertake washing and cleaning bed sheets, curtains, blankets, carpets etc.Professional
9601006.0Carpets & Textiles MendingIncludes shops which undertake repairing clothes, carpets, garments, curtains etc.Professional
9601007.0Auto Seats CleaningIncludes the manual and machine deep cleaning for car seats, other than the cleaning carried when the whole car is washed.Professional
9602101.0Gents Haircutting & Hairdressing SalonIncludes firms engaged in hairdressing and other beauty treatment, involving, trimming and cutting, dyeing, waving, straightening, hair fixing, as well as cosmetic treatments, including skin cleansing, skin hair removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, supporting hair strength, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities Professional
9602201.0Ladies Haircutting & Hair DressingIncludes ladies salons involved in beautification and hair care, including, hair washing, trimming, setting, dyeing, waving, straightening, hair fixing, henna services, as well as cosmetic treatments, which involve the makeup, skin cleansing, skin hair removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, nail manicures and treatment, micro blading, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities Professional
9602202.0Henna SalonIncludes ladies salons involved in dyeing women hands with henna.Professional
9602301.0Makeup, Hairdressing & Henna ServicesIncludes persons engaged in enhancing appearance by applying makeup, hairdressing, dyeing women hands and feet with henna, no haircutting is involved.Professional
9602302.0Nails Manicure & PedicureIncludes firms engaged in the cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and toenails, including using tools to peel and moisturizing the skin and smoothing nails before painting with the required color.Professional
9602901.0Children HairdressingIncludes firms involved in children hair dressing, as well as other cosmetic treatments which involve children’s face painting for different entertainment occasions, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities Professional
9602902.0Children Mobile HairdresserIncludes fitting buses with hairdressing tools to make a mobile salon for children , to also equipped with air conditions and TV and video systems , such mobile salons can reach the children at home at request or can station near children entertainment centers.Professional
9602903.0Hair Fixing CenterIncludes firms involved in fixing human hair for ladies to avoid damaging their natural hair due to continuous hair styling process, as for men hair is replaced in the balding or thinning areas of the head.Professional
9602904.0Domestic Pets Grooming Includes providing pets grooming services such as bathing, hair removal, hand stripping, nail clipping, for enhancing the pets’ physical appearance, as well as their well-being and healthiness.Professional
9602905.0Hair Removal CenterIncludes centers specialized in the removal of the entire hair, including the part below the skin using the epilation methods, and which lasts several days to several weeks and may be achieved by waxing, sugaring, epilation devices or threading…etc. Professional
9602906.0Gents Hair Fixing CenterIncludes salons involved in fixing human hair for men in the balding or thinning areas of the head.Professional
9602907.0Ladies Hair Fixing CenterIncludes salons involved in fixing human hair for ladies to avoid damaging their natural hair due to continuous hair styling processProfessional
9603002.0Funeral ServicesIncludes firms engaged in various funeral services, Including carrying out the documentation process and contacting the competent authorities for the repatriation of human remains to their home country, transporting the bodies to airports and cemeteries, holding of funeral ceremonies according to the rituals followed for each religion and in the presence of clergymen and the and friends, the provision of different types of coffins and other related items.Professional
9609001.0Ladies Cosmetic & Personal Care CenterIncludes firms dealing with cosmetic treatments for women, including makeup, skin cleansing, skin hair removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, nail manicures and treatment, mud baths, supporting hair strength, strength teeth whitening, It’s not allowed to use this activity to practice massage, also, internal doors should remain unlocked as well as bearing glass to allow revealing the interior of the roomsProfessional
9609002.0Ladies Oriental BathIncludes firms engaged in providing ladies with sauna type rooms heated by a continuous flow of hot air which allow the bather to perspire freely, and then follow with a full body wash to enable bodies go relaxed and clean, such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
9609003.0Tan CenterIncludes firms engaged in darkening or tanning the color of skin by artificial tanning methods such as tanning beds which emits ultraviolet radiation to produce a cosmetic tan, including also using chemical products which can produce a tanning.Professional
9609004.0Ladies Health ClubIncludes firms specialized in a wide variety of water therapy and relaxing activities for women, such as steam bath, Jacuzzi, sauna, such firms are not allowed to conduct massage.Professional
9609005.0Gents Cosmetic & Personal Care CenterIncludes firms dealing with cosmetic treatments for men, including skin cleansing, skin hair removal, facial aesthetic, foot care, mud baths, supporting hair, strength teeth whitening, It’s not allowed to use this activity to practice massage, also, internal doors should remain unlocked as well as bearing glass to allow revealing the interior of the rooms.Professional
9609007.0Men Oriental BathIncludes firms engaged i providing men with sauna type rooms heated by a continuous flow of hot air which allow the bather to perspire freely, and then follow with a full body wash to enable bodies go relaxed and clean, , such firms are allowed to sell the activity-related materials in non-commercial quantities.Professional
9609008.0Gents Health ClubIncludes firms specialized in a wide variety of water therapy and relaxing activities for men, such as steam bath, Jacuzzi, sauna, such firms are not allowed to conduct massage.Professional
9609010.0Domestic Pets BoardingIncludes firms engaged in boarding and taking of domestic pets including dogs, cats, rabbits, tortoises and caged pet birds, involving training, dogs walking …etc.Professional
9609011.0Shoe PolishingIncludes firms engaged in shoe polishing.Professional
9609014.0Marriage Bureaux ServicesIncludes offices basically engaged in helping people find marriage partners, including setting up data base of the marriage seekers profiles and preferences, the role of such offices extend to coordinate the meeting between the parties and their families prior to the other marriage procedures which would be conducted by the families.Professional
9609015.0Baby Spa Includes firms specialized in a wide variety of water activities that focus on the mental and physical development for infants, babies, toddlers and kids, using pools specially designed for such purpose, it involves swimming classes, water gymnastics, massage, sauna rooms, such firms are allowed to sell the products relevant to the service provision, such as, perfumes and cosmetics, soap and hair care products and baby care requisites in non-bulk quantitiesProfessional
9609017.0Accidents Casualties Support ServicesIncludes firms engaged in providing assistance and support to the persons who sustained injuries in accidents caused by land, air or sea means of transport, these persons might be away from home, the service involve visiting hospitals to relieve their suffering, communicate with their relatives abroad, undertake all the procedures to enable them go back home.Professional
9609019.0Soap Making & FormingIncludes producing soap from natural and chemical substances at lesser level than industrial level.Professional
9609022.0Stray Animals Confiscation ServicesIncludes taking pets and animals strayed from or are allowed freedom by their owners, as per international and local regulations, in order to control the diseases that may be caused by these animals and maintain the health and safety of community members.Professional
9609023.0Valet Parking ServicesIncludes firms offer parking service in several different types of venues where valets perform car parking
in private or public parking lots.
9609024.0Child Identification kit MakingIncludes firms offering the services preparing the child identity kit which contains vital information about the child and which would be handed to the police in the event of emergency or if the child is missing, the kit includes the child’s personal information, recent photograph, health history, fingerprint certificate, in addition to tips for parents on what they can do to increase their child health and safety.Professional
9609025.0Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives preparationIncludes initiating corporate Social Responsibility activities such as environmental, cultural, and social or community support projects for companies to adopt and implement, as it would enhance the company’s social responsibility and activate giving back to community. This includes preparation, execution of project such as beach clean, supporting national projects, allowing the establishment to undertake all necessary steps to implement the initiatives following a contract with the sponsor corporate.Professional
9609027.0Pet Relocation ServicesIncludes firms engaged traveling and relocating pets for reunion with their owners in their new residence or otherwise, it involves doing the necessary paperwork and credentials preparation, along with veterinary check-up and pet and provision of vaccination history, export health certificate, as well as flights booking and taking of pets to the airport of departure. Professional
9609028.0Dangerous Animals BoardingIncludes firms engaged in boarding and taking of dangerous animals, including animals, tigers, leopard, wolves, foxes…etc. Professional
9609029.0Smart Lockers OperatorIncludes firms operating smart lockers integrated with smart phone applications, and are distributed in various residential, commercial and other places, in order to be used by customers in depositing and receiving their personal belongings, such as drop off or collect laundry, it can also be used to receive online purchases rather than to be delivered to homes or workplaces.Professional
9609101.0Special purpose FirmThis is a firm established to practice specific business as per the prevailing regulations.Professional
9609102.0Foot Massage CenterIncludes non-therapeutic foot reflexology massage by pressing on certain parts of the foot to produce an effect elsewhere in the body, in order to activate blood circulation and stimulating relaxation, as well as enhancing feet flexibility to prevent injuries.Professional
9609103.0Multiple intelligence Test ServicesIncludes conducting tests to find out the intelligence of children by the study of the finger print analysis, the process will help discovering the children’s hidden talents and potentials which would enable recognizing the preferred learning style.Professional
9609104.0FishermanIncludes hunting, collecting and gathering fish and marine animals human consumption and other purposes by using various types of
fishing gear.
9609105.0Vehicles Number Plates FixingIncludes firms engaged in fixing vehicles number plates at vehicle licensing centersProfessional
9609106.0Services provision via Mobile Trucks Includes firms providing their services through roaming vehicles and according to the activities in their licenses, and using direct call, electronic media and smart applications.Professional
9900201.0Office of International OrganizationIncludes offices founded by the international organizations or bodies or the affiliated centers and institutions, with a view for steering some of their activities inside the country , or making the same liaison offices to prepare for their activities in the region or to provide the data and information necessary for the practice of their different activities.Professional
9900202.0Offices of International Business & Professional OrganizationsIncludes offices founded in Dubai by international organizations and associations with view to locate as regional center. They drive at consolidating cooperation with corresponding institutions in the country, coordinate activities and support members’ common interests.Professional
3212002Imitation Jewellery SmithingIncludes manufacturing goldsmiths’ articles, such as brooches, earnings, necklaces, bracelets, rings made from base metals plated with precious metals, or jewellery containing imitation stones such as imitation gems stones, imitation diamonds.Professionalrequires office/retail spaceNon-Regulated
32900243D Printing Products ProductionIncludes firms specialized in producing products by the 3D printing through creating designs of objects with AutoCAD software, then the printer creates a three-dimensional object using lasers to fuse powdered materials together layer by layer, the powdered materials involve metal, plastic, rubber, silicon, ceramic, such technology involves different products and parts such as, jewelry, industrial parts, vehicles, dental and medical industry.ProfessionalOffice spaceNon-Regulated

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